Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 166: Chapter Master and Transformation Surgery

Chapter 166: Chapter Master and Transformation Surgery

Spire Mansion Office.

Ron looked through the information of the first batch of transformation candidates for the Void Angels and War Angels.

The reconstruction operation is already being prepared and can begin at any time.

Since the new blood of the regiment in Zhongsi Academy has not yet grown up, the first batch of people participating in the transformation are veterans who have fought many battles.

All members of the Void Angels are Void Survivors.

Before coming to Ers, they had been fighting against chaos monsters with their flesh and blood.

It can be said to be very powerful.

The initial members of the War Angels were veterans selected from the defense forces before they were disbanded.

They have experienced several major battles and are very experienced.

Ron needs to select two chapter masters from these transformed candidates.

They will be the first warriors of their respective chapters to undergo transformation.

There is no objection to the selection of the leader of the Void Angels, and the position will be held by Duke, the strongest warrior of the Survivor Tribe.

What he has to choose now is the commander of the War Angels.

Ron looked through the candidates' information and was not very satisfied with a few of them.

Turning to the last page, he set his eyes on the resume.

"Prue, combat hero, first in chapter reserve training?"

He was a little puzzled as to why Prue, with such excellent grades, was only ranked fifth among the candidates.

Ron looked through Prue's file.

The file detailed Prue's life story in great detail, even missing the fact that he wet his bed as a child.

After reading it, he suddenly realized:

"It turns out that this kid's background is not good..."

I won’t talk about Prue’s first half of his life. He was born as a refugee from the Bottom Nest and had to go hungry for nine meals out of three days.

This is nothing.

The identity that most affected him was: a spy for the Horman family.

After Prue fled to the Upper Nest as a refugee from the Lower Nest, he tragically ended up in the territory of the Horman family.

To avoid starvation or being dragged away for protein extraction, he joined Yusuf's spy team.

They were sent to the Royal Court to engage in espionage and incite riots.

The reward is corpse starch sticks.

However, during that espionage operation, Prue did not participate in the riot and fortunately survived.

He had nowhere to go, and being attracted by the delicious wheat starch sticks, he simply stayed and went to work in a factory in Wangting District under an assumed name.

From a former spy, he became an excellent worker.

That’s right, because he worked hard, he was specially rewarded.

Afterwards, in order to eat more delicious type II wheat starch sticks, Prue joined the Defense Force.

At that time, the Defense Force was expanding rapidly, and he gloriously became a soldier of the Defense Force.

After becoming a soldier of the Defense Force, Prue seemed to have awakened his talent.

He achieved outstanding military exploits in several battles.

Among them, his most outstanding military achievement was participating in the surprise attack and beheading of the leader of the Jithief tribe.

As a member of the defense army's death squad, Pru not only survived the overwhelming attack from the lower nest.

They also blew up the passage in time to cut off the enemy's support and rescued many comrades.

Therefore, he was awarded the title of combat hero.

He then participated in the regiment's reserve training.

Stand out from tens of thousands of people and get the first place.

This guy is good.

Ron circled Prue's resume with a red pen.

It was decided to be him.

As for the ingredients, he doesn't care much.

The Herman family has long become a thing of the past, and as long as you accept the blessing, you are one of us.

The only drawback may be that this kid loves to eat.

I want to try all kinds of random things.

But these did not affect him from becoming an extremely good fighter.

Soon, Ron ordered the two men to come for an audience.

Waiting room.

Duke is a large man with purple lines painted on his face.

He sat in a chair with a serious look on his face.

Someone handed me a bag of food: "Hey man, do you want to eat something?"

Duke shook his head silently.

“Okay, I’ll eat it myself.”

Next to him, a sturdy, scarred old soldier took the food bag back.

He is Prue.

Years of fighting and brutal training have transformed him a lot, and he is no longer the skinny and small guy he used to be.

Prue grabbed a handful of wheat starch biscuits and stuffed them into her mouth, causing her cheeks to puff up.

He was a little nervous.

Because I’m about to meet the savior.

Soon, a maid from Spire Mansion came and took them to the Governor's office.

"Lord Savior!"

Duke and Pruzici placed their right hands on their hearts and met the Savior with a pious and nervous mood.

They hope that this audience will achieve the desired results.

That is to gain the recognition of the Savior, receive the blessed power, and become the Chapter Master.

Blessing is a supreme gift that allows people to fully develop their talents.

The relevant content is explained in great detail in the Holy Book of Redemption.

Now in the territory, almost every family and even every person has a copy of "The Holy Book of Redemption".

On the prayer days twice a month, it is necessary to take out the holy scriptures and read and recite them carefully.

Of course, that only explains the surface effects of the blessing; the deeper effects will always remain a secret.

"Please take a seat..."

Ron took off his gold-rimmed glasses and walked out from behind the huge desk.

Afterwards, he sat on the sofa and talked with Duke and Prue for an hour and had lunch with them.

When the audience process was almost over, Ron told them the result:
"You are the reserve chapter masters and will be the first batch of warriors to participate in the transformation operation.

After the transformation operation is successful, you will be officially appointed!"


Duke and Prue were very excited, they had been recognized by the Savior!
Afterwards, Ron blessed Duke and Prue in the Anglican Cathedral under the witness of the Holy Sun.

This information will also be synchronized throughout the territory.

Everyone who receives the blessing will become an object of respect.

After the blessing, Ron sent a message to the Institute of Biological Genetic Engineering.

he told Moss.

Reconstructive surgery can be performed. …

Institute of Biogenetic Engineering.

The operating room for conversion is ready.

This large operating room has many sealed compartments and can perform transformation surgeries on dozens of people at the same time.

This is a sterile operating room built according to modern medical concepts.

It is equipped with a complete emergency, anesthesia and surgical teams, and is also connected to the energy pipeline of the Little Sun.

Greatly improve the soldiers' chance of survival.

Ron didn't want to perform implant surgery on the soldiers without anesthesia on an open-air operating table on the top of a mountain like the Dark Angels did.

It would be strange if the mortality rate wasn't high.

He couldn't accept that kind of waste.

Of course, this is a scientific yet idealistic world.

The necessary ceremony must be performed, and blessings must be given.

After all, it is really useful.

Ron invited the priests of the State Church and the Mechanicus.

Let them come and consecrate and bless the operating room and related equipment.

Double blessing!

Afterwards, Moss's biomedical team thoroughly disinfected the entire operating room.

With that, the transformation surgery can begin.

Soon, the first batch of veterans who participated in the transformation received blessings.

They followed Duke and Prue into the operating room, accompanied by the singing of a gospel choir.

The first batch of veterans who participated in the transformation consisted of 100 people.

There are 20 Void Angels and 80 War Angels.

There are fewer people now.

But if Roan is given time and resources, the number of Space Marines will double.

His goal is to train 600 Space Marines in proportion within ten years.

There is no way to do more, there are not enough resources.

Once they occupied the sector capital, Mattila, they controlled the entire sector.

He can then produce troops like crazy.

Ron watched the veterans walk into the operating room one by one.

Those veterans who participated in the transformation had undergone several years of training and received long-term nutritional enhancement.

And the corresponding gene pheromones are micro-injected in advance and for a long time.

Allow their bodies to adapt slowly to reduce the rejection reaction of the gene seed.

The Space Marines derive their power from the gene-seed of each Primarch.

When the veterans survive the first wave of gene seed implantation surgery, they still have to undergo subsequent transformation surgery.

There are 19 procedures for reconstructive surgery:
Stage 1 – The Second Heart.

The implanted second heart allows a Space Marine to survive oxygen deprivation or trauma.

Stage 2 – Bones strengthen organs.

A small tubular organ that thickens and hardens bones, allowing the sternum to grow into a tight bony plate to protect internal organs.

Phase 3 – Muscles strengthen organs.

A spherical organ that regulates hormones and stimulates muscle growth, allowing Space Marines to grow into giants 2-3 meters tall.

Stage 4 – Blood regenerates organs.

Located in the aorta, it changes the blood composition of the recipient, making the blood more efficient while also providing a degree of support for the armor.

Stage 5 - Laraman Organ.

A dark fleshy organ, shaped like a liver, that rapidly delivers regenerative cells, allowing the Marine's wounds to stop bleeding and heal quickly.

Stage 6 - Neural ganglion.

The pea-sized tissue, when implanted in the brain, is able to freely control sleep, allowing the Space Marines to freely deprive themselves of sleep and remain alert during rest.

Stage 7 – Pre-priming the stomach
A pre-digestive stomach, allowing the Marine to consume a variety of toxic or nearly indigestible substances.

Stage 8 – Genetic Testing Neuro.

Grants the Space Marine an extraordinary gift of survival, being able to learn through eating, and if they eat an animal, they absorb part of its memory.

Stage 9 – Multiple lungs.

A gray, tubular organ that absorbs oxygen from oxygen-deficient or toxic air and protects the respiratory system.

Stage 10—Visual control organs.

Located in the brain, it enhances vision, allowing Space Marines to see in low-light conditions as if it were daylight.

Stage 11 – Lyman’s Ear.

This tissue allows the Marines to enhance or filter background noise, granting them extraordinary hearing, and preventing dizziness caused by extreme disorientation.

Stage 12 – Meninges.

Automatically activated in response to extreme trauma, it puts the Marine into a state of suspended animation, where they can survive for many years.

Stage 13 - Pigment Control Sphere.

It can adjust the color of the skin while protecting the skin, avoid ultraviolet rays, and resist a certain degree of radiation damage.

Stage 14 – Pebble Kidneys.

A brown-red heart-shaped organ that improves and regulates a Space Marine's internal circulatory system.

Stage 15 – Taste-detecting nerves.

Implanted in the back of the mouth, it allows the Space Marine to distinguish a variety of toxins and even the unique smell of creatures by chewing and tasting. It can track targets by taste alone.

Stage 16 - Sweat glands improve organs.

Let the sweat of the Space Marines become a natural cleanser covering the surface of the skin, and also protect against a certain degree of high temperature.

Stage 17 – Salivary glands.

Synthesizes and stores a deadly, corrosive poison that allows a Space Marine trapped in a cell to chew through the bars in a matter of minutes.

Stage 18 - Gene storage gland.

There are two of these glands, one in the neck and one in the chest.

It is mainly used to store genetic seeds, allowing them to absorb hormones and genetic materials produced by other organs.

The glands in the neck take five years to mature, and the glands in the chest take ten years to mature.

When the time comes, the gene seeds can be removed.

Stage 19 – Black Carapace.

This is the final and most special implant.

It is a black plastic film material that is implanted directly under the skin of the Space Marine. It will then slowly grow, extending nerve bundles to connect with the flesh.

Once the carapace is fully mature, neural sensors and injection binding points can be installed on the carapace.

These artificial "insertion points" connect the various parts of the power armor and are the key to using powerful power armor.

Without the assistance of the black shell, the Space Marines' exclusive power armor would be almost completely unusable.

These 19 implant reconstruction surgeries are carried out in stages, with an observation period, and it will take a relatively long time to complete the reconstruction.

Even Ron introduced the energy of the little sun to assist in speeding up the healing process.

It will take at least a year to complete the transformation.

Ron watched all his soldiers walk into the operating room and then left.

He needs to do something else that is equally important...

(End of this chapter)

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