Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 300 The decisive battle is coming, the armies of the four Chaos Gods are coming together?

Chapter 300 The decisive battle is coming, and the armies of the four Chaos Gods are coming together?
Based on intelligence.

The reconnaissance ship found a nearly broken planet filled with chaotic evil energy deep in the Charadon region.

But the scout ship was soon attacked and completely destroyed.

Fortunately, it transmitted the relevant videos and data back in time.

The intelligence agency, together with the Demon Research Institute and other institutions, analyzed the valuable intelligence video and data.

They found out.

The planet is almost close to the veil, in the gap between the warp and the real universe, and there are many Chaos forges and Chaos armies on it.

A terrifying black demon was also found in the video footage.

That was the Lord of Darkness.

In another blurry video.

On the strange machine behind the Lord of Darkness, countless twisted and struggling human bodies were hanging like fruits.

"Bilak, you really deserve to die..."

Ron took a deep breath and didn't continue watching the video.

Any war between the Empire and Chaos will result in the deaths of countless humans.

Even a slight fluctuation.

It also involves the sacrifice of tens of millions, or even more lives.

There are so many sufferings and sacrifices that there is little chance of them being recorded.

The empire might record that some brave warriors drove back the enemy or that all died.

As for the lives of ordinary people.

It may appear in entries such as the fall or destruction of a certain planet.

Just a few words.

It could mean the loss of tens of billions of lives.

This is the Purgatory Galaxy.

That's what He, the Savior, can do.

Just become as powerful as possible, defeat more chaos demons, and save more worlds...

Ron quickly read the information, his brows furrowed.

He had only one feeling.

That is when the situation becomes even more serious.

This war will not only affect the Chaladon region, it may even shake the empire!
Based on research and analysis by relevant institutions.

Deep underground in that planet, there seems to be some dark machine using Blackstone technology hidden, striking the curtain between the subspace and reality.

It caused some cracks!

Ron was numb.

Isn't this creating a subspace rift?

This is a common tactic used by those powerful chaotic beings.

For example, Magnus, Abaddon the Despoiler, etc., they have all created or expanded warp rifts to varying degrees.

The empire suffered heavy losses.

I just don't know what level of cracks the Dark Lord created.

Could it be that he wanted to create a permanent subspace channel similar to the Eye of Terror?
Ron thought about it and rejected the idea. That guy probably didn't have such ability.

But even a temporary subspace crack is terrifying enough.

The surging chaos demons were enough to flood the Chaladon region and several nearby star regions, and even spread to more areas.

Now, Ron finally understood.

Why has the Lord of Darkness been so quiet during this period of time and not sent out troops to fight him?

This bastard actually hid and used his ultimate skill secretly to cause big trouble!
Fortunately, he discovered it in time.

Otherwise, once the Warp rifts are formed, Chaos Demons will sweep in like a tide and attack other areas.

It would have become a major tragedy that shocked the empire.

And he, the savior who is participating in a large-scale battle for the first time, will also face a huge defeat in his life.

At least the Chalaton area can no longer be saved.

They could only retreat in disgrace, leaving behind a completely devastated war zone!

Ron rubbed his brows and looked at Taco, the head of the intelligence department of the Military Affairs Department:
"When will the warp crack be completed? How much time do we have?"

Taco couldn't help but wipe his forehead, where his hairline had receded severely, and said worriedly: "Savior, according to the research results of data energy, we only have two months at most..."

Hearing this prediction, Ron fell silent.

The time left for them to react was too short.

But no matter what, they must stop the Lord of Darkness and destroy the dangerous dark machine.

To eliminate the source of disaster.

After thinking about it.

Ron accessed the communication with Navy Commander Keyes.

"Savior, what do you want?"

In mid-air, a virtual projection of Keith's body appeared and asked respectfully.

Ron was resolute and gave the order:

"The plan has changed. We need to advance ahead of time and launch an attack on the Dark Lord's lair to completely destroy it!"

According to the original plan, the Savior Fleet will advance steadily, recapture more planets, establish multiple supply areas, and gradually reduce the scope of activities of the Chaos forces.

Finally, there will be a decisive battle.

However, they now had no time to advance steadily, let alone delay.

The longer the time goes, the more dangerous the situation in the Chalaton area becomes.

The Savior Fleet must quickly enter the decisive battle and reach the enemy's lair.

Destroy the planet with absolute firepower, eliminate the Lord of Darkness and the dark machine hidden deep underground!

Savior Third Fleet.

Flagship bridge.

Commander of the Third Fleet, Voladi, participated in a combat meeting organized by the Navy Commander and received shocking news.

Due to the evil plan of the Dark Lord, nearly a thousand large warships of the Savior Fleet and its affiliated battle groups had to participate in the decisive battle to destroy his lair.

At the same time, he was given a crucial and extremely dangerous mission.

In order to hide the real main force in the next decisive battle.

The Third Fleet, the Fourth Fleet and the Vanguard Fleet led by Voladi will advance alone to the galaxy where the Lord of Darkness is located.

Once they arrive and make sure there are no hidden traps in the area.

The hidden main force of the Savior Fleet will, under the guidance of the psychic navigation beacon, collectively jump to the galaxy and launch a concentrated attack on the Dark Lord's lair.

This is also for safety reasons.

Those Chaos forces are very likely to have some large-scale Warp weapons or Chaos ritual arrays that can create storms and drag the fleet into the Warp vortex.

In case you get infected.

There is a high chance that the entire fleet will suffer heavy damage or even be lost in the warp.

Even if the fleet can withstand the storm, the opportunity to fight will be completely delayed.

Therefore, sending out a fleet as bait and performing detection missions at the same time is the best approach.

But that would mean great danger.

Voladi, like his fleet commander, accepted the task with determination.

After the order from Navy Commander Keyes was issued, the Savior Fleet was fully mobilized and each began to act according to the established goals.


The warships of the Third, Fourth and Vanguard Fleets gathered.

They organized themselves into a team with Voladi as the commander-in-chief, which had about a hundred large warships and many affiliated battle groups.

They began to advance towards the galaxy where the Dark Lord's lair, the star system of Korvax, was located.

Voladi commanded the fleet and he advanced smoothly with almost no obstacles.

Approaching that dark mysterious galaxy at an extremely fast speed.

However, as they got closer to the target galaxy, the atmosphere in the fleet became increasingly tense and depressing.

Because they didn't encounter any enemies.


The Dark Lord's strange main fleet was like a poisonous snake hidden in the abyss, which could come out and deal them a fatal blow at any time!
"Hey, where is their main fleet?!"

Inside the bridge.

Voladi looked a little haggard.

That strange fleet of the Lord of Darkness was almost becoming a source of worry for him.

It's hard to participate in a large-scale battle.

Now it was almost time for a decisive battle, and he hadn't even seen the shadow of the enemy fleet.

What a shame!

Voladi felt like he was being played by his enemies.

During the journey during these days, apart from encountering a few wandering pirates, there was no sign of any enemy.

The many reconnaissance ships they sent out found no trace of the enemy.

"If this war ends and I can come back alive..."

Voladi's eyes were determined, as if burning with fire: "We must undergo more intense extreme training!"

The young fleet commander attributed all this to his own lack of strength.

You will be fooled by the enemy.

He needs stronger capabilities to cope with future battlefields.

The fleet is on the march.


There is nothing but some dark chaos-tainted areas.

This fleet.

It seems like heading towards a bottomless abyss.

There was nothing Voladi could do about it.

He could only follow orders and advance resolutely towards Korvax to complete the predetermined combat objectives.

Boom boom boom——

Another group of Chaos Pirates has been detected.

Before they could react, they were destroyed by round after round of neat and precise volleys.

The Savior Fleet is basically equipped with semi-automated operating systems.

With this system.

The combat data can be sent to the fleet commander Voladi in a timely manner, and he can even issue command orders to a certain gun on a certain ship.

Of course, it takes a lot of effort to master this system.

Voladi is one of the best.

Apart from war, he was training himself all the time.

That group of wandering pirates failed to affect the normal speed of the fleet.

dong dong dong-

The dark machine continued to absorb human souls and used black stone components to continuously strike the curtain, bringing it to the brink of being torn apart.

The energy emanating from the subspace, entangled with the thick black fog, made the entire planet even more bizarre.

Top of the fortress city.

Bilak, the Lord of Darkness, is even more arrogant.

He sat on the throne, his chin resting on his claws, waiting for something.

The Dark Lord's great plan progressed smoothly and received support from many forces.

He made guarantees to those forces, borrowed more warships, and recruited Chaos Pirates to make his fleet even larger.

Today, the number of warships in the Dark Lord's fleet is extremely astonishing, with more than 300 large warships and countless affiliated battle groups.

Such strength is enough to sweep across most areas of the empire!

Not long ago, the Demon Eater's detection equipment found this planet.

This surprised Bilak; the domain was exposed earlier than he had expected.

But that has little impact on the grand scheme of things.

He originally wanted to expose the location of the Korvax and attract the Demon Eater fleet.

According to intelligence, the Demon Eater fleet is on its way to Korvax.

That is undoubtedly good news.

to this end.

Bilak sent some fleets to try and harass the Demon Eater fleet.

In addition to testing strength, it is also to create some illusions.

If the Demon Devourer Fleet did not encounter any obstacles along the way, wouldn't it seem very strange? It might make them wary and even dare not attack.

At this moment, Bilak was waiting for the fleets to send back news.

If we could find out the strength of the Demon Devourer fleet.

is the best result.

However, he waited for a long time but no news came back.

"what is going on?"

Bilak tried to contact the fleets and found that they had lost contact again, which made him a little uneasy.

Fortunately, a warship finally responded to the message.

"I...our fleet is completely gone..."

The captain of the warship was filled with fear: "Lord of Darkness, that fleet is simply a demon!"

Bilak: ???

The captain recounted the situation at that time.

Their fleet, under the orders of the Dark Lord, went to harass the Demon Eater's fleet and test the opponent's strength.

However, their fleet had just appeared and there was no time to harass them.

He was taken away by a round of precise volley fire!

Bilak didn't worry too much about this.

Although those fleets did not succeed in the harassment, they at least achieved half of their goal and tested the enemy's strength.

"What a bunch of rubbish!"

The commander of the Great Predator Fleet, wrapped in armor, sneered with disdain.

These days, as the commander of an elite fleet, he has long been fed up with those messy guys in the combined fleet.

These Chaos pirates and traitors are far inferior to their elite fleets!
Even his elite fleet could easily defeat these temporarily gathered rebels.

Just because of these traitors.

Do you also want to follow their elite fleet and share the spoils of war?

"Lord of Darkness, the elite fleet under my command is already strong enough to deal with the Demon Devourer. We don't need the participation of those rubbish at all..."

The Chaos Commander looked at Bilak and said, "With your permission, the elite fleet will set out immediately to destroy the Demon Devourer's fleet!"

After waiting for so many days, he had become a little impatient.

The fleet of the great plunderer is in urgent need of a massacre!
Be'lakor fixed his cold eyes on the Chaos Commander, causing him to take a step back slightly.

This arrogant guy has no idea how powerful the Demon Eater is. If he really lets his fleet attack alone, it will probably ruin his plans!
Bilak retracted his gaze and looked at the commanders of each fleet:

"Everyone, please wait patiently. The Demon Devourer's fleet will soon fall into the trap, and then you can kill as much as you want!"

This is one of the Dark Lord's plans.

Once the Demon Devourer fleet enters the depths of this galaxy, all fleets hidden in the blind spots will gather together and jump.

Surround its fleet.

With more than three times the firepower advantage, strangle it to death!

Of course, that was only part of the plan.

The more important great plan is the planet itself.

Typhus's combined Chaos forces nearly destroyed the area and annihilated most of the Imperial Navy's space defenses.

This allowed him to take advantage of the situation.

Bilak followed the traces left by the warp storm and found the weak spot in the curtain of this area. With the help of Blackstone technology, he continued to attack that weak spot.

To create a rift between the subspace and the real universe.

Now, he is almost successful!


Accompanied by a deafening roar, more cracks appeared in the void and subspace energy swept out.

Bilak looked into the void and sneered.

This is his real great plan!
The Dark Machine is about to create a huge temporary rift, and he will invite the demons of the Chaos Gods to come and join in the carnival!
Witnessed by the Chaos Gods and demons.

The great Lord of Darkness will defeat and brutally massacre the Demon Eaters that the demons fear, and then completely open the channel, leading the Chaos fleet and the demons to wreak havoc in the territory of the empire.

The troops are heading straight for Holy Terra!

This is the dark expedition of the great Lord of Darkness chosen by the gods!

Be'lakor has always been dissatisfied with Abaddon the Despoiler, the Warmaster of Chaos.

That guy spent ten thousand years launching thirteen dark expeditions.

But the results were minimal.

He felt ashamed of such a miserable record.

This time, the great Lord of Darkness will let the Great Plunderer take a good look at what a true Dark Expedition is!

Be'lak believed that the Chaos Gods would not miss this opportunity.

after this war.

With his irrefutable record and the support of the Chaos Gods, his prestige will far exceed that of the Great Plunderer.

Become the leader of Chaos in the galaxy.

Everything is going as planned!


The realm of Khorne.

The sky was a depressing blood red, as if it was a curtain stained red by countless killings and blood.

On the earth, lava flowed and corpses piled up into mountains.

The air was filled with the smell of sulfur.


Inside the Brass Castle.

A huge demon shadow was crawling on the throne, admiring the demon warriors killing each other.

Suddenly, the demon frowned.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

The devilish and cunning Baal immediately stepped forward and asked, with an air of concern.

After further optimization, the spy intelligence department of the Military Affairs Department also arranged for special personnel to provide lurking strategies for these evil thieves lurking within the Chaos Gods.

In the past, Baal relied mainly on recklessness to improve his status.

After further study, he learned not only to be reckless but also to flatter.

After all, who doesn't love a capable, supportive and flattering subordinate, who can give an account of everything, have a solution for everything and get a response for everything?

Soon, Baal became the chief demon's most trusted confidant.

He controls many demon armies for the other party.

To put it bluntly, if you keep lurking like this, you'll soon become the boss.

"I have a bad feeling. It seems like there is a threat from outside..."

Kabanha said with a frown.

He felt a sense of threat, and even the beating of his demon heart quickened.

Very familiar feeling.

"How about I help you find out some information?"

Baal volunteered.

He established some intelligence networks outside the demon army.

In response, Kabanha nodded with satisfaction. This confidant who was both smart and capable of fighting made him feel less worried.

Baal was very efficient.

Soon, he found out some new movements in the territory of Khorne and conveyed the news to the Chief Demon.

I also gave a copy to the Savior.

Kabanha looked at the information, the evil flames on his body surged, and it was obvious that he was not in a very calm mood.

According to intelligence.

The Dark Lord Bilakor sent an envoy to meet the great Blood God.

And according to the news from the real universe not long ago, he is fighting against the Demon Eater!
If envoys are sent under such circumstances, it is not difficult to imagine that the realm of Khorne may join the war.

"Demon Eater..."

Kabanha's violent aura spread throughout the hall, and the terrifying oppressive force made the demons tremble.

That existence is the lifelong enemy of the Chief Demon!
It starts with the first encounter with the Demon Eater.

Twenty-two and a half years have passed since then.

During this time, he has been studying how to deal with the Demon Eater and resist its attacks.

Now, the chief demon Kabanha has acquired the means to resist that terrible weapon to a certain extent!


Is this a good opportunity to defeat the Demon Eater?
On the throne, Kabanha's demon body shook violently and he fell into thought again.


Inside the Brass Fortress.

The messenger of the Dark Lord Bilak has left, and his goal has been achieved.

The great Blood God promised to grant this former chosen one a powerful army of demons to support his great plan.

Go on a dark expedition.

This is a great opportunity for the Blood God.

The Indomitable Expeditionary Fleet of the Imperial Regent has penetrated deep into the front lines. If they can successfully tear open the curtain in the Charadon region, they will be able to kill all the way from that area to the heart of the empire.

Create a bloody path!

The horn of war echoed in the sky, and the call of the Blood God shook every corner like thunder.

The Daemons of Khorne.

These beings, clad in armor and with the eternal flame of war burning in their eyes, responded to the call and gathered from all directions.

Inside the Brass Hall.

More than a dozen Khorne Daemons who remained in the area gathered together, and the demonic flames were like huge waves!
The Blood God slowly opened his bloodshot eyes and looked at the warriors under his command.

Suddenly, the blood shadow shook slightly, because the position of the chief demon was empty.

He showed a hint of doubt:
"Where's Cabanha?"

(End of this chapter)

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