Chapter 144 The Sudden Fleet


In the long and narrow meteorite belt, a large number of small space mining ships shuttled through it like bees.

These mining ships methodically inspect and analyze, then use mining guns to cut the target meteorites, remove the useful parts and load them into the cabin.

When the holds are full, the mining ships slowly fly back to the large mining transport ships.

Inside the transport ship.


The mining ship returns.

The miners in uniform immediately took action.

They drove mine carts to transport the collected ore to the storage cabin, while another group of people performed basic cleaning and maintenance on the mining ship.

Even use high temperature to remove some special attachments.

There is no way around this. The mining ship is exposed to the space environment for a long time and does not have shield protection like an airport or a large ship.

If the mining ship is not cleaned and maintained in time, it will easily be corroded and eventually become a hulk covered with disgusting flesh.

"Hurry up, boys! The next batch of mining ships is about to arrive!"

The mining team leader, Maca, urged the miners on.

He was muscular and had a medal on his chest representing third-class lower-class citizens.

As a worker representative in the mining industry, he always has a special passion for his work.

After Ers planet resumed production, the treatment and status of the miners have been repeatedly improved, and it has become a profession that everyone envies.

Even though the mining team has undergone several rounds of expansion, there are still countless people scrambling to get in.

The mining team's collection equipment has also been updated, and even a team leader like him can command a transport ship and tens of thousands of miners.

It is not easy to become the captain of a mining team nowadays, and one needs to pass several rigorous exams.

Batch after batch of mining ships returned, and the storage holds of the transport ships were soon full.

"Mr. Will, the transport ship is fully loaded, and all collection equipment is operating normally. We are now ready to return..."

McCa followed the procedures and reported to Will, the mining supervisor.

Will's loud voice sounded, he was in a good mood:
"Come back quickly, kid. You are the last ship. If you are any later, you will miss the rally!"

Around Will, several team leaders started to make a noise:

"We're all waiting for you, kid!"

"Mr. Will prepared some wine tonight. If you don't come back, we'll drink it all!"

Maika was a little anxious and cursed:

"Damn you bastards, leave some for me!"

The mining team has changed a lot over the years.

But the only thing that remains unchanged is the rough atmosphere inside.

The transport ship returned to the ground and night had fallen.

Maca rushed off the boat and took the hovercraft to Black Coal Street.

Tonight is a rare good day. If you miss it, you will regret it for a whole year.

When he returned to Black Coal Street, the entire block was brightly lit and filled with celebrating crowds.

After several years of development, Heimei Street is no longer the poor neighborhood where there were no lights and people could not even light candles.

The original shanties were demolished and new large communities were built.

Maca's home is in a newly built community, a small apartment with two bedrooms and a living room.

It is an unimaginable wonderful life for their family of six to live in such a nice house.

He returned home with his wife and four bastard sons.

The family walked towards Mr. Will's house, and people greeted them from time to time.

"Dad, why did you come back so late? I'm starving!"

Maika's oldest son complained.

At the age of seventeen, he was already tall and strong, but because of his experience of hunger in his childhood, he always had a special fear of being hungry.

He has passed the mining team's assessment and will be able to work with his father soon.

The McCa family arrived at Mr. Will's door.

The open space at the door had already been filled with tables and food, and people were having a meal and celebrating.

These people are the team leaders of the mining team and their families.

Macka was greeted personally by Mr. Weir.

After all, he was a worker representative in the mining team, a third-class lower-class citizen.

Since the mining industry flourished, Mr. Weir's status has also risen.

As a mining magnate, he has obtained second-class intermediate citizenship.

It can be said that he is one of the few people on this planet who possesses real power.

"Hurry, hurry, come and have a drink!"

After his familiar colleagues came over and hugged him, everyone sat down and prepared to drink.

These drinks come from special franchise stores.

Special stores are open to citizens of the third class and above, and require expensive credit points to redeem.

Maca has never been willing to drink, and only Mr. Will dares to be so generous as to exchange so much alcohol.

But this is also consistent with his personality.

"Don't forget your brothers when you have something good!"

That is the belief that Mr. Will has always held, and it is also an important reason why he has reached his current position.

Soon, Maca and his colleagues drank and celebrated.

This is the most precious night of the year, for tomorrow is the Feast of the Ascension of the Divine Emperor.


Spire Mansion.

Ron passed several approvals and went to the balcony as usual, overlooking his planet. Everywhere he looked, the lights were on.

People are celebrating.

Celebrating the night before the Ascension of the God-Emperor has become a custom on the planet Ers.

The lights in the Sacred Square were bright, and the craftsmen in the Royal Court were making final preparations for tomorrow's ceremony.

Once they finish the work at hand, they can go home and celebrate.

"Is this the eighth Ascension Day of the Divine Emperor?"

Ron muttered.

The changes on the planet Ers over the years can be said to be earth-shaking.

When he first came into this world, Shangchao had just experienced war and was in ruins.

Due to the lack of electricity, there were no lights outside the royal court area, and it was pitch black everywhere.

The only light was the glow from the gunfire between men and the burning neighborhoods.

Now, thanks to his efforts, several hive cities on the planet Ers have been supplied with electricity.

Various fields also developed rapidly, providing a large number of jobs, and people no longer starved to death.

The planet's population entered a phase of rapid growth, with the population rising to two billion.

And the birth rate is increasing every year.

It will take about a hundred years for the population to return to its peak period.

Those are highly qualified people who have received basic education.

The planet Ers is not like other places where people are treated as insects and left on the brink of starvation.

Can only provide the most low-level and inefficient labor.

Ron looked up at the red moon in the sky.

That is the only natural satellite of the planet Ers, and it is much larger than the moon in the previous life.

Of course, Ers is more than one size larger than the Earth.

He still remembered the first time he saw the red moon. The gap on it shocked him.

It is hard to imagine what kind of weapon can create a hole in a satellite.

And now, the Red Moon is even more unbearable to look at, because there is an even bigger gap on it.

That came from Ron's mistake.

After the Nova Cannon, the main weapon of the "Dream", was assembled, he couldn't wait to try out its power, so he ordered a shot at the Red Moon.

However, the Nova Cannon had not been fully debugged and was operating at overpower.

Just one shot made a huge wound on the red moon.

Fortunately, there is a blessing in disguise.

That shot hit the mineral vein, allowing people to discover the precious mineral resources on the Red Moon.

This greatly accelerated the maintenance and renovation project of the "Dream".

Now the maintenance and renovation project of the "Dream" has reached the final stage.

It will take about a year before she can officially serve in the military.

At that time, Ers will be able to expand outward and clean up and colonize several dangerous uninhabited planets around it.

Ron thought for a while and then went back to his bedroom to rest.

He will also attend the ceremony tomorrow and speak to the citizens of the planet.

Dawn rises.

The Sacred Square was crowded with people.

They are citizens from all walks of life on the planet Ers, and they are honored to be invited to participate in this grand ceremony.

"Mom, did the Governor really praise you?"

"Of course, you will be able to meet the great Governor-General later!"

Alila was very excited with her big belly, and she was accompanied by her husband Paddy and daughter.

It was because of the Governor that her fate was changed.

So she was extremely pious.

Accompanied by the beautiful hymns of the choir, the cherubim waved their white wings and threw flower petals and holy water to the crowd.

"Praise the Emperor~
Loyal believers of Ers, please pray with me...

Pray for the blessing of the great Emperor!"

Bishop Doni stood on a pulpit and presided over the blessing ceremony in mid-air.

He has a kind face and radiates a gentle aura around him, making people feel good and extremely relaxed.

It seemed as if all the fatigue of the past year was swept away.

When the blessing ceremony was over, it was time for Ron to give a speech.

However, his brows were furrowed, as if something had happened.

Just now, he received news from the airport that an imperial fleet was flying towards the planet Ers.

The fleet sent a message to the airport, asking the local rulers to prepare to welcome them immediately!
Although I don’t know what the purpose of this fleet is, it is definitely not a good thing.

After all, there are too many secrets on the planet Ers.

Ron remained calm and immediately issued several orders to deal with the incoming fleet.

Afterwards, he took the stage and quickly addressed the citizens, allowing the crowd to begin to disperse.

However, before the crowd could evacuate, a huge shadow slowly moved in and completely enveloped the sacred square.

The sky suddenly darkened.

Looking at the huge monster that blocked out the sun in the sky, people began to panic.

That fleet did not dock at the airport as required by the Empire's regulations, but instead descended directly over the hive city!
The hive's protective shield rose up, emitting a faint light.

Ron looked up at the large cruiser in the sky and squinted his eyes:

"It seems that the person who came here has bad intentions..."

(End of this chapter)

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