Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 256: Fearless Mecha: What are you doing here?

Chapter 256: Fearless Mecha: Damn, what are you doing here?

An approximately 500-meter-long survey transport ship slowly approached, and several logistics officials hurriedly disembarked.

They received orders from the Lord Savior to come and count the spoils.

Afterwards, these spoils will be counted and stored, and distributed to corresponding institutions for utilization.

"Finally, it's time for this savior's favorite part..."

When Ron saw the logistics staff arrive, he rubbed his hands with great anticipation.

He couldn't wait to know what good things those heavily armored chicken thieves and greenskins had picked up.

Soon, Ron organized the heavy-armored chicken thieves and greenskins and asked them to hand in the spoils one by one.

He likes the feeling of opening a treasure chest like this.

Bang, bang, bang!

The heavily armored chicken thieves and greenskins threw the wreckage they found on the ground, and the officials from the logistics department counted them one by one.

Ron watched from the side, holding his chest, his face gradually becoming expressionless.

Isn’t this explosion rate too low?

Those are the wreckage of ships or fighter planes, which are basically of no use.


A green-skinned boss came running over excitedly, holding a pile of exquisite, gem-inlaid metal products and throwing them to the ground with a clatter.

Then he looked expectantly at Luo Ge next to him, trying to get his praise.

According to Luo Ge's orders, warriors who find good things will be rewarded generously, including a complete set of heavy power armor made by the greenskin tech masters.

The green-skinned boss specifically found a very waaaagh, golden place to pick up things.

It firmly believed that these must be treasures.

Unexpectedly, Ron's face turned dark. He had been holding it in for so long and he couldn't bear it anymore.

He grabbed a piece of metal from the ground and slammed it on the greenskin boss's head:
"Look at you, what you picked up is just junk, it's worthless!"

These things are not even antiques, at most they are handicrafts and fall into the category of souvenirs.

As the core sanctuary of the Five Hundred Worlds, Hera Fortress attracts a large number of imperial nobles and pilgrims every year.

Those who come to the audience will visit holy places such as Garlan Rock, Labonis Falls, Memorial Hall, Sword Hall, and Primarch Museum along the way along the cathedral hall.

Finally, they arrived at the Temple of Rectification and paid homage to the Primarch.

This is an important means for the Ultramarines to maintain their influence, after all, they have the Primarch as their golden signboard.

And it can also generate income.

After accepting the sky-high priced Terra coins or resources donated by high-ranking nobles, they will give back corresponding gifts.

The handicraft picked up by the green-skinned boss should be the souvenir prepared by Hera Fortress for this purpose.

Of course, the high-ranking nobles spent such a huge price, but what they got was not just a worthless souvenir.

And the friendship of the Ultramarines.

It can save lives at critical moments.

For example, when encountering an alien attack or an internal rebellion, if the Extreme Marines can arrive faster, they may be able to save their lives.

Unfortunately, the most important exhibits of Hera Fortress have now left on their own.

It is estimated that these pilgrimage activities will be difficult to continue.

Although Brother Guilliman is a demigod, he doesn't like people worshipping him like a god.

Of course, no matter what, the Ultramarines will gain greater influence after the Primarch wakes up.

They will become the most powerful Chapter in the Imperium of Man.

Ron's thoughts raced through his mind.

He knocked the green-skinned boss on the head again and scolded:
"It's obvious that you didn't think carefully and your attitude was perfunctory. You didn't complete the task seriously at all. Go back and reflect on yourself!"

Looking at the greenskin boss walking back with his head hung and being laughed at by other greenskins, Ron felt numb.

This group of greenskins is so hard to lead, they are so unreliable!

Next to him, the logistics official who was holding a data tablet and counting the supplies blushed and seemed to be hesitant to speak.

He wanted to complain: Lord Savior, it is really difficult to ask these rude greenskins to think, right?
But he didn't dare.

"Next person!"

Ron sighed and continued shouting.

He no longer had any hope in his heart, so he would take one last look at the greenskin trophies. If that didn't work, he would go to the heavy-armored chicken thief to have a look.

The thief should be smarter than the green skin, right?
However, the greenskins were a little timid when they saw Luo Ge's angry look and did not dare to step forward.

Afraid he would eat him.

Ron had a fierce look on his face. He raised his hand and pointed at the greenskins.
"You, yes, it's you, the green-skinned kid with shifty eyes, come here!"

His finger pointed at a green-skinned boy with a pointed chin, a rat-like face and a rat-like brain. That guy stood out among the greenskins.

The green-skinned boy was carrying a bag full of things made of steel bars and fine fabrics on his back. He was hunched over and moving stealthily.

You can tell at first glance that he is a person who knows how to pick up things.

The green boy staggered over, looking a little scared.

Ron smiled as gently as possible and patted its shoulder gently: "What are you afraid of? I won't eat you. Just pour out the food..."

However, these words almost scared the green-skinned boy to death, but he dared not disobey Luo Ge's order.

Its hands trembled as it poured out the contents of the bag.

bang bang-

Several heavy objects fell to the ground.

When Ron saw the thing on the ground, his eyes widened and a golden light seemed to flash through his mind.

Wow, the golden legend!

That green-skinned guy actually picked up three or four weapons, and they were obviously high-end products.


Ron picked up one of the large blue-coated bolters inlaid with gold and gems on the ground and looked at it carefully.

With its weight, workmanship, and complicated modifications, it's clear at a glance that it's not something that an ordinary soldier can use.


However, when he saw the inscription and emblem on the gun handle, he couldn't help but gasp.

Oh my god, did Guilliman’s equipment explode?
This weapon, called the Arbiter, is famous throughout the galaxy. It is a highly modified composite bolter.

It is a master-level weapon, a weapon exclusive to the Primarch!
The manufacture of each master-level weapon requires a large amount of rare materials and time.

There are even some special blessings that are hard to come by.

Guilliman himself was so fond of this weapon that he named it himself, not to mention its destructive power.

The Arbiter is capable of firing micro-atomic compressed warheads, and the gun itself has undergone extensive modifications, making it one of the top-level bolt guns.

After that, he looked at several other weapons, including the azure power sword named "Glory", the monomolecular saber, the bolt pistol, etc.

Although not very famous, they are all weapons used by Guilliman.

The original gift pack, right?
That green-skinned guy must have looted the sword hall!

Looking at these master-level legendary weapons that were at least made by great sages, Ron was surprised, but still a little panicked.

This one was a bit harsh.

Brother Guilliman had just woken up when he discovered that all his weapons had been stripped from him. How presumptuous of him.

If I meet him in the future, I shouldn’t be chased and hacked, right?

Why not return these things?

That's absolutely impossible!
Ron didn't have that idea at all. He had already picked them up. How could he bear to give back such good things?

I picked that up!

Moreover, he had spent a huge amount of money to save Macragge and revive Brother Guilliman.

I don’t know how many lives that “Big Ivan” saved in Macragge.

Just consider it as reward!

Besides, Guilliman now has two divine weapons, the Armor of Destiny and the Sword of the Emperor.

Even if he loses these weapons, it will not have much impact on his combat effectiveness.

Ron happily put these legendary weapons in his pocket and asked the people from the logistics department to carry them away and keep them safe.

These weapons have too obvious personal styles and cannot be equipped directly.

He planned to ask the sages to modify them and replace them with accessories suitable for a savior so that they could be used.

By then, he will have a set of master-level legendary weapons.

Card face!

That green-skinned guy is great, he did a great job!
"Where are the greenskins?"

Ron reacted and turned around but couldn't see it. He looked down and found that the boy had fainted on the ground.

To be more precise, it followed its brother's order, poured out the things, and then fainted.

"Well, just let the child sleep well and don't scare him anymore..." Ron squatted down and patted the green boy's head.

This is good material.

He has already marked the green-skinned boy and ordered the green-skinned technicians to give him a set of luxurious equipment.

Or the kind that is customized by yourself.

It’s enough to make other greenskins envious.

But what can we do? This green-skinned boy is smart and knows how to pick up good things.

Ron had reason to be skeptical.

That green-skinned guy went to the Sword Hall in an organized and premeditated manner to steal... no, to pick up these equipment.

Next, the green-skinned orcs gradually handed over more valuable weapons and vehicle wreckage.

But at this moment, Ron didn't have much interest in watching. He planned to go to the heavy-duty chicken thief to take a look.

They are larger in size and should be able to bring back a lot of good stuff.

Bang bang bang!
Large pieces of debris fell to the ground.

The heavily-armed chicken thieves lined up, one after another, presenting their trophies to the great four-armed chicken thief.

Ron was right as expected, the heavy-armored chicken thief picked up more things, and they were all large items.

The heavily-armored chicken thieves are even larger in size, almost all of them are three to four meters, or even more than five meters tall, and their strength is even more amazing.

They recovered the wreckage or complete parts of many large vehicles and armor.

Among them are many Terminator armors, although most of them are wreckage or parts, there are also a few relatively complete ones.

These are all valuable research materials.

Whether the territory can replicate these high-level war weapons and armor in the future depends on these things.

There are basically no genetic seeds or anything like that.

When Ron gave the order, he told them not to pick up gene seeds as much as possible. After all, it was an extremely rare resource and the foundation of the war group. Picking it up would easily make enemies.

As for the Primarch's weapons, they were purely accidental.

When the heavy-armored chicken thieves were handing in the spoils, a small accident happened. One of the heavy-armored chicken thieves dragged back a Chaos Terminator.

Unexpectedly, the guy was not dead yet and woke up, causing a small accident.

But his end was tragic, as he was beaten to death by the heavily armed chicken thieves.


Suddenly, Ron noticed something strange happening to a heavily armored chicken.

It seemed as if something was stuck in its throat, and it kept breathing heavily, and a strong aura of chaos emanated from its body.

Like being sick.

Such a strange phenomenon immediately aroused his vigilance.

Could it be that it has been corroded? That shouldn't be the case?

Ron was a little worried. If it was some kind of large-scale plague, it would be troublesome.

For humans, Nurgle is the most difficult existence.

The Chaos God's attacks are subtle and difficult to defend against.

If it is a highly contagious plague, it is likely to spread rapidly throughout the entire planet, and it is unknown how many people will have to die before it can be contained.

It is not impossible that the entire planet will become a dead place of plague.

Thinking of this, Ron remembered the goddess of life, Elsa, and it would be great if she was in his hands.

If any plague occurs, let her have a taste and then quickly get the treatment method.

I'm afraid that Nurgle snatched the Goddess of Life from Slaanesh not only because of feelings, but also because she is a being who can restrain herself.

If I were Nurgle, how could I sleep well when such a goddess of life who could control the plague stayed with my opponent?
If the Goddess of Life joins the territory, not only will the territory not be afraid of the plague.

He can also export medical assistance in the name of the savior to save countless worlds attacked by plague in the galaxy.

In this case, wouldn’t the number of savior believers explode?

Aisha still has to be saved, this must be remembered!

In the future, when Guilliman goes into the Garden of Nurgle and burns it, I will have to go and join in the fun.

See if you can find an opportunity to defeat Nurgle and rescue the goddess of life.

Ron's thoughts raced through his mind.

At this time, the heavily-armored chicken thieves around him dispersed under his command, leaving only the strange heavily-armored chicken thief in the middle.

The sages from the Plague Research Institute and the Demon Research Institute were also on their way, ready to deal with this emergency at any time.

In short, it's always better to be cautious.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
The heavily-armored chicken thief had difficulty breathing, his face turned red, and he coughed desperately. More chaotic air flowed out of his throat.

It was obviously failing.



The heavily-armored chicken thief vomited something and sat on the ground gasping for breath. It seemed to have returned to normal, and the chaotic aura was no longer on its body.

Ron breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was not a plague, but debris that had swallowed up chaotic energy.

That heavy-duty chicken really eats everything, even lumps of metal. I wonder if he has some kind of pica?

The oval object that the heavy-armored chicken thief had just spit out bounced a few times on the ground, making a sound of metal collision.

Finally stopped.

Ron leaned forward to take a look and found that it was an elliptical metal ball covered with thick chaotic energy, as if it was condensed from metal debris.

Like an egg?

After looking carefully, he took a breath.

That thing is really an egg.

Still alive!

Inside the metal shell covered with dark red chaotic energy, there is a sticky, protein-like thick liquid.

In the middle is a small embryo made of metal debris, which looks like an unformed Western evil dragon.


Ron was a little confused. The metal embryo looked a bit like a Hell Dragon.

Could it be that this was an egg laid by the Hell Dragon, and then accidentally eaten by the Heavy Chicken Thief and brought back?

By the way, can the Hell Dragon lay eggs? I don’t think anyone ever said that thing can lay eggs?

This touched upon his blind spot in knowledge.

But there is no doubt that the Hell Dragon is a subspace creature and a physical life form.

Since it is a physical life, there is nothing wrong with it being able to give birth to offspring.

What if it mutated?
Ever since Ron saw a void whale in the warp that was as big as a battleship, tens of kilometers long, and inhabited by various warp creatures.

I'm no longer surprised by anything that can come out of the subspace.

If giant whales can grow in the void, what’s wrong with a Hell Dragon laying an egg?
"Lord Savior!"

Mao from the Demon Research Institute hurried over. He was always the first to arrive when he heard any news related to demons.

The sages of the Plague Research Institute were left far behind.

There's no way, he lacks research materials.

Those were the guarantee of research funding and the ladder of advancement, and he and the researchers he had recruited with great difficulty were eagerly waiting for them.

I want to improve so much!
Maou ran over, and after seeing the Hell Dragon Egg, he couldn't take his eyes away.

It's like looking at some rare treasure.

Maou looked at the egg with a look of disbelief: "God, this, this, this..."

"You are not mistaken. This is an egg. It is alive."

"Savior, do you think this devil egg is..."

Maou tried hard to force out a flattering smile. This was something that belonged to the realm of demons, so of course it was the responsibility of his Demon Research Institute to study it.

But this is not safe, after all, that damn biological research institute has also started related research.

Ron nodded: "I'll leave this egg to your Demon Research Institute. Study and cultivate it well. Don't let it die."

It would be more reliable to leave this thing to the Demon Research Institute as they have more relevant research experience.

Maou smiled, as if giving a military order: "We at the Demon Research Institute will take good care of it. It will definitely be taken better care of than our own son."

Then he turned to look at his assistant: "What are you standing there for? Hurry up and put it away!"

The assistant extended a mechanical claw and grabbed the Hell Dragon egg.

But the next second, he was hit hard on the head.

"Why are you being so rude? What if you break your eggs?"

Maou scolded his assistant, then lowered his head, carefully wrapped the egg in his robe, and held it in his arms.

Then he activated the force field to isolate the chaotic aura.

After doing all this, Maou hurried away holding the Hell Dragon Egg, as if he was afraid that someone would come to snatch it from him.

He was extremely excited as he had a new research topic!
Ron looked at Mao's departing back and felt a little happy.

I hope that after the Hell Dragon egg hatches, the Demon Research Institute can cultivate it well or control it.

It would be even better if the chaotic energy could be purified.

He is the savior of the world, and he also wants to be a dragon rider, ride... ride a big flying dragon!

After dealing with the Hell Dragon Egg, Ron gathered the heavy-armored chicken thieves again and ordered them to continue handing in the spoils.

The wreckage was handed in one after another.

Boom boom boom!
Heavy footsteps were heard, and the heavily-armored chicken thieves made way.

In the distance, two heavily armored chicken thieves that had been blessed twice were dragging a huge, blue-painted large machine towards them.

I'm sorry!

Is that a Dreadnought?
And it is an almost complete battle-damaged version of the Dreadnought!
Ron's eyelids twitched and he couldn't help but swear.

You guys can really handle it!
He really didn't expect that the heavily-armored chicken thief could drag back such a huge monster.

The Dreadnought is a symbol of the Space Marines' eternal war, and all Dreadnought pilots are Space Marine veterans who have been fatally wounded.

They rely on coffin-like life support systems to sustain their lives, and continue to use their rich experience and wisdom to serve the Chapter and the Empire.

Those veterans who have lived for who knows how long are simply living fossils.

It is unknown how long these veterans have survived, and some even participated in the Great Expedition ten thousand years ago.

Veterans may have seen the galaxy burn, manned the walls of Terra, seen worlds trampled under iron hooves and kings slaughtered like cattle.

They are war itself!

These dreadnoughts are themselves at the level of the Chapter's holy relics.

The Dreadnoughts may have trained countless chapter recruits and watched them grow generation after generation.

Those so-called Holy and Dreadnoughtus are the treasures of the chapter and are infinitely admired by other members of the chapter.

Call them elders.

The one in front of you, decorated with holy bones, is the sacred fearlessness of the Extreme Warriors!

If the driver is still alive, he will be the most valuable trophy of this battle!

Because this Holy Dreadnought can utilize his unimaginable rich experience and bring a huge improvement to the territory regiment.

He will be the best instructor for the Space Marines!

Ron looked at the sacred fearless mecha in front of him with great respect and regret.

This holy dreadnought is dead...

Suddenly, the driver in the Holy Dreadnought woke up.

The old soldier was confused when he saw the unfamiliar scene before him: "Where am I?"

In his memory, he fought with the chief demon and then lost consciousness.

Then, the veteran saw the chicken thief dragging him in front of him, and he instantly became furious: "Damn alien, where did you take me?"

The sacred fearless mecha suddenly started up.

With the crackling sound of electric arcs, the huge steel arm raised up and aimed the double heavy bombs at the heavy-armored chicken thief and Ron in front.

I'm sorry!

Seeing this, Ron's heart was pounding: "Brother, we are on the same side, don't shoot!"


Heavy bombs poured out!

(End of this chapter)

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