Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 265 Now that we are here, let’s take part in the battle on the moon!

Chapter 265 Now that we are here, let’s take part in the battle on the moon!
Solar star region, edge of the solar system.

The fleet from Ers quietly arrived in the solar system and sailed slowly forward.

The leading battleship looked gorgeous and mysterious under the light of the distant sun.

Every inch of its metal gleams with mottled golden light, as if forged from the stars, with a dreamlike beauty.

That was the flagship of the great savior - the Dream, a battleship from the golden age of mankind, possessing terrible destructive power.

Inside the Dream.

Sanctuary of the Redeemer, miniature garden.

Artificial solar lamps cast gentle light, and the green grass and trees rustled in the breeze.

There is a small pond next to it with gurgling water and fish swimming around.

"Ah~ This cloned body is still more comfortable..."

A figure about 1.8 meters tall stretched out, and he walked along the cobblestone path into the grass wearing rabbit-ear cotton slippers.

Ron took a breath of the refreshing air, like the fresh air after the rain, and felt quite comfortable.

Compared to the huge body of the original body that has grown to 2.8 meters, he prefers the ordinary person version of the current savior clone.

After all, an overly tall body brings many inconveniences to life and takes away a lot of fun.

This time he came to Holy Terra as the steward of the Govendi family. His character was a loyal family vassal who had taken care of the Govendi brothers and sisters since childhood.

So an ordinary and unremarkable clone was used.

Under normal circumstances, traveling across the galaxy is not a comfortable experience.

But the Dream is different.

After several rounds of renovation, the Savior Sanctuary in the cabin is almost like a resort.

There is also a forest oxygen bar inside.

Ron did a brief stretch and lay down on the rocking chair under the shade of the tree, enjoying the coolness under the mottled shade.

This is a form of recuperation for him, to experience more of the joys of being human in order to resist the erosion of his divine side.


Linda walked over slowly with a fruit plate in her hand and put it down, then leaned over and gave Ron a massage.

"Hiss~ Nice strength."

Ron lay on his back and could see a flash of white dancing before his eyes.

He hadn't had a massage in a long time.

As his body got closer to the original body, those muscles like fine steel were too heavy for ordinary people to squeeze, and he couldn't even feel a boiling bath.

Even the one-stop bathing and sauna service is no longer available.

As the massage continued gently, Ron slowly closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

After arriving on the bright side of the empire, he gathered a lot of information.

The return of the Primarch was like a huge rock hitting a calm lake, causing a huge wave and shaking every corner of the galaxy.

At a ceremony on Macragge, intended to herald the return of the Primarch to the entire Imperium, Guilliman announced that he would travel to Holy Terra and begin to reorganize the Imperium from the capital.

When the news spread from the Extreme Star Region, the empire fell into jubilation.

Space Marines from the Raven Guard, the White Scars, the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels arrived to join the Primarch's forces.

In addition, the Astra Militarum, the Imperial Navy, the Mechanicus Crusaders, the Sisters of Battle, the Knight Families and the Titan Legion also sent their own reinforcements to provide support.

Guilliman assembled a massive legion at an astonishing speed.

He then boarded the Ultramarines' flagship, the Glorious Queen-class battleship, Macragge's Glory.

Leading a mighty army on a pilgrimage to Holy Terra.

It's so exciting.

However, Ron knew that this pilgrimage was destined to be a terrible ordeal.

Guilliman's journey will be more difficult than expected.

The Chaos Gods and his corrupted Primarch brothers will stop at nothing to prevent him from reaching Holy Terra.

Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines who always suffered the most beatings, was always the one who failed when the tide was favorable and rose again when the tide was unfavorable.

You will be met with a heavy blow from all the dark forces.

But no matter what, the appearance of the Primarch will give the Empire and even Roon some breathing space.

After all, when the sky falls, there is always someone tall to hold it up, and Guilliman, the Emperor’s own son, is that tall man.

If anything happened to this tall man, he would be in trouble because of his reputation in the warp as the Emperor's favorite and the Demon Eater.

He became the tall man in the empire.

He didn't even dare to think about the consequences if his true body in the real universe was caught again.

"Alas, I don't know how Brother Guilliman is doing. Where is he? Has he reached Holy Terra?"

Ron sighed.

He was quite concerned about Guilliman's condition.

After all, they all work under the Divine Emperor, so if you round it off, they can be considered half brothers.
Somewhere on the web.

Macragge's Glory led the broken fleet slowly forward.

Compared to when they set out, the fleet had lost at least two-thirds of its ships and troops.

Macragge's Glory, the Primarch's Sanctum.

In a private room.

Guilliman's huge body was squeezed in front of the desk, with piles of documents piled in front of him.

He frowned, his handsome and noble face was covered with wrinkles, his blond hair became thinner, his hairline moved up, and a few strands of gray hair could be vaguely seen.

What’s even more amazing is.

There were dark circles under his eyes and his jaw muscles were tense all the time.

It was a sign of exhaustion and grief.

At this moment, the Primarch looked a little old, but it was not the result of years, but the result of long-term battles and worries.

This is a journey full of suffering.

Guilliman thought so.

He led the pilgrim expedition from Macragge.

In order to avoid Chaos attacks, the expeditionary force only dared to make the shortest distance warp jump.

But this did not escape the tentacles of chaos.

Some ships ominously disappeared, and more and more commanders pleaded with Saint Celestine for a blessing.

To give you courage for this dangerous journey.

Yet more attacks came.

Nurgle daemons attacked the fleet, cracks appeared in the hulls, and Nurglings poured out, much like pus flowing out of a broken wound.

Fortunately, Inquisitor Greyfax led a commando team composed of the Sorority and Space Marines to stop all this.

She charged behind the enemy lines, leaped down from a great height, and killed the Nurglar filth with one blow on the Plague Throne that was being carried by a group of Nurglings.

As the Chaos Daemon attacks increase, each day brings more reports of disappearances.

But no one in the expeditionary force retreated easily.

Because Holy Terra is just ahead!

However, there are more forces involved in the siege besides Chaos Daemons.

His two fallen primarch brothers, the Death Guard Primarch Moritaran and the Fallen Phoenix Fulgrim, did not participate in the attack.

However, he also used his substitute to deliver the dirtiest "gifts" and threats.

When the fleet arrived at the edge of the Maelstrom, he was ambushed by the third fallen Primarch, Magnus.

The Red King prepared a terrible trap using a series of psionic rituals.

The entire pilgrimage expedition fleet was pulled into the vortex.

Due to the failure to activate the Geller force field shield in time, a large number of pilgrim ships were completely destroyed by the surging warp power.

Inside the Maelstrom, awaiting the fleet was a swift offensive by the Chaos Space Marine warband, the Red Corsairs.

Although he eventually led his fleet to repel the Red Pirates.

However, the fleet was inevitably trapped in the whirlpool and could only wander aimlessly, with no direction or orientation.

Meanwhile, the fleet comes under increasing attack from Daemons and Chaos Warbands.

As the Primarch, he suffered countless attacks.

But he managed to get through it, and with the Emperor's Sword in his hand, he completely wiped out dozens of demons.

It was a difficult and long war.

Since time is stagnant in the maelstrom, no one knows how long they have been trapped.

A few years, decades, or even longer?

To make matters worse, the Pilgrim Expeditionary Force was suffering increasing casualties from ambushes by Chaos Space Marines and Demons.

Fortunately, with the arrival of the Eldar illusion, things took a turn for the better.

Under its guidance, the pilgrim expedition finally arrived at a navigation window.

There, the pilgrim expedition saw countless abandoned ships, linked to each other by chains, forming an endless giant net.

With the help of this giant net, the Chaos Space Marines and Demons launched a more fierce attack.

He fought hard to break into the enemy's core area, but was ambushed by Carlos, the chief demon of Tzeentch.

It turned out that Carlos had already implanted a subtle sense of self-doubt in his heart, and that sense of self-doubt had catalyzed a terrible spell.

Then, the negative emotions deep in his heart erupted and were bound by crystal chains transformed by his own emotions.

He, the son of the emperor, was suppressed by himself, fell to his knees in shame, and became a prisoner!
Carlos used him as a hostage to threaten other soldiers to surrender, and the desperate soldiers had to lay down their weapons.

He became a prisoner with him...

Guilliman recalled this memory, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, he hated himself for not having stronger power!
Later, he and his warriors were imprisoned in the fortress of Huron, the Black King, the lord of the Red Corsairs.

The Archdaemon Skarbrand of Khorne leads his legions of demons to seize the Primarch's skull, but the Archdaemon Carlos of Tzeentch has a different opinion.

The two sides fought a war over this.

Taking this opportunity, a mysterious Eldar force sent by Evelyne sneaked into the fortress and rescued him.

The illusion that had previously provided guidance to the fleet was also created by this Eldar companion at the order of Shadow Walker.

Eventually he escaped and was able to return to the fleet.

Finally, under the guidance of Shadow Walker, the fleet entered the Webway Gate and left the Maelstrom.

The Pilgrim Expedition will travel along the Webway to Holy Terra at a faster speed.

In a private room.


Guilliman muttered.

At this moment, he finally realized the convenience of the webway and its great help to mankind.

How he longed to have the Webway.

At the same time, he also understood why his father had given up everything to study the Webway. That was indeed what humans needed.

Only in this way can humans avoid the turbulent subspace and obtain a safer route.

"Unfortunately, my father failed. Fate does not allow humans to have that gift!"

Guilliman was somewhat sad and angry.

Even my father failed and paid a heavy price for it.

Is there still hope for humanity to control the Webway?

Suddenly, Guilliman thought of something.

That demon-eater seemed to be able to enter the webway in some way...

It's just that the other party is too mysterious, so the empire has no information about this existence.

Some even declared him a heretic and an enemy of the empire.

"It would be great if we can find the Demon Devourer. I will personally invite him to join the Empire, even if it means making him a high lord..."

Guilliman let out a long, exhausted sigh.

Although only a few years have passed in the real universe, he has been fighting in the Maelstrom for decades or even longer.

This caused him great pain and exhaustion both physically and mentally.

If possible, Guilliman wished to remain in eternal sleep and never wake up.

After all, no matter who it is, it would be crazy to open your eyes and face a huge mess that has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years.

He wanted so badly to lie down and never wake up again.

However, he couldn't...

"There is still hope. I cannot fall before humanity ushers in light!" Guilliman suppressed the pain, his eyes filled with unyielding light.

Even though he fell again and again under the siege of dark forces, he would never surrender.

He will rise again and again to unleash his fury upon his enemies.

Until every enemy of humanity pays the price for their sins!

Guilliman was planning a war of revenge against the enemies of humanity in his mind, and he named it the Indomitable Crusade.

Hope lies ahead. Once he reaches Holy Terra, he will gather the power of the empire and start this war...

However, before that, he still had a lot of things to deal with.

Guilliman suppressed his emotions, trying to calm himself, then looked up at the pile of documents in front of him.

He took a deep breath, then another.

The Primarch tried his best to alleviate his aversion to complicated documents.

To be honest, he would rather fight the enemy than deal with these damn files.

But these things have to be dealt with.

Each time, as the ships leapt out of the Warp, the fleet's astropaths did their best to brush away the darkness of the void.

Gather every bit of information about the current state of the empire.

Ultimately, this information will be sent to this private room.

He had to learn as much as possible about the situation in the Empire before arriving on Holy Terra.

Guilliman raised his huge hand, gently picked up a document and looked at it.

He must be careful, otherwise once these documents fall to the ground, he will be wearing the heavy armor of fate.

You have to get down on the ground to pick it up.

That kind of scene is not a good look.

Guilliman used the vast mental capabilities of his Primarch to absorb the information contained in those documents.

It was just the contents of those documents that made his heart gradually fall into the abyss.

The situation in the empire is worse than he imagined!
That information shows the current state of the empire:

Supernatural disasters, demonic invasions, and plagues are rampant throughout the galaxies;
The number of psychics and mutants is increasing at an explosive rate, and along with it come all kinds of horrific and crazy visions;

The loyal servants of the Empire and the planetary governors of various civilized worlds suddenly transformed themselves into cultists and began to wreak havoc.

The alien army followed the footsteps of Chaos and took advantage of the turbulent tide of the subspace to invade massively. Countless civilized worlds suffered from the ravages of war!
Guilliman suppressed his grief and looked at the documents day and night, extracting the necessary information from them.

Prepare for the next plan.

As for rest, he lost the ability to sleep since he woke up.

Coupled with the constant noise from the Armor of Destiny, he didn't have any peaceful moments at all.

Even if the Primarch has extraordinary energy.

But the intense thinking over the past few days had left Guilliman completely exhausted, and he used a little more force.

A whole stack of documents fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the Primarch closed his eyes in pain: "Father, I wish someone could share all this with me..."


The residence of the saints.

This is the residence of Saint Celestine, a living saint.

The room was empty, with only a cold iron bed.

For Saint Celestine, her life was about one thing only, fighting for the Great Will.

Nothing else.

But now, a special color has appeared in the life of this living saint.

Saint Celestine sat beside the bed, her angelic face looking cool, pure and flawless.

However, in her arms, she was holding a big white bear doll.

She had it secretly made by a tailor from Macragge, and brought it into her residence to sleep with her.

Saint Celestine picked up the white bear, pinched its face, and then fell into a daze again.

She is thinking of someone.

In the decades since the last encounter with the Demon Eater, the pilgrimage expedition fleet has been caught in a great vortex.

She kept having the same dream over and over again.

In the dream, there was the figure of the Demon Eater, this big white bear, and a young but extremely handsome face.

Saint Celestine keenly sensed that the Demon Eater and that handsome face were one and the same.

That handsome face is the true appearance of the Demon Eater.

What the silver-haired angel didn't know was that the energy of the little sun accidentally invaded her soul's concrete illusion and healed her soul.

However, the price she paid was that the figure of the demon-eater and savior remained in the depths of her soul.

And after decades of development, this influence is gradually deepening.

Saint Celestine liked the big white bear very much. She felt that its presence brought more fun to her life.

The mere presence of the big white bear inevitably reminded her of the demon eater and that handsome face.

Saint Celestine subconsciously pulled the big white bear, and a hint of red suddenly flashed across her fair face.

She had to admit.

I have developed a slight crush on Mr. Demon Eater and want to meet him again.

But how to find him?

What should I say to him after meeting him?
The silver-haired angel continued to be in a daze.

She didn't tell anyone about this, it was a secret that would remain in her heart forever...


The hull suddenly began to tremble.

Saint Celestine immediately became alert and regained her demeanor as a Valkyrie and holy angel.

She carefully put the big white bear away, then picked up the Blazing Heart Sword from the bedside.

She then received a communication from Emperor's Son Guilliman.

The enemy is arriving!

In Guilliman's judgment, Magnus hoped to follow them and invade Holy Terra directly through the portal opened by the Eldar.

However, Guilliman had no intention of letting his opponent succeed.

He ordered Shadow Walker to open another, more secret, ancient webway gate hidden on the moon.

The Pilgrim Expeditionary Fleet will emerge from the Webway Gate on the Moon and try to shake off the pursuit of the Thousand Sons Fleet.

If they fail to shake off each other, they will have a big battle on the moon.

Saint Celestine closed the communication, clenched her hands slightly, and the Blazing Heart Sword ignited with golden flames.

Get ready for battle!

Sanctuary of the Redeemer, miniature garden.

Ron was applying a facial mask, sunbathing on a lounge chair, and meditating quietly.


The sudden reminder sound gave him a startle.

That's an emergency signal.

Did the fleet encounter some enemy, or was it blocked by Guilliman?

Ron quickly tore off his mask and stood up, grabbing the data panel to check the message, then frowned.

According to Shasim's report, the fleet has arrived near Holy Terra, but they detected.

A fierce battle is taking place on the moon, and the Imperial fleet is engaged in a firefight with the enemy.

Finally asked him what to do?
"Good boy, I didn't expect to catch up..."

Ron sighed.

That should be the lunar battle involving both Guilliman and Magnus.

But now that I’m here, I must go!
You can't just watch your half-brother get beaten, right?
Besides, this is also a good opportunity.

The long-dormant Imperial Blood Merchants, the Govendi family, lead their fleet to join the battle to save Holy Terra.

How loyal!

This is a rare opportunity to gain qualifications and honors, and also to improve Guilliman's favor.

This will make things much easier later on.

No one should have too much trouble with the verification process.

Ron immediately asked Shahim to lead the Govindi to participate in the battle and gain as many results as possible.

After all, the Govindi is loaded with many relic-level weapons and should be able to knock down a few warships in a melee.

As for the Dream, it is not very convenient to show up.

He hesitated for a moment, then ordered the commander of the Dream to activate shielding mode and quietly approach the battlefield within a safe range.

After giving the order, Ron stood up and went to the bridge. He wanted to take another look at the situation to see if there was any chance to take advantage of the chaos and launch a sneak attack.

He, the great savior, is ready to bombard the Crimson King!
(End of this chapter)

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