Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 234 Ron: What is the Goddess of Life going to do?

Chapter 234 Ron: What is the Goddess of Life going to do?
Ron slowly raised his head and saw tears falling like pearls on the face of Elsa, the goddess of life.

She was a woman who possessed all the beauty of life, and one could not help but feel pity for her.

Her pleading eyes stared at him intently, as if she had thousands of words to say.

Aisha's eyes flashed with desire and helplessness, like a silent plea.

Hopefully he will understand and respond.

At this moment, the entire space seemed to freeze, with only the two of them staring at each other in silence.

Ron was a little confused. Isn't this a nightmare fantasy created by the power of Slaanesh?

After coming out of Slaanesh's Palace, even though he had blocked Slaanesh, he was still being eroded.

Fortunately, thanks to Xiao Taiyang's resistance, these nightmares did not have much impact on him.

Ron originally thought that this dream was caused by the power of Slaanesh, but now it seems that there are other forces mixed in.

He could feel that Mengsha in front of him was a real existence, and that it was a prayer from an endless distance.

That kind of real connection has surpassed dreams, as if the real body of the Goddess of Life is contacting himself through this phantom.

In other words, the goddess of life has invaded the dream in some way.

However, she was still hesitant to speak.

"Hey hey, why don't you say something..." Ron finally couldn't help it and spoke.

The goddess of life, Aisha, stared at him for a while without saying a word.

It really makes me anxious.

So, the Riddler is really annoying.

Finally, Aisha seemed to have control over this illusory body, and her eyes became lively.

Just as she was about to speak, her eyes revealed a hint of panic.

The next moment, she became dazed again.

With Elsa's temporary departure, everything in the dream paused, and only Ron could move.

Time to stop?

The Dream Realm is tenuously connected to the Garden of Nurgle, thanks to the goddess of life, Aisha.

Therefore, he could vaguely see the shadow projected from the Nurgle Garden in the void not far away.

Ron saw the slender, gauzy figure of Elsa sitting on a thorn swing in the garden.

An illusory, fat, dark green figure was approaching.

The figure was carrying a bowl of smoking soup and staggering towards them, followed by a group of cheerful, singing and dancing Nurglings.

Damn, Nurgle's kind father?
Ron was a little panicked. After all, the Goddess of Life had just contacted him secretly, and now Nurgle was here again.

If we are discovered, we will be doomed.

Ron tried to hide in the clouds beside him to avoid being discovered.

Although he knew that the phantom before him came from the Garden of Nurgle in the endless distance and was not completely real.

But who knows.

He is Nurgle, after all, one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy.

The subspace energy here is quite active. Who knows if He will discover himself from an endless distance.

Not everyone can withstand the wrath of the God of Pure Love.

At that time, the goddess of life could not bear the torture of Slaanesh and prayed for help from other gods.

Then Nurgle appeared in a thick poisonous cloud. He charged for love and beat Slaanesh violently regardless of the consequences.

Rescued the goddess of life.

As for why Nurgle fell in love with Elsa, the goddess of life, maybe it was because they both have authority over life and harvest?
Although Nurgle's love was unbearable, Elsa's situation did become much better.

Except for drinking the poisonous soup brewed by Nurgle himself.

Of course, Elsa was not subject to many personal restrictions, and she also wanted to escape from the Garden of Nurgle.

But if she ever stepped out of the garden, she would fall into the clutches of Slaanesh.

For this reason, Aisha could only keep praying to other gods, hoping that they could save her.

Ron pulled a piece of cloud to cover himself and looked through the gap at the huge shadow that was approaching.

Suddenly, he realized that his behavior seemed a bit like that of Lao Wang next door?

Isn't this just hiding in the closet?

Thinking of this, Ron hid himself more securely, thinking it would be better to stay put.

When facing the Four Chaos Gods, one can never be too cautious.

It would be troublesome if he was discovered by Nurgle!

"I feel numb..."

Ron let out a long sigh. What kind of weird plot was this?

Could it be that this was also designed by Slaanesh?

As the shadow of Nurgle approached, Ron could see that the illusion was changing.

Because this dream has a weak connection with the Garden of Nurgle, the plague power spread by Nurgle is eroding this place.

The white clouds turned dirty, twisted flowers and vines sprouted out of nowhere, and a large number of pustules spewed out venom.

Nurgle is worthy of being the god of plague. Even if he is just an illusion, he can cause such a terrible impact.

What's more troublesome is that the signs of erosion are gradually spreading towards his hiding place.

Ron realized that he had underestimated the power of the Chaos God.

As expected, we cannot enter the realm created by the evil god at will.

Even dreams that exist in the mind are likely to be eroded.

After all, the subspace is the spiritual projection of everyone, and the erosion of chaotic power often starts from the mind and then gradually spreads to the entities in the material world.

In other words, if he was corrupted in his dream, his body in reality would most likely mutate as well.

This is why the power of Slaanesh frequently pulls him into dreams, in order to corrode him.

In fact, Ron had no choice, because he was almost forced into the dream and had no way to get out of it on his own initiative.

Now he could only pray that the goddess of life would finish the bowl of soup quickly and send Nurgle away.

Otherwise, once the power of the plague takes over, we will be in trouble.

In the garden, Nurgle handed Elsa a bowl of steaming soup.

Then He stood quietly aside, looking at His beloved goddess with expectant eyes, as if He wanted to gain her appreciation.

In order to get the other party to leave as quickly as possible, Aisha drank the steaming plague soup in her hand without hesitation.

As she drank the thick soup, the plague virus quickly spread throughout her body and her body began to undergo drastic changes.

Countless rotten branches squeezed out from under Elsa's skin, twisting, entwining, and dripping with thick poison.

However, as the goddess of life, Aisha possesses extremely powerful healing and recovery abilities.

This is also one of the reasons why Slaanesh took a fancy to her. After all, this way he can inflict endless torture on her at will.


Soon, the corruption and mutation caused by the plague virus were gradually suppressed by Aisha's powerful life force.

The corrupted tissue fell off and disappeared, and her body slowly returned to normal.

The twisted branches and dripping sap disappeared without a trace, as if they had never existed.

This result seems to disappoint Nurgle?

After all, in His opinion, the fact that the goddess of life, Aisha, was able to recover so quickly proved that this plague soup was a failure and had very poor effect.

Now we can finally leave, right?
Ron looked forward to it.

However, Nurgle quickly recovered from his depression and became happy again.

He raised his hand and waved gently.

To the music played by the Rot Flies, the tiny Nurglings danced joyfully before the Goddess.

The gardens' rotting bushes, twisted vines, and swollen flowers moved as the Nurglings danced.

The entire garden seemed to be immersed in a sea of ​​joy, and the surrounding plague fog became thicker and thicker.

Nurgle stood quietly in the middle of the orchestra, looking at the goddess of life from time to time, hoping to see her smile.

It can be seen that He is trying hard to please the goddess and make her happy.

However, all he got was indifference. The Goddess of Life still sat there indifferently without any response.

It turns out that a self-satisfied bootlicker will never be able to win the favor of a goddess.

What Nurgle didn't know was that there was a pair of hidden eyes watching his and the goddess' every move.

Ron saw everything He did.

"Shh~ What a terrible dance, it hurts the eyes..."

I didn't expect you to be such a kind father and god of plague. He felt that his impression of Nurgle was refreshed.

It seems to be true love without a doubt.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Nurgle faction, it is a graceful and cheerful dance, and one of their favorite things to do.

But in Ron's eyes, it was just a bunch of rotten big flies and mosquitoes buzzing.

A group of rotting Nurglings and corrupt plants were dancing wildly.

As they danced, the thick and smelly poisonous juice from the rotten tumors was almost splashing onto the Goddess of Life.

But it can be seen that they are indeed very happy. After all, they are from the Nurgle faction and are a loving family.

Ron complained, becoming increasingly anxious, the longer Nurgle stayed, the higher the risk of him being discovered.

He doesn't want to become that ghost.

after awhile.


"This song doesn't seem that bad, it's pretty nice?"

Ron listened and became somewhat immersed in the music, swaying his body gently to the beat.

There is something about the music played by those rotten flies and mosquitoes.

Damn it...

Soon, he reacted and shuddered.

This is a sign of corruption!

When Ron came to his senses, he felt numb.

He didn't know when, the power of the plague had already eroded the surroundings, and he was almost surrounded by those twisted vines, flowers and plants.

This is the power of plague that emanates directly from Nurgle!
At this moment, he couldn't even smell the rotten stench, and even sensed a faint scent of flowers.

Then, Ron felt a tingling sensation all over his body. It was itchy, but it was indeed quite comfortable.

He murmured:

"This is the end..."

This is a sign of deep erosion. I didn't expect that it would be eroded while sleeping. It is really an unexpected disaster.

As expected, anything related to the Four Gods of Chaos is extremely dangerous.

Ron scratched the itchy spot on his arm, where a rotten colorful mushroom was visibly growing.

Call ~
He took a deep breath and pulled out the colorful mushroom. Greenish blood oozed out of the wound.

The next second, two colorful mushrooms grew out of the wound.

Wow, a human-shaped mushroom petri dish, right?
Afterwards, Ron felt his vision begin to blur, as if tiny maggots were drilling in his eyes.

This wave should be his second experience of deep corruption.

It feels too sour.

Ron's mentality is still stable.

Because he found that there was nothing unusual about his body inside the Blackstone Throne.

Even the clones on the research ship were fine, it was only the consciousness within the clones that was corrupted.

As long as he can keep his consciousness stable, not accept Nurgle's concepts and theories of life, and not fall into it completely.

The power of the plague cannot invade the material world and cause corruption to the clones or even the original body.

Moreover, the power of the little sun can temporarily suppress the power of the plague, but it consumes more energy.

But he didn't dare, as this would most likely alarm his kind father Nurgle.

Ron was very anxious: "Why doesn't the Plague God leave? Doesn't he see that the Goddess of Life is annoyed?"

After all, the longer Nurgle stayed, the higher the risk of him being discovered.

As time went by, the corruption deepened.

Ron's body was covered with densely packed twisted plants, blossoming and bearing fruit, dripping with thick venom.

The dark green fruit blocked his view, so he picked it up and took a bite after hesitating for a moment.

Mmm, sweet.

Anyway, my body is covered with rotten plants, so it doesn’t matter if I eat some.

Just when Ron was about to give up, the God of Plague finally staggered away.

But he did not stand up rashly. Instead, he waited for a while and only stood up after making sure that the other party had gone far away.

At this moment, he looked like a rotting bush or grass in human form.

"Phew~ I'm scared to death"

Ron quickly mobilized the energy of the little sun and used the life energy contained in it to resist the power of the plague.

With the continued investment of energy.

The rotting plants gradually withered, fell to the ground and disappeared.

However, soon, the rotten plants grew again, just like weeds in spring.

It seems that his strength is not enough, and the power of plague is not so easy to eliminate.

"I've lost so much blood this time. My energy is gone!"

Ron felt quite painful, but there was nothing he could do. He could only continue to consume the energy of the little sun, depleting it bit by bit.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a gentle and abundant life energy approaching.

Just being close to it makes one feel relaxed.

That was the goddess of life, Aisha. She had returned to this dream and regained control of the body that had manifested in the dream.

Elsa walked lightly into Ron's sight. Her movements were gentle and graceful, and her shadow looked hazy and charming under the veil.

But that is not deliberately created lust, but the light and graceful beauty of life that is revealed inadvertently.

Wherever she passed, green grass and small flowers grew, and soon the grass and flowers spread.

The green grass covered the rotten plants, and the fragrance was fragrant.

Ron could feel that as the goddess of life approached, the air around him cheered for her arrival.

Aisha looked up, her clear and bright eyes were filled with a hint of expectation and desire, as well as tenderness and warmth.

At the same time, there is a hint of curiosity.

She is worthy of being the goddess of life. Just standing there is enough to make people's heart beat fast.

After all, she has the tolerance and beauty of a mature woman, as well as a hint of the innocence and curiosity of a girl.

To put it simply, she is an elf beauty who has the figure of a queen but also has a little bit of girlish temperament.

It embodies all the beauty of life.

Not only is she beautiful in appearance, her life essence is also attractive enough.

No wonder several gods were obsessed with her and were willing to pay a huge price to kidnap her.

Ron saw Elsa stretch out her slender fingers and gently hold his hand.

The touch is like the warm sunshine in early spring, warm and soft, and at the same time exceptionally smooth and delicate.

Before Ron could react, Aisha slowly held his hand to her chest, each movement filled with delicate tenderness.

His hand almost sank into it.

Hey hey hey!
What is the Goddess of Life going to do?
Nurgle has just left, and we are already doing this. Isn't that a bit inappropriate?

(End of this chapter)

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