Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 268 Ron: Xiao Ma, are you looking for me?

Chapter 268 Ron: Xiao Ma, are you looking for me?

Moon surface.

The high temperature and smoke generated by the plasma explosion have dissipated.

Magnus's huge body overlooked everyone.

"Robert, you don't think your miserable fate will change?"

There was a hint of contempt on his lips: "That was just a small accident that I had foreseen a long time ago. Such an attack will not affect my plan..."

Besides, he has already initially locked onto the Demon Eater.

Wait until this feast is over, and then slowly deal with that ignorant and arrogant clown.

Everything is under your control!

After a brief shock, the high-ranking wizards of the Thousand Sons resumed the ritual process and the Tizca Pyramid began to operate again.

The webway barrier is on the verge of collapse again.

"Gather the fire!"

Guilliman acted decisively and issued the order.

Almost all of the empire's large war machines ignored the opponents around them and poured fire on the pyramid recklessly.

Boom boom boom!
Golden fighter planes flew over like a group of eagles, dropping a large number of high-powered bombs on the pyramids.

Titans, dreadnoughts, heavy tanks, and gunships fired destructive streams of fire.

However, these ground vehicles only left mottled holes in the outer shell of the Tizita Pyramid.

It is difficult to hurt the roots.

These were just cover; the more violent attack came from a nearly 100-meter-high general cannon brought by the Mechanicus's 100-machine fleet.

Because it is too heavy, it can only move forward slowly on tracks.

But at the expense of convenience, it also brings powerful destructive power to the general cannon.

The heavy artillery it carries is of battleship level, enough to destroy a solid city wall or blow up a mountain.

This general cannon can threaten the Tizca Pyramid that has lost its witchcraft veil!

As soon as the huge general cannon appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

The remaining Thousand Sons Legion also realized that it was a huge threat and immediately launched an attack on it.

The Scarab Terminators and Thousand Sons Warriors launched a bloody charge towards the General Cannon.

The Crusaders built a defense line and resisted with all their might, preventing the enemy from getting close to the General Cannon.

"Omnissiah, we pray to you with our most pious hearts. Please grant us the power to make the machine soul happy in the machine..."

Accompanied by binary prayer hymns, the Hundred Machines controlled the General Cannon and aimed the muzzle at the core area of ​​the pyramid.

Start charging.

The huge kinetic energy caused the surrounding ground to begin to shake.

At the moment of launch, a group of wizards riding flying discs attacked madly.

They used their own flesh and soul as a medium to condense terrifying evil energy rays. This evil energy penetrated the shield barrier and bombarded the general cannon fiercely.


Smoke and dust hundreds of meters high suddenly rose up, and huge shells crossed dozens of kilometers of battlefield in an instant and hit the Tizca Pyramid.

The powerful kinetic energy of the shell penetrated the outer shell of the pyramid and smashed into the interior, leaving a large hole nearly 500 meters in size.

The shell then exploded, but only destroyed one side of the pyramid.

The general's cannon missed the target!

However, it no longer has a second chance.

The huge General Cannon is like a living target. The moment it appears on the battlefield, it is destined to win with one strike.

There is no chance for a second shot.


Under the attack of the Thousand Character Legion, the General Cannon collapsed.

In front of the Pyramid of Tizita.

Magnus suddenly thrust out his Wandering Blade Staff, stabbing a Sister of Silence to death, and then turned around to block his good brother's attack.

Suddenly, he looked up into the sky.

At this moment, dozens of melta torpedoes from the Macragge's Glory passed through the Thousand Sons fleet's low-orbit defense network in an extremely concealed manner.

They broke into the atmosphere and headed towards the pyramid.

Except for the Crimson King, no one in the entire Thousand Sons Legion noticed any of this!
However, Magnus did not panic at all:
"Robert, is this your real plan? Unfortunately, I had already predicted this little trick.

You are like an ignorant child in front of me, and your pathetic strategy is not worth mentioning at all..."

He flapped his demonic wings and retreated backwards.

Then, using the ritual formation that had just been prepared on the pyramid, a new defensive barrier was built in the air.

In mid-air, a huge vortex of dark evil energy appeared and sucked all the melta torpedoes into the warp.

This is the terrifying power of the King of Galactic Warlocks. As long as we predict it accurately, we will have enough means to deal with it!
Seeing this scene, Guilliman's heart sank suddenly. He no longer had time to launch a new round of attacks.


A sudden terrifying roar, accompanied by an incomparable aura of chaos, spread across the entire battlefield.

In the warp, demons and monsters rushed with excitement, their hungry roars almost becoming physical.

This is the final moment, the Webway barrier is about to collapse!
Now, all the means of the Empire have failed, and no one can stop the destructive plan of this demon primarch.

At this moment, the faces of the empire's warriors suddenly changed, and despair quietly grew.

Some people silently prayed for the Emperor's salvation, while others expected the mysterious existence to attack again.

However, nothing happened.


A red figure passed by.

Magnus suddenly attacked, knocked Guilliman over with a heavy blow, and stomped hard on the chest of the Ultimate Primarch.

The broken sternum rattled and blood gushed from the Ultramarines Primarch's mouth.

"I said before, all struggles are in vain. In ten breaths, you will witness the destruction of Holy Terra with your own eyes!"

The Red King's arrogance and excitement have reached their peak, and the feast he has carefully prepared has taken shape.

All elements of destiny are under control.

There was an indescribable sadness in Guilliman's eyes: "No, my brother, I beg you to stop this..."

He even begged in a low voice to prevent his father's empire from being severely damaged and humanity from falling into an endless abyss.

“You know, this party won’t stop.

Surrounded by demons, I will personally visit the palace of Holy Terra to see the withered bones of the false emperor on the throne!
I didn't do anything wrong, but he scolded me and hated me, and even you brothers did the same.

It's all the fault of that fake emperor.

He even asked Vulcan to kill me, letting a son kill another son, how cold-blooded and heartless.

It was he who pushed me into the chaotic side...

Since the false emperor claims that I have ruined the future of the empire, let him see how the empire was completely ruined in my hands!"

"Magnus, you are vain and arrogant, and you have fallen into depravity. You should wake up!"

Guilliman roared, with a hint of crying in his voice.

Ten thousand years ago, the scene of fathers, sons and brothers killing each other made him extremely sad, and now the same thing is about to happen again.

"Oh, Vulcan said the same thing to me, but I burned him to ashes and even crushed his head!"

Magnus thought back to ten thousand years ago, when he personally killed Vulkan, his closest primarch, in a duel.

There was a flash of guilt in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

The Red King didn't think there was anything wrong with him at all. It was all the fault of the Fake Emperor.

He doesn't want to lose, and he can't lose.

He, Magnus, is the strongest and greatest Primarch!
"Robert, you lost. You are begging and crying in front of me like a child. How ridiculous..."

As the tremors of the Webway barrier reached their limit, Magnus realized that the feast had begun.

"Look, my good brother. The feast has begun and the demons will crown me!"

Magnus could foresee that his destiny was about to reach its most brilliant moment.

His deeds will shock the world.

No one can underestimate the existence of him who destroyed the empire with his own hands, not even the Chaos Gods.

They should pay tribute to the Red King!
The energy of the subspace seeped out, forming a terrible storm vortex in the air.

Under the whirlpool, Magnus stepped on the Primarch's chest, enjoying it all, like an uncrowned king.

I... am unstoppable!
However, at the critical juncture of life, everything is about to happen.

Magnus suddenly caught a glimpse of fate beyond his prediction, and he looked up at the sky.

A beam of light shot out from the distant space. It was the second nova cannon from the Dream!
As expected, he was unable to accurately capture the fate interference from the Demon Eater.

Looking at the familiar light and feeling of oppression, such a thought flashed through Magnus' mind.

Unfortunately, the Demon Eater was so childish and ridiculous that he actually used the same method of attack.

Doesn't he know that the same method will not work again on the Warlock King?

He could easily block this attack!

Magnus slammed Guilliman into the bedrock, using the recoil to launch himself into the air.

He needed to create a vortex defense barrier in mid-air and transfer the shell into the subspace to ensure the safety of the pyramid.

However, as soon as Magnus flapped his wings and flew up, he felt a pulling force.

Something grabbed me!

He looked down and saw Guilliman was pulling his foot. He was immediately furious: "Robert, let go!"

"You know I'm not letting go!"

Fury welled up in Guilliman's eyes, he tensed his muscles, grasped the fallen Primarch's leg tightly, and pulled it down hard.

Magnus lost his balance and almost fell to the ground.

"Let go!" He roared and flapped his wings violently.

A strong wind blew up, and he flew into the air with Guilliman.

The two Primarchs grappled in mid-air, but this time, Guilliman had the upper hand.

He smashed the Crimson King's ugly face with a fist as furious as thunder, and his fangs flew along with pus and blood.

"Your arrogance has brought you to the abyss. You don't really think that I am not your opponent, do you?"

Guilliman sneered and threw another punch.

I was just showing weakness on purpose.

Not long ago, he received a message from afar through his eyepiece: Lao Ji, the cannons will be here soon, entangle that arrogant guy!
So he cooperated with the mysterious being to lure his arrogant brother into revealing his flaws.

Now, the goal has been achieved.



The pair of Primarch brothers roared and flew at high speed, destroying several ship wreckages in succession.

They engaged in the most primitive hand-to-hand combat, hitting each other madly.

Each punch created a sonic boom, and the shockwaves vibrated the surrounding air.

boom! ! !
Guilliman and Magnus struck each other in the face at the same time, and the huge recoil force threw both of them in opposite directions.

It crashed to the ground.

It all took only a few seconds from start to finish.

Magnus was the first to climb out of the pit.

The boiling devil's blood poured onto the ground, and in the blink of an eye, a bunch of strange mushrooms grew out of the pool of blood.

He shook his dizzy head and caught a glimpse of the aurora formed by the friction of plasma in the sky from the corner of his eye.

Magnus responded.

He immediately flew into the air and constructed a vortex barrier. The void twisted again, and dark evil energy surged out.

He was hit by a large amount of shrapnel and the ceremony was derailed.

That was the bullet fire from the Hand of Domination. Guilliman climbed out of the deep pit and delivered a crucial blow.

"Do not!!!"

Magnus watched the plasma warhead pass by him, and the temperature of the air friction caused his demon wings to turn black.

The next second, the plasma warhead hit the Tizca Pyramid, causing high temperatures and raging flames.

In the silence, he saw the sun formed by flames!

Ah ah ah ah ah--

What followed was the desperate wails of tens of thousands of high-level wizards, whose flesh was instantly burned to ashes.


A mushroom cloud rose, and the sonic boom stimulated everyone's eardrums, followed by a violent impact.

The shock wave affected almost everyone around, and dust circles spread one after another on the surface of the moon.

Guilliman suddenly plunged the Emperor's Sword into the rock, resisting the shock wave and sand.

Behind him, more soldiers were blown away by the shock wave.


The flames died down, and gravel mixed with iron filings began to rain from the red sky.

Guilliman finally had the chance to look at everything in front of him, and he felt relieved.

Shocked by the force possessed by that mysterious being.

He... saved Holy Terra!

at the same time.

The empire's soldiers climbed out of the smoke and dust one after another, and then they saw a shocking scene.

The Tikarz Pyramid before my eyes had turned into a mass of wreckage.

Not only that, a bottomless gully is revealed on the lunar surface behind it, and floating rock layers can be vaguely seen in the distance.

The golden fighter plane in the air could see more clearly that a corner of the moon was shattered.

What a terrible power!

Granted, the Empire has the means to destroy planets.

For example, cyclone torpedoes, but that uses thermonuclear means to burn free oxygen on the surface of a planet, turning the planet into a vacuum.

Or completely destroy the surface and shatter the planet.

But that was the effect of a torpedo drilling into the earth's core and using the power of the magma eruption.

The actual destructive power of the strike on the ground can only form a vortex of one and a half kilometers in size.

However, the mysterious plasma warhead is capable of shattering the lunar surface with its own destructive power alone.

How terrible that is!
"Praise the Emperor, we have won!" After the shock, some people finally reacted and started cheering.

The warriors of the Empire were in ecstasy and celebrated the victory with cheers. They defended Holy Terra!


The ruins were suddenly lifted up, revealing the broken demon wings and the even larger charred demon body before people.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Magnus looked at the wreckage on the ground. His flagship was destroyed and all the Thousand Sons warriors were killed or wounded.

More importantly, the feast he had carefully prepared was ruined.

The plan failed...

He looked at Guilliman's gaze, and a feeling of shame and pain welled up in his heart.

This guy must be laughing at himself in his heart, right?
No, I don't accept such a failure, never!

For the arrogant Red King, having his cowardice and failure seen in public was more difficult for him to accept than dying in battle.

A strong resentment arose in Magnus' heart.

This resentment was not directed at Guilliman, but at the one who had caused his plans to fail.

"Demon Eater!!!"

The Fallen Primarch's furious roar spread to half of the moon, and everyone heard the name.

"Demon Eater, that mysterious attack came from him?"

Guilliman was surprised, and his evaluation of the Demon Eater increased to a higher level. He must find that person!

He immediately ordered the fleet to capture the Demon Eater's signal and ordered them to make contact.

"Mr. Demon Eater..."

Saint Celestine, the silver-haired angel muttered this name, and no one knew what she was thinking.

The warriors of the Empire all whispered this awe-inspiring name, and many of them knew this powerful being in Macragge.

Now, having saved Holy Terra, he is even more admired by the warriors.

He is indeed the one that the devil fears!

what! ! !
Suddenly, a howling, terrifying evil energy began to spread.

"Demon Eater, you can't escape..."

Magnus's hatred was unbearable.

He landed on the remains of the pyramid and stabbed the Wandering Blade Staff into his body.

As the devil's blood gushed out, the Red King did his best to trigger a witchcraft ritual that was extremely costly but had even more astonishing effects.

The Sisters of Silence's line was crushed by the shock wave, and now no one can stop him!

As the ritual progressed, complex rune arrays lit up on the ground.

At the same time, the souls of the thousand-word wizards and warriors floating on the battlefield were pulled into the magic circle with shrill screams and filled into the body of the Red King.

His evil energy and soul power were surging.

All this happened in an instant and could not be stopped at all.

However, he did this not to attack the Imperial forces on the battlefield, but for the Demon Eaters.

"I didn't lose!"

Magnus thought resentfully in his heart.

Even if his plan to tear the Webway apart failed temporarily, at least he had caught the Demon Eater in the real universe and locked him down.

That was an existence that caused heavy losses to the Warp Demons.

But now, he wants to use the huge power of witchcraft to bring the guy hiding in the shadows into the sunlight.

Then completely corrupt them and turn them into slaves that you can manipulate at will!

Numerous sentences of punishment flashed through Magnus' mind.

Even the Primarch would tremble at those horrifying soul tortures.

Soon, the Demon Eater will kneel before me and wail in pain. Then everyone will see the horror of the Crimson King!
Along with a shrill scream, a dark soul sphere with many distorted faces inside was completely formed.

Magnus has injected most of his soul consciousness into the soul sphere. He will personally invade and corrode the soul of the Demon Eater!


The soul sphere suddenly penetrated into the void and flew towards a certain locked being.


The edge of the battlefield.

The space twisted, a subspace channel was formed, and the Dream headed towards the subspace channel.

Inside the bridge.

"Hiss~ The Empire won't ask me to pay compensation, right?"

Ron felt a little guilty when he looked at the surveillance video, which showed the Terra moon being shattered into a small piece by the Nova main gun.

This is the second moon he has smashed, so if you round it off, he can be considered a moon killer.

Fortunately, the strategic goal has been achieved, and the great savior has successfully destroyed the pyramid and disrupted the evil plan of the fallen primarch!

But the process is a bit thrilling.

Those top individuals in the real universe are too difficult to deal with. If it weren't for Guilliman's help, the Nova main gun would simply not be effective.

Ron has a slight fear of running out of firepower.

If you can't defeat the enemy, it must be because your firepower is not strong enough.

If there were eight or ten or even more Nova heavy artillery, they could concentrate fire from all angles.

Magnus uses his head to block?

"Speed ​​up, hurry up!"

Looking at the subspace channel getting closer and closer, Ron urged the technical adjutant anxiously.

He wanted to run away quickly.

As a great savior and the unsung hero of the empire, he should keep a low profile, fire quietly, and then retire after his success without leaving a cloud behind.

Otherwise, what if we are blocked by Magnus or Guilliman?
Moreover, he had a bad feeling.


The Dream entered the subspace channel and disappeared in the airspace in an instant.

next second.

Several Imperial warships jumped to this airspace, but found nothing.


Some airspace.

The Dream leaped out and slowly stopped.

Sanctuary of the Savior.

"It's finally safe..."

Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

He lay down on the recliner and happily drank a bottle of iced Cola: "I've run so far, almost out of the Sun Star Region, it's impossible that they can still find me, right?"

The voice just fell.

An indescribable sense of crisis suddenly surged in his subconscious, which was the breath of the Crimson King.

I got caught!
It's horrible that they can be attacked from such a distance.
Before Ron could react, a large black sphere screamed out from the void.

It covered his face.

Then he felt something penetrate into his soul consciousness.

Then, the force followed the soul fragments on the clone and found the soul consciousness of his original body.

Invade deeply into the soul consciousness.


The ice fell to the ground.

Ron showed an indescribable fear: "Oh no, my identity is about to be exposed!"

At the same time, he discovered that the core of his soul consciousness was being corroded, and the Crimson King was fighting for control of his soul consciousness!
If the other party succeeds, his deepest secrets will be exposed, and he will become a slave to chaos!

At the critical moment, the great savior made the right decision. He controlled the little sun to let go of his mind - and shook people!

Deep within the Savior’s soul consciousness.

Virtual Square, a place of faith.

This is the core of the savior's soul consciousness, and there stands a statue formed by various emotions and beliefs.

Over the square.

A small golden sun was hanging in the sky, emitting a faint glow.

However, a dark vortex appeared.

The scarlet demon's hooves stepped into the area.

Magnus stretched out his body, and his single eye scanned the surroundings with hatred: "Demon Eater, I caught you!"

Roan appeared in front of the Fallen Primarch in the form of a Demon Eater.

His voice was lazy, without any panic: "Hey, isn't this Xiao Ma, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Magnus seemed a little surprised to see the Demon Eater's attitude.

But he soon revealed a vicious grin, and his evil energy corroded everything around him: "Kneel down, accept this gift, and become my slave!"

The Crimson King gathered his strength, ready to pounce and completely crush and corrode the arrogant guy in front of him.

But the next second, he seemed to have seen something, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his words became stammering:

"Fake...fake emperor, no, it's impossible..."

Along with the holy light, a tall figure in golden armor suddenly appeared behind the Demon Devourer...

(End of this chapter)

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