Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 303: Plain Battle, kill, kill, kill!

Chapter 303: Plain Battle, kill, kill, kill!


Central fortress.

Thick black fog blended with twisted energy, almost obscuring this huge and sturdy fortress.

On the steel rack, countless bodies hung upside down by chains and pierced with spikes wailed incessantly, and blood flowed down along a predetermined trajectory.

These humans are constantly being drained of their blood and souls, serving as kinetic energy for the dark machine.

dong dong dong-

The dark machine hidden beneath the throne area sped up its operation, approaching the point of overload.

Those sharp black stone structures struck the curtain, creating ripples. The cracks were visible to the naked eye, and the subspace seeped out along the cracks.

Dozens of huge demonic shadows were projected into reality from the other side of the curtain.

Those shadows looked down at the throne area, looking forward to arriving there.

Some small subspace demons have long been unable to suppress their desire for the real universe.

They slammed frantically into the cracks in the curtain.

Occasionally, a lucky little demon would squeeze out from the cracks. They would circle above the throne area, making shrill and excited howls.

"Now is the real showdown..."

Be'lak sat on the throne, admiring everything he had created with satisfaction.

The great plan he had carefully planned for a long time finally reached its final stage.

The Dark Lord's confidence returned. The previous setback was just an accident. After seizing the legacy of the demigod demon pilot Vashtor, he had built this fortress into an unbreakable iron barrel.

He would like to see.

How is that Demon Eater going to break in and break this deadly situation?

He looked past the heavy steel buildings.

Throw it into the city wall area.

There, many heavy artillery had been set up, with their gloomy muzzles pointed at the areas that needed defense.


The city wall's defensive barriers lit up.

The outer area outside the city walls is an endless, broken plain with flowing lava.

The Chaos Army is busy building one defense line after another.

Dozens of Titans, over a thousand Chaos Knights, and even more Demon Engines.

Set up the battle formation.

Countless mechanical slave soldiers, mutated mechanical vehicles, chaos wizards, and demons almost filled the middle area, stretching as far as the eye could see.

They are waiting for the arrival of the Demon Eater army.

This is an extremely rare phenomenon. In the past, these Chaos legions were always on the offensive, capturing cities, seizing territories, and killing people at will.

Now, they have to hide here and defend themselves.

This makes many chaotic beings feel suffocated.

But these were the orders of the Dark Lord, and they had to obey.

What's more, the strength of the Demon Eater army is unknown, so they can only adopt this conservative combat method.


The bridge of the Dream.

Ron stood fully armed in front of the surveillance equipment, checking the developments of the war so that he could launch a surprise attack at the right time.

He twisted his body and tried to look down at the surveillance screen.

Although this tall and bulky armor is convenient for combat, it has a huge impact on daily activities and is not very comfortable.

Ron began to understand Brother Guilliman's pain a little.

After all, Lao Ji has to wear that armor day and night to maintain his life, and it is a noise version.

How uncomfortable would that be?
Suddenly, his attention became focused.

Because... the war has begun!

Space area.

Whoosh whoosh—

More than 100,000 heavy fighter jets in the atmosphere flew out from the helipads above their respective warships. They gathered like a swarm of bees, densely packed.

Heading into the Korvax atmosphere.

The mission of these heavy fighters is to destroy the remaining air defense arrays on the planet and at the same time cover the large forces reaching the surface.

As soon as the heavy fighter planes entered the atmosphere, they encountered fierce bombardment.

Boom boom boom boom!
Many of the land masses that were entangled in chains and floating in the air were equipped with anti-aircraft arrays, which continuously poured out artillery fire.

Some heavy fighters were shot down.

Soon, the heavy fighters launched a counterattack.

They moved between the land masses, quickly dropping group after group of powerful bombs, destroying one anti-aircraft array after another in the drop zone.


But the heavy fighter unit was soon blocked.

A large number of Hell Dragons flew out from the landmass. They used their sharp claws to tear apart the alloy armor of the fighter planes and sprayed out dragon flames that could melt the steel.

The Hades cannon in the abdomen kept firing.

Many heavy fighter planes were reduced to wreckage and fell in fireballs.

These terrifying aerial demon engines are all nightmares for Imperial fighters. They often require several times the firepower and considerable sacrifice to destroy them.

Fortunately, the heavy fighters had the advantage in numbers and they immediately changed their strategy.

Start to encircle and suppress those hell dragons.

With the assistance and calculation of semi-automated systems, heavy fighters can fight in perfect clusters and destroy the enemy with extremely low casualties.

Those Hell Dragons were attacked by cluster fire, lava splattered on their fuselages, and they crashed with a wail.

While encircling and suppressing the Hell Dragons, some heavy fighters headed towards the central fortress, attempting to bomb the fortress's defensive barrier and the Chaos army's defense line nearby.

However, they failed.

Those heavy fighter planes that were used as tests were destroyed by extremely fierce artillery fire when they approached the city walls and the airspace of the defense line.

See this.

The heavy fighters contracted their formation and focused on clearing out the air defense arrays in the designated airdrop area so that the large force could reach the surface smoothly.

When the air defense arrays in those areas were almost cleared, a large number of transmission beacon devices were dropped, burning under the friction of the atmosphere and becoming streams of fire.

In the dim light of the planet, it looks like a gorgeous meteor.

On the bridge of the Dream.

“I wonder if those transmission beacons can successfully reach the core area of ​​the Central Fortress?”

Ron was a little nervous.

He was watching a batch of teleportation beacons flying towards the central fortress.

Now, the Dark Lord has built a heavy defense outside the fortress, and the curtain is on the verge of tearing, and time is extremely tight.

Without the veil, his army would have easily besieged and destroyed the fortress.

However, the reality is cruel.

In this war, Ron was naturally at a disadvantage and had to race against time.

His troops must reach the enemy's core area in the shortest possible time.

What if a lot of time is consumed in the attack and it is impossible to prevent the crack in the curtain from opening?

That's it.

Therefore, the better approach is to break into the enemy's core and carry out decapitation operations.

If those teleportation beacons can successfully reach the core area of ​​the fortress, Ron and the Imperial Guards can be teleported directly there.

Assault on the Dark Lord.

However, the results were disappointing.

After arriving at the fortress's airspace, those transmission beacons were blocked by a large amount of anti-aircraft artillery fire, and were intercepted by swarms of demons hovering in the sky.

No transmission beacon could land successfully.

Afterwards, the Void Angels' warriors tentatively used airdrop pods, but most of them were destroyed by the anti-aircraft array in mid-air.

Two airdrop pods did land successfully, but were immediately swallowed up by the darkness and all signals were lost.

Ron frowned slightly and asked:

"Any news from the drop pod?"

Taco flipped through the data records:

"The only information we can get now is that they suffered an extremely fierce attack and were killed instantly. There was also a lot of noise from chains rubbing against each other."

Ron sighed and looked at the monitor: "It seems that we can only attack from the ground. I hope we are fast enough..."

Fortunately, the air defense array in the plain airdrop area was in place, allowing the transmission beacon and troop transport ship to arrive smoothly.

dong dong dong-

A large number of teleportation beacons smashed into the ground, flashing with light.


Portals opened one after another, and more than fifty Redemption Titans and nearly a thousand Redemption Mechs stepped out.

Set up a defensive line.

behind them.

Airdrop pods continued to fall like iron rain, and thousands of war angels and void angel warriors came out of the pods and gathered.

In the sky.

Huge troop transport ships gathered in groups one after another.

Slowly descending from outside the atmosphere.

The Chaos Legion in the outer lines of the fortress breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene.

The Demon Eater's army is not as large as imagined.

Seeing the enemy's army gathering and forming a formation, the commander of the Chaos Legion became anxious. Even the legions under him were ready to move and could hardly contain themselves.

Now the gap in high-end firepower between the enemy and us is not obvious, and they even have the advantage on the Chaos side.

The enemies are arriving at the battlefield one after another, and their formations have not yet been assembled.

This is the best opportunity to attack.

If they can repel the enemy's first line of attack, they will also be able to attack the enemy's troop transports.

Get a bigger advantage!
"My Lord, the enemy's formation has not yet been fully assembled. This is the perfect time for us to launch an offensive."

The commander of the Chaos Legion quickly contacted the Dark Lord and said anxiously: "Perhaps we can launch an attack immediately, take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, and defeat them in one fell swoop!"

Bilak on the throne also sensed this was a good opportunity to attack, and he immediately replied, "Okay, you guys..."

But immediately, he reacted and stopped her, saying, "Wait!"

The Lord of Darkness was a little hesitant: That Demon Eater, isn't going to trick me again?

Obviously, his previous failures and the clown's remarks had left a shadow in his heart.

I'm beginning to doubt my own judgement.

Bilak continued to think.

What if the Demon Eater predicted my prediction, took advantage of my suspicion, and assembled the formation openly to make up for the disadvantage of the hasty march?

Then I missed a good opportunity.

Became a clown again?

When the Dark Lord thought of this word, he began to tremble in chaos, and a strong sense of humiliation surged from the bottom of his heart.

His head was thinking, and he fell into overthinking, and the more he thought, the more complicated it became.

Unable to make a decision.


Seeing that the opportunity was slipping away, the commander of the Chaos Legion could not help but urge in a low voice.

Bilak's mind was full of predictions, predictions, and predictions. He felt that his wisdom was severely suppressed by the other party.

He finally made his decision:

"You are fully responsible for everything on the plain battlefield. You can handle it yourself!"

The Dark Lord did not make decisions on the entire battlefield and perform the micro-management he was good at as usual, but instead handed over the command to his commanders.

As long as you don’t make decisions yourself, you won’t go wrong!

Anyway, time is on his side. The peripheral wars are only part of the strategy and cannot really determine the outcome of the war.

As long as he holds the fortress for another half a day, he will never lose!

Could it be possible that the Demon Eater could destroy his entire Chaos Legion in one fell swoop?

That's impossible, the advantage is mine!
After handing over command, Bilak cut off communications.

He didn't care about the outer battle zone, but he had to pay attention to the defense inside the fortress to avoid being attacked by the cunning demon eaters. The Lord of Darkness continued to micro-manage the interior of the fortress and arranged elite garrisons in important areas.

He stared at the war sand table and thought for a while, then moved the position of a melta cannon in an important defense area five meters to the left.


Plain battlefield.

The Savior's armed forces are gradually gathering and organizing a front.

"All legions attack in unison and crush those imperial rubbish!"

On the other side, the commander of the Chaos Legion immediately seized the opportunity after obtaining command permission from the Dark Lord.

The order to attack was given.

This order made the Chaos Legion extremely excited.

They were eager to kill.

For the Chaos Legion, war is a collective charge, it's all about killing, killing, killing!

As for defense?

That is something that only the weak armies of the empire can do!

dong dong dong-

The ground shook as dozens of Chaos Titans crossed the defense line and advanced with heavy steps.

at the same time.

More than a thousand Evil Crow Chaos Knights and even more Demon Engines also followed suit.

Behind these large war machines are the mighty Chaos legions.

Those Chaos warriors roared and charged following the war machines with an extremely terrifying momentum.

In front of the Savior’s armed forces.

The Redemption Titan's several layers of void shields rose up, and the turrets began to adjust, preparing to meet the enemy's attack.

Yarui was driving a dark gold-colored Redemption Mech that was about ten meters tall. He was moving his limbs and doing warm-ups before the battle.

In his team.

The Free Blade Knights clenched their weapons tightly and looked particularly nervous.

in view.

The Chaos Legion was like a thick black cloud, coming in from the end of the horizon, and the march of the Chaos Titans was even more earth-shaking.

At the same time, they saw rows and rows of Evil Crow Chaos Knights.

The anger in my heart rose suddenly.

I can't wait to rush up and fight the other party to the death!
However, there are still some doubts in the hearts of these Free Blade Knights.

The Chaos Legion is obviously much stronger than ours. Can our vanguard withstand the enemy's attack and allow the rest of the team to assemble smoothly?
They don't have too much confidence in this.

However, looking at his comrades who were still calm, he felt at ease and silently prepared to meet the enemy's attack.

Boom boom boom——

As soon as the enemy entered its range, the Chaos Titan immediately launched an attack, pouring out all kinds of intensive artillery fire.

The Redemption Titan did not move, but used the Void Shield to protect the other warriors behind him, and even his counterattack seemed weak.

They were waiting for the enemy to approach.

The Chaos commander looked at the lines of the Demon Eaters.

There is a hint of worry.

Now it seems that the enemy's gradually assembled front seems a bit sparse, leaving a large area empty. Aren't you afraid of being dispersed and surrounded by them?
Also, the enemy seemed a little too calm.

Accompanied by the charge of the Chaos Legion.

The commander grew increasingly uneasy; he seemed to have ordered the attack too soon.

But now the situation is out of control.

Should we stop those Chaos warriors who have gone mad?
Totally impossible.

The Chaos Titans fired their artillery fire crazily, the Chaos Knights fired their heavy bombs crazily, and the Chaos Warriors accelerated and ran wildly.

The imperial army was right before their eyes, and they could no longer suppress their desire to kill.

kill! ! !

Under the cover of the Chaos Titans' attack, the Chaos Legion rushed into the enemy's line area.

"Warriors, charge!"

Yarui roared and drove the Redemption Mech to launch a counterattack against the enemy.

The next moment, the passionate savior's sacred music resounded across the battlefield.

at the same time.

On the bridge of the Dream.

Ron watched as streams of fire, several times more numerous than before, headed toward the surface. Those were new teleportation beacons and airdrop capsules.

The previous ones were just pioneers.

These are the real main forces, more than three times the number of enemy troops!
"Hiss~ This is too smooth, isn't it?"

Ron gasped, a little bit unbelieving.

He just used the same old trick, trying to lure the enemy out of the front line, and then send in several times more troops to charge and encircle the enemy.

Of course, this is just an attempt.

After suffering a loss once, the Dark Lord will most likely learn his lesson and not be fooled again.

But there wouldn't be much loss, it just slowed down the attack, which was just enough time to assemble the army in an orderly manner.

Unexpectedly, this experimental plan was successful.

What a surprise.

This greatly speeds up the process of clearing out the enemy and breaking through the central fortress!


On the plain battlefield.

"It's over!"

The commander of the Chaos Legion looked at the sky full of flames and suddenly his eyes went dark.

This war has reached a point of no return.

He tried to do something, and screamed in the communication channel: "Defense, quickly organize defense!"

"Attack, everyone attack!"

However, his voice on the communication channel was a completely different command, with a harsh, brain-confused chant faintly spreading.

"what happened?"

The commander of the Chaos Legion quickly cut off the communication.

He was horrified to find that his communication channel had been invaded by the enemy at some point!

In the past, only Chaos had interfered with the Empire's communications.

Why is it the other way around now?

His orders could not be delivered at all, and he felt powerless. He could only watch as the Chaos Legion rushed into the enemy's lines.

Fear arose in my heart.

This was his first time facing the imperial army.

Feel the fear!

"No, this is not the Empire's army, but a more terrifying existence..."

The commander of the Chaos Legion thought in despair.

The Chaos Legion warriors roared and rushed into the enemy lines, attempting to carry out a bloody massacre.

"Kill, kill, kill these little bastards from the empire!"

A Chaos Warrior brandished a chainsword and shouted madly.

But the next second.


The airdrop capsule fell and crushed it into a pulp.

Several roaring Chaos Warriors behind him were stunned for a moment, like drakes with their necks strangled.

The Chaos Warriors had only one thought in their minds as they watched the Flowing Fire.

It seemed like they were surrounded during the charge?


The hatch was kicked open.

A war angel shook his head and walked out.

At the same time, more Space Marine warriors came out.

Airspace safety.

In order to quickly deploy troops, this airdrop capsule is like a reinforced Wuling Hongguang, and I don’t know how many Space Marines are crammed into it.

A large number of War Angel warriors came out and looked at the Chaos Warriors with cold eyes.

The Chaos Warriors swallowed and looked at each other, with only one thought in their eyes: "Gua, can we reconcile?"

It's a pity that there is no chance.

Before they could move, they were overwhelmed by bombs.

On the plain battlefield.

Within a limited time, the Savior armed forces dropped more than 200 Redemption Titans, more than 2,000 Redemption Mechas, and more than 20,000 Void Angels and War Angels.

And more armored units.

As for why not continue to launch.

Because there is no space, and some troops need to be kept as support.

The goal of the Savior's armed forces is to annihilate the Chaos Legion on the plains as quickly as possible and then attack the interior of the central fortress.

Now, they have divided the battlefield and surrounded the various Chaos legions.

Next, it’s killing!
On the battlefield, the warriors of the Chaos Legion had fallen into complete panic, like lambs surrounded by wolves.

They can't even figure out who Chaos is.

Why does it feel like the enemy is more ferocious and brutal?

In previous battles with the imperial army, even when we were at a disadvantage, we had never felt such a fear of powerlessness.

Boom boom boom——

Above the Savior ground forces, the Redemption Titans were fighting the Chaos Titans.

The void shields of those Emperor-class Redemption Titans were extremely strong, and they launched concentrated fire on the Chaos Titans one by one under the firepower.

Under the several times greater firepower, the Chaos Titans were completely unable to resist after their shields were worn out.

One after another was destroyed.

The Freeblade Knights followed Ari's charge, occasionally dodging the burning debris left by the Chaos Titan's explosion.

They pounced on the Raven Chaos Knight like wild beasts, then surrounded and hacked him to pieces.

Sparks flew.

"Go to hell, you evil crow bastards!"

"You're dead, I'll take out your heart!"

"***, say hello to your **** evil god for me!"

The Knights of Free Blade followed the Knights of Redemption in their foul language and hacking and slashing, killing their enemies to their heart's content.

They roared, more frightening than the Chaos Warriors.

I even felt a hint of power being added.

The team of Redemption Knights led by Yarui was simply killing like crazy, crushing any enemies along the way, causing the Evil Crow Chaos Knights to flee.


This is the real imperial warrior!

The Freeblades thought so. In the past, when they faced chaos, they always resisted with great difficulty, driving out the enemy in blood, tears, and suffering.

And now.

Kill, kill, kill, and sweep the ground with artillery fire!
"Chaos cubs, go to hell!!!"

Yarui roared, and he drove the Redemption Mech and launched another charge.

However, the Free Blades sensed something was amiss.

Was it a mistake?

They watched as Yari accelerated towards a Chaos Titan that blocked his way.

Our Redemption Mech launched a charge towards the enemy Titan? !

(End of this chapter)

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