Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 224 Streamlining Government Affairs

Chapter 224 Streamlining Government Affairs
Ron clicked on the file about Mattila's governance, and the document pages instantly filled the mechanical screen.

He looked at the number of pages and found that there were more than 100,000 pages, with the table of contents alone taking up hundreds of pages.

Ron's request was simple, which was to strip Mattila of its administrative status and make Ers the capital of the star region.

Then integrate Mattila into the management system of Ers Star.

But this matter involves a large planet with nearly 100 billion people, and it is a thorough reform from top to bottom.

The complexity involved is so overwhelming that it makes your head spin.


Ron was so annoyed. He shouldn't pretend to be diligent and get involved in these complicated political affairs, let alone open this damn file.

These government documents are even more terrifying than war, and Mattila has not yet been connected to the psychic network.

There was no psychic to summarize this stuff for him.

Fortunately, he only needed to take a look at the progress of related work in advance and was not responsible for reviewing these complicated documents.

Once the relevant data and documents are compiled, the secretariat will give him a summary document of approximately several pages.

His job is to look at those pages of documents, approve them if there are no problems, and officially promulgate and implement them.

Ron couldn't help but think of a question. Even after being streamlined, the affairs related to a planet still had several pages of content.

Those are the most important and critical matters, such as important policies, appointment of core management personnel, chaos erosion events, etc.

He couldn't just leave those documents alone, he had to at least take a look at them to know what the territory had become.

In this way, when there are more planets under control in the future, won’t there still be a lot of documents that need to be approved?
And so many approvals are required every day.

According to the management structure of the empire, even if the high lords only manage one star field, there are millions of planets in the area they are responsible for.

Various major events such as natural disasters, chaos invasions, alien attacks, etc. may occur in the area at any time.

Often, when problems arise in a galaxy or even an important planet, it will cause a series of chain reactions.

Even though the High Lords only care about matters at the sector level, they still have countless documents to deal with every day.

So much so that they have to pick the most important ones to prioritize, but each document concerns the lives of hundreds of billions of people.

What’s more troublesome is that affairs of this level cannot be decided by the high lord alone, and the interests of various forces are involved.

They also have to communicate and coordinate, which is an extremely terrifying thing.

Therefore, most high lords are welded in various documents and meetings throughout their lives.

They need to inject drugs to strengthen their bodies and brains to cope with the high-intensity work, and they are even deprived of sleep.

This kind of work will last a lifetime and there is no retirement.

Apothecaries extend their lives, allowing them to continue serving the Empire until body and soul succumb to extreme exhaustion.

Because any high lord has to go through countless struggles, collusion and compromise between factions before he can sit in that position.

Every word and action affects the fate of the empire and countless people.

They represent the interests of their own faction and are related to the safety of the empire.

You can neither die nor give up easily, otherwise it would be a great disloyalty.

Of course, even though that position is so terrible and so torturous, there are still more politicians and ambitious people flocking to it.

Because that represents the supreme power.

But Ron wasn't interested in any of that, he didn't want to sacrifice everything for power.

To be more precise, he just wanted to slack off.

It would be even better if we could bring a glimmer of hope and beauty to people while ensuring our own safety and comfort.

But the situation is not good now.

He could foresee that if his territory expanded further, he would inevitably be caught up in a sea of ​​documents and meetings.

"Living like this is too boring." Ron slumped on the chair like a salted fish:
"Adjustments must be made, otherwise when the affairs pile up, it will be even more difficult to reverse them."

He planned to take advantage of the post-war period to further optimize processes and streamline the government affairs he needed to handle.

Now that we have all the staff, let’s get started.

Ron immediately called together core members including Bayev, Yari, Deville, Popov, Taco, Yari, Keith, and Kaul. With the assistance of tens of thousands of administrative officials, Ron held meetings with the core members for several days.

The high-intensity meeting made him dizzy.

But for the sake of a leisurely future, he had to persevere.

There is no other way. Such an important process change requires face-to-face communication and discussion with core members to clearly define the division of responsibilities and powers.

This is already an extremely fast adjustment method under a highly centralized system.

If it is the political system of an empire, it may have to go through several rounds of preliminary research, multiple meetings, private communications, political struggles, power distribution, and amendments to laws.

Finally adjustments can be made.

According to the empire's administrative procedures, this process would probably take dozens or even hundreds of years.

For the Empire, currently only a super boss like the Primarch has the ability to suppress everything and carry out reforms quickly.

Others simply don't have the strength or energy. The complex politics and power structures alone are enough to make one's head explode.

Through this high-level meeting, Ron further delegated power, allowing the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Military Affairs and other agencies to coordinate and operate on their own without the need for his approval.

But he reserves the right to intervene at any time.

In other words, from now on, although the affairs of the territory will still be reported to Ron, whether he reads them or not will not affect the operation of the organization.

In this way, he could completely free himself from the complicated government affairs and focus his energy on the development of his territory.

Or when appropriate, deal with major matters related to the development of the territory.

If it were any other lord, their power would be quickly stripped away if they followed Ron's management style.

Once sidelined, the power in their hands will lose its function or be quietly transferred to others.

In the end, there is a high probability that subordinates will rebel and replace you.

Even the tyrant Harris needed to spend a lot of time every day, taking sedatives, handling government affairs and holding royal court meetings.

Fortunately, Ron was able to firmly control the core personnel of the territory through blessings, so he didn't have to worry about problems arising in the territory after delegating power.

A week later, the meeting ended.

After leaving the meeting room, Ron immediately went back to his bedroom and lay down all day.

Soon, he recovered.

Now he was finally relieved. There were no more documents to approve, but the workload of the old steward Bayev had slightly doubled.

Fortunately, for the blessed Lao Ba, it is not a big problem and he can still withstand it.

Now Lao Ba has become the person Ron cares about most.

Whether it is the Empire or Ron's territory, an excellent management talent who can take on responsibilities is indispensable and extremely valuable.

To this end, Ron sent a team of hundreds of pharmacists to take care of his body and arranged for the Thunder Guards to provide close protection for him.

Lao Ba, his "little Macado" must not have any problems, otherwise he will have trouble living.

In addition, a physical strengthening program for Lao Ba is also being prepared.

While ensuring safety, the Institute of Biogenetic Engineering will enhance his body functions at all costs.

When Lao Ba's body is strengthened again, Ron will bless him a second time, and then no matter how many government affairs he handles, they will not be a problem.


9 month 30 day.

The weather was clear and the sun shone through the glass dome of the Dream.

Ron was wearing sunglasses and lying on a beach chair by the deck pool, drinking a drink and basking in the sun.

He grabbed an apple peach and ate it. This exotic fruit tasted great, cool, sweet and crispy.

The only drawback is that it is expensive and has very high requirements for storage temperature, which must be precisely controlled at 18.5°, otherwise it will rot quickly.

Suddenly, a message came from the subspace...

(End of this chapter)

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