Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 271: Shock, Emperor Sells, Born in the Subspace

Chapter 271: Shocked, the Emperor sold out his body and gave birth in the warp...

Lionsgate Airport.


in view.

A pilgrim ship slowly docked, its ivory white paint giving it a marble-like texture.

On the sides of the ship are statues of living saints and runes, appearing in dazzling gold.

The entire pilgrimage ship sparkles in the sun, giving people an overwhelming sense of solemnity and sacredness.

It stands out from the crowd in the area where the pilgrim ships are moored.

“Isn’t that the Pious?
The guys at Xingta Airport did a very meticulous job, which exceeded my expectations..."

Ron recognized the identity of the pilgrimage ship in front of him at a glance.

Because the ship uses the golden age painting technology that the territory reproduced from STC.

Even though the ship in front of you uses some cheap paint, the texture it presents is quite high-end.

After that, he saw more changes:
"My goodness, they put the statue of the Savior on the hull, and it's in the center..."

In fact, Ron's original intention was just to ask the airport to make some simple repairs to the Pious.

When the Pious arrived at Star Tower Airport, the hull was slightly damaged.

So he mentioned it in passing.

Although the savior's original intention was good, the following double execution was carried out.

When the head of the airport agency heard that the Savior personally paid attention to the pilgrimage ship The Pious, he rushed over in a hurry.

Go to the scene to provide personal guidance and strive to implement the will of the Savior.

The repairmen were also very excited and motivated. They not only quickly repaired the damaged areas but also renovated some areas.

The entire hull was spray painted.

But after the airport manager saw it, he felt that it was not loyal enough. How could there not be the icon of the great savior on the hull?

This is wrong!

Then the person in charge called the craftsmen over.

The craftsmen covered the center of the statue group with a golden sun and a statue of the Savior that was larger and more conspicuous than the other statues.

At this moment, Ron looked at his statue on the Pious and fell silent.

It seems that this is a good idea.

In the future, more detailed regulations will have to be introduced to restrict them so as to prevent them from over-enforcing the law.

He had reason to suspect that if there were no relevant regulations, those guys at the airport would have replaced the engine.

It is equipped with the latest model of civilian ship subspace engine MK3, which has performance comparable to that of a small battleship.

By the way, here are a few civilian versions of the self-defense guns.

This is why Ron doesn't easily interfere in the affairs below.

After all, his status in the territory is too high.

Even a simple sentence can affect the lives or destinies of many people.

Ron was thinking.

The pilgrims in the hall stared at the Pious in front of them in amazement. They swore that they had never seen such a magnificent and sacred pilgrimage ship in their lives.

It is rare to see ships and vehicles that can use exquisite paint jobs on a large scale within the Empire.

Because that would be very costly.

Ordinary people are not qualified to use it at all.

The Empire is fanatical about all things decorative, and warriors love to adorn their armor with all sorts of sacred runes, relics, and paint.

Even specific color schemes are specified.

This has led to high prices for those fancy, hard-wearing, defensive coatings and has even led to some monopolistic behavior.

There was once a coating STC temporarily named 145XX22, which was discovered by the Skitarii and the Imperial Guard.

The paint has a unique chemical composition that allows it to be used to coat combat equipment in a very short time.

The discovery of the STC caused hundreds of important hive worlds responsible for painting vehicles to revolt.

Dozens of high-ranking nobles with vested interests also protested.

In order to eliminate the impact.

The relevant Imperial agencies had no choice but to declare that the STC was suspected to have been corrupted by Chaos in some way and then sealed it.

Until hundreds of years later.

The relevant imperial agencies officially announced that the STC had not been corrupted and was fully approved by the High Lords.

This shows the importance of paint to the empire.

Those who are qualified to have their armor painted with bright and gorgeous patterns are basically high-ranking warriors of the empire.

For example, Space Marines, Inquisitors, Battle Sisters, etc.

But those beings basically deal with the local governor, and are legends that many mortals are not qualified to meet in their lifetime.

To ordinary people, the sheriff of the local defense force is a very important figure.

In this situation.

The gorgeous paint job that filled every corner of the Pious's hull gave the ragged pilgrims a great shock.

Some pilgrims even knelt down on the spot and worshipped the sacred statue on the ship.

They never miss out on anything sacred and worship wherever they go.

Inside the cabin of the Pious.

The pilgrims, filled with piety and irrepressible excitement, traveled through generations and hundreds of years.

They finally arrived at Holy Terra, the most sacred throne world of the Empire, in their lifetime.

According to legend, every piece of land here exudes a sacred atmosphere, every building tells an ancient legend, and every ray of sunshine guides the pilgrims on their way forward.

When the pilgrim ship arrived at its destination.

The captain excitedly announced that all pilgrims would be given extra meals so that everyone would have more energy to welcome this sacred event!
This excited the pilgrims.

They could finally enjoy the delicious food of the Holy Land of Ers.

Before the Pious left the airport, Star Tower Airport gave them a lot of supplies, which moved the pilgrims to tears.

They were all grateful for the Savior's gift.

The food was so luxurious that the captain usually only gave each pilgrim a small bite mixed in with the starchy food.

But it was delicious enough.

Thanks to the highly nutritious food, the pilgrims hardly ever went hungry during this period.

After the food was distributed, the pilgrims had a good meal and received some compressed food produced in Ers.

After eating, the pilgrims returned to the cabin and carefully took out the white, soft robes sent by the Holy Land of Ers and put them on.

Then put on the pilgrim badge, as well as the exquisite Savior Cross pendant, bracelet and other holy objects obtained at the Holy Land of Ers using credit points.

In fact, those were all wholesaled from factories under the pilgrimage area of ​​the Holy Land of Ers, but they were well-made and exposed to the light of the holy sun.

In some cases, it can resist minor chaos corruption and is more reliable than ordinary relics.

The pilgrims dressed neatly and came together into the hall to begin the incense burning ceremony.

Before checking out, the pilgrims took away all the incense in the room and even in the toilet of the Holy Land Hotel.

They found the smell of the incense sacred.

The hall was filled with the special smell of incense, and pilgrims bathed in the smoke, prayed, and steamed their robes.

After the ceremony was over, the pilgrims suppressed their trembling bodies due to excitement and officially set foot on Holy Terra.

They faintly looked forward to it.

As the holy place of the empire's throne, this place should be more sacred than the Holy Land of Naus, right?

The pilgrims disembarked from the Pious and walked along the passage into the Pilgrim Hall, which was instantly drowned out by the din of voices.

They saw the dirty hall and the ragged crowd.

The pilgrims who recently passed through the Holy Land of Ers to worship and experience baptism suddenly felt a sense of gap.

There doesn't seem to be much difference between this place and the holy places in other parts of the empire?
But after so many years of anticipation, the pilgrims did not think too much about it and were still full of piety.

They maintained their team as usual, avoided getting separated, and moved forward in silence.

However, the pilgrims on the Pious found that the ragged crowd quietly made way for them.

There was a hint of awe in people's eyes when they looked at them.

This surprised the pilgrims.

Because in the past, no one paid attention to them.

Most of the time.

They all mixed in with the crowd, moving forward timidly, fearing that they would knock over something sacred and incur severe punishment.

It was normal for the other ragged pilgrims to give way.

Everyone in the hall was wearing tattered robes and looked miserable.

Suddenly, a group of people came over, wearing noble white robes that only priests could afford.

It looks so sacred and transcendent, and out of tune with the surrounding environment.

Who dares to stand in the way?
The pilgrims of the Pious stood still, at a loss as to what to do, and the crowd around them grew quiet.

Ron suddenly walked over and communicated with the leading captain: "Mr. Captain.

I am Grant, a merchant from the borderland, and I am here to pay homage. Can I walk with you?"

Shasim couldn't reach Holy Terra so quickly with the Imperial Fleet, so Ron planned to go to the headquarters of the Imperial Church first.

Go find Donny's mentor, Cardinal Lauren Tiss.

It would be more convenient to follow these pilgrims, and we could also learn more about the state religion.

"Feel sorry……"

The captain wanted to refuse, but after seeing the souvenirs from the Holy Land of Ers that Ron deliberately left out.

He showed a happy expression: "Have you also been to the Holy Land of Ers?"

Ron nodded: "Of course, by the Emperor, it is a really good place, especially the holy hot spring sauna blessed by the Emperor..."


"Praise the God Emperor!"

Hearing this, the captain and several pilgrims nearby looked after, as if they had found the person in the passage.

They excitedly chatted with Ron about his experience of pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Ers, and naturally included him in the pilgrimage team.

Nearby, some ragged pilgrims listened to the words and stared in amazement: "Emperor, where is this holy place of heaven?"

But looking at those old men wearing white divine robes, they didn't dare to step forward to ask.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Ron followed the pilgrims from the Pious and continued forward.

At this moment, the pilgrims also reacted, as if they had become different after their trip to the Holy Land of Ers.

They have experienced the sacred pilgrimage to the Holy Site of Erth, and are pilgrims who have venerated the Emperor's holy relics up close.

Unlike other pilgrims...
Thinking of this, the pilgrims on the Pious no longer cowered in fear, but straightened their backs.

"Dear pilgrims, please follow me..." The receptionist in the hall came over quickly and greeted them warmly. As he approached, he smelled the scent of noble incense, and his attitude became more sincere.

Generally speaking, only high-ranking warriors, nobles, and high-ranking clergymen can make use of special incense formulas.

Those people were not people that a low-level administrative staff like him could afford to offend.

Looking at this scene, Ron was speechless. It turned out that there was a receptionist here. He thought there was no one.

This is understandable.

After all, Holy Terra receives billions of pilgrims from all over the galaxy at any given moment.

Given the complex and cumbersome procedures of administrative agencies and the lack of smart networked devices, they have no good way to register and manage these people.

All they can do is find the Chaos Alien Heretics, then quickly call in armed personnel to execute them.

Under such a chaotic management model, only certain special classes can enjoy reception services.

Now, Ron and the pilgrims on the Pious were treated as a special class.

As for how to distinguish.

This is just an ordinary reception hall, and there is no array of thinkers.

You can't ask the reception staff to check the huge, outdated paper database with thousands of floors, right?

Therefore, the reception staff identify who belongs to the special class mainly by looking at temperament, clothing, emblems, etc.

Those who have no signs of chaos and dress well must be from a special class.

The common class cannot afford such fine clothing.

And apart from the pilgrims, most of the ordinary people are either working in the agricultural world, farming, or tightening screws in the hive factories.

There is no time to come to Holy Terra.

As for whether there will be any people with bad intentions sneaking in, all we can say is that if there are too many lice, you won’t be afraid of the itch.

With billions or even tens of billions of people coming and going every day, it's normal for some chaos and heresy to appear.

Just find them out and judge them, and that's it.

Soon, Ron and others simply registered under the warm hospitality of the reception staff.

Then they took a shuttle ship through special channels and headed to the headquarters of the Imperial Church in Antarctica.

Generally speaking, pilgrims would first go to the holy city, the headquarters of the state religion, and then make a detour from the holy city to worship various holy sites.

Finally, you will pass through the Gate of Eternity and arrive at the gate of the imperial palace located in the Himalayas, and feel the holiness and greatness of the emperor outside the palace.



The Holy City, headquarters of the state religion.

Pilgrim Trail.

This is a trail three or four kilometers wide, and pilgrims need to walk along it for dozens of kilometers to reach the Anglican Cathedral.

Ron stood on the trail, looking at the thick polluting smog in the sky with a frown on his face.

The difference in the environment of Holy Terra was beyond his imagination.

The natural resources here have been exhausted, the oceans have evaporated, the soil is completely barren, and the atmosphere is filled with polluting fog.

With the exception of the Himalayas, almost all mountain ranges have been leveled, and huge, maze-like complexes cover most of the surface.

What’s even more terrifying is that such a planet is crowded with trillions of permanent residents and even more mobile populations.

Except for the personnel of imperial institutions, the vast majority of the local population fell into extreme poverty.

Pollution, mutation, and chaos are slowly corroding the bottom layer.

The only hope for these lower-class local populations is to have their offspring enter the Terran government or state religion.

Even if it means becoming the humblest slave.

However, such opportunities are extremely rare.

Because the relevant positions or posts are almost all hereditary from generation to generation.

Ron thought that after entering Holy Terra, there would be fewer traces of chaos, but he didn't expect there would be more.

Along the way, he witnessed several incidents of Chaos Invasion, and hundreds of people were killed by the guns of the Crusaders.

Think about it too.

There are so many people coming and going mixed together, and this is also an area that is being heavily invaded by the Chaos Gods.

How is it possible that corruption has not occurred?

Even if the entire population of Holy Terra were cleansed, corruption would be difficult to eradicate as long as there were still people.

What's more, this place also has to accommodate pilgrims, and a large number of pilgrims who stay here will still form a new lower-level poor class.

Ron pondered silently and continued to move forward with the pilgrims on the Pious.

This walk is not easy.

Unfortunately, there is no sightseeing bus here like at the Ers Sanctuary.

There is no other means of transportation to the Anglican Cathedral except on foot.

Perhaps those high-ranking nobles of Terra would have special transportation routes.

But with his current status, he doesn't have that privilege.

As he walked further, Ron saw more and more pilgrims' huts. The poorer pilgrims could only rest on the ground wrapped in robes.

The entire trail area is like a huge slum of shanties.

Fortunately, this is the headquarters of the national religion, and there are porridge stalls in every area.

Give blessed food to the pilgrims.

After all, it is the headquarters of the state religion, and we cannot allow too many devout pilgrims to die in this sacred place.

He took a quick taste and found it a bit sour and mixed with a lot of impurities.

But for the pilgrims, these are rare delicacies.

After walking more than ten kilometers.

In order to reach the Anglican Cathedral faster, Ron parted ways with the pilgrims on the Pious and set off alone.

What he didn't know was.

The pilgrims on the Pious, who witnessed all this, grew increasingly silent.

The sharp contrast between the Holy Land of Ers and Holy Terra made these believers feel dazed.

They are still devout to the Emperor, but they think that more believers should know about the existence of the Savior.

Soon, these pilgrims began to tell others about the Savior's deeds, which attracted the attention of the state church.

Soon, the Crusaders found them.


Ron was quite excited, he could already see the Anglican Cathedral.

About ten kilometers away.

Moreover, after paying a precious holy relic pocket watch, he inquired about the current situation of the state religion from a certain priest.

The cardinal who acted as his deputy is still alive and has not fallen from power.

I hope that being will allow the Holy Land of Ers and the belief in the Savior to be included in the state religion for the sake of Donny, his only disciple.

And it had to be quick, otherwise the pilgrims who had been to the Holy Land of Ers might get into trouble.

Ron didn't need the other party to give the Holy Land of Ers a high status, as long as they allowed the spread of its beliefs.

The holy places of the state religion are innumerable.

There are at least ten thousand living saints in those churches.

There are countless living saints who have failed to enter the sequence and can only spread among regions.

After all, with hundreds of millions of civilizations in the empire, everyone has a legendary figure.

In order to strengthen their religious rule, many local state religions often promote their own living saints and establish holy places for them.

If luck is good and operations are carried out properly, and it is included in the list of state religions, it can greatly enhance its ruling power in the local area.

They had to do this, otherwise the power of the local state church would be swallowed up by other imperial institutions.

If the bishop's feelings towards Donnie had not deteriorated, the Holy Land of Ers would have a great chance of becoming part of the state religion.

Because on the surface, the state religion of the Holy Land of Ers was developed by his disciple Doni, and the savior was also certified by Doni himself.

They are all their own people.

Ron felt a little emotional. Looking back now, he felt that it was the right choice for him to stay in the state religion.

It is too difficult to develop faith on your own.

Suddenly, Ron sensed something.

A man who looked like a pilgrim stumbled past him and blended into the crowd.

Then, he found something extra in his hand.

That's a piece of paper.

Ron picked it up and saw that there were two pictures of a large and a small sun on it.

Damn it! ! !

What is going on? Is the little sun exposed?

He looked down and saw the text below.

Heresy, so heretical!
The above are all outrageous rumors, mainly secrets from the emperor's early years.

What about the Emperor who turned into a she-wolf in his early years; the Emperor who stood on the street and begged for food; the Emperor who sold ditches to the warlords in order to gain the army to unify Terra.

Damn, there is also Gouzi literature here?
And there are recent rumors claiming that a certain navigator and priest of the State Church witnessed the Emperor in the Warp with a certain being XXX.

Finally a little sun was born.

No, aren’t all the rumors these days so wild?

Aren’t you afraid that the Emperor will send the Legion of the Damned to your door?

Ron looked at the logo at the bottom corner of the paper. It was that of the Slaanesh sect.

Oh, that's alright...

As expected, the Slaanesh clan knows how to play. There is actually a Slaanesh sect that dares to do such a big thing.

Regardless, they were screwed.

Ron finally understood.

Why did those in high positions not dare to kill historians and attached great importance to compiling historical books?

Because wild history is really wild...


Bolt guns roared and the crowd screamed.

Ron looked back.

The Slaanesh follower who had just stuffed the explosive secrets into his hands had his head blown off.

Then, he saw a group of crusaders running towards him...

(End of this chapter)

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