Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 182 Sending love in person?

Chapter 182 Sending love in person?

The blessing ceremony was aborted and the believers ran away!

“Which believer rejected the mercy offered by the loving Father?”

The Nurgle Great Demon Rotigs reacted and was slightly annoyed.

Of course, as the most benevolent servant of Nurgle, the generous, life-giving, prosperous and prolific Great Unclean One.

His slight annoyance quickly disappeared.

Rotigus did not blame the believer who backed out and caused the ceremony to be interrupted.

Even though he lost a lot of precious plague viruses.

Rotigus simply felt sorry that the believer missed out on the love that he should have enjoyed.

what is going on actually?
Rotigus couldn't help but be curious.

He wanted to sing a dirge, wave a knotty scepter, come before the believer, and personally bring him endless love.

This should be able to win back the believer's heart, right?

When Rotigus thought of this, his torn, maggot-filled bloody mouth revealed a kind smile:
"I should do this, even though it will take more energy...

But only by giving can you gain the love of believers, right? "

With the spread of emotions.

The tooth-like cracks that appeared on his body immediately spit out rotten plant root seeds.

Sickening, twisted plants spread in waves around them.

The rotten and plague-filled storm that always surrounded him fell upon the twisted plants, causing them to grow more deformed and luxuriant.

Rotigus waved his gnarled scepter, the storm became more severe, and a vortex appeared in the space.

He dragged his rotten, fat body, which looked like a mountain of flesh, towards the whirlpool.

Just as the Great Unclean One was about to step into the vortex to head to the planet where the believer was.

He suddenly stopped and then showed indescribable joy.

“Praise the Father!”

Rotigus was called upon by his father, Nurgle.

The Father of Plagues sensed the new changes in the galaxy and summoned these Great Unclean Ones to create and spread a great plague.

This is an extremely rare opportunity!
Rotigus dispersed the vortex and temporarily put aside the idea of ​​personally spreading love to the believers.

He must return to his loving father as soon as possible.

Otherwise, his mortal enemy, the Great Unclean One Ku'gath, who consumed the most powerful plague of his father, will take away this opportunity to spread kindness.

Rongus ran back with a thump, almost jumping for joy.

Anyone can clearly feel his endless joy.

Soon, his figure disappeared from the space, leaving only twisted and swollen plants and wet, slippery sewage.


A few small, rotten Nurglings were playing in the sewage. By the time they realized what was happening, their master had already run away.

Ah ah ah ah ah!
The Nurglings were so anxious that they almost cried, and they ran after their master with their little legs...
Train town.

Fran takes Little Brown home and asks him about the town along the way.

The two walked on the road in the center of the town, and the residents in the wooden houses on both sides of the road cast curious glances at them.

The residents looked at the tall, bald stranger, secretly wondering where this believer came from.

Even more surprising to the residents was that Little Brown seemed to be getting better.

Just a few hours ago, he was staggering and looked like he might die at any moment.

Now his steps are steady and full of energy.

Could it be that the Emperor of God really favors Little Brown?

Fran looked at the people suffering from hunger and thirst on both sides of the road and frowned:
"Is your town short of water?"

"The water in our town is polluted. Recently, some people were so thirsty that they drank the dirty water and fell ill immediately."

Little Brown gestured with his hands, drawing an arc:
"Their stomachs swelled up like balloons, and the vomit was green..."

He looked up at Fran expectantly:

“We are all dying of thirst. You must be a messenger sent by the savior, so you must be very powerful.

Can you help us find clean water? "

Fran responded to Little Brown's prayer:
"If it's just water, then of course it's fine!"

He decided to rescue the residents of the town and spread the faith in the Savior before the next Titan train arrived.

This is what missionary saints should do.

Under the guidance of the Holy Book of Salvation, those saints behave like saints. They are selfless and fearless, and they save those human beings who deserve to be saved on behalf of the Savior.

Upon hearing this, Little Brown jumped up excitedly.

He ran towards home, shouting:
"We have water, we have water..."

When the confused and helpless residents heard Little Brown's words, hope lit up in their eyes.

The old man held Little Brown in his arms and asked anxiously:

"My child, are you telling the truth?"

Little Brown looked proud:
"Indeed, the God-Emperor has answered my prayers and sent the Savior's Saint!"

He pointed to Fran behind him and continued, "Saint-sama will help us find clean water!"

"Praise the Divine Emperor, the Divine Emperor has appeared!"

The old man smiled excitedly, he undoubtedly believed it.

After all, the dying Little Brown appeared in front of him alive and kicking, which was a miracle in itself!

As the news spread in the town, more and more people gathered behind Fran and Little Brown. They did not dare to disturb the saint, but followed him like a pilgrim.

When Fran arrived at Little Brown's door, a dense crowd of people had gathered behind him.

They were thin, their hair was messy and dry, and their lips and skin were cracked due to lack of water.

Fran turned around and looked at the crowd. He saw people's expectant and eager eyes.

They are waiting for the answer.

Fran came to the people and gave them the answers.

He declared that the Savior couldn't bear to see people suffer, so as a saint he would find water for the town!
When people got the answer, they cheered.

They knelt down devoutly and paid utmost respect to the Savior and the believers before them.

Afterwards, Fran asked the crowd to disperse.

He went into Little Brown's house to rest and checked on Little Brown's brother and sister.

Fortunately, they were only slightly dehydrated and their physical condition was not too serious.

At night, Fran gathered the maintenance workers in the town and drew the relevant parts drawings of the water-drawing machinery for them.

That is the latest small water collection device developed by Ers Star, which can collect moisture directly from the air and perform a certain degree of filtering and purification.

After improvements by STC and Kaul, the manufacture of this mechanical device is not very complicated.

Any skilled mechanical craftsman can make it.

This is not a difficult task for the maintenance workers in the train town.

They already have some knowledge of mechanical manufacturing, and there are many mechanical parts in the town.

Small water collection devices have been manufactured one after another, equipped with fuel cells and installed on the roofs of each house to collect water.

The water collection device mainly works on cloudy days and at night, and when daytime comes, a lot of water can be obtained.

The residents are full of expectations.

They were reluctant to sleep and stayed by the storage tank of the water collection device, waiting for the day to come.

As night passes, the small water collection device stops working and the filtered water flows into the storage tank through pipes.

When residents took out the storage tanks, they were surprised to find that they had collected more water than they had imagined!

Although it’s not enough for them to drink to their heart’s content, it’s enough to relieve their hunger and thirst!
For a moment, the town was plunged into a sea of ​​joy.

Now that the water problem has been solved, they can survive!
After a period of time, Fran and the maintenance workers repaired the statue of the God-Emperor and began daily preaching.

Almost every day, the residents of the town would go to the newly rebuilt simple church to pray and listen to the saints tell the story of the Savior.

Saint Fran tells the story of a benevolent and great savior who saves the planet and helps people escape from suffering.

At the same time, he left a prophecy:

"Eight years later, the savior will come to this world. He will drive out the tyrants and let people live a good life..."

While preaching, Fran also actively treated people and opened night schools in the church to teach people more knowledge.

That was knowledge about agriculture and several types of machinery manufacturing that could really improve people's lives.

In the Purgatory Galaxy, knowledge is undoubtedly valuable, especially stable knowledge without hidden chaos.

The generosity of the saints strengthened people's faith in the coming Savior.

This is where Ron's brilliance lies. All of the Saints candidates have undergone years of intensive full-time study.

In addition to courses such as religious communication and sociology, they also learned a lot of knowledge related to medicine, people's livelihood, and manufacturing.

The richness of their knowledge is even much higher than that of ordinary technical priests.

Even if they are placed in the feudal world, they can quickly lead the believers there towards industrialization.

If we send out a group of missionary saints like this to preach, the effect will definitely be amazing.

It can not only give believers spiritual comfort, but also bring them tangible benefits and improve their lives.

Which believer can withstand such a way of preaching?

With Fran's arrival, the life of the small town has undergone tremendous changes. People's faces are filled with smiles and they are full of expectations for the future.

They were looking forward to the coming of the savior.


The whistle blows.

After nearly two months, another Titan train arrived.

The maintenance workers in Train Town maintained and protected the trains as usual.

They were told to keep the town's secrets as best they could.

In fact, the maintenance workers have another task.

That is to hide Saint Fran deep inside the Titan Train so that he can go to the main nest.

As the Titan train rolled out of town with black smoke billowing out, Saint Fran left, and with him Little Brown.

He entrusted his younger siblings to the care of the townspeople and hid on the train with Fran.

Little Brown has decided to follow the saints and complete the great cause entrusted by the savior until this planet is completely liberated!

A few months later.

The Spire Mansion Office on Ers.

Ron stretched. He had just finished checking the combat readiness of each armed force and could finish his work for the day.

Suddenly, psychic information came.

He sensed that several missionary saints had successfully infiltrated the main nest of Mattila.

Ron gently closed his eyes, and his consciousness instantly entered the honeycomb network:

"It's time to go to Matira and take a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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