Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 250 Saint Celestine: Great Lord, we need your salvation!

Chapter 250 Saint Celestine: Great Lord, we need your salvation!
Hera Fortress.

This fortified fortress on Crown Hill is the headquarters of the Ultramarines.

As the war gradually spread, more than a dozen defense lines have been set up around the fortress.

As the richest and largest chapter, the Ultramarines have more than 200,000 men.

Even though they were scattered across the five hundred worlds to resist the influx of Chaos, there were still tens of thousands of warriors defending the Hera Fortress.

These warriors who are responsible for defending the fortress and their primarchs are almost all veterans and honor guards.

There are also many Terminator armors and dreadnought mechas among them.

But these warriors are not enough to resist the crazy chaotic forces.

The one attacking Hera Fortress this time was a full Chaos Warband fleet, which had at least tens of thousands of Chaos traitors.

In addition, Khorne demons also participated in the attack.

The terrible chief demon who called himself Kabanha was leading two Khorne demons and more demon armies to attack the fortress.

The flames of hell burned almost everything in its path.

That chief demon is probably a more formidable opponent than the Chaos traitor.

Inside the auditorium.

Chief Think Tank Digris half-knelt in front of the shrine and prayed. Soon he opened his eyes and stood up with the help of his psychic scepter.

His eyes were covered in white light, and behind his head were complex circuits connected to the power armor, with arcs of electricity slightly winding around them.

"What's up, man?"

Chapter Master Calgar walked over, the heavy dark blue power armor on his body was like a thick and solid barrier.


He raised his exaggeratedly thick Ultramar Fist and gently patted Digris on the shoulder:

"Did you find anything?"

"The prophecy is more terrible than I imagined. I don't see any hope of victory..."

Diglis looked worried: "The warning from the unknown being was correct. He predicted everything!"

"At least we believed it, didn't we?"

A few days ago, a strange canned mechanical creature suddenly appeared near Hera Fortress.

After the Ultramarines captured it, they obtained a shocking piece of news from the sound generator of the canned mechanical creature.

A guy who claimed to be the Emperor's loyal servant, a prophet, and the omniscient and almighty savior told them that the five hundred worlds would be invaded by Chaos.

In particular, Macragge is about to face an irresistible disaster.

This news shocked Digris because he also foresaw the coming disaster.

But the savior's information was more detailed, even revealing who the specific enemies were and their goals.

It also predicted the arrival of some reinforcements.

After confirming that the canned mechanical creature did not harbor any malicious intent, Diglis decided to believe the warning message.

Because he felt a hint of sacred aura from that mechanical creature.

It is impossible for those evil things to create such an aura.

Afterwards, under the persuasion of the Chief Librarian, Chapter Master Calgar began to prepare for the war.

He summoned many elite warriors back to guard the Hera Fortress while seeking more reinforcements.

However, time is still too tight.

Soon, the forces of Chaos launched an attack on Ultramar as predicted, plunging the entire star sector into war.

Macragge became the main target of Chaos' attack.

Diglis blamed himself:

“But we still underestimated Chaos. They want to destroy this place at all costs.

The current defense line is not strong enough to resist the Chaos army..."

"There is nothing we can do about it. The time we have is too short, and the front is so vast, spanning Ultramar.

The Chaos Demons are attacking too many places at the same time. We can't send more warriors, otherwise other worlds will be lost."

Calgar's face was firm: "It is our duty to take part in difficult battles. We have experienced too many life-and-death battles, so this one won't be any different."

"The final battle!"

He raised his head slightly and looked along the gap in the auditorium ceiling, towards the sun that was almost obscured by the red clouds:
"I think of the last line of 'Elegy No. 1,' Praise the sun that portends final doom.'"

"Nice speech," Diglis replied, "but it seems someone has said this before."

"is it?"

"That time when we were trapped in the valley by demons..."

Calgar's expression remained unchanged: "Well, it seems that I am not very suitable for giving a pre-war speech, but at times like this, I always want to say something..."

"Courage and glory!"

Digris said this while holding the psychic scepter tightly.

Hearing this, Karga's tone became serious: "You are right, courage and honor!"

He turned and walked outside:

"Let us face this final battle together. The savior who is as mysterious as you is not wrong.

Our guests will be here soon!"

Diglas followed:

"The prophecy of the savior is coming true, I hope everything he said is correct"

His eyes were full of anticipation.


The landing ship of the Great Sage and his party quietly crossed the blockade of Chaos and arrived at the Hera Fortress.

However, they found that the Captain of the Ultramarines and the Chief Librarian were waiting for them.

"Sir Calga, we have an important purpose for this trip. We need to go to the Temple of Rectification to meet with you..."

The great sage organized his words.

After all, they had so abruptly proposed to go to the temple to meet the Primarch who had been in a coma for ten thousand years, and together with the Eldar aliens.

This is bound to cause great indignation among the Ultramarines.

"Mr. Great Sage, are you here to fulfill the promise made ten thousand years ago?" Diglas asked:

"Did you bring the holy relic with you? Can you show it to me?"

The Great Sage and Evelyne looked at each other and saw great surprise in each other's eyes.

The matter of curing the Primarch was a secret within a secret, and they had never revealed even a little bit to the outside world.

"I don't know where you got this information from, but this is indeed our goal."

The great sage did not dwell on this issue too much.

The most important thing now is to use the Holy Box to awaken the sleeping Primarch before Chaos breaks in.

The Great Sage's mechanical arm pulled the floating platform over and gently opened the holy box on it.

Inside is a brand new majestic power armor-the armor of destiny.

At the same time, he also showed everyone the new weapon prepared for the Primarch, the Emperor's own sword.

"It seems that the prophecy is coming true..."

After seeing the holy objects and the sword, Diglas nodded, his eyes full of surprise.

At the same time, he was shocked by the mysterious savior. It was impossible for him to make such an accurate prediction.

That must be a terrifying being.

Then Diglas turned and looked at Calga.

Whether these people can go to the Temple of Rectification to meet the "father" in the throne shrine has to be approved by the chapter leader.

Karga hesitated for a moment and nodded: "You should follow them to the temple. You'd better keep an eye on them."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Hera Fortress began to shake violently. It was an attack from Chaos!
Everyone immediately decided that Diglas would lead the Great Sage and his assistant Evelyne to the Temple of Rectification to revive the Primarch.

Calga, Saint Celestine, Greyfax and others stayed behind to organize the defense and buy time for the Great Sage.


Fierce artillery fire roared and the roar of demons resounded.

The general offensive of Chaos has begun, and the raging flames of war are burning recklessly towards the Hera Fortress!
The Chaos fleet launched a killer move, dropping dozens of armor-reinforced Terrorclaws from orbit.

Each one is loaded with Chaos Warriors!
Due to the friction of the atmosphere, the Terror Claw fell straight towards the Hera Fortress.

That's their goal.

"For Ultramar!"

The Ultramarines' interceptor fleets and gunboat lines were like a swarm of mad bees, desperate to intercept those Terror Claws.

No matter what, we must not let those horrible Chaos airdrop pods fall into their sacred land!
More Hell Dragons surged in, guarding the Terrorclaws.

These flying demon engines spewed out poisonous dragon flames from their huge mouths, using their bodies to attract the firepower of the defenders.

They did not make any evasive moves and attacked the interception line frantically, even if they were hit by artillery fire and were smashed to pieces.

The group of Hell Dragons tore a bloody path through the Ultramarines' anti-aircraft array and covered the Terrorclaws to successfully land. Boom boom boom!
It seemed as if the heaven and earth were shaking, and huge rocks kept falling down, which meant that the solid fortress was collapsing.

The claws of terror continued to penetrate the barriers of Hera's fortress.

Accompanied by the foul smell of Chaos, hundreds of Chaos Space Marines swarmed out.

Killed towards the temple.


at the same time.

With the dull and evil sound of horns, the attack of the Khorne demons arrived.

The burning demonic flames cracked the ground, and the skull cannons launched an attack, with a large number of burning bone cannons bombarding the outer barriers.

Large cracks gradually appeared in those huge stone barriers.

The breathing of the huge bronze bull sounded like thunder, and hot flames filled the air.

These twisted behemoths exude a raw, overwhelming force, like an unstoppable torrent.

Launched a charge towards the barrier.

However, they were blocked by the Imperial Steel Behemoths.

Those huge dreadnought mechas relied on their sturdy armor to withstand the impact of the bronze bull, while at the same time pouring destructive firepower around them.

Around these behemoths, the Ultramarines and Dark Templar warriors fought a desperate battle with huge numbers of Crimson Vampires.

The violent explosions almost filled the entire space ahead, and the light blue light of the power sword flickered continuously.

At this moment, war filled the entire Hera Fortress.

However, there were still too many enemies, and the Space Marines could hardly resist, and the front line was compressed step by step.

Chaos is advancing towards the Temple of Rectification.

At this moment, one side of the huge wall of the Suzheng Temple collapsed, and the scene inside could be seen.

On the throne, the Primarch's extremely majestic body was sleeping in a stasis field.

"After ten thousand years, I finally fulfilled my promise and came before you!"

The Great Sage, feeling relieved as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders, presented the Holy Box to the Primarch.

The mechanical creature made a shrill buzzing sound and opened its petals like some giant carnivorous plant.

This mechanical creation will automatically cover the Primarch with the Armor of Destiny and at the same time heal his injuries in some unknown way.

Diglas looked at the machine, the hot energy, the stretching mechanical vines, the mechanical clamps that fixed the limbs, and the buzzing bone drill.

It made him feel a little disgusted.

The Great Sage looked at Diglas and said, "Don't worry, I have spent hundreds of years debugging this technology and have eliminated all possible errors.

Once activated, the only remaining outcome is for the Emperor's Child to wake up successfully."

Diglas did not stop it. He could feel the life energy contained in it.

The current situation does not allow anyone to hesitate, and the only way to save everything is to wake up their father.

Otherwise, Macragge will be destroyed and my father's body will be ravaged by Chaos.

After all, that was Chaos' real purpose in starting this war.

Several shells exploded in the temple. Although they were stopped by the Archsage's force field, the shock wave still caused the Holy Box to deviate from its position.

Sparks fly.

At the same time, more than a dozen Chaos Terminators rushed towards the breach in the temple, trying to break through the blockade and enter the temple.

"No, brothers, stop them!"

Calgar led the Ultramarines Terminators to rush over and stop the Chaos Terminators.

He swung the Fist of Ultramar, and the fist carrying the force field penetrated the opponent's defense.

The crackling arc of electricity delivered a powerful blow to the Chaos Terminator's chin, and the opponent's head exploded in an instant into a bloody rain mixed with metal fragments.

The moment the corpse fell to the ground, Calgar adjusted his posture, dual-wielding two grenade launchers and roared like thunder, pouring a barrage of death on the surrounding enemies.

Immediately, another Terminator was torn to pieces by the explosive bullet.

Before Karga could react, a roar filled with extreme anger made his heart tremble.

A more than ten-meter-tall, flame-stained demon body appeared in the field of vision, and its aura alone made the powerful chapter commander fearful.

That’s the chief demon Kabanha!
The giant axe shattered the defensive barrier, and more demons broke through and rushed towards the temple.

Karga angrily asked the communications officer: "Where are the reinforcements? Why haven't they arrived yet?"

However, the next moment, he lost the signal from the communications officer.

Under the combined attack of Chaos Warriors and Demons, the front line could hardly be maintained.

But the soldiers are still holding on!
Saint Celestine used her wings to traverse the enemy formation in the golden light, leaving behind several chaotic corpses with every slash and leap.

Greyfax was standing on a sarcophagus, firing his bolter crossbow at abominations in all directions.

"A weak existence..."

Kabanha looked at all this with contempt, and he and the two Khorne Daemons behind him finally moved.

Walk towards the temple.

Kabanha grabbed an Ultramarines and crushed him.

Then it swept its huge wingspan and swept away the surrounding Extreme Warriors.

"I will stop all enemies!"

Several fearless machines rushed over regardless of everything, knocked the big demon out of the line, and imprisoned him tightly.

"A half-dead piece of scrap metal dares to stop the great Kabanha?
Your death will be of no value!"

Kabanha was a little annoyed. He swung his ferocious giant axe and directly chopped the two fearless mechas into pieces.

Then, he opened his huge mouth and spewed out demonic flames, fiercely burning the fearless mecha that was holding on to him tightly.

Under the scorching heat of the demonic flames, the pilot of the fearless mecha let out a horrible wail, which was the endless pain from his soul.

Finally, the dreadnought fell.

"Sacrifice...is worth it!"

The Dreadnought launched a final attack on Kabanha, and the artillery fire injured the chief demon's eyes.

Kabanha roared and crushed it with one foot.


Not far away, Calga, Saint Celestine, Greyfax and others were already leading the warriors.

Fight against the Great Daemon of Khorne and a large number of Chaos warriors and demons.

But the power of Chaos was too great, the front was crumbling, and despair was beginning to spread.

However, the reinforcements they were expecting had not yet arrived.

On the eve of the complete collapse of the front line, the light of the teleportation array lit up... reinforcements have arrived!

Along with a crackling sound, dazzling psychic light spread across the ground, and many demons howled as they were roasted by the psychic energy.

Dozens of figures emerged from the teleportation array.

These tall and heavy steel bodies swung their giant hammers to block the demonic tide!
"Use faith as armor, devotion as a shield, and arm yourself with pure purpose, fearless of all the forces of chaos!"

They are the Grey Knights, the Demon Hunters, the Emperor... the Hammer!
The Grey Knights formed a barrier line, using all their psychic energy to consolidate the Grand Master's psychic defense line.

These powerful warriors slaughtered the demonic tide and maintained the front line.

Seeing this scene, Saint Celestine and others breathed a sigh of relief, but soon they fell into despair again.

Because they underestimated the power of the chief demon.

"Grey Knight?"

With a hint of disgust in his eyes, Kabanha rushed into the front line and killed several Grey Knights with irresistible force.

Tear a hole in the psychic defense line.

The overwhelming power of Chaos surrounded the temple. The warriors fought hard and people died every moment.

More warriors jumped off the pile of corpses before death, perishing together with Chaos.

Saint Celestine swooped down upon Cabanha like an angel, trying to stop his slaughter.

However, she was soon seriously injured and her left arm was torn off.

After several exchanges, Kabanha's claws suddenly grabbed Saint Celestine in mid-air and tried to crush her to death.

As the demon's claws tightened, Saint Celestine felt her bones gradually cracking.

Despite this, this pure-winged angel still chants hymns dedicated to the Emperor.

I hope that the great will can provide guidance and let them see the hope of salvation.

Saint Celestine looked at her brothers and sisters being slaughtered on the battlefield, and a golden tear slid down her fair face.

She prayed, "Great Lord, save us when we need you!"


The suddenly distorted space attracted all attention on the battlefield, and the dazzling light of the teleportation array lit up.

A huge body slowly appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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