Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 185 Skull Altar and Kabanha

Chapter 185 Skull Altar and Kabanha
Ron stayed in Mattila for several months in the form of a possessed consciousness.

He had a general idea of ​​the current situation of the planet.

As the capital of the sector, the planet is under the reign of terror of the sector governor, the tyrant Harith.

The people here suffered a lot, even the nobles.

No one is safe.

Because the tyrant's killing may come at any time.

Today, the tyrant's rule is becoming more and more cruel.

Under extreme oppression, more and more rebels rose up in resistance.

But it was soon met with even more brutal repression.

Even with the secret support of the nobles, they still did not have enough military force to fight against the tyrant.

People believed that the tyrant had gone mad and that the planet would sooner or later be destroyed under his rule.

The prophecy that the tyrant would die on his throne spread across the planet.

Everyone wants the tyrant to die, but they are powerless to do anything.

It is always a minority who resist, while the majority of people are just afraid.

Their minds had long been conquered by the fear imposed by the tyrant, and they had lost the courage to resist.

Ron could understand this.

After all, without external forces, the people of this planet will definitely not be able to defeat the tyrant who wields the chaos power of Khorne.

So, he was ready to give people hope and liberate them from fear.

Fran's presence is particularly important, he can serve as a symbol.

This saint, after receiving the gift from the Savior, was a powerful warrior who was able to defeat the tyrant!
This story has to get out.

Let people know that the tyrant is not invincible, and those Khorne warriors are not invincible.

The Saviour and his Saints were able to defeat the Tyrant and his warriors of Khorne.

This was the hope Ron gave them.

Once people have hope in their hearts, they will have the courage to unite and resist.

After Ron's consciousness returned to the planet Ers, he sent the acquired information to the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the State Religion.

Let them come up with a joint infiltration plan targeting all levels of Mathila.

Once the plan came out, he distributed it to nearly 800 saints in Mathila.

What they have to do is to infiltrate all levels and collect information about Mattila's defense.

Spread the story of the Savior and Saint Fran, and unite all forces that can be united.

They want to tell people another prophecy -

Eight years later, the savior will come to this planet. He will stab the tyrant to death on the throne and save everyone.

At the same time, Ron also gave another order to the eight hundred saints.

That is to keep the rebels restrained as much as possible, hide and accumulate strength.

Avoid excessive casualties.

Those who dare to resist the tyrant need to wait patiently until the savior arrives, and then launch an attack together.

Soon, those saints followed the guidance given by the savior, infiltrated into all levels of Mathila and hid.



In the human laboratory under the Mathila royal court, another more terrifying storm is quietly taking shape.

Thousands of candidate test subjects were thrown into the vast duel field in the human laboratory.

These people were dressed in rags and had only a rusty iron bar in their hands.

They have to duel and kill those around them.

When the horn sounded, the huge mechanical timing device in the air started the countdown.

According to the rules of the duel arena, only one hundred people can be left alive in the arena before the countdown ends.

Otherwise they will be executed en masse.

In order to survive, people had to pick up iron bars and start attacking people around them.

The sound of bones breaking rang out, and blood and brains splattered everywhere.


"Please, spare me!"

The thin man dropped the iron rod tremblingly, knelt down and begged for mercy from his opponent. But the next second, he was hit on the head by another man.

In a duel, cowardice means death.

People's animal nature was completely aroused.

There is no mercy here, only brutal killing.

Only those who survive can undergo further cruel chaos transformation surgery.

On the stands, the black-robed mechanic listened carefully to people's roars and screams, as if he was enjoying some beautiful music.

He was very satisfied with all this and praised his assistants:
"This batch of candidate test subjects is good. Future candidate test subjects will be based on this standard..."

"Master Priest..."


The assistant was about to explain something when he saw the violent look in the black-robed mechanic's eyes.

He immediately swallowed back what he was about to say and nodded.

After the black-robed mechanic left, the assistant broke out in a cold sweat as he was worrying about how to solve the problem of experimental candidate subjects.

He had painstakingly searched for this group of young and strong men for a long time, and they were the best candidate experimental subjects he could find.

He originally wanted to take credit for this, but unexpectedly it became the standard for his future work.

This is troublesome.

This strict standard will become his death warrant.

If he fails to meet the standards, the High Priest will definitely throw him into the duel arena and let him die!
Thinking of this, the assistant's face turned grim.

He thought for a moment and sent a communication to the head of the planetary defense force.

The assistant told the person in charge that the high priest had new orders.

The planetary defense force must regularly provide a group of excellent warriors to the laboratory to participate in the bloodthirsty warrior transformation program of His Majesty the great Marius IX.

If you dare to delay or disobey, you will be sent to the execution platform and beheaded!

Soon, the person in charge agreed to the order with a trembling voice, and he didn't even dare to verify it.

Because your majesty's will must be absolutely executed.

Given your Majesty's suspicious character, any lack of cooperation, even just hesitation, could result in fatal disaster.

For the person in charge and the assistant, it doesn’t matter whether there are orders or not. What matters is to save their own lives. After all, they are not the ones who will die.


The elevator went down.

The black-robed mechanic came to the secret area underground through the secret door.

In sight, there is a huge pool of blood, at the end of which is a huge altar made of skulls.

As the machine operated, the corpses on the duel field continued to fall into the pool of blood.

The black-robed mechanic looked at the altar, his eyes full of fanaticism.

This is his truly great work.

Once enough killing energy is collected, the altar can be activated to summon the most powerful demon.

By then, this ugly planet will be thoroughly cleansed!

The black-robed mechanic walked along the path of bones in the center of the blood pool and came to the skull altar.

The skull altar that was several meters high made him look so small.

The black-robed mechanic knelt down beneath the skull altar and began his routine prayer.

He recited the name of the terrible demon he had found in an ancient book...
The realm of Khorne.

Atop the barren, magma-filled wasteland of Blood Plains stands a Brass Fortress.

This is the heart of Khorne's dark kingdom.

The great walls were stained with blood, and the spikes of the tower domes pierced the dark clouds that spewed from the forge.

The blazing brazier beneath the terrifying iron hook illuminated the surrounding wasteland.

Inside one of the palaces of the Brass Fortress.

The devil's shrill howls were heard.

The huge figure tore the screaming demon apart, and hot red blood splashed.

The other demon warriors lowered their heads, not daring to react any further.

Their master, the supreme bloodthirsty demon, the angel of disaster Kabanha, is angry again...

(End of this chapter)

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