Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 219: Make a huge profit from the power of hope!

Chapter 219 Make a fortune from the power of hope!
Lower Nest Area, Had-14 Residential Area.

In the small bedroom, gentle sunlight shines in through the iron window without any cover.

But that was not real sunlight, but the light emitted by a mechanical sun lamp.

When the sun rises, the mechanical solar lamp will provide basic lighting for some places in the lower nesting area that are out of reach of sunlight.

But in order to save energy, solar lamps are usually dimmed to an undetectable level.

Under such dim light, the lower nest always remains dark and damp.

Today, the lights were so bright that people thought they were real sunlight.

The "sunlight" shone on the head of the bed, and the slightly dazzling sunlight woke up the middle-aged woman on the bed suddenly.

She is Isila, an ordinary worker at the Second Synthetic Food Factory in Area D155 of Lower Nest.

Isila woke up from her sleep with a start, feeling a little uneasy, and her eyes quickly turned to the mechanical clock in the room.

The time is already 7:30.

Oh no, she missed the train to the factory!
A look of horror appeared on Isila's face, and the fear deep in her heart quietly spread.

Why didn’t the community’s mechanical horn sound, or was I sleeping too soundly and didn’t hear it?

For the workers, arriving at the factory on time to start work is a matter of life and death.

If you are late, more than half of your food quota for the week will be deducted.

When hungry, it will be more difficult for workers to achieve their required work targets and their food quotas will become even less.

In this way, a vicious cycle caused by lateness will plunge the entire family into the abyss.

What’s even more terrifying is that according to the royal decree, if a worker is late or slacks off twice, it will be recorded.

Those lists will be sent to the suppression forces.

On the execution day, the patrol team will randomly select people on the list for execution!
Isila imagined the terrible consequences.

She suddenly remembered that she was late once three years ago, and now was the second time.

You will be recorded on the execution list!
For a moment, Isila was surrounded by deep despair.

There are children in the family who need to be raised. If she dies, the children will definitely not survive...

How to do?
In a panic, Isila saw the yellowed book beside the bed.

The book had been read countless times and the paper had become brittle and fragile, but it was obvious that it had been carefully maintained by its owner.

The cover of the book was completely black, without any logo, but the workers all knew that it was the Book of Salvation.

Isila was a little stunned: "Why is the Holy Scripture here?"

Normally, the holy text would be carefully hidden, and if it was discovered by the suppression forces, it would be the end of it.

Looking at the Holy Book of Redemption, she seemed to have thought of something and her panic calmed down.

While still feeling terrified, Isila also found his own stupid behavior funny:

"I'm so confused. The Holy Scripture shouldn't have been hidden for a long time...

She sat up, stroking the holy book with her rough, scarred hands, and whispered a prayer praising the Great Being.

When the prayer was over, Isila was no longer afraid because the Savior would protect her.

The panicky behavior just now was just a shadow left over from the past.

Now, light has come, the tyrant has died on the throne, and the horrifying execution list no longer exists.

Those days shrouded in fear have finally become a thing of the past.

What's more, she didn't have to go to work today.

A rare day off, something she had never dared to think about in the past.

Isila got out of bed, avoided the crowded beds, and carefully took out a bag of synthetic food from the storage box.

Pour it into a simple heater and cook it.

These foods were distributed yesterday.

The free food, enough to last her and her children for several days, was enough to fill her stomach.

The Savior is so good...

She thought as she cooked the food.


The sleeping child was awakened by the smell of synthetic food.

His eyes were shining as he stared at the paste cooking in the heating container.

After a while, Isila poured the cooked paste into iron containers, divided them, and placed them on the small dining table.

The child had already sat down at the dining table, drooling as he looked at the food on the table.

He obviously wanted to eat, but he still sat upright without any movement.

Because there is an important ceremony before the meal.

Soon, Isila and the child prayed together, thanking the Savior for giving them food.

The prayer ended and the child grabbed a spoon and prepared to enjoy the meal.


The sudden explosion frightened the child.

He subconsciously covered his mouth with his little hands, not daring to make any sound, and his body was shaking with fear.

Isila immediately stepped forward and hugged the child, her eyes revealing an undisguised fear.

For people, such sudden explosions are the most frightening.

That means massacre is coming.

Eight years ago, Isila's husband died in a suppression operation at the hands of terrible bloodthirsty warriors created by the tyrant.

It was a brutal massacre.

Fortunately, the great saint Fran took action, killed several bloodthirsty warriors, and saved many people.

She was carrying a baby in her belly, who luckily survived.

There were more bangs.

The child became even more frightened. Isila was stunned for a moment, but then relaxed.

She touched the child's head and comforted him:
"That's the sound of the salute. We are safe and nothing will happen..."

Isila suddenly remembered that the community manager had informed everyone yesterday that there would be fireworks today and told everyone not to panic.

Soon, the mother and son regained their composure and concentrated on enjoying the hard-earned food.

Gradually, it became noisy outside and melodious hymns came into the room.

After enjoying the food, Isila put on the child a shabby, cleaned coat that was obviously one size too big.

The child was a little scared and looked at his mother: "Are we going out?"

He was obviously afraid of the outside world, which was caused by the education he received since childhood.

After the tyrants demolished the schools, the children had nowhere to go.

But the world outside is too dangerous, so the workers choose to lock their children at home and not let them go outdoors.

They also often scare them and exaggerate how scary the outside world is to prevent them from running around mischievously.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with what the workers did, because too many children died in the chaos outside.

Even adults are often shot or trampled to death for being involved in the crackdown, not to mention the children who are unable to protect themselves.

Isila's children listen to their mother very much and never run around.

But now his mother told him that he could go outside.

The child frowned, doubtful: "Isn't it very dangerous outside?"

"That was in the past. Now with the blessing of the Savior, there is no danger outside anymore."

Isila squatted down and helped the child straighten his coat:

"Didn't I tell you yesterday that we would go to the community square today to pray to the Savior..."

As she sorted things out, she said:

“In the future, you will have to go out more often.

I heard from the superiors outside that the savior will build a school for us when the time comes.

Particularly gifted children can receive the Savior's gift and study in the academy of the Holy Land!"

When the child heard this word, his eyes lit up: "Holy Land, can we really go to the Holy Land?"

His mother often read to him from the scriptures, and he learned about the existence of the holy land.

It is a sacred place, a pure land like a paradise garden.

People bathed in the warm sunshine and breathed the fresh air.

There is an endless supply of food and abundant resources, so rich and prosperous that it even surpasses the Upper Nest where Emperor Mattila lives.

Only those believers who are recognized by the Savior are fortunate enough to set foot in this holy land.

Enjoy the tranquility and harmony there. Actually, it is the nest on the planet Ers.

Over the years, Shangchao, or the holy land, has been constantly expanding and building.

Although it is not as exaggerated as what is said in the scriptures, it is almost the same.

After we gain control of the star zone and have access to resources from the entire star zone, the holy land will be built even better.

Isila smiled and nodded, her eyes full of longing. She also longed for the legendary holy land.

Unfortunately, people like her will never have the chance to go there.

Unless his children can go to that college.

Isila looked at the child with expectation:
"That's what the officer said, and it's also recorded in the holy scriptures. If you work hard, you might be able to get there!"

After tidying up the clothes, Isila took out a cross pendant of the Savior and hung it around the child's neck.

She also had a similar pendant around her neck.

After getting ready, Isila took the child and walked out of the house.

After passing through a long corridor and elevator, they finally walked out of the community building where hundreds of thousands of people lived.

The moment Isila stepped out of the passage, the view suddenly became clear and a noisy atmosphere hit him.

The noise of the crowd's laughter and singing was beautiful.

The streets are decorated with colorful flags and images of the Savior, creating a festive atmosphere.

The streets were crowded with people.

People were no longer timid and their faces were full of smiles.

The past restraint and repression were swept away.

Isila looked at all this, standing there in a daze, tears welling up in her eyes.

Is this the world the savior promised?

She felt that the world in front of her was so bright that she could now see things that she couldn't see clearly before.

Isila's gaze went out into the distance and she could see the community several floors above.

There are also many people on the streets there.

This was the first time she could clearly see the living environment around her. In the past, it was all pitch black.

Now she knew that there were people living there.

In fact, above and below Isila, there are community buildings with hundreds of floors, and these communities are home to at least one billion people.

The managers of this area followed the orders of the officials of the celebration preparation committee and specially adjusted the power of the solar lamps.

To ensure that there is sufficient light today so that today's ceremony can proceed smoothly.

Accompanied by the sound of sacred bells, Isila led her child towards the central square of the community.

They will pray there and then witness the arrival of a sacred moment.

25.M42, September 9, today is a great day in the history of Mathira.

The great and merciful savior descended from the sky and completely rescued the suffering people on this planet from the hands of the tyrant.'

Today, he will accept the allegiance of this planet and its people.

Even hundreds of years later, the surviving veterans still remember the grand occasion of this day.

Recalling the heroic figure of the great savior and the smiles on people's faces at that time...

People call this day: the Day of Return of Mattila.

According to the interpretation of the "Holy Book of Redemption", every time the Savior liberates a world, he will set up a Day of Return.

To celebrate the coming days of freedom, peace and happiness.

The light of the Savior dispels suffering.

With grateful hearts, people should offer their sole and unreserved allegiance to the Savior on that day and every day thereafter.

The same celebration will be held on the same day every year in the future to celebrate the Return Day.

On this day, people don't need to work, get free food, and are completely immersed in the grand celebration.

The only thing people need to do is to express gratitude and blessings to the great and merciful Savior.

Boom boom boom——

9999 cannon shots exploded simultaneously.

Dozens of squadrons of fighter planes flew over the throne square, dropping streamers on the crowd below.

Colorful flags fluttered above the Throne Square, and hundreds of meters long portraits of the Savior were hung on airships everywhere.

In the middle of the square is a platform several dozen meters high.

There were circles of people around the stage.

The closest link is the core senior management including Bayev, Carter, Kaur, Yari, Case, Duke, and Prue.

After them came the Void Angels, War Angels, Battle Sisters, and commanders of the naval fleet and Storm Army.

Further back were the remaining nobles of Mattila, most of whom secretly believed in the Savior and supported the resistance army.

Therefore, they still exist in the power structure after the war.

All they can do is adapt to the new environment and completely obey the arrangements and leadership of the savior.

Next to the noble team were the high-ranking rebel leaders from all over the country, led by Brown. They came from all over and gathered together.

On the altar, Bishop Doni guided people to pray, to bless the golden sun and the savior.

All of this will be broadcast live in real time and transmitted to imaging devices all over the planet.

When the blessing ceremony was over, the crowd quieted down and waited quietly for the coming of the savior.

Below the stage, Ron was sitting and making final preparations. This time he was not wearing the golden power armor.

Instead, he was wearing a complicated, gorgeous dark golden robe.

This is an important moment.

He will soon announce Mattila's return and officially take over the position of governor of the star zone.

Of course, all this was a bit hasty, but there was nothing that could be done.

Ron needs to make a radical change to the entire power structure and management methods of Mattila and integrate it into his own ruling structure.

There are too many things to do, and time is precious.

Only by officially taking over the position of governor of the star region will he have sufficient reasons and legal basis to promote these changes.

And it can extend its tentacles to the entire star region.

"Savior, it's time for you to show up..."

The head maid Linda came over and gently reminded.

Ron nodded slightly, stood up and walked down the stairs into the elevator, which then slowly rose and carried him to the stage.

Having experienced many such occasions, he has become very skilled at it, and he will experience more such occasions in the foreseeable future.

Ron slowly raised his head and looked at the endless crowd.

In the silence, the complex machinery under the stage slowly started up, emitting a low and powerful hum.

As the machine operated, beams of light shot from the ground to the sky, gradually converging into a huge virtual image of the savior that was nearly a thousand meters high.

The image was so magnificent, it seemed like a miracle.

Even from dozens of kilometers away, the virtual image is clearly visible.

It overlooks the crowd below, and its majestic posture and shocking visual effects are awe-inspiring!
The crowd held their breath and looked up at the great being that suddenly appeared.

This... is their savior!
Suddenly, the huge virtual image of the savior spoke with a majestic voice:

"The suffering is over, cheer, people of Mathila..."

After a moment of silence——

The crowd was boiling with excitement, and people were shouting for the savior, giving him all their enthusiasm.

The huge virtual image of the savior turned its body and scanned the people in the entire square, and the cheers became louder.

At the same time, the same images spread across the planet.

The planet is boiling!

On the stage, Ron's ears were filled with waves of sound coming from all directions, one after another, as if he could hear the cheers of the entire human race on the planet.

He could feel people's emotions so intensely.

The planet and the more than 80 billion people who live on it are offering him gratitude and loyalty.

The power formed by the combined emotions is so strong that it comes from every corner and from every heart.

Eventually, it converged into an indescribable resonance, a connection deep in the soul.

At the same time, Ron could feel that the energy of the little sun was gradually increasing and its size was further expanding.

He... will gain the most powerful force of hope in history!
(End of this chapter)

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