Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 168: Strong Genetic Traits

Chapter 168: Strong Genetic Traits

Institute of Biogenetic Engineering.

In the test square, nearly a hundred space warriors of the Void Angels and War Angels were quietly lined up waiting for the arrival of the savior.

The soldiers had short hair, bare upper bodies, bulging muscles and sharp edges.

There are more than a dozen special connection points on their bodies and skulls. These "insertion ports" are important components for connecting power armor.

"Lord Savior!"

When Ron walked in, the soldiers immediately half-knelt down and placed their hands on their hearts.

Pledge loyalty to their great savior, the father of genes.

"Arise, my warriors..."

Ron raised his hand slightly and asked the soldiers to stand up.

He walked around the team and looked at these sons of genes.

The Void Descendants have a special physique, they are tall and strong.

The Void Angel Warriors they transformed as carriers were obviously taller, almost 2.5 meters.

The average height of a War Angel warrior is about 2.3 meters.

Duke and Prue, the two chapter leaders, have little difference in height due to Ron's blessing.

Duke is 2.7 meters tall and Prue is 2.6 meters tall.

After turning around, he nodded with satisfaction and came to Moss.

Moss's robotic arm was holding a data tablet, organizing and analyzing relevant experimental data.

"How is it, are there any special changes after the transformation of the warriors?"

Ron asked.

The gene seeds produced by the genes in his body were mediocre and had no special properties other than stability.

It is estimated that the warriors created with those gene seeds would not show any special characteristics.

Although he had predicted the result, he still couldn't help but ask.

What if a miracle happens?

"Savior, after the transformation operation was completely completed, a small part of the gene seed changed...

That’s a good change, of course.”

Moss worked the datapad, watching Ron.

Generally, oil men work in multiple threads and hardly ever stop.

Even when you are resting, the mechanical devices in your brain may continue to calculate.

Hearing this unexpected news, Ron showed an expectant look and waited quietly for what would happen next.

Moss continued:

“After the transformation, the Void Angel’s warriors’ strength and recovery ability exceeded expectations.

The muscle strengthening organs, Lariman organs, pigment control balls, etc. in their bodies have evolved to varying degrees.

The specific characteristics are stronger ability to resist radiation, chaos, and subspace erosion.

In such extreme environments, they can secrete more hormones, giving them greater explosive power and combat effectiveness..."

Moss nodded as he spoke.

At the other end of the testing square, researchers pressed mechanical buttons.

The hatch of the secret room slowly opened, and a chaos monster nearly two meters tall walked out.

The chaos monster had pus dripping from its body, and it was obvious at first glance that it was quite polluting.


After the chaos monster came out, it roared and rushed towards the crowd.

But the soldiers still stood there quietly, without even their gazes shifting.

When the monster approached, Duke walked out from the team of Void Angels and faced the monster with bare hands.

Duke threw a punch, hitting the monster that was rushing towards him hard.

The monster crashed into the wall, breaking half of its skeleton.

This further stimulated its ferocity.

But before it could react, Duke approached and engaged it in close combat.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere for a while.

A large amount of chaos-tainted pus was spilled onto Duke.

In Ron's sight, Duke's body swelled again under the infiltration of the chaotic pus, and his eyes turned red.

He became more violent.

"For the heavenly world!"

Duke roared.

He pounced on the chaos monster and attacked it frantically, tearing it into pieces.

Duke left the remains of the chaos monster behind and walked towards Ron.

As he got closer, his special sweat glands came into play.

The pollutants on the body surface mixed with the sweat, were separated from the body surface, and dripped onto the ground. When Duke walked in front of Ron and half-knelt to report.

There were almost no pollutants in his body.

"Damn, that's awesome!"

Looking at the actual results, Ron couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised.

These remnant warriors originally lived in a space ship in the Warp, which was emitting chaos and Warp radiation all the time.

It is normal for them to have resistance, but the transformation has intensified this characteristic and turned it into a concrete feature.

In other words, the combat effectiveness of other fighters will be weakened in chaos and other environments.

And the Void Angel will become stronger under the same environment.

This is a super strong genetic trait!
Ron quickly continued to ask: "What about the War Angels? What changes have they made?"

From Moss, he learned about the changes in the War Angel.

That is psychic power.

After the transformation, several warriors of the Angel of War gained psychic powers.

Able to use psionic powers freely.

The test continued as Moss explained.

Pru stepped out from the ranks of war angels and walked to the center of the testing ground.


The hatch to the chamber rises.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

This time, the researchers released a dozen or so dog-like chaos monsters.

These chaos monsters are less than one meter in size, but they are extremely fast and know how to cooperate in hunting.

As soon as those chaos monsters came out, they began to gather together like a pack of hyenas.

They lowered their bodies, their eyes were cold, drooling and growling as they moved towards Prue.

It is difficult to resist so many monsters with flesh and blood alone.

But Prue was not afraid at all, and even waved to them:

"Come on, you delicious little guys, I can't wait!"

Unlike the taciturn Duke.

Pru has been hanging out with veterans of the Defense Force for a long time, and is also influenced by Ari.

He already looked like a veteran soldier, speaking in jingles all the time.

After the group of chaos monsters approached, they launched a sudden attack.

Prue looked up suddenly, with light blue lightning flashing in his eyes.

The huge psychic power field spread out instantly, shocking the chaos monster away.

Under the influence of transformation and blessing, his psychic powers far exceed those of normal psychics.

Prue raised his hand, and the psychic current quickly gathered and spread.

A light blue electric current beam swept along the ground towards the chaos monsters, leaving behind some charred marks.

Those chaos monsters are simply unable to resist psychic attacks.

Under the repeated sweeping and lashing of the electric beam, it soon became a charred corpse.

In just a dozen seconds, Prue eliminated all the chaos monsters.

"Okay, this kid is following me!"

Ron felt relieved when he saw the familiar attack method.

However, after the attack was completed, Pru did not come back to report, but continued to stand there.

At the same time, several researchers used construction machinery to transport a set of equipment.

They unloaded the equipment in front of Prue, leaving dozens of potions of different colors on the table.

Afterwards, the researchers collected the corpses of the small monsters and piled them next to the equipment.

Prue calmly dragged over the large monster corpse that had just been torn into pieces and threw it on the ground.

Looking at this scene, Ron felt very confused.

He asked:

"What is this going to do?"

There was a hint of surprise in Moss's tone:

"Test another characteristic of Pru, which is the most special characteristic among all the participants in the transformation..."

The most special feature?
Ron didn't ask any further questions; he liked surprises.

Just look at the test directly.

He looked at the mechanical equipment and it looked more and more familiar.

That thing looks like a stove.

Can't you?
(End of this chapter)

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