Chapter 180 Train Town

When the torpedo landing capsule descends to a certain level, the small thrusters at the bottom suddenly spew out flames to slow down the capsule's falling speed.


The landing capsule hit the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Several mutant coyotes noticed the sudden appearance of the strange object. They crouched down, drooling, and approached the landing capsule silently.

In this wild land, few scavengers can escape the pursuit of mutant coyotes.

After a while, the hatch unlocked and slowly opened.

The leader wolf smelled the aroma of fresh meat, bared its fangs and pounced in.

The next moment, the wolf leader screamed and flew out, falling several meters away.

The people in the cabin kicked it hard and flew out.

The leader wolf climbed up, looking seriously injured, with a small part of its nose collapsed and several teeth missing.

It's angry.

No human scavenger has ever dared to harm himself like this!

The alpha wolf called on his companions to attack together.

However, when the mutant coyotes rushed to the hatch, several laser beams shot out from the cabin and killed them one by one.

Half of the wolf's head was burned black by the blazing rays, and it fell to the ground with a whimper.

A missionary saint in a gray and white hooded robe walked out of the cabin. He lifted his hood, revealing his bald head tattooed with sacred runes.

The missionary saint was named Fran.

He is one of the most pious and outstanding saints in the Holy City of Eredar.

The tribesmen had high hopes for him and firmly believed that he could be guided by the holy scriptures and spread the glory of the savior to more distant galaxies.

Fran held the Book of Redemption against his chest and gazed at the towering steel hive city in the distance.

That was Mattila's main nest, his missionary place.

Fran took out the auspicious instrument and measured the distance to the nest.

Although the nest city was right in front of him, it was actually at least two thousand kilometers away from him.

no way.

In order to avoid the orbital defense system and the defense array of the hive city, their landing capsule can only land at a farther location.

There was no way the drop pod could get close to the hive without disrupting or destroying the defenses.

The gunfire would tear the drop capsule to pieces.

The eight hundred missionary saints from the Holy City, like Fran, are scattered across the desolate areas of the planet.

Fran returned to the landing capsule and put the shoulder bag given by the Holy City on his back.

The bag contains a small water collection device, compressed food, and several missionary and survival tools.

Afterwards, Fran removed the hatch and made it into a simple iron raft.

Then use the blade to cut off the flesh from the mutant coyote and pile it on the iron raft.

After preparing everything, he dragged the iron raft towards the hive city.

It's been a difficult journey.

Fran must cross nearly two thousand kilometers of desolate area to reach the outskirts of the hive city, and then find a way to sneak into the hive city and spread the faith of the savior.

This will take a long time.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time.

He looked at the hive far away, his eyes revealing a hint of fanaticism:
"Eight years later, the savior will come to this world and save those who are in suffering!"

Fran had just walked a short distance when more mutant coyotes were attracted by the smell of blood and gathered around the landing capsule.

The landing capsule activated its self-destruct device after Fran left.

When it detected more threats approaching, it exploded violently, and the fragments killed and injured many mutant coyotes.

The mutant coyotes were frightened and scattered.



The gray-black snake bared its fangs, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

However, the next second, it was stabbed by a sharp dagger.

"Savior, thank you for your gift!"

Fran was very excited as he caught the big snake.

The venomous snake is able to provide itself with precious water and protein.

Fran cut off the snake's head and drank its blood to relieve his hunger and thirst.

He has several scars on his face and many scars all over his body.

After traveling in the wilderness for several months, he suffered many injuries from multiple monster attacks and the harsh environment.

It would be impossible for ordinary humans to survive in the wilderness for so long.

The radioactive environment and food loaded with parasites alone would be enough to kill any unmodified human.

But Fran was different.

He is an Eredar.

Although the Eredar were defined by Roen as a sub-human race, they were actually the descendants of the Tyranids and contained some genes of the Tyranids.

This gives the Eredar greater physical strength and survivability.

Moreover, the nano-silicon-based covering provides a lot of protection for the saints.

For example, it can isolate radiation, store heat, and even absorb trace amounts of moisture from the air.

Even so, Fran was exhausted after the long journey.

If he can't find a human community, his life may be in danger.

Just as Fran was worrying, the ground began to shake slightly.

Gradually, the shaking became more intense, and the gravel on the ground bounced.


As the whistle blew, Fran saw a mechanical train that was four or five meters tall and looked like a huge steel dragon coming from a distance and heading towards the hive city.

That is Mattila's Titan train, responsible for transporting supplies or troops between hive cities.

"Praise be to the Savior!"

Fran ran madly towards the Titan train. As long as he got on the train, he could reach the hive city at a faster speed!

However, his speed was still a little slow.

The Titan train passed by at high speed, and the airflow field it created blew him away, leaving only thick black smoke.

Fran was not discouraged, nor did he feel angry or regretful about missing the opportunity.

The saints always remain resilient and peaceful, no matter how many failures they experience or how many threats to their lives they face.

Supported by their faith, they can move forward fearlessly and give everything for the Savior.

Fran climbed up and continued walking along the track.

He believed that as long as he walked in the direction of the railway tracks, he would be able to find a human community.

After all, the train needs to be resupplied midway.

Once he finds the supply point, he will have the opportunity to hide inside the train and enter the hive with the help of the train.


Train town.

This is a small town located in the wilderness, far away from the hive city.

The town has a population of tens of thousands.

As a maintenance point for Titan trains, the town makes a living by providing services for Titan trains.

Those maintenance workers simply need to board a docked Titan train and, along with the Tech-Priests, inspect any safety issues that may arise on the train.

Then carry out maintenance and protection.

Under a simple cooperation agreement, the residents of the town must provide maintenance services to the Titan train.

The Titan train will provide them with water, some food and fuel cells.

These resources are key to keeping the town running.

However, as rebel forces in various locations sabotaged the railroad tracks, the intervals between the Titan trains' arrivals grew longer and longer.

The town's resources gradually became scarce.

People can get food by hunting in the wilderness, but they find it difficult to solve the problem of water scarcity.

The water source in the town is seriously polluted and drinking it will make people sick. They must rely on the water provided by the Nest City Water Purification Association to survive.

Although the water quality brought by the Water Purification Association via the Titan Train is getting worse and worse, becoming turbid, sour and smelly, fortunately it can sustain life.

However, the Titan Trains came less and less frequently, and the people of Train Town became hungry and thirsty, and they were looking forward to the arrival of the trains.

Now, the Titan Train is finally here.

The town's maintenance workers excitedly boarded the train, but were told by the Water Purification Association that their water supply agreement had been terminated.

In other words, the people in the town lost the precious water source they depended on for survival...

(End of this chapter)

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