Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 221 The power of the second blessing!

Chapter 221 The power of the second blessing!

Ron took the hovercraft to the medical room, passing several churches and garden squares on the way.

For large warships that are up to ten kilometers long and have tens or even millions of crew members on daily basis.

The actual area here is larger than a small city.

It includes facilities such as churches, schools, hospitals and farms. Many crew members serving on warships will never get off the ship in their lifetime.

They have lived and multiplied on ships for generations, providing various maintenance or cleaning services for the ships.

Of course, the crew members on the Dream are now selected and trained from the worker group.

Many of them have only served the Dream for less than ten years.

It is foreseeable that the vast majority of crew members will live on this battleship for generations.

Their lives will be better than those of people on the ground, but they will have to bear some dangers caused by events such as the corruption of the bottom layer of warships, subspace jumps, and space battles.

Fortunately, there are some cunning people to help deal with the dangers in the complex pipes deep inside the battleship.

Unlike other crew members of the Empire, they do not have to risk being attacked by aliens, mutants, or even demons to repair those complex pipelines.

There is no need to worry about being lost in it forever.

As long as they send out a distress signal, those heavily armored fighters bearing the imperial double-headed eagle emblem will quickly rescue them.

Although they were a little scared, the crew members also knew that these big guys also served the ship and could protect their lives.

They call those heavy-duty chicken thieves kind-hearted mechanical big guys.

About fifteen minutes later, Ron's hovercraft passed through a large training ground and finally arrived at the area where the medical room was located.

Although it is called a medical room, its actual size is equivalent to that of a super large general hospital.

Ron walked into the medical room. The lights inside were cold and steady, illuminating the complex medical machinery.

The golden sun and icons of the Savior are hung or carved around, adding a touch of mystery to the space.


The medical sisters were excited when they saw Ron, their eyes were like sparkling stars.

They all nodded and greeted the Savior.

Ron responded to their greetings with a gentle smile.

After expressing their greetings, the medical sisters returned to their work.

This is one of the basic rituals required by the Holy Scriptures.

Even if you meet someone in a high position, or even a savior, it cannot affect your work.

If those in high positions have their work affected by some unreasonable reasons, they can also file a complaint.

Medical sisters shuttled between the wards, providing treatment to the injured soldiers in the wards.

Ron looked towards one of the wards and could see the attending physician operating his robotic arm to perform surgery.

The soldier was seriously injured and was relying on medicine to maintain his life.

The doctor skillfully broke open the victim's chest and removed the shrapnel remaining in his body one by one.

Next to her, the assistant doctor held an incense burner. After sprinkling holy water on the injured, she lowered her head and prayed silently for him.

Seeing this, Ron nodded with satisfaction. This medical room strictly followed the relevant medical procedures.

This is a very scientific behavior.

According to research, after adding holy water and prayer processes, the patient's chance of survival increased by at least 20%.

Due to the existence of the subspace, these metaphysics, like science, require careful study.

Of course, this is only a preliminary process, and the Medical Order is conducting more clinical experiments to obtain a more rigorous treatment process.

Ron took a look and continued walking towards the core area of ​​the medical room.

Soon, he found the ward where Carter was.

At this moment, Carter had come out of the repair cabin, and a medical nun was spraying repair potion on him and doing simple bandaging.

Ron walked in and asked with a smile, "Carter, how is your recovery going?"

Lord Savior?
When Carter saw the Savior coming to visit him, he stood up and reported: "I have fully recovered and can join the battle at any time!"

The medical sister frowned:

"Lord Carter, you have just recovered from your wounds and cannot engage in intense combat yet..."

Carter's face was grim: "Thank you, I feel I have recovered very well!"

Ron raised his hand and motioned the captain of the guard, who always maintained a serious demeanor, to sit down:
"The war is over. I have something else to talk to you about. Do you... want to gain more power?"

There is an irresistible magic in his words, just like the devil bewitching his believers.

Carter was extremely excited when he heard this: "Savior, can I accept further transformation?"

He undergoes brutal training all the time to improve his strength so that he can better fight for the Savior.

Unfortunately, every time a crucial battle came, he was always hit the hardest and had to withdraw from the war early.

This made him feel extremely guilty.

Now that Carter hears that he can gain even more powerful power, how can he not be excited?

In his excitement, the bandages on his body broke into pieces, and blood oozed out faintly.

Beside her, the little face of the medical nun immediately deflated, and she said with some resentment: "Master Carter..."

Carter gave the medical sister an apologetic look and said, "I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now.

These wounds are not serious and will heal on their own soon. Go and treat the other soldiers first.

They need your help more.”

The medical sister was a little hesitant, but when she saw Ron nodded in agreement, she left, but she did not forget to remind him:

“You need to take a good rest during this period.”

After the medical sister left, Ron looked at Carter and said, "Let's go. You can receive the second blessing now."

He had just observed the other person's body and found that it had almost recovered and was fully capable of receiving the second blessing. Moreover, during the blessing process, the body could recover better.

Carter's face was full of excitement: "Yes!"

As a member of the core team, he certainly knew that the Savior had the means to enhance his combat effectiveness.

Ron took Carter out of the medical area and went to a meditation room in the training ground.

He cannot give blessings to anyone he wants. After the conditions are met, the other party must actively pray to the little sun for energy and accept it.

Of course, he has the right to refuse.

Ron could sense that there were only a few people under his command who could bear the second blessing.

Among the warriors who have received a blessing, probably only core fighters such as Carter, Duke, Pru, Barrel, and Yari can bear it.

If other warriors forcibly accept the second blessing.

There is a high probability that one will not be able to survive until the end of the ceremony, as the soul will be severely damaged by the huge energy impact and will explode and die.

Of course, after those soldiers have gone through more training and wars, they will become tough veterans of many battles.

Perhaps you will be able to receive a second blessing.

Carter walked into the meditation room with his upper body naked, knelt in front of the shrine enshrining the golden sun and the savior, and recited the prayer for the blessing ceremony devoutly.

After receiving a lot of blessings, Ron had already figured out a set of mature and efficient rituals, which were recorded in the Holy Book of Redemption.

Anyone can learn the ritual and pray to the Savior for strength.

Of course, Little Sun’s network will actively screen out those unqualified petitioners.

The information of the petitioners who meet the requirements will be transmitted to Ron's psychic perception, and he will decide whether to bless them.

In the meditation room, Carter continued the prayer ceremony, and an illusory passage appeared.

He could clearly feel the warm sun.

Soon, Ron outside the meditation room received Carter's prayer, and he immediately mobilized his energy and blessed the other party a second time.

He now has about 700 million Hope Power.

To perform a second blessing, one needs to consume 10 million Hope Powers.

Compared to one blessing, the consumption has increased tenfold!
The warm and dazzling golden light illuminated the meditation room, and the energy of the little sun continued to flow into Carter's body along the illusory channel.

The force was so huge that Carter endured the double impact on his body and soul, but he gritted his teeth and persevered.

He must hold on to have this power!

Outside, Ron waited quietly.

He believed that his chief Thunder Guard could withstand the power of the second blessing and be reborn.

After a while, the golden light dissipated, the alloy door of the meditation room opened, and Carter's heavy footsteps were heard.

He succeeded!

At this moment, Carter's height reached an astonishing 2.8 meters. His muscles bulged on his scarred body, and his aura was even more fierce than before.

"Lord Savior!"

He half-knelt on the ground, thanking him for this gift.

Ron looked at Carter and nodded with satisfaction: "Let's test your combat power and see how much it has improved."


On the training ground.

The ground was littered with damaged alloy training dolls.


Duke flew out suddenly, making a small dent in the alloy wall.

Before he could react, another shadow came and Prue fell on top of him.

"Boss, hurry up——"

Before the big barrel could finish its words, it hit Duke and Prue hard.

He collapsed on the ground, looking like a salted fish:
"too strong……"

The dueling stage in the center of the venue was already in a mess, with charred marks and holes everywhere.

Carter stood on the dueling stage, his expression still stern, even his breathing was not disordered.

Just now, he single-handedly dealt with Duke, Prue and Barrel who were besieging him.

Below the dueling stage, several technical sergeants were recording and analyzing the combat data.

Finally, the data was handed to Ron.

After receiving the second blessing, Carter's combat effectiveness increased by at least 80%, and there is still room for improvement.

Carter declared that if he encountered a being like the devil Harris again, he was confident that he could deal with it alone!

After looking at the data, Ron estimated that his Chief Thunder Guard should be able to match the Emperor's elite guards.

Afterwards, he gave a second blessing to warriors including Duke, Pru, Datong, and Yarui.

After they received the second blessing, although the degree of enhancement was not as great as Carter's, they also made a lot of progress.

At least they truly possessed combat power that was equal to that of other chapter masters of the Empire.

Ron was very satisfied with this. His high-end combat power was officially formed!

Dream, bilge piping area.

Boom boom boom!
In the dark pipe, several heavily armed chickens walked over with heavy steps.

Soon, the heavily-armored chicken thieves stopped and lined up obediently.

Ron looked at these heavily-armored chickens with anticipation in his eyes. What would these chickens look like after being blessed?

(End of this chapter)

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