Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 194 Carter: I must explode!

Chapter 194 Carter: I must explode!

Ron thought about it carefully and suppressed the urge to fire.

After all, the sacred urn bomb is a powerful weapon, so you should take it out when you really can't win.

He looked at the dozens of bloody warriors blocking his way and did not feel too much pressure.

With such a small number of people, they can't stop his Thunder Guards at all.

They would soon be able to chop down those Chaos heretics, and then gang up on Harris.

Ron's consistent philosophy is:

Don't fight one-on-one if you can gang up on someone.

Even if you have to fight one-on-one, it is best to arrange a dump truck in advance to kill your opponent on the way to the fight.

This is an extremely safe tactic.

This concept was inherited from Master Chen in the previous life who liked to explode eggs.

If Master Chen were to be reincarnated into the Warhammer world, he would probably be given titles like Egg Blaster, Master of the Dump Truck, and Mad Dog War King.

Ron was thinking.

More bloodthirsty warriors came out of the secret room one after another and surrounded them.

There are more people than those on his side.

Those bloody warriors were dressed in heavy spiked armor, holding bloody axes, and their bodies were wrapped in thick blood.

They looked down at everyone with red eyes.

On the mechanical throne.

Harris watched all this with pride and sneered, "Savior, you are surrounded and have nowhere to escape!"

Ron is a little bit annoyed:

"I was careless, that guy is also a coward.

Sure enough, you shouldn’t set a flag too early, or you’ll almost get beaten up.”

Fortunately, he was not unprepared.

When the first batch of bloody warriors appeared, he started to call for help.


Several jeweled gates were shattered by artillery fire.

"Savior, the Void Angel and the War Angel are here!"

The two great captains, Duke and Prue, followed the order and left the remaining enemies outside to the battle nuns who came to support them.

Afterwards, they led the Void Angels and War Angels and rushed into the royal court hall.

When these fighters arrived, the tide turned.

Ron stared at Harris, his tone cold:

"Sorry, I have more warriors..."


Harris was instantly furious, and he ordered the bloody warriors:
"Kill them!"

The bloody warriors roared, swung their ferocious blood axes, and slashed at everyone in a bloody wind.

The Thunder Warriors light up their power swords and fight against the Bloodthirsty Warriors.

Afterwards, Void Angels and War Angels also joined the battle.

Thousands of powerful warriors fought each other.

Bombs and artillery fire flew everywhere, chainswords screamed, and the surrounding buildings suffered devastating damage.

Fortunately, this hall is vast and can accommodate tens of thousands of people for large mixed exercises.

If it were an ordinary building, it would have collapsed long ago.

In the fierce battle, the bloody warriors fell into a frenzy, almost losing their minds, and hacked and killed desperately.

But the Space Marines are more numerous and fight in squads.

By cooperating with each other, they can often kill the enemy at a very small cost.

On the chaotic battlefield, Ron, Carter and twenty other Thunder Guards fought their way to the Mechanical Throne.

Soon, all the bloody warriors around the mechanical throne were killed.

Harris sat alone on the mechanical throne, watching Ron and others walk up the stairs to the huge throne platform.

"Blood-slaying warrior, return to defense!"

He roared at the battlefield below, but the frenzied blood-slaying warriors would not listen to any orders.

Ron and others surrounded Harris.

Harris slumped on the throne, his nearly five-meter-tall red flesh mountain body was quite intimidating.

Unfortunately, this fallen tyrant seems unable to stand up again.

Since the target can't act, it's simple.


Ron raised his hand and waved, and the Thunder Guards raised their large grenade launchers and spit out fierce tongues of fire.

A large number of special armor-piercing bullets and tranquilizer bullets rushed towards Harris.

Harris raised his hand, and the force field of the mechanical throne appeared.

After the warheads of those explosive bombs pierced the outer perimeter of the battlefield, they could no longer move forward until the flames of the tail thrusters were exhausted and they fell to the ground with a thud.

It seems that long-range attacks can't do anything to him.

Carter put down his bolter and drew his nearly two-meter-long red chainsaw sword.

The chainsaw sword hums and the force field lights up.

The rest of the Thunder Guards also drew out their power swords and lit up the force field.


Carter led the Thunder Guard forward. When the defensive force field reappeared, he grasped the chainsaw sword tightly and cut through the force field, killing Harris.

The scarlet mechanical arm, spreading with Khorne energy, blocked the chainsaw sword.

Then, dozens of scarlet mechanical arms embedded with various weapons appeared and fought with the Thunder Guards.

Harris laughed wildly: "You guys alone can't kill me"

Over the past decades, he had built the Mechanical Throne into the most solid fortress, which would be difficult to break unless a large amount of artillery fire was mobilized.

Now, under the blessing of the Blood God, it has become even more powerful!
"Damn it, why on earth?"

Carter was besieged by several scarlet mechanical arms surrounded by the violent energy of Khorne.

He was pinned down and beaten violently, unable to stop the effective attacks.

Carter felt humiliated.

Even though he has undergone brutal training and has become stronger, he always receives the worst blow at the critical moment.

And it happened in front of the Savior!
How can he continue to serve as the captain of the guard?

The scarlet mechanical arm slammed into Carter's chest.

He collapsed and fell to the ground.

Carter got up, gritted his teeth and took out an injection containing purple liquid.

He asked the biological sages Moss and Duke to make it specially.

The medicine contains hormones from the blood of the Void Angel, as well as a large amount of hormones that can increase the body's vitality in a short period of time.

Although this potion has strong side effects, it can quickly improve his strength.

Carter opened his mask, then thrust the syringe into his neck and injected the medicine.

In an instant, the medicine was injected into the heart through the artery.

Purple veins popped out on his neck, and even his pupils were emitting a faint purple hue.

The heart begins to beat violently, supplying more blood and hormones to the limbs.

This is already the limit.

If he keeps this up for too long, he might die of a heart attack like the Thunder Warrior.

At this moment, Carter's physical condition was greatly enhanced under the stimulation of drugs.

Carter stood up suddenly and turned the valve again.

The chainsaw of the chainsaw sword spun wildly, and the force field lightning was wrapped around it.

He leaped suddenly, the jump pack on his back activated, and his momentum pushed him towards the throne.

"Ahhh, heretic, die!"

Carter couldn't help but roar. He must not fail again this time!
"Go to hell!"

On the throne, Harris sensed danger.

He raised his hand and controlled several scarlet mechanical arms to kill it.

It's a pity it's too late.

Carter suddenly adjusted the angle to avoid the attack, then fiercely cut off a scarlet mechanical arm, and red electric light flashed.

Wait for the scarlet robotic arm to land.

He was already standing less than a meter in front of Harris, his eyes cold.

"damn it……"

Harris' pupils suddenly contracted and he raised his hand to attack.


The light of the weapon's force field flashed.

The red hand fell to the ground, blood gushing out.

"my hand!"

Harris screamed while covering his severed hand.

But the next second, the other hand fell down.

He raised his hands, which were gushing with thick blood, and screamed miserably.

Harris felt fear again.

This monarch who cruelly killed countless lives was so cowardly when death came.

He looked at Carter, his eyes full of pleading:
"Stop! I surrender!"


Carter didn't respond, but stabbed the chainsaw sword into Harris' chest and turned the valve to the maximum.

The chainsaw hums and spins wildly, crushing the heart.

The gushing blood covered his power armor.

Ah ah ah ah ah--

Harris wailed even more painfully, but his voice soon stopped.

He saw a flash of red in his eyes and then lost consciousness.

Harris sat there in a daze, the horn on one side of his forehead slipped off, and then half of his head rolled under the throne.


The wildly dancing scarlet mechanical arm lost control and fell to the ground.

He collapsed on the throne, and the red mountain of flesh softened and lost its life force.

Carter remained stern and turned to Ron.

"Savior, the heretic has been executed!"

(End of this chapter)

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