Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 229: Kaul: Please take a seat, Lord Savior

Chapter 229: Kaul: Please take a seat, Lord Savior

"You mean we have to wait for inspiration to come before we can get any research results?"

Ron frowned and confirmed it again.

"That's right, the technology used in this building is too old, and we don't have any relevant records at all."

Kaul was full of confidence: "Don't worry, there is no technology that the genius Kaul cannot understand. The great Omnissiah will give me inspiration!"

Hearing this, Ron became even more worried and felt uneasy.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Kohl’s ability, but this guy is too good at making trouble.

Not to mention when inspiration will come, and how long it will take to wait for it to come.

In this world, inspiration itself is not very trustworthy.

You have no way of telling whether the thought that suddenly pops into your mind is true or false.

It is very likely that those thoughts were not your own at all, but were put into your mind by some terrible entity in the Warp.

When a researcher or inventor suddenly has a burst of inspiration, he must be alert.

Because these inspirations were most likely bestowed by Tzeentch or the demon mecha pilot Vashtor.

They love to give others inspiration to achieve unspeakable secrets.

Especially Tzeentch, who has rich experience in this.

Even the God-Emperor and Primarch Magnus failed under His design, causing cracks in the Webway.

If the inspiration in Cawl's mind came from Tzeentch, then it would be all over.

I will most likely have to go to the toilet with the Emperor...

We can't rely on Kaul to do all this alone. It's too dangerous to let him figure out these techniques on his own.

Thinking of this, Ron raised his hand to stop Kohl, who was eager to go forward and study the black stone gate.

His expression was somewhat cautious:

"I'm going to find some information. You stay here and don't move!"

After that, Ron twisted the controller with his other hand, and the floating platform drifted in the air and returned to the Dream.

Afterwards, he issued an order that no one was allowed to conduct research on the Black Stone Gate without permission.

At the same time, Deville sent people from the Inquisition to patrol the surrounding area and prohibit anyone from approaching the Blackstone Gate.

Especially Kaul, who is under close surveillance.

After doing this, Ron went back to his bedroom and lay down, and went to the warp again.



The little sun regained its vitality.

Ron possessed the little sun and manipulated it to move closer to the golden sun.


The Golden Sun was a little confused.

From His perspective, the guy had just logged off and logged in again.

Ron came here this time mainly to learn some skills from the Emperor of God.

As we all know, the God-Emperor is not just a super warrior who can only chop and chop, He has a wealth of scientific knowledge.

When He was living in seclusion in the basement of the Terra Palace, He probably did not wear golden armor, but goggles and a white lab coat.

He leads a large scientific team and conducts various researches.

It can even be said that He is one of the greatest scientists in human history.

A hexagonal warrior with full strength, intelligence, and charm.

Unfortunately, after the Divine Emperor sat on the golden toilet, the Empire almost stopped conducting any scientific research and abolished this scientific research system.

They were replaced by the Mechanicus's oil-burning shamans.

It's like living off the savings.

Of course, the oil guys are also afraid of being cheated and have to become conservative.

Over the past ten thousand years, the empire's science and technology has not advanced but regressed.

If you have a set of sophisticated power armor from ten thousand years ago and it has been preserved until now, then the power armor you are wearing is most likely a high-end product.

It's just so magical.

Given that the God-Emperor has in-depth research on the Webway and related warp technology, Ron plans to learn from Him.

Then he went back to share the technology with Kaul and studied it with him.

This is the safest way.

Jianqi and the like, they wouldn't betray him as well, right?

Ron approached the Golden Sun of the God-Emperor and sent it a psychic message, telling Him what had happened.

Then ask Him to give him technical knowledge related to the Webway and the Warp.

After receiving the psychic message, the Golden Sun fell silent.

Ron waited for a while but didn't get any response. He was a little worried:
"Could it be that the Divine Emperor thinks that the Black Stone Gate is too dangerous and doesn't want me to continue?"

Just as he was about to continue asking questions, a psychic message suddenly came from the golden sun.

Probably means:

"Boy, the technical information has been sorted out, check it quickly!"

Ron realized that the Divine Emperor had just gone to sort out some information and he was worrying for nothing.

next second.

A large ball of energy slammed into the little sun, and a huge flow of psychic information instantly exploded in Ron's consciousness.

Damn, so many?

There was so much information and the powerful impact of knowledge almost made him faint.

Ron could feel that his consciousness was instantly filled with dozens of languages.

Includes languages ​​from all regions of the Empire and throughout history, as well as the languages ​​of the Eldar, Necrons, and many more ancient races.

Those languages ​​form complex data papers, which, if printed out, would be enough to fill all the libraries on Earth.

However, language and writing are only a small part of the information flow, accounting for less than one thousandth.

The things in that stream of information come with massive, complex, and mosaic multi-layered patterns.

In addition to the pattern.

There are more indescribable, complex runes between graphics and words.

If you enlarge those runes, you can see that the runes are made up of thousands or tens of thousands of layers of more complex small runes.

Think of it as some kind of chip circuit diagram with magical effects.

The flow of information is so vast.

Even if all the knowledge ever accumulated on Earth in previous lives was added together, it would not be as good as the flow of information he received this time.

After all, that was what the God-Emperor knew, the crystallization of the knowledge of several races in the webway and the warp over millions of years.

The little sun was shaking violently under the impact of the information flood.

Oh my god, I’m dizzy with so much knowledge!

Ron wanted to say something, but the words came out in a strange tone that he couldn't understand.

Is that the language of the Eldar or the language of demons, or a combination of both?

But when you think about it, it's probably "Aba, Aba..."

At this moment, Ron's consciousness seemed to be filled with paste, and the huge flow of information infected his original knowledge system.

So much so that he couldn't even speak Low Gothic, the language commonly used in the empire.

Fortunately, he used the little sun to bear this flow of information, if it were his body in the material world.

My head might explode.

After an unknown amount of time, Ron finally regained consciousness and sent a message of gratitude to the golden sun.


That is the language of the devil.

Fortunately, he reacted and thanked again in Low Gothic.

I'm still not used to it.

But Ron was very excited. After receiving this flow of information, he seemed to become smarter.

Does that mean that he has also become an intellectual, an inventor, and can engage in scientific research?

Ron was very interested and began to read the knowledge contained in the information stream.

However, he discovered that

I can’t understand it at all!
He knows every word, but he has no idea what they mean when put together...

That knowledge is too profound.

In fact, it’s not Ron’s fault. After all, not everyone can be like the Emperor, a tough guy sent from heaven, who has intelligence far beyond that of ordinary people.

Even for those mechanics whose intelligence is superior to that of ordinary people, their biological brains are often unable to handle overly complex knowledge and calculations.

They need to install one or more mechanical brains in their bodies to assist in thinking and calculations.

Now, in Ron's consciousness, the flow of information transmitted by the God Emperor is more like an unforgettable memory.

At most, he serves as a medium to preserve these information flows and wants to turn them into his own knowledge.

Still need to learn a little bit.

Even if he really wanted to learn, he would still have to spend several years learning a huge amount of prerequisite knowledge, which is equivalent to the ultimate version of basic technical knowledge education.

For Ron now, looking at this knowledge is like an elementary school student who has not yet graduated looking at advanced quantum physics.

It would be strange if you could understand it.

"Sure enough, I'm not suitable for scientific research..."

After tinkering with it for a while, he decided to give up like a salted fish.

Let's leave this wonderful knowledge to the oil guys to learn.

After saying hello to the God-Emperor, Ron logged off and returned to the material world.




Ron regained consciousness and woke up, but his head was still a little dizzy.

Just thinking about those complicated patterns made him feel a little drowsy.

It can be said to have a very hypnotic effect.

At least in the future, he won't have to worry about insomnia.

While the memory was still fresh, Ron immediately called Cole and others to make a temporary mind-conducting mechanical tank.

It was modified from the cultivation tank of the Mechanicus. They like to use this kind of equipment to instill basic knowledge into newcomers.

But the thought transmission mechanical tank operates in reverse, transmitting the relevant content in his consciousness to the storage device.

Ron lay in the mechanical tank for nearly a week, and through the data link, he continuously input the knowledge given by the God-Emperor into the storage device.

Eventually, Xiao Ling will organize and analyze this knowledge, and then package it and send it to the data center of Kaul and other oil guys...


The solution in the mechanical tank dropped, the hatch opened, and Ron reached out his hand to hold the hatch and sat up.

He felt uncomfortable all over and spat out a mouthful of sticky, green solution, cursing: "If anyone lets me go into this thing again, I'll be angry with them!"

In front of the mechanical tank, head maid Linda and several maids were already waiting.

She stepped forward gently, wiped the savior's body, and then she and the maids took the savior into the bathroom to bathe.

After a while, Ron took a bath, took some incense, and put on a soft, close-fitting gray and white robe.

Now that his position is secure, he doesn't need overly fancy decorations.

What's more, those things are not very comfortable to wear.

Unless it was an important occasion, he would always wear simple clothes. Of course, those clothes only looked ordinary.

In fact, it is made of extremely expensive and rare materials and hundreds of processes.

The kind that even the planet governor would find expensive.

It is a low-key luxury.

But Ron didn't know all this.

He just mentioned to the head maid that he hoped that future clothing could be simpler and more comfortable.

What happens next will be accomplished by countless people for him.

For example, this dress.

Apart from the expensive materials, the production of clothing alone involves tens of thousands of people from three planets.

As well as several artists and top tailors.

And before serving the Savior, they need to pass several assessments and more rigorous loyalty tests.

Of course, the rewards received are unimaginable for ordinary people.

They have a good organization within the citizen grade system, and the speed of promotion in grade has been greatly increased.

This experience will help me get more job opportunities in the future.

That is the big opportunity of their lives.

These are just the tip of the iceberg of Ron's life.

As a Moff, his attention was bound to be expensive and scarce.

Those hive city managers who manage tens or hundreds of billions of people may not be able to get even a second of his attention for tens or hundreds of years.

For those hive managers, it would be a great pleasure to see the savior from afar at the dinner after the ceremony and receive a glance from the savior.

That's enough glory.

Now, the things that can attract Ron's attention are all major events in the star zone.

For example, the construction of the Internet.

The two great sages, Kaul and Moss, have already obtained preliminary technical information.

They are leading several sages and more technical priests, and are conducting research on the Blackstone Gate.

Ron took the assault ship to the Blackstone Gate.

Today, several suspended mechanical platforms have been built around the Black Stone Gate.

Thousands of engineering ships shuttled through, transporting materials for construction work or performing some simple construction work.

The assault ship landed on a mechanical platform and Ron walked out of the cabin.

At this time, Kaul, Moss and Deville were waiting in front of the cabin door, welcoming the arrival of the savior.

The progress of the Blackstone Gate construction project is mainly controlled by the two great sages, Kaul and Moss.

Grand Inquisitor Deville will lead the Inquisition to move in and monitor the entire process to prevent accidents from happening.

Outside the Blackstone Gate, the Void Angels led by Duke are on standby at all times to deal with any unexpected events.

The naval fleet and other armed agencies are also paying close attention to the situation here and are ready to provide support at any time.

Accompanied by two great sages and the Grand Inquisitor, Ron inspected the research and construction work of the Blackstone Gate.

He observed the construction of the black stone gate closely and could see densely packed runes engraved on the surface of the black stone building material.

Some of the runes look very familiar.

It was somewhat similar to the runes in his memory, and must be some kind of energy flow path.

Inside the black stone structure, there is a more complex mechanical structure made of some kind of black material.

Ron didn't go into details. He looked up and asked, "How is the research going? Are there any difficulties?"

"Of course not. No difficulty can defeat the genius Kaur."

When it comes to technical questions, Kaul never hesitates, and even feels that the savior's questions are a doubt of his ability.

But he still seized the opportunity and made a request: "If you have to say it's difficult, I need more resources."

Ron didn't care about these. After all, the research and construction project of the Black Stone Gate had the highest priority.

"If you have any needs in the future, just go directly to the logistics department for approval"

In his mind, the resources that can be mobilized for this project are almost unlimited, as long as the territory can afford it.

After Ron took a look around, he lost interest, mainly because he couldn't understand a lot of things.

He also couldn't quite understand the binary language of Cole and other oil men.

Of course, if he really wanted to know, he could still understand what the oil guys were saying with the help of Xiao Ling’s translation.

But he wasn't interested.

After all, the information density of binary language is extremely high. After encoding, just a few characters can represent a large string of information.

The few seconds of babble from the motor oil guys would amount to hundreds, thousands or even more words in Low Gothic.

After Ron got a general understanding of the research progress, he left.

As the supreme ruler of the territory, he doesn't need to understand how things are done in detail.

His job is to make decisions, assign tasks to the right people and provide support.

Then just wait and see the results.

The more important reason was that he received a message from far away and needed to go on a business trip temporarily.


Half a year later, Krummi Star.

The Dream slowly sailed out of the subspace channel and stayed above the planet's atmosphere.

A landing ship emerged from the belly of the ship and slowly flew towards the surface of the planet.

Inside the landing ship, Ron used the data pad to browse through the information of this planet, which was the last destination of his business trip.

The level of development of this planet is not high, and judging by the tax level, it can only be considered a civilized world.

Perhaps after thousands of years of development, it will have the chance to become a hive world.

Ron looked down at the ground and saw a bustling mechanical metropolis with tall buildings everywhere.

Since there is no hive city, the air here is relatively good and the surface is hardly polluted.

The residents would be better off without developing into a hive world.

But it's hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Because without a hive, the planet's ability to resist disasters is greatly reduced.

Once encountering an attack from chaos or aliens, there is a high probability that the entire civilization will be destroyed.

The planet was fortunate enough to have survived the dark side of the Empire with only minor contamination.

Of course, Ron also contributed to this.

If he had not sent a fleet to retake the planet in time, it would most likely have been destroyed by the pollution and corruption of Chaos.

Fortunately, the war angels following the fleet extinguished the source of the pollution in time.

But even a slight contamination has cost the planet millions of lives.

After extinguishing the source of the Chaos contamination, the fleet recaptured the planet.

The recovery process is simple.

That is to announce that this planet will be brought under management in the name of the star zone governor and the savior.

At the same time, use force to deter.

If the ruler of this planet does not obey the orders of the sector governor, it will be a serious act of disloyalty and rebellion against the Empire.

Then the war angels will launch the battle plan.

Clean up the superstructure.

Those who should be killed should be killed, those who should be arrested should be arrested, and those who should be reformed through labor should be reformed through labor.

The savior's mercy is only reserved for ordinary people and upper-class people such as nobles and officials who are willing to obey and follow.

The rest are enemies.

They will be dealt with according to the relevant laws in the Code of Redemption.

But in most cases, it is reform through labor.

After all, to the savior, life is currency and is quite valuable.

After the landing ship arrived at the surface of the planet.

Accompanied by local nobles and officials, Ron immediately went to inspect the newly built Golden Sun and Savior Statue.

The psychic core was placed there.

That was his main mission here, and the subsequent work would be handled by the relevant agencies in the Wangting District.

Afterwards, he visited several famous attractions on the planet, such as the polar glaciers, thousands of meters high waterfalls, etc.

The main reason was that he had been stuck in the mechanical tank for too long and wanted to relax.

At night, Ron and a group of local nobles attended a banquet on an airship that was nearly one kilometer long.

He briefly met with some important people and blessed them.

At the banquet, the noble ladies were dressed up gorgeously. This was definitely the most beautiful time in their lives.

The noble ladies are always looking for opportunities to attract the attention of the savior and flirt with him.

After all, who doesn't like a man who is both powerful and charming?

These beautiful girls swore that the Savior was the most charming man they had ever seen in their lives!
They are like moths to a flame.

But it is hard to say that there was no guidance from their parents and families.

The nobles and officials at the banquet all knew that this would be the closest they would ever get to the Savior in their lives.

They must seize this opportunity to leave an impression on the Lord Savior.

If my young lady could be favored by the savior, even if it's just for one night.

That is also the most perfect result.

It is worth hundreds and thousands of years of their family’s struggle.

However, none of them succeeded.

In the middle of the party, Ron left in a hurry without even having the chance to see all the big breasts and beautiful legs.

Because he received a message from the Holy Land of Ers.

The construction of the Black Stone Gate has been completed, and he is needed to go back and preside over the experiment of activating the gate.

"It's done!"

After receiving the information, Ron was extremely excited.

He left the banquet directly and set out to return to the Holy Land of Ers.


Holy Land of Ers.

The appearance of the Black Stone Gate has changed a lot. It now has larger mechanical rings connected and surrounding it, and a complex mechanical structure can also be seen.

Before the Dream came to a complete stop, an assault ship whizzed out and flew towards the Black Stone Gate at an extremely fast speed.

Just like Ron's current mood.

The assault ship landed.

Ron came out in a hurry and asked Kaul anxiously: "How is it? How do I start this thing?"

"Savior, you are finally here.

Based on the information you gave me, I have created the key to open the webway, but the activation of the key requires a huge amount of psychic power, so it can only be activated by you yourself!"

Call looked even more excited than Ron, his mechanical arms waving wildly.

He also hoped to see the Webway, that incomparably great creation, as soon as possible.

Kaul raised his hand and pointed at the mechanical creation not far ahead:

"The method of activating it is very simple. You just need to sit on it and use your spiritual energy to the fullest..."

(End of this chapter)

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