Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 254: Guilliman and the Demon Eater, who is more to be feared?

Chapter 254: Guilliman and the Demon Eater, who is more to be feared?

Inside the Temple of Rectification.


Surrounded and intimidated by the Primarch's violent aura, the Chaos Space Marines fell into deathly silence.

They looked at each other and exchanged glances: It seems that we have come at the wrong time, can we still retreat?
Blood...blood sacrifice to the blood god!
An incoherent scream broke the silence in the temple.

He stood up, the lone warrior of Chaos!

Under the shocked gazes of his comrades around him, a Chaos Khorne berserker suddenly leaped up and pounced on the Primarch.


Guilliman didn't move much, just slightly.

Fiery flames flash!

Among the warriors present, only strong men like Calgar and Saint Celestine saw this thunderous blow clearly.

And he was shocked by the Primarch's speed that was beyond his reach.

The Emperor's Sword drew a flaming shadow in the air.

The Khorne berserker was cut in half, and the two halves of his body were thrown to the ground far away on both sides due to inertia.

The sound of the bodies of Chaos Khorne berserkers falling to the ground seemed to be the signal for battle.

With violent, hateful roars, the Chaos Space Marines launched a desperate charge towards Guilliman!
The Primarch stepped forward with a determined look on his face and faced them head-on.

Then, a massacre that terrified the Chaos warriors began.

The first to die was the wizard.

As a psyker among the Chaos Warriors, he is the most threatening of these Chaos traitors.

Guilliman clenched the Hand of Domination tightly, and wherever this legendary power fist with integrated bolter pointed, a torrential rain of armor-piercing shrapnel poured out.

Reduce the corrupted psyker to dust.

Then came the Khorne berserkers who rushed over, almost losing their minds and attacking the Primarch desperately.

However, just like the Khorne berserker before, they were all turned into pieces of meat wrapped in armor in a few breaths.

The process was shockingly short.

The Primarch's speed was too fast, and those Chaos Warriors couldn't react at all!
bang bang bang-

In the distance, Chaos warriors poured ammunition at the Primarch, and dozens of intersecting chains of explosive bombs swept towards him frantically.

There is no room for escape at all.

But Guilliman had no intention of dodging. He sped up his run, facing the torrent of bombs, and began to charge in the opposite direction!

Those explosive bullets exploded on the surface of the Armor of Destiny, but they were unable to penetrate this indestructible armor.

With a cry of pure, explosive rage, Guilliman slammed into the ranks of the Chaos Space Marines.

With the first punch, a Khorne champion was blasted into the air, directly into the sky, between the two points where he fell before and after his death.

A long trail of thick blood was spilled.

The second punch hit the huge Chaos Terminator. The body of the Chaos Warrior was nailed into the marble columns of the temple like a cannonball.

The corpse, with the distance still remaining, broke the solid column and shot out from the other side of the column.

A large amount of rubble and broken bodies were scattered all over the ground.

A Chaos warrior swung a ferocious power sword and slashed at Guilliman's head - but to his surprise, his arm was cut off before the blade touched the Primarch.

Then, his vision began to spin and roll.

Guilliman swung back with his sword, severing the Chaos Warrior's arm and head!
Each of the Primarch's blows was as swift as thunder, and the Chaos traitors' super senses were not enough to save their lives.


To be more precise, it was difficult for them to even get close.

Even if those Chaos Warriors were lucky enough to successfully counterattack before they died.

The only effect they could achieve was to leave flying bullets or broken sword blades on the Primarch's Armor of Destiny.

As the Primarch displayed his might, warriors like Calgar also threw themselves into the battlefield with full of fighting spirit, encircling and suppressing the remaining Chaos forces.



This is a reflection of reality.

The resurrection of Robouti Guilliman represents an irreversible change in the war between the Imperium and Chaos.

This drastic change in the real universe was like a heavy punch, hitting the central area of ​​the Sea of ​​Nothingness.

The waves continued to spread outward, their momentum became increasingly fierce, and gradually evolved into a raging tsunami.

Many pairs of eyes in the subspace noticed this change.

One after another, they looked over.

The Chaos Gods' Favorites noticed the return of the Primarch, and also realized the horror of the Demon Eater.

Which is more frightening: the return of a legend from ten thousand years ago or the sudden appearance of a mysterious existence?
This is a confusing question.

In terms of individual strength and influence on the situation, that Primarch is undoubtedly Chaos' number one enemy in the real universe.

But in terms of destructive power, the terrifying power of the cursed that the Demon Eater can mobilize is undoubtedly more alarming.

Especially those demons who witnessed the Holy Sun felt deep awe.

To the forces of Chaos, Guilliman is the leader of humanity, able to reunite the might of the Imperium of Man.

And that despicable, cunning and elusive demon-eater is the terrorist among humans!
No one knows when he will suddenly appear and throw a horrible, smelly, cursed holy sun at you!
Inside a gorgeous, tentacle-filled palace.

The demon servants were whispering, and when the name Demon Eater was uttered by one of them, they couldn't help but tremble in fear.

The demon primarch, the fallen phoenix Fulgrim, leaned lazily on the velvet throne, enjoying the feast of souls, his eyes revealing a hint of excitement.

Guilliman, the good brother whom he stabbed to death, has returned.

Fulgrim swore to the wonderful Lord of Desire that this time, he would completely strip away Guilliman's noble veil and make him fall into eternal corruption.

He would also find that rude demon-eater with no sense of aesthetics, torture and train him severely, and ensure that he could never compete with him for favor again.

Deep in the hidden temple and crystal labyrinth, Carlos the Fateweaver, the most powerful demon under the Lord of Change, is watching the vibrations and fluctuations of the thread of fate.

The future is changing because of Guilliman's return. Every bizarre thread contains the will of the Lord of Change himself.

The Fate Weavers select the passages they like, piece them together and connect them to bring them to fruition - that will determine the fall, betrayal or destruction of the Emperor's Children.

Carlos turned his gaze to the pitifully small thread of destiny belonging to the Demon Eater, and subconsciously wanted to continue exploring along the thread.

However, his action was immediately stopped and protested by other fate weavers, and he himself was still frightened.

Because the last one who did this was their master, Tzeentch, the Lord of Change, who was severely burned by the energy of the cursed.

Now, the Lord of Change has locked himself in the crystal chamber and refuses to come out. The unbearable stench of the cursed energy still permeates the crystal maze.

This caused the environment of the Crystal Maze to become much worse than the Rotten Garden, causing many demons to fall into nightmares from time to time.

In the foul plague swamps of the Gardens of Nurgle, messenger flies buzz with news of the return of the Primarch and the latest news of the Demon Eater.

The Great Unclean Ones listened attentively with doting smiles, and when they heard the key points, they opened their jaws covered with maggots and pustules and laughed heartily.

Foul-smelling bile splattered everywhere.

A Primarch, and traces of the Demon Eater, such a gift would undoubtedly be a great surprise to the Lord of Plague himself.

They might be able to bring the Demon Eater into the Plague family, or bring about a reconciliation between poor Mortarion and his brother.

Thinking of this, the smiles of the Great Unclean Ones became even more joyful. They hummed a little tune and began to concoct gifts worthy of the Primarch and the Demon Eater.

Deep in the Garden of Nurgle, Elsa, the goddess of life, draped in a veil, sat on a swing, listening carefully to the news brought by the messenger fly.

Suddenly, she showed a gentle smile, and green grass spread around her and flowers bloomed.

Because of what she heard about the Demon Eater, he became more powerful.

"Will you come to save me?" Aisha's adorable face showed an expectant look.

Somewhere in the galaxy, a war between the Empire and Khorne has been decided. In an entire sector dimension, the Champions of Khorne have set 88 civilized worlds on fire.

Bathed in the flames of destruction, the followers of Khorne, whether mortals or violent demons, felt the wrath of the Blood God.

This victory did not make Him happy, because in distant Ultramar, the Khorne Legion suffered a devastating defeat.

The Chief Daemon was seriously injured and two Daemons of Khorne died!
The Blood God was furious, his roar resounding like thunder across dying worlds. He launched more invasions and larger wars.

to make up for this loss.

At the same time, he issued a new order that any warrior who took down the head of Guilliman or the Demon Eater would receive the highest honor!

So bright was the light of the Primarch's rebirth that it did not escape the eyes of even the most distant Dark Lords.

Abaddon the Despoiler, the Chaos Warmaster, sensed Guilliman's revival, which meant that the Chaos fleet he had sent out had failed.

They failed to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled.

Abaddon discovered the reason for the failure, a being called Demon Eater, who stopped the Chaos Space Marines' offensive.

Fueled by rage, the Grand Despoiler dispatches more Chaos Warriors to search the galaxy for the Devourer, while he plots more plans against the Precursor.

In two hell worlds that are countless miles apart.

The two fallen demon primarchs, Mortarion the Lord of Death and Magnus the Red, received the news of their brother's rebirth at the same time.

Mortarion's rage boiled over in a deadly, poisonous storm, the Daemon Primarch's fury raged across the real universe, and seven terrible plagues descended upon the unfortunate worlds of the Imperium.

The Daemon Primarch's yellow eyes swept across the poisonous fog on the surface of the Plague Star, looking at the large number of Death Guards ready to go under the fog. He swore in his heart that he would let Guilliman and his empire rot together.

That day is not far away.

On the other side, Magnus frowned as he burned the chaotic and difficult-to-interpret tarot card about the Demon Eater.

He only got one piece of information from that tarot card.

That is, in the near future, he will suffer a fierce attack from the Demon Eater.

Then, the Scarlet King looked at another opened tarot card, which was about the fate of his good brother Guilliman.

He discovered that Guilliman's fate was influenced by the Demon Eater.

The future that was once clear has turned into several chaotic and intertwined unknown paths.

After hesitating for a while, Magnus decided to follow the original plan.

He immediately began issuing orders, and the words that burst from his lips turned into crystallized flies.

Those crystalline flies flapped their wings and went to summon the Thousand Sons Legion, which was once the pride of the Primarch but was now reduced to a slave warband.

Magnus decided to go and punish his returning brother and old enemy.

The return of the Primarch had completely stirred the Warp, and now the great rift that began at the Cadian Gate was tearing it apart further.

The warp storm spread at an alarming speed, and the stirring darkness caused the warp to become more chaotic.

At the cracks and gaps everywhere, entire armies of demons gathered and rushed into the real universe.

The Chaos Gods have stepped up their incursions into the real universe, making the situation for the Imperium even more difficult.

Especially the world on the dark side of the empire will usher in more chaos invasions.

But this does not mean that the Chaos Gods have put aside their differences.

On the contrary, the fierce emotions caused by the dramatic changes in the real universe made the struggle between them more intense.

If either side is distracted for the slightest, they will be hit by a fatal blow from the opponent.



The servants of the Chaos Gods began to attack each other.

An army of bloodthirsty demons from Khorne is marching towards the Crystal Maze.

At the same time, Slaanesh's Knights of Lust invaded the Gardens of Nurgle, and Nurgle's daemons of inertia had just launched a massive attack.

Head to the Ironfire Citadel to raid Khorne's realm.

The edge of the Crystal Maze.

Baal, the servant of the Four-Armed Savior, the demon chicken thief, and the Lord of Khorne, led the bloodthirsty demon army to Tzeentch's territory.

He has been lurking in the realm of Khorne for a long time, following the orders of the Savior.

Although he had not been in contact with the Savior for a long time, he had been working hard to make it bigger and stronger according to the original plan.

After years of hard work, Baal finally won the appreciation of the chief demon Kabanha and gained the power to lead the army alone.

This time he accepted the mission and came to attack the Tzeentch territory.

That is the daily routine of the Khorne demons. From time to time, they will be sent out to fight the Tzeentch demons.

Of course, it was just a small-scale war.

As long as the Empire and the God-Emperor still exist and the Primarch has returned, a decisive battle between the evil gods is impossible.

At the edge of the maze, the bloodthirsty demon army led by Baal met the demon army of Tzeentch head-on.

The two forces then fiercely fought against each other!
"Sacrifice your blood to the blood god, sacrifice your head to the throne!"

Baal roared, looking as if he was determined to serve the blood god until death.

Wielding ferocious bloody blades with his four arms, he rushed into the line of Tzeentch demons and slashed wildly.

Due to the command of the Savior, Baal tried not to participate in wars with humans as much as possible.

Although he can't kill people, he is very good at killing demons.

It was because of Baal's bravery in fighting the Tzeentch demon that he won the appreciation of Kabanha.

Even the Blood God vaguely noticed him.

Baal chopped wildly, killing continuous Tzeentch demons and accumulating skulls. This was his battle record and an important basis for promotion.

Soon, he met a powerful opponent, a Tzeentch demon with colorful wings on his back, eyeballs all over his body, and four strange tentacles.


Colorful demonic flames came.

Baal flapped his magic wings to avoid the magic flames and suddenly attacked the Tzeentch demon.

Dang Dang Dang!
The two sides exchanged several moves and then collided fiercely in a confrontation.

Baal's demon eyes were violent and his gaze met that of the Tzeentch demon. His feeling was right. After confirming the look in the eyes, he knew that it was his own person!

He once received a message from the Four-Armed Savior Lord, saying that his devilish and cunning brothers had been planted in the realms of the Four Gods.

"Challenger, tell me your name. I will not kill nameless people!" Baal roared and asked the devil's brother for his name.

"Rude and reckless man, I, Baru, will never let you cross the line of defense!"

A hint of surprise flashed across the eyes of the Tzeentch demon Baru, and he immediately responded in tacit understanding.

Baal and Baloo, two evil thieves who were loyal to the Four-Armed Savior, pretended to fight a few times.

Then they each revealed their weaknesses, allowing the other side to rush into their camp and kill their own demons.

After all, the more demons they kill and the better their record, the more likely they are to be recognized by their own forces.

After another round of fighting, Baal communicated with Baru, and the two of them worked together to kill a lord-level Tzeentch demon.

In the end, the battle ended with the victory of Baal, the demon of Khorne.

There is no way. Baal is under a lot of pressure in terms of performance.

The Blood God was just angry about the failure of the attack on Ultramar, and if he lost at this time, he might be severely punished.

I have to let Brother Baru down a bit.

After the victory, Baal led the bloodthirsty demon army back to the Brass Fortress. On the way back, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the situation of Baru's brothers.

Baru was assigned to the Tzeentch territory. The Lord of Change didn't care about them at all. There were not many channels for promotion, and they had to prevent themselves from being framed by conspiracies made by their own people.

It's just too miserable.

It seems that the Blood God's side is more suitable for development. All you have to do is try your best to chop off heads, no matter whether they are the enemies' heads or your own people's heads.

The Blood God will favor every brother who likes to kill people, and even after being defeated in the battle, he is very likely to suffer severe punishment.

The realm of Khorne.

When Baal returned to Khorne's territory, he sensed an oppressive atmosphere.

above the sky.

The blood shadow was crawling and the raging flames were burning. That was the wrath of the Blood God.

The Daemons of Khorne are terrified.

Baal also felt this terrible anger, and his body trembled slightly.

He looked toward the brass fortress in the distance.

It is at the center of the Blood God's wrath, and his leader, the chief demon Kabanha, has returned.

Meeting with the great Blood God in the Brass Hall.

Baal was very worried.

He finally gained the appreciation of the chief demon.

What if the chief demon is cruelly punished, deprived of his power by the Blood God or directly beheaded for public display?

His previous efforts may have been in vain.

At this moment, the Brass Hall.

The bloody shadow on the throne was silent, and the raging rage gathered in the hall, making the Khorne Daemons dare not raise their heads.

The chief demon Kabanha was charred all over, with broken wings, and exuding a strong aura of the cursed.

Although he was a little frightened inside, he still held his head high.

Face the Blood God’s wrath!

(End of this chapter)

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