Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 236 Ancient Eldar Technology, the Ultimate Automated Production Equipment?

Chapter 236 Ancient Eldar Technology, the Ultimate Automated Production Equipment?

The research vessel was hovering in the air, and Ron saw a shocking scene through the dome porthole of the bridge.

Before him was the intersection of several webways, with an ancient Eldar city in the center.

The city is 360° in space, and its impossible dimensions are enough to make anyone lose their way. There is also a thin energy barrier spreading around the periphery.

"What a magnificent city, but unfortunately the psychic barrier affects the surrounding space. We have tried many times but have not been able to get in."

Kaur was both anxious and regretful.

Ron looked at the city ruins, his heart moving slightly. He seemed to be able to sense that layer of psychic barrier?

It seems that the life essence given to him by the Goddess of Life also contains something related to the spiritual energy of the elves.

"Go in that direction and try again..." He pointed in a direction and ordered the captain to continue sailing.

The research vessel once again slowly moved forward, flying towards the barrier that was faintly glowing.

"Is it really possible?"

As Kaul spoke, he was calculating something, somewhat unconvinced: "That is a space barrier created by psychic energy. It is impossible to cross it physically."

"I figured it out today, everyone come and have a look!"

Suddenly, he cheered and showed the data.

Ron looked at the densely packed symbols and binary characters on it. Although he couldn't understand anything, he still nodded.

"Very good, it's very complicated, just tell me the result."

"According to the results of the barrier energy frequency calculation, the barrier energy is almost exhausted."

"How long do we have to wait?"

"The time data fluctuates a bit, ranging from about 1 second to 10 years."

Kaul was quite proud:

"That is to say, we don't have to do anything and just wait for the energy barrier to disappear. Maybe the barrier will disappear in the next second."

Ron looked at the barrier, as if waiting for something, then he raised his head: "Okay, one second has passed, and the barrier hasn't disappeared yet, let's speed up and fly in."

Following his order, the research vessel spewed flames and accelerated towards the barrier.

Ron closed his eyes slightly and began to mobilize his psychic consciousness to contact the psychic barrier. He could feel the spiritual field above the barrier.

Soon, the psychic consciousness was integrated into it, and he sensed everything instantly, which was quite magical.

It felt like he was connected to some kind of brain interface and could control the barrier without the help of any instruments.

Very smooth.

The technology of the Eldar is awesome!

The moment the survey ship came into contact with the psychic barrier, Ron immediately used his psychic consciousness to manipulate the barrier, creating a passable entrance.

Afterwards, the research ship flew in, as if it had leaped across endless space, and arrived directly above the city.

Suddenly, everyone's vision became clear.

Really came in?

Seeing this, Kaul was stunned and stammered: "How did you do it?"

"It's nothing more than careful observation and skilled psychic techniques."

Ron was talking nonsense.

He patted the other person's shoulder and said, "Learning more about psychic knowledge will be of great help to your research on this city."

After saying that, he turned and looked at the magnificent city.

Above the city, a streamlined creation is suspended, causing the surrounding space and light to slightly distort.

I don't know what it is.

This city is much larger than imagined, almost the size of a small hive city, more than enough to accommodate tens or even hundreds of billions of people.

This is already very scary.

It would require extremely advanced technology and a huge amount of resources to build a city powered by psychic energy within a web of anti-psychic materials.

The current empire cannot afford such a project.

Fortunately, Ron didn't need to build it himself, he could just pick up the bargain.

Blood earned!
At present, the city is relatively well preserved, with almost no ruins to be seen, and it even retains its original appearance before being abandoned.

Many technological creations are still in operation.

This is a rather strange thing, as if the residents here disappeared in an instant.

Only a lonely city is left.

In fact, what Ron said to Cawl just now was right. If you want to study the technology of the Eldar, you must first understand psionics.

It can be said that the ancient elves' use of psychic technology has almost reached the pinnacle of civilization.

As one of the oldest races in the galaxy, the Ancient Eldar possess highly advanced science and technology and highly developed psionic powers.

The former Eldar Empire was much more powerful than the current Terran Empire. It was known as the Empire of Tens of Millions of Stars, spanning the entire Milky Way.

It is said that before the fall of the Ancient Eldar, their entire species was connected by a spiritual field, always able to connect no matter how far apart they were.

This is one of the reasons why Ron can control the psychic barrier through the mental field.

The Eldar Empire had its moments of glory, building a magnificent and prosperous world.

They transformed countless planets into paradise-like worlds, used the webway technology left by the ancient saints to easily travel between the galaxies, and conquered all resistance forces.

Dominate the galaxy.

Afterwards, advanced automation technology was used to complete almost all work, eliminating the vast majority of individual labor.

At this time, the ancestors of mankind, the Australopithecus on Terra, had just begun to try to walk upright and use wooden sticks to hit their prey on the heads.

The Eldar Empire at that time was almost the limit of what civilization could imagine.

To them, the stars are just playthings that can be extinguished and reignited at a whim.

Surfing on a solar flare is a relaxing pastime. Anything you want to do can be achieved by just using your brain.

Death is as comfortable as taking a rest. When you have rested enough, you can be reborn and continue your spiritual life.

Art, architecture, entertainment...almost every imaginable field has reached its peak.

Even more fortunately, the Eldar have an unimaginably long lifespan.

However, this becomes a problem, they have so much time but don't know how to spend it.

Because they don't need to work, don't need to take responsibility, and don't even have enemies, everything they want is at their fingertips.

But no matter how beautiful something is, it will soon become boring after you get it.

Such a perfect life makes the elves feel that life is so boring and meaningless.

So, the Eldar began to degenerate.

Many Eldar gradually devoted themselves to a life of pleasure, excitement, and decadence.

They first entertain themselves to death, and then pursue sensory stimulation. Their long lifespan always allows them to find more exciting ways to play.

A small sports game can develop into a battle royale mode, where everyone competes to see who can chop off more limbs of the opponent and who can die more miserably.

The threshold of the Eldar is getting higher and higher, and simple pleasure and stimulation can no longer satisfy them.

It even developed into extreme torture.

They used drugs that could heighten their sensory perception by dozens or hundreds of times, and then tortured themselves madly, doing everything they could.

At this point, the elves were completely corrupted and they couldn't even connect to the spiritual field.

The Eldar goddess of life, Aisha, discovered the Eldar's corruption and cried out a warning to the Eldar gods.

However, the Eldar gods were busy fighting at this time, and they prohibited any god from competing for faith and interfering in matters outside the warp.

By the time the Eldar gods reacted, it was too late.

They are no longer worshipped by the over-excited Eldar, and their power is greatly reduced, making them powerless to stop their corruption.

Many elves even believed themselves to be gods and threw the statues of gods into the sewers.

Some of the sane individuals among the Eldar were horrified by this and fled the Eldar Empire.

However, the departure of these individuals who represented reason, prudence, and moderation hastened the degeneration of the rest of the Eldar.

The entire Eldar race was like riding on an unstoppable dump truck, and began to accelerate down the cliff.

The Eldar fell into lawless depravity and evil, and the resulting extreme emotions gradually nurtured new entities in the Warp.

The Eldar Empire's great incest, coupled with various other debaucheries, culminated in an unprecedented warp storm.

Directly gave birth to a new Chaos God, the super pervert of the Warp - Slaanesh!
The moment Slaanesh was born, a great rift was torn in the material world, which is now called the Eye of Terror by the Imperium.

This resulted in most of the elves dying on the spot, with no trace left.

Slaanesh absorbed almost all of the emotional power of the Eldar, becoming one of the most powerful beings in the Warp.

He hunted down the Eldar gods and their followers.

Those Eldar gods who had lost their faith had no ability to resist and were almost completely slaughtered.

Only three Eldar gods survived.

The God of Laughter ran away on the spot.

The God of War Kane was blown into pieces.

The worst-hit was the Eldar goddess of life, Aisha, who was captured by Slaanesh and tortured to the extreme. Later, she was abducted by Nurgle and locked in a garden to be fed plague soup.

Until now.

It can be said that the elves brought their own death upon themselves and also killed their own gods.

But a small number of Eldar still survived and became Craftworld Eldar or Exiled Eldar.

And a Dark Eldar.

Their existence proves how powerful the Eldar Empire once was.

For example, the Eldar of the Ark World,

Their Ark World is strictly speaking a transport ship.

Similar to the large transport trucks in the human world.

But those transport ships are about the same size as planets, and even use space compression technology to make the interior appear larger than the surface.

With extremely advanced technology.

In other words, even if the Eldar completely degenerate and the Eldar Empire collapses, they will be reduced to "living in trucks".

It is still one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy.

Ron's thoughts raced through his mind.

He was very excited looking at the city ruins on the ground.

This is enough to prove how awesome and precious this original ancient Eldar city he got is.

That is the product left over from the most glorious period of the Eldar!
As for how much technology can be absorbed and digested, it depends on the scientific research capabilities of the Urs Mechanicus.

He still believed in Kaul's level. If possible, Ron hoped that the ancient city in front of him was left over from the golden age of mankind.

This makes technology more adaptable.

Yes, human ancestors were also rich.

Humans are similar to the Eldar in that they have experienced periods of prosperity and established glorious civilizations.

In the Golden Age, humans handed over almost all production and combat tasks to intelligent machines.

With the help of intelligent machines, humans have become extremely prosperous, and their highly developed civilization allows them to easily tear apart the stars and even manipulate time.

When intelligent machines have developed to their limit, humans have almost degenerated and can no longer understand the technology developed by intelligent machines.

The equivalent of a parasite of mechanical civilization.

Eventually, the Omnic Rebellion arrived.

Although humans quelled the rebellion of the intelligent machines and did not perish as a result, they also fell from their extreme prosperity.

Trapped in the age of dark technology.

People of that era relied on STC to preserve the flame of ancient technology.

Fortunately, a strong emperor appeared from the sky and led human civilization to launch a great expedition and establish the human empire.

There are signs that mankind is rising again.

However, all this was stopped by Horus's rebellion and the conspiracy of the Chaos Gods.

Now the Emperor is trapped in the Warp in the form of a golden sun, and the Imperium of Man is on the verge of crumbling.

Thinking back to the past of mankind, Ron suddenly became curious about a question: If mankind prospers to the extreme again, will it end up in the same situation?

He thought about it and decided to give up thinking about this problem.

It's a bit too early to think about this now.

After all, in the current human empire, most people cannot even get a hot meal and may die at any time.

In this case, it is indeed a bit ahead of its time to consider the issues of an era of extreme material and technological prosperity.

Let’s leave these things for our future selves to ponder, and believe in the wisdom of future generations.

As for now, let’s think more about how to revive the human empire.

Nowadays, Ron is considered one of the gods of mankind. If mankind perishes, he will not be much better off.

He will probably be hunted by the Chaos Gods, and will most likely be captured and tortured by Slaanesh.

“I have a heavy burden on my shoulders…”

Ron couldn't help but sigh.

After all, he now controls a star region and is responsible for the life and death of hundreds of billions of human beings.

In order to keep all this, he has to work harder and try every possible way to become stronger.

For Ron, faith is the foundation of everything.

How to make the territory develop healthily and contribute high-quality beliefs is the top priority.

Because human faith can give birth to powerful beings, even stronger than the elves.

The Eldar's extreme enjoyment and pursuit of sensual stimulation gave birth to Slaanesh.

And humans, with extreme suffering, loyalty and steadfast spirit, nourished the God-Emperor and gave birth to the Golden Sun.

He is a being that can defeat Slaanesh.

If Ron develops well, expands the territory and improves the lives of his people.

By absorbing the power of hope that belongs only to oneself, it is possible to become a powerful being in the subspace.

Then he pressed Slaanesh to the ground and rubbed it hard again and again.

That has always been his wish.

"Savior, why are you still in a daze? Let's go down quickly, there are many good things down there!"

Kaur urged anxiously.

Ron's thoughts were interrupted, and he corrected seriously: "What do you mean by dazed? I'm thinking, thinking, understand?
And you are already a great sage, can you be more serious? Why are you still acting like a monkey like before? "

Kaul accepted the advice humbly, but secretly complained in his heart: As if you are so solemn? I learned this from you!

He asked again weakly:
"Are you going or not? If not, I will go down by myself."

"go with!"

In fact, Ron himself was quite anxious.

He followed Kohl and his party off the boat and hurried to the manufacturing area of ​​the city.

The research vessel can't carry too much stuff.

Compared to those high-end space or weapons technologies, he would rather develop an Eldar automated production line.

Although there are automatic assembly lines in the territory now, they can only produce some simple light industrial products.

It is simply impossible to manufacture advanced weapons, armor, vehicles, etc. The energy and technology cannot keep up, and it is impossible to manufacture overly complex things.

This resulted in a serious shortage of production capacity in the territory.

This made Ron so stingy that he didn't dare to expand his army.

After all, human individuals are relatively weak, their weapons and equipment are not up to date, and they are just meat targets on the battlefield.

Even for Space Marines, it is difficult to exert their combat effectiveness without power armor and cutting-edge weapons.

If we can get a set of automated production equipment from the Eldar, we can go back and study it and integrate it with the existing technology.

Maybe we can develop more advanced automated production technology.

What's more, almost all of the Eldar's mechanical equipment uses psychic energy, and can directly use psychic energy to extract and shape raw materials.

This just fits the territory.

The territory now lacks everything except spiritual energy. The little sun can provide huge spiritual energy as energy.

Once he develops automatic production equipment that uses psychic energy, he will be able to get rid of energy constraints and produce at a lower cost.

He is not afraid even if the spiritual energy consumption is high.

The spiritual energy of the little sun is not enough, so there is the spiritual energy of the golden sun of the God-Emperor as energy.

Besides, extracting spiritual energy as energy is a no-cost business.

These energies can improve productivity, expand territory and increase population, and then these people can give back more power of faith.

Generates more psychic energy.

Isn't that the same as stepping on your right foot with your left foot and taking off in a spiral?

Anyway, just pull the Golden Sun and pump it hard, it's a healthy and sustainable development.

You just need to control it a little bit, draw more power from the golden sun to relieve the pressure, and let the fed-back power of faith be more concentrated on the little sun.

Prevent the God-Emperor from absorbing too much power of faith and exploding directly on the Golden Throne, forming a new Eye of Terror.

At that time, all humans will have no choice but to ascend to heaven and enjoy the feast.

Once the entire production system is complete, there will be unlimited psychic energy supply, psychic automation equipment, and the webway.

By that time, the entire galaxy will be his mine.

Find a safe place, dig hard, transport the materials back, and start production.

He also has an Imperial Blood Trader License, which allows him to trade freely within the empire in search of rare minerals and materials.

This way, there is no need to worry about productivity.

The released population can also be used to expand more armies or for colonization.

The current Galaxy is not afraid of a large population, but a small population.

Just to fight against Chaos and Aliens, I don’t know how many people will have to be deployed!

Not long after.

Ron followed Cole and others to the manufacturing area. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was suddenly numb.

Good man, it’s understandable outside.

The interior of a mere manufacturing factory is so artistic that it is almost as good as his spire mansion.

This is similar to how he used gold, jewelry and rare building materials to decorate the factory in his nest.

As expected, this local tycoon is still not as rich as the wealthy old families of the elves.

Ron thought that he would have to send some craftsmen over to learn about the aesthetics of the elves.

Make the spire mansion more artistic.

Ron had the engineering team use large transport vehicles to happily transport several sets of the Eldar's automated production equipment.

Then escorted the engineering team back to the survey ship.

Let’s move these back temporarily, and when the larger group arrives, we’ll move as many as we can!

On the way back, he was thinking about one thing: after the relevant technology is developed, should he give a copy to the empire?
This will slow down the empire's collapse.

After thinking about it, Ron gave up. After all, the decay of the empire was inevitable.

Internal contradictions and ideas have become extremely stubborn and cannot be changed.

If he ran to Terra and said that he had high-end subspace and alien technology to offer.

It can enable human beings to develop better.

next second.

The Ecclesiarchy, the Mechanicus, and the Inquisition will shout "Death to heretic" and chop him into thirteen pieces.

Besides, they may not have the conditions to use it.

At this moment, Ron was looking at the Eldar equipment on the transport vehicle not far ahead, and he felt extremely happy.

He seemed to see the prosperity of the territory.

"With these technologies, the territory will surely flourish and be filled with vitality..."

As soon as Ron finished speaking, something strange happened over the city.

The psychic barrier surrounding the Eldar city flickered slightly, shook a few times, and then suddenly disappeared.

"See, I didn't calculate wrong. I said the barrier would disappear!" Kohl pointed to the sky excitedly, as if he had won.

Ron stared at Cole with a gloomy look:
"Are you happy? Is it possible that this means that we no longer have any means of defense in this city that we can control?"

The psychic barrier disappeared. If they wanted to restore it again, they had to wait until Cawl and the others learned the Eldar's technology.

God knows how long it will take.

Thinking of this, he had a bad feeling in his heart.


A terrifying roar suddenly sounded, and a huge figure flew over from a distance...

(End of this chapter)

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