Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 149: Dance Troupe and Holy Relics

Chapter 149: Dance Troupe and Holy Relics
After arriving at the airport, Ron took a gold-plated mixed gold hovercraft inlaid with precious gems and went straight to the dock where the large transport ship was parked.

This car was independently developed by a machinery manufacturing plant and presented to him.

The factory manager therefore got the opportunity to have lunch at the Spire Mansion, and was so moved that he burst into tears.

It also got the Governor-General's signature.

Ron's move is aimed at encouraging independent management and commercial trade activities on the planet Ers.

After all, that machinery factory was the first independently operated civilian machinery factory established after the revival of the planet Ers.

It was founded by nobles in Shangchao District, who were the second-lower class of citizens.

This is also the result that Ron wants to see.

His small sun domain covers almost the entire planet and can isolate it from the pollution of chaos to a large extent.

In this case, a simple rationing system can no longer meet the development of the planet.

A simple rationing system will limit economic vitality and fail to fully utilize resources and people's enthusiasm.

It would be difficult for Wangting District alone to provide more jobs.

So Ron opened specialty stores and introduced a market economy, issuing business licenses to citizens who met the requirements.

Citizens who obtain business licenses can independently establish corresponding factories and commercial institutions.

Or go to the vast areas outside the hive to purify pollution, open up farms, mines, etc.

Of course, the ownership of those business units still belongs to the Wangting District, but they operate independently and have greater freedom and benefits.

All business activities are also monitored and rated by the citizen rating system.

This is equivalent to giving some capable citizens a new path to promotion.

As long as you can use your brain and skills to create new economic value for the planet, you will also get the rewards you deserve.

It can be considered as a castrated version of a Rogue Trader inside the planet, who is under constant surveillance.

This policy is already being piloted on a small scale and will be improved or completely banned based on subsequent developments.

When Ron arrived at the airport dock, the Thunder Guards, the Void Survivor Warriors, and the officers and crew of the Dream had been waiting for a long time.

He praised and encouraged these people's achievements.

The payoff from this battle was staggering.

Many of them will be promoted to a higher level of citizenship as a result.

Those generous credit points are enough to bring about earth-shaking changes in the lives of the entire family.

After encouraging everyone, it was time to take stock of the spoils.

If more than a dozen large transport ships with a length of about 10 kilometers were fully loaded with goods with th tax, their value would be inestimable.

And there may be many precious resources that Ers does not have.

With subspace navigation being extremely difficult, resources are even more precious.

Even for a star zone governor, it would take more than twenty years or even longer to complete a round of taxation within the star zone.

Moreover, this would require dispatching several fleets in different directions at the same time.

The Logistics Department has already dispatched tens of thousands of administrative personnel to conduct a count of materials, and a detailed report will be issued later.

But Ron still wanted to see it for himself.

"Governor, I'll go with you!"

Call appeared out of nowhere and followed Ron excitedly.

He looked even more excited.

After all, once he has the resources, he can spend a lot of money on research.

Ron looked at him and smiled gently:
"I almost forgot about you. Did you enjoy firing the Nova Cannon earlier?"

Kaur realized that the atmosphere was wrong, but he still insisted.

"Of course, it feels great, I suggest you try it if you have the chance!"

Ron smiled slightly, turned and walked towards the boarding ship.

"Please wait for me..."

Kohl looked embarrassed and wanted to follow, but was stopped after taking a few steps.

As soon as he saw the person coming, he became panicked.

"It's you annoying guys again, what do you want to do?"

Those were people from the Inquisition, and he was tired of these people invading his privacy.

It seriously affected his great research experiment.

Grand Inquisitor Deville of the Inquisition led several fully armed inquisitors to stop him.

Deville's face was grim:
"Kaul, come with me, there are some things that need to be investigated"

Soon, the armed men of the Tribunal grabbed Kaul.

Although Coles often seeks death, he still has basic judgment and he did not resist at all.

After all, rebelling against the Inquisition means confronting the Royal Court.

Having been blessed, he will remain absolutely loyal to Ron even if he becomes crazy again.

Of course, loyalty doesn't mean he won't make a lot of gold coins.

But Kaul still struggled and screamed:
"Your Excellency the Governor, you are being wronged. My shot was meritorious. I am a hero!"


Ron ignored this fan oil guy who had a strong desire to perform. He dared to commit suicide and had to pay the price.

Soon, Deville dragged away the messenger Kaur.

As a core senior official in the Royal Court, Kohl would not be punished too harshly unless he betrayed others.

But the court will formulate a set of punishments for him, such as depriving him of his five senses and ability to move, and super confinement without Internet access.

It was enough to teach this internet-addicted guy a painful lesson...

The moment he stepped onto the ship, Ron suddenly had an inexplicable feeling. Did he really wrongly accuse the oil man?
Then he laughed at the ridiculous idea.

How can it be?

Anyway, it’s definitely right to punish this guy.

This is not the first or second time that he has secretly obtained gold coins.

It's right to punish him.

Soon, he put Kaur's matter behind him and started the main purpose of this trip.

Ron stood at the observation porthole of the boarding ship, looking at a dozen large transport ships in the distant space.

He picked a lucky direction, pointing towards one of the transport ships.

Look at this one!

Following his order, the boarding ship immediately flew towards the target transport ship.

When Ron boarded the transport ship, his defense was immediately broken:
"Why is this boat empty?"

On this transport ship, in addition to the basic crew members and handling equipment, rats can be seen running in the open space of the cabin.

Looking at the empty cabin, his heart sank.

It’s similar to the feeling of winning five million and then realizing you read the wrong number.

In order to create a surprise, Ron did not let Xiao Ling and the logistics officer tell him about the situation on the transport ship.

Now I have to ask.

He asked the logistics officer beside him with a trembling voice:

"Don't tell me the other cabins are empty too?"

The logistics officer wiped the sweat off his forehead. He was a little bit unable to understand the Governor's taste.

But he quickly took out the data pad and flipped through it:
“According to preliminary statistics, five of the sixteen captured transport ships were empty.

Although the remaining ships were not fully loaded, they were also loaded with a large amount of cargo..."

Hearing this, Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good to have something.

It is estimated that the five ships were reserved for carrying the tithe tax from the planet Ers.

It seems that the governor of the star zone really regards him as a fat sheep. He will have a good talk with the imperial traitor later.

If you want to collect the tithe tax from the planet Ers, I will take away your position as governor of the star region.

No, this is called setting things right!
Ron told the logistics officer to mark the empty ship and then continued unpacking.

There is no way, there are too few entertainment activities on the planet Ers.

It's not easy to find some fun.

Afterwards, Ron picked another transport ship and found a surprise after boarding!

This is a ship that transports people.

There are countless life support compartments in the thousands of cabins, which house a large number of high-quality people.

It is estimated to be hundreds of millions of people.

Ron went directly to the core compartment on the top floor. He wanted to see the most precious talents.

However, when the compartment was opened, he was blinded by the light.

Ron blurted out:

"What the hell, a dance troupe?"

This compartment is filled with top beauties from several planets, with all kinds of styles.

Including royal princesses, aristocratic beauties, wild beauties and so on.

There are even quite a few sub-races.

There are thousands of people.

These beauties looked at Ron pitifully.

There was a hint of fear on their faces, and they were filled with shame and tears, which made me feel particularly sorry for them.

You can't watch it anymore, Ron, get out quickly, otherwise Slaanesh will come to you.

He instructed the logistics officers:
"Protect them carefully, and let me handle it!"

Afterwards, he visited some compartments and met many senior scientific researchers or people with special skills inheritance.

Of course there are many powerful warriors.

I guess they want to transport it back for human genetic engineering experiments.

According to preliminary estimates, this population can provide great assistance to the planet Ers.

It can bring the overall population quality of the planet to a new level.

He finally understood why the empire was so keen on collecting tithe taxes. It was really tempting!

Just after watching the population transport ship, news came from the airport.

It is said that the results of the interrogation of the fleet commander have come out.

Ron looked at the interrogation report and frowned:

"Holy relic?"

(End of this chapter)

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