Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 296: Stand back, the battle is taken over by the Redemption Titan!

Chapter 296: Stand back, the battle is taken over by the Redemption Titan!

Agricultural World - Troon.

Chaos polluted area.

The fertile fields are gradually withering, losing their vitality, and becoming dry and barren.

The once golden ears of wheat have become twisted and sharp. They sway in the wind, making no longer a gentle rustling sound, but more like a shrill scream.

It seems to be telling the pain and despair of the land.

Agricultural workers stood at the edge of the land and looked out, their eyes filled with prayer and hope.

They crossed their hands over their chests and prayed softly:

"Oh, red and holy angel, we pray that you will use your endless mercy and power to kill the terrible evil god and purify this land..."

bang bang bang-

In the twisted wheat field, dozens of red figures ignored the sickle-like mutated wheat ears and moved forward steadily.

The bolters in their hands accurately fired at the abominations that were rushing towards them.

"Watch out, we're approaching our target!"

The commander of the Angel of War, Pru, looked down at the auspicious instrument and warned those around him.

He led dozens of Terminator warriors to this distant galaxy to hunt down the powerful demons that were wreaking havoc here.

The voice just fell.


The illusory barrier was shattered, and a mountain of corpses made of wheat ears and human bodies appeared in front of the war angels, among which were densely packed monsters with claws and fangs as sharp as mummies.

On the top of the mountain of corpses, there was a demon with a huge belly and a strange appearance.

The demon looked at Prue and the other warriors, and sneered from its huge mouth filled with straw and sharp fangs:
“Outsiders, your arrival is a mistake and has affected the peace of this land.

You have offended the divine power and will be buried here!"

The demon fell from the mountain of corpses to the ground, controlling a tide of mummies to pounce on the soldiers.

"Brothers, meet the enemy..."

Prue gave the order calmly.

He gripped the power hammer tightly, and psychic lightning instantly wrapped around it, exploding into violent sparks.

The Terminator warriors also changed into power hammers, and the psychic light kept flashing. All of them possessed extraordinary psychic powers.

Under the leadership of Pru, the Terminators began to speed up their pace and sprint towards the group of demons, their psychic power constantly accumulating.

It's sizzling!

Along with the bombardment of the giant hammer, a large range of psychic lightning spread out, burning large areas of hatred.

"Death to heretics!"

Prue ignored the mummies.

He ran at high speed, jumped high over the group of zombies, and swung his huge hammer at the demon.

The dazzling spiritual energy almost made the vision fade into white...

edge area.

"Holy angel, great angel..."

When the agricultural workers saw the shining light, they immediately knelt on the ground and their prayers became more fervent.


The mountain of corpses was surrounded by charred, dried, and disgusting corpses.

The strange demon lost half of its body and fell to the ground, wriggling and groaning with difficulty.

Its eyes were filled with fear and a hint of reluctance, and it begged:

“That great being predicted that as long as I become a god, I can make the land here more fertile, and the rain from heaven will drive away the drought.

The ritual is about to be completed, that is our only hope, I beg you..."

Prue raised his hand to signal the guy to shut up, then connected to the important communication from the Royal Court District.

After listening to the communication, he looked up at the Terminators:

"The Savior's war decree, we should go back..."

Prue and the Terminators turned around and walked back.

The strange demon behind them suddenly relaxed, thinking that he was going to escape.

But next second.


The blazing radiation melta bomb exploded, reducing it to ashes.

Soon after, several fighter planes took off amid the grateful eyes of the agricultural workers and flew out of the atmosphere at high speed.

The Red Angels left this agricultural world.

But this is far from over, local information has been reported.

Soon, an agricultural engineering team will come to transform this world and completely rid it of the endless natural disasters...


Garden World - Reda.

This is the much-praised Garden World, with thousands of golden islands dotted across a warm turquoise shallow sea.

The climate and environment are perfect for relaxing and restoring a tired mind.

It even has a healing effect on some mental traumas.

Beluga Island.

The sun was shining and the waves gently hit the beach, exposing the beautiful shells under the sand to the sun.

Under the dappled shadows of pale green coconut palms.

Commander of the Storm Army, Yari, and his soldiers were lying on the beach basking in the sun.

He took a gulp of the wine in the crystal bottle and cursed: "Damn it, why is this wine so delicious!"

Everything is so beautiful.

However, the billowing smoke not far away, the huge mechanical wreckage and the horrific humanoid alien corpses floating on the sea destroyed this leisure and beauty.

This is just a little free time after the war.

An alien civilization with advanced technology, driving large war machines, invaded this paradise world.

Killing the humans here.

Fortunately, the warriors under the Savior's command wiped out all the aliens.

At the same time, this rare paradise world will also become a subsidiary world of the territory.

Let those who are loyal to the Savior, who work hard, and who fight bravely, have a place to rest.

The governor of this paradise world is trying hard to entertain these warriors who saved them and dares not relax at all.

Now, the situation in the galaxy has changed.

There are dangers everywhere, and they must seek shelter to protect the hundreds of millions of people on this planet.

Continue to have a wonderful life.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a bottle breaking, which startled the Governor.

He quickly asked:
"Master Yari, what happened?"

Yarui scratched his head: "Damn... Sorry, this is none of your business. Your place is indeed very nice, but we have to go..."

He turned over, kicked the sleepy guard, and shouted loudly: "Damn you guys, hurry up!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers quickly stood up and were on guard, with their hands on their weapons.

The guard asked:

"Boss, what's going on?"

Yarui sneered: "It's time to work. We have to deal with those damn alien heretics!"

As the commander-in-chief of the Storm Army, Yarui hardly participates in any strategic decision-making.

He is more like a symbol of the army group and likes to lead the guards and charge to the forefront of the battlefield.

Soon, Yarui led his guards out of Shawan.

Within sight.

Nearly a hundred dark golden knight mechas stood overlooking the sandy bay...


The stars are twinkling.

A large cruiser was floating quietly, with a skull and star logo intertwined on its dark green hull.

On the open deck of the ship.

At this moment, the scene here is bustling and filled with smoke.

"Oh, the great and holy savior..."

The sacred, passionate, and rock-flavored hymns to the savior resounded, making the scene even more lively.

Of course, this is a legal tune, custom-made exclusively for the Children of Man Chapter.

There are many versions of the Savior Hymn today, ranging from sacred music to entertaining and educational children's songs.

But you are not allowed to do anything wrong. It must be reviewed by relevant national education organizations before it can be broadcast.

Otherwise, just wait for the court to come.

The fact that the song Son of Man was able to pass was most likely due to bribing the Savior.

The barrel swayed to the chant, he put on his apron and lit a fierce fire.

Start flipping the spoon.

The unknown biological tissue in the pot screamed and emitted thick purple poisonous smoke.


Datong was caught off guard and took a big gulp.

His face suddenly turned purple and he started coughing: "Ahem, this smells really good, I have to save some for the savior to have a taste too..."

In an instant, his complexion returned to normal.

The Space Marines of the Sons of Man Chapter all have superb toxin-decomposing abilities, strong iron stomachs for digestion, and are good at cooking.

He is considered the top chef in space.

The smoke grew thicker on the open decks.

These Son of Man warriors, who are much fatter than ordinary Space Marines, are using various kitchen utensils to cook the various collected ingredients.

Including some tissues from the aliens, and some soldiers were cutting mutant worms for sashimi.

They eat wherever they go, and this is also a way for them to improve their strength.

Almost one-fifth of the area on the Sons of Humanity mothership is used to store various food and supplies.


Suddenly, Datong took off his apron and asked the soldiers to be quiet.

"Brother Tong, what's wrong?"

A Space Marine asked incoherently with his mouth stuffed with rambling tentacles.

"According to the order of the Lord Savior, we may have to go back and join the battle..."

Da Tong was a little hesitant.

After all, the Sons of Man are a small, independent chapter with the power to act freely.

Unless the territory is attacked or encounters an extremely critical war, they will be forced to return to provide support.

This decree is of an inquisitorial nature.

Just recall some troops that have no combat missions and have time to return.

"I'm afraid we don't have time to turn back..."

Suddenly, a soldier swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at the detector on his body: "There is a big guy crossing the detection area and is about to pass by us..."

"No need to test, we have seen it all."

Da Tong and the warriors looked up at the starry sky. There was an octopus-like fleshy creature that was several times larger than the Humankind's mothership, under the arch of many protective creatures.

Passing by in the distance... that's... the Tyranid Hive Fleet!

If there were a scholar here who was well versed in star maps, he would quickly be able to tell that their route would pass through the Baal system.

The Son of Man's several layers of shields rose and the warp drive started.

This was because several drone frigates had broken away from the fleet and were heading towards the Son of Man, seemingly intent on eliminating the threat.

"Captain, what should we do?"

Datong is disappointed with the quality of his work:
"Nonsense, just get some bug meat and run as fast as you can!"
Blackstone Gate.


Whoosh whoosh—

A large number of warships jumped out of the subspace and gathered in the air, almost covering the sky and the sun.

Half a day later, these warships, under the command of Navy Commander Keith, entered the teleportation gate of the webway one after another in formation.

Inside the sacred tower.

Golden holy light filled the air, and technical priests chanted binary hymns, affixing the emblem of the Mechanical Goddess to each sacred urn bomb after another.

Then he operated the robotic arm to put these extremely precious and sacred objects into the black box.

These sacred objects will be transported to the battlefield to play their due role.

Ron stood on a high platform in the Spire Mansion, watching his huge army gather, form up, and then head to the battlefield of Charadon.

Almost all institutions participated in this war.

The main combat forces include:

About 600 large warships and their affiliated frigates; about 50 Emperor-class Titans and more than 300 Warmaster-class Titans; more than 2,000 Knight Mechas.

Many Storm Legion synthetic armored units.

More than 30,000 Void Angels and War Angels, and 1,000 Thunder Guards.

The great savior, the demon-eater, and his sacred ashes bomb.

The Battle of Charadon was just a war within a star sector. To be honest, it was a bit of a luxury to bring so many troops there.

But this time they are facing a powerful demon prince chosen by the four gods!

What if the forces of powerful beings such as the Four Chaos Gods and Abaddon the Despoiler come to join in the fun?
Therefore, we need to bring more troops to prevent a surprise attack from Lao Liu.

Ron was vaguely worried.

If time permits, he would like to recruit more troops.

But now the arrow is on the string and it has to be shot.

The only option is to take the risk and fight...

Ron turned back to the bedroom and opened a passage into a weapons room.

Over the years, he has also built some personal weapons, especially armor enhanced by new technologies.

Soon after.

Ron, wearing ferocious Demon Eater armor, walked out from another passage.

This time the enemy is a demon, so it is more appropriate to wear this "Demon Buster" armor.

Soon, he entered the boarding ship and flew into space.

The Savior will come to the battlefield of Charadon in person to fight a decisive battle with the Demon Prince!
Deep in Charaton.

Dark area.

Korvax, the shattered star between the Warp and reality, looms.

In the center of the planet, on the throne atop the fortress city.

"It seems that I overestimated my opponent..."

Bilak glanced at the sand table, speaking with some anger and disdain.

According to intelligence, the Demon Eater's fleet has arrived in the Chaladon region. Perhaps such a fleet can run rampant in some star regions.

But to the Dark Lord, that fleet was too weak, its strength less than one-tenth of his own.

A humble and weak army actually caused himself so much trouble.

This made the arrogant Lord of Darkness feel a little embarrassed.

His patience ran out.

Bilak pushed with his sharp magic fingers, puncturing the sand ball representing the planet Tscamelo.

At the same time, orders were given to the Chaos forces there.

Order them to crush Tscamelo with overwhelming force and kill everyone in the fortress, especially the Emperor's Blood Merchant.

A small gift for the upcoming Demon Eater.

As for the Demon Eater fleet.

He had sent three times as many fleets to destroy it.

The Lord of Darkness likes the feeling of crushing his enemies like this. He wants to let that arrogant Demon Eater know how big the gap between them is!



Queen's Fortress.

In this land engulfed by war, the terrifying roar penetrated every corner of the defense line and echoed in the ears of the soldiers.

It's not just polluting noise, it's a sign of death.

This indicates that a new round of attacks is coming.

In the thick black smoke, more figures of abominations and demon engines emerged, surging like a tide.

Those twisted and dirty bodies plunged the defenders on the defense line into a depressing silence.

Now, they only had enough ammunition to sustain one wave of attacks.

Food and medicine were also exhausted.

The defenders were suffering from extreme fatigue and hunger.

"Freedom Blade, never surrender!"

The dozen or so knight mechas of the Raven family still have a strong will.

They took the lead in attacking the demon engines.

In the communication channel, the commander screamed:

"Warriors, hold on a little longer, the reinforcements from the Holy Land will arrive soon!"

No one knows whether these words are lies.

But this only hope did give the defenders a little fighting spirit.

Regardless of whether reinforcements can arrive or not, they must fight, at least to kill a few more abominations before they die in battle!
The knight mechas, determined to die, burst out with extraordinary combat power and were almost invincible.

Kill all those demon engines.

With this inspiring move, the defenders held their line tenaciously and once again repelled the mixed army.

However, before they could cheer for victory.

A Chaos Knight walked out of the black fog.

That was a Chaos Knight from the Crow Family, his body covered with thick deformed tissue, and it looked a bit bigger than the mecha of the Raven Family.

"A heretic traitor of the Raven family!"

After seeing Chaos Knight.

The rage of the dozen or so Free Blade Knights was hard to suppress; it was these traitors who attacked Koloshi and caused them to lose their home world!


The nearest Freeblade Knight's engine hummed, and it attacked Chaos Knight madly.

The attack of the two knights was so fierce.

The first impact almost shattered the surrounding defensive buildings, and the chainsaw swords collided with each other with a roar, splashing dazzling sparks.

In just a few seconds.

The Freeblade Knight dismembered and killed the Chaos Knight at the cost of losing an arm.


Before the Free Blade Knight could stand firm, a power claw swung out from the black mist and tore off its other arm.

A new Chaos Knight has emerged...


Seeing this, a Free Blade Knight wanted to rush forward to help, but was stopped by the captain.

The captain's voice trembled:

"Pilot, stay calm, there are Chaos Knights behind them!"

In the sight of everyone.

The black smoke dissipated, and more than sixty Chaos Mechas appeared.

They looked down upon the line.

"You fools of the Raven family, you can't resist the evil crow's mecha line!"

The Power Claw Chaos Knight sneered.

In front of everyone, he tore apart the cockpit of the Freeblade Knight and impaled the driver's body on the power claw.

Then throw it in front of the Free Blade Knights.

Such a horrifying scene frightened and made everyone in the Queen's Fortress feel desperate.

Hope was dashed.

They simply couldn't imagine how to defeat such a terrible enemy.

On the balcony of the fortress.

The queen hardly dared to look at those mechas. Her voice trembled:

"Mr. Shahim, I...what should we do? The savior will come to save us, right?"

She seemed to be holding on to illusory hopes and fantasies, and seemed to have sensed something in her confusion. She said firmly: "I believe he will come to save me!"

Shahim looked up at the sky:
"Your feeling is correct, reinforcements have arrived..."

Outside the atmosphere, a fleet loomed.

On the battlefield.

Accompanied by a slight tremor in the ground, more than sixty Chaos Mechas advanced towards the front line with unstoppable force.

Such a group of chaotic mechas would be a terrifying force in any war.

The Chaos Knights came wantonly, ready to destroy this place completely and cruelly crush and tear apart all life!
The Freeblade Knights took a slight step back.

But they quickly suppressed their fear and stayed at the front line.

These knights retreated once before, and they lost their homes as a result.

This time, they can't retreat anymore...

"We no longer fear Chaos, and we fight to the death!"

The Freeblade Knights swore their original oath to welcome their impending death.

Suddenly, the Chaos Knights seemed to have discovered something.

Look up.

Above the sky, several streams of fire came crashing down and reached the ground at an extremely fast speed.

dong dong dong-

The stream of fire fell on the backs of the Free Blade Knights, and then there was a flash of light.

That is a large teleportation beacon made with Eldar technology!
Space fluctuations.

An illusory portal appears.

The giant mechanical legs stepped out, and the ground shook.

Five Emperor-class Titans came out, and almost everyone's eyes were focused on these extremely tall war machines.

The huge body of the Emperor-class Titan, which is 100 meters long, passed over the heads of the Freeblade Knights, and a heavy electronic sound was emitted:
"Stand back, this battle has been taken over by the Redemption Titan!"

(End of this chapter)

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