Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 305 Ah, the Demon Eater is dead?

Chapter 305 Ah, the Demon Eater is dead?

Yarui drove the vehicle, crossed the gap in the city wall like lightning, and headed straight for the core area of ​​the central fortress.

He almost flew over the heads of the defenders, and the unlucky people below the route didn't even have time to react before they were caught in the scorching flames spewed out by the vehicle and turned into charcoal in the high temperature.

At this speed, only an afterimage is left.

Kohl's mechanical creations are so simple and crude, they only focus on speed and have almost no safety.

That vehicle is difficult to control even for a Space Marine. Without sufficient reaction speed and luck, it would easily crash into obstacles.

Then shattered to pieces.

Fortunately, what Yarui, the immortal warrior, has the most is luck. As long as the mortality rate is not 100%, there will be no problem.

The sudden intruder immediately attracted the attention of the central fortress defense zone.

They must stop the guy driving the strange vehicle, otherwise at the current speed, he will reach the core area in ten minutes.

Cause unpredictable consequences.

At the same time, all the defense zones on Yarui's path began to be on alert, and a large number of various artillery batteries adjusted their muzzles, waiting for the arrival of the target.

Boom boom boom——

Along with the roar of vehicles, artillery fire came in overwhelming force.

However, Yarui suddenly put the vehicle into overload mode, increasing its speed further and rushing out of the flames.

The artillery fire can only eat the exhaust gas behind his vehicle!

"Stop him at all costs!"

On the throne, Bilak had a gloomy face and issued more attack orders.

However, all efforts were in vain.

on the screen.

Street after street was reduced to ruins under the bombardment of artillery fire, but the vehicles and the warriors driving them continued to approach the core area.

It can't be stopped at all!

At this moment, Yarui was fully engaged, ignoring the interference of artillery fire from the outside and not caring about his own life or death.

He had only one thought in his mind.

That is to speed up and reach the target area designated by the Savior.

Some time passed.

Yarui finally arrived at the core area of ​​the throne in the central fortress. He saw a huge throne and a terrible demon sitting on it.

In the void behind the throne, there was a twisted curtain that was gradually breaking apart.

A large amount of subspace energy overflowed, and countless creepy demonic shadows were wriggling there.

The overly strong evil energy made him feel uncomfortable.

Even auditory hallucinations occurred.

The demon shadows in the twisted veil whispered in the mind, they were eager to devour fresh flesh and blood, and they were tempting any human who came close to join them.

"Damn you devil bastard!"

Yarui spat and cursed in a low voice.

However, the next moment, his heart was beating violently, goose bumps appeared on his skin, and he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

That is a harbinger of death!
This was the first time that Yarui felt death approaching, and his luck seemed to have come to an end.


Several thick iron chains penetrated the metal building and attacked the vehicle, almost completely suppressing it.

This time, Yarui failed to dodge, and the vehicle was penetrated by the attack of the chain, causing a violent explosion.

He himself was blown away by the shock wave, half of his body was charred, and he even lost an arm.

Yarui rolled on the ground for a few times and tried hard to support himself and get up.

His electronic eye was damaged, and the other eye was blurred by blood. More blood was dripping and flowing slowly on the ground.

But the blood was quickly absorbed by the mysterious existence.

Yarui clearly felt the approach of darkness, and his blurred vision was filled with hazy demonic shadows.

It seems that there is no way to escape safely this time.

The immortal Yarui is about to meet his own death and be buried in this dirty place.

A large number of elite high-level demons surrounded them.

They are the Dark Lord's demonic guards, extremely powerful and able to tear apart Space Marines with ease.

Even a mortal warrior like Yarui, no matter how strong he is, cannot fight against such an existence. That is the essential difference in life.

"How wonderful! I haven't encountered such tempting mortal flesh and blood in a long time!"

The high-level demons bared their fangs and used their sharp tails to scoop up the remaining blood on the ground.

Savor it slowly.

They couldn't wait to tear this delicious mortal warrior into pieces and eat his flesh and blood bit by bit!
This area is filled with terrifying high-level demons, and Yarui is the only human being.

However, facing the approaching demons, he showed no fear.

"Savior, I'm afraid I can't go back..."

He spat out a mouthful of blood foam and wiped the blood that blurred his vision: "But even if I die, I will send a few more demon cubs to hell!"

Yarui tried his best to straighten his body, faced the attacking demons, and then suddenly lit up the power claws.

The moment the power claw lit up, several dazzling beams of light appeared behind him, and then more beams of light fell.

dong dong dong-

The beam of light bombarded the ground, and countless arcs of energy flashed.

The heavy boots stepped out, causing cracks to appear on the rocky ground, and the transmission energy dissipated, and tall dark gold armored warriors appeared one after another.

Their armor was dark and covered with holy runes, almost taller and heavier than the Terminator.

But still flexible.

This is the Savior’s strongest armed team—the Thunder Guards!
A thousand guards are arriving here one after another via teleportation to carry out combat missions.

"Brother, please stand back. The guards are in charge here..."

Carter took a step forward and stood in front of Ari. The dark gold armor covered with scars and the thick iron chains wrapped around his hands made him look even more intimidating.

With the support of power armor.

The commander of the royal guards was nearly four meters tall, completely covering Yarui's figure and protecting him behind him.

Looking at the approaching demons, a hint of excitement appeared on Carter's cold face.

He wrapped the chain around his hand tighter, locking the chainsaw sword tightly in his hand to prevent it from slipping out of his hand.

hum! ! !
The valve of the chainsaw sword was tightened, making a deafening roar, and the light of the force field flashed between the teeth.

After many transformations, this ancient relic called "The Ripper" has become more powerful.


The high-level demons pounced forward, and the chaotic aura on their bodies was particularly pungent.

Carter didn't make any defensive moves.

Years of non-stop fighting and extreme training have made his fighting more precise and ruthless.

He suddenly raised his hand, grabbed a demon by the neck, and slammed him to the ground. Before the demon could even let out a howl, his head was crushed by his heavy boots.

Then, Carter suppressed another demon and stabbed the chainsaw sword into its mouth, crushing its internal organs.

He charged into the demon group alone, and his brutal chainsaw sword dismembered any demon that stood in his way. Limbs and flesh fell to the ground, and no one could stop him!
This cold-blooded and brutal warrior caused the high-level demons to hesitate, and some cunning demons even avoided him and pounced on the rest of the guards.

"Do not!!!"

A high-level demon suddenly let out a howl of fear.

In the field of vision, Carter kicked a high-level demon to his knees, then violently pulled out the demon's head and spine, splattering thick blood all over his body.

He wrapped the spine around his body like a trophy, looking more devilish than the devil himself.

Like a brutal killer.

The fighting style of this chief of the imperial guards is still so pleasing to the eye, and it frightens the demons.


"Sacrifice blood to the blood god, and offer skulls to the skull!"

Suddenly, on the other side of the curtain, the demons from Khorne's camp cheered and praised this human warrior.

I think he's quite to my liking.

The demons of Khorne are never stingy with their praise and respect for the warriors.

Of course this is not a good thing, it will only make the Khorne demons work harder when attacking you.

At this moment, many Khorne Daemons have already stared at Carter, their eyes becoming fierce.

They prefer to challenge the brave and chop off their heads.

Dedicated to the skull.

Carter didn't care about this at all. The only thing he had to do was to fight against all enemies of mankind.

Spread the wrath of the Savior!
Carter led the guards to eliminate the Dark Lord's demon guards on a large scale as if they were in an empty space.

On the throne.

"A bunch of trash!"

Bilak looked at his own guards who were defeated and his expression became increasingly gloomy. He felt that he had lost another move.

At the same time, he was a little jealous of the Savior for having such powerful guards. These guys were much stronger than all the iron cans he had ever encountered.

"Humph, how arrogant!"

Bilak sensed something, snorted coldly, and evil energy surged.

The leader of the personal guards actually came towards him. Did he want to challenge the great Lord of Darkness?

At this time, a larger beam of light fell, and a ferocious armor nearly five meters high appeared.

His arrival attracted the attention of almost all chaotic beings.

Because the Demon Eater has arrived!
"It's troublesome..."

As soon as Ron stepped out of the teleportation energy, he frowned and sensed a hint of suppression.

There is something nearby that is restraining the psychic energy and even affecting the effect of the sacred urn bomb.

Sure enough, after he exposed his strength many times, the Chaos Demons had become alert and had even figured out ways to deal with him.

In this purgatory galaxy, there are too many ways to restrain the enemy, and even kill them without anyone noticing.

Even those demons will keep more cards and real names.

So as not to be targeted.

Even the son of the version, Regent Guilliman, was almost killed by the trap set by the fallen brothers and fell into the plague garden.

This is why Ron has been hiding all this time, trying to keep as few cards as possible.

He had known for a long time that he might be restrained one day, and he was even more prepared to be restrained. Before being teleported down, he also took the time to make a little arrangement.

In the current situation, although the risks have increased, there is still hope of victory.

About 80% to 90%?
In fact, the probability of this happening is already very low, and it is considered a high risk.

We only have one life, and in the war with chaos, if we lose even once, we may suffer a total collapse, fall into the abyss of chaos, or even die directly.

Ron looked towards the place where the evil energy was most concentrated. There was a huge throne with the Lord of Darkness sitting on it.

Then his scalp began to tingle.

Because he saw his chief guard, Carter, who was leading several guards to attack towards the throne.

Oh boy, Carter is floating again!
Although the Thunder Guards are slightly stronger than the Primaris in overall strength, they have not yet reached the level of the Emperor's Guards. Carter's strength is only enough to deal with ordinary demons.

Now, he was actually going to challenge a demigod demon?

Dozens of thick iron chains attacked Carter and others with great force like poisonous snakes.

Boom boom boom——

Under the bombardment of the iron chains, many huge cracks appeared on the metal ground.

Those guards were unable to dodge and were knocked flying one after another, suffering serious injuries and nearly dying.

Bilak's random attack caused a lot of damage to the guards.

However, Carter withstood the attack.

He used his chainsaw sword to cut off the attacking chains, leaped onto the throne platform, and pointed his sword at the huge demon body on the throne!
Carter, leader of the Thunder Guards, challenges the Lord of Darkness!
"Your courage is admirable, but your stupidity is extraordinary..."

Bilak sat on the throne, too lazy to even move, as if Carter didn't exist and such an existence was not worth him getting up.

Carter's expression became more serious and cold. As a royal guard, he had protected the Savior many times.

Nowadays, the Lord Savior needs his protection less and less.

This made him quite disappointed.

But no matter what, the Royal Guard is the Royal Guard, and he dares to swing his blade at anyone!

Carter rushed forward, swinging his chainsaw sword and slashing at Bilak.

Dang Dang Dang!
The thick iron chain easily blocked the attack of the chainsaw sword.

In the gap of the chain.

Bilak looked at Carter and sneered contemptuously: "Mortal, your humble attack can't hurt me at all..."

However, in the Dark Lord's sight, Carter suddenly smiled at him, and he immediately had a bad feeling.

next moment.

Carter's speed and strength increased several times. He suddenly cut the chain and slashed towards the demon's body.

The Lord of Darkness reacted in time to block the chainsaw sword, but the sudden fist hit him hard in the face.

Under the huge force of the hammer, his nose hurt so much and his face was deformed by the blow.

This attack made Carter feel refreshed. After following the Savior for so long, he also learned to conserve his strength to ambush others.


Bilak roared in pain, and the surge of fel energy pushed Carter back.

Such a disgrace made him extremely angry.

It’s broken, and he turns into a clown again!

The Demon Eater's voice echoed in his mind like a nightmare. "You... deserve to die!"

The Lord of Darkness stood up from the throne and picked up the dark sword burning with demonic flames. After standing up, he looked down at Carter and put him under tremendous pressure.

The long sword slashed down suddenly.

Carter tried hard to block, causing the ground to dent, but he was still knocked out.

He immediately stood up, jumped high, and chopped down with all his strength.

However, the Dark Lord never gave the opponent a chance to attack. After blocking the attack with his sword, he kicked hard.


Carter's armor suddenly dented and he spat out blood.

The powerful kick sent him flying backwards, destroying several buildings in succession, and he disappeared.

After just a few seconds of fighting, Carter was defeated!

The guards were not too panicked when they saw their captain's miserable condition.

It's become a daily routine.


Ron sighed.

As expected of Carter, he always gets the worst beating. A classic ending.

This is also related to the rapid development of the territory. The enemies encountered by the territory are becoming more and more powerful, and Carter, who used to be the one in charge of the force, has tried very hard.

But his strength still cannot keep up with the growth rate of the Savior's strength.

Even so, it's terrifying.

Decades ago, Carter was just an ordinary transformed warrior, but now he can fight against demigod demons.

The future is promising!
Ron sensed that Carter was seriously injured to a certain extent, but for this guy, it was just a warm-up.

After all, this guy usually gets injured more seriously when he does extreme training.

Seeing that Carter was about to get up and continue, he quickly gave the order to stop him and let him deal with other enemies.

The Dark Lord is different from previous enemies.

If Carter continued to fight, the risk of dying would be extremely high.

Ron can't afford such a heavy loss, so he has to fight the next battle by himself.

On the throne platform, the Dark Lord looked over here. In the presence of the demons, he waited for the Demon Eater to challenge him.

To put an end to all this shame!
Ron suddenly moved and walked towards the throne platform.

Looking at the dark Demon Eater, the surrounding demon guards of the Lord of Darkness showed a trace of awe and did not dare to make any attacking moves.

If the personal guards of this being are so brutal, then wouldn't he himself be even more brutal?

Who dares to go up here? Let’s leave it to the master to deal with it.

What's more, these demon guards are usually treated very poorly. After following the Lord of Darkness for many years, they have not gained any benefits.

Instead, they suffered repeated setbacks.

In this situation, why are they fighting for their lives?
All of a sudden, the demon guards all gave way. In the eyes of other beings, it seemed that the Dark Lord's guards were welcoming them and made way for them.

Seeing this scene, Bilak became even angrier.

The opponent's guards were not afraid of fighting to the death and punched me, so my own guards just gave way to the enemy?
Lost again!

Ron leaped suddenly, crossed several obstacles, and fell onto the platform, causing a big hole in the ground.

Inside the curtain, the demons' eyes were focused on the two of them.

After many days of waiting, the duel between the Dark Lord and the Demon Eater... has finally begun!

Bilak was also looking forward to this moment. He stretched his body, with thick iron chains spreading everywhere. Then he laughed coldly: "Demon Eater, you are much weaker than I thought..."

The voice just fell.


A dazzling sun appeared in the sky.

The blazing holy light instantly covered the area.

Ah ah ah ah ah!
Bilak and the demon guards seemed to have encountered unprecedented terror and let out sharp screams. Some of the demon guards melted in the light.

On the other side of the curtain, the demons were in an uproar.

After actually seeing this terrifying weapon, the demons began to feel fear, and there was even riot in the ranks of the demon army.

Ron held the launcher without firing a single shot and continued to load a sacred urn bullet.

Why waste time talking at this time? Just suppress with firepower if possible.

However, as the light of the sacred urn gradually faded.

Bilak let out a sinister laugh, and a huge demon body appeared, emitting thick black smoke. The attack of the ash bomb only burned his skin and did not cause him much damage.

Even many of the demon guards are still alive.

"You didn't expect that your weapon would fail..."

As Bilak spoke, many black stone creations appeared around him. Even the chains on his body were wrapped with black stones.

He continued:

"Without your weapon, you are just a pitiful creature. You can't fight against any powerful being at all!"

Those black stone-forged defense matrices can effectively suppress and expand the power of the warp, as well as suppress psychic power and weaken its influence.

Ron took one look and knew what was going on.

Strictly speaking, these holy urn bombs of his are not real holy suns, but a combination of holy energy and small sun spiritual energy, small-yield urn bombs.

It was indeed greatly affected.

bang bang—

Ron fired two more larger sacred urn bullets.

Two suns appeared at the same time.

Bilak's screams became louder, but there was a hint of excitement in his screams: "Struggle, your weapons cannot destroy me, and this is destined to be your failure!"

The Dark Lord's body reappeared from the light, covered with scars and a stench that made him sick.

But Bilak became more and more confident, showing his body to the demons in the curtain: "You see, the Demon Eater is not invincible, he is just a coward who relies on weapons."

He pointed at Ron fiercely, his voice full of majesty: "Great Lord of Darkness, strip off this coward's hypocritical cloak. His pitiful strength is not worthy of the awe of any demon!"


The twisted curtain shook violently.

The Chaos Demon and the demon army were cheering, and the look they gave Ron became fierce, even with a hint of contempt.

The Dark Lord was right.

Such a demon-eater is indeed not worthy of the devil's awe.

He is nothing but a coward.

Bilak was extremely excited.

He could clearly sense that the demons had regained their fear of him, even more than before!
In the eyes of the demons.

The Lord of Darkness is the first being who truly resisted the Demon Eater and exposed its ugly face, and he deserves the awe of the demons.

"Fuck, this Lord of Darkness is something..."

Ron frowned. He could see that the other party was undermining his prestige.

The subspace is a spiritual construct, and those spiritual and emotional energies will affect the shaping of matter.

The identity of the Demon Eater was originally formed by relying on the fear of the demons. Under the awe of the demons, more spiritual energy was created.

This identity enables actual suppression of demons.

Now, the demons have lost their fear of the Demon Eater, and he vaguely feels that his control over the demons is rapidly weakening.

If this continues, the identity of Demon Eater will be ruined.

Even if he could escape today, he would face endless harassment from demons in revenge for their previous oppression.

At all costs, the devil must regain his fear of himself.

The effect of the Holy Ash Bomb has indeed been weakened under the suppression of Blackstone, but the effect is still there. If the quality is not enough, the quantity will make up for it!
Ron gritted his teeth and took out more sacred urn bombs, preparing to create a super sacred bombing at one time.

However, just as he aimed.

The Dark Lord's momentum suddenly soared further, revealing his immense deterrent power.

Oh no, this bastard is also hiding his strength!

Ron became more cautious, this time he met his match.

A miserable one!

He only felt a deadly threat coming and quickly dodged.

It's sizzling!

He dodged the fatal attack, but the chains wrapped in thick fel energy pierced the launcher and swept away the sacred ashes.

"Now, you have no means of attack..."

The chains fluttering around the Dark Lord entangled the sacred ashes bombs, then gradually retracted and crushed them, randomly throwing the remains in front of Ron.

His eyes turned cold:
"You don't really think I'm a clown, do you?
I have studied you carefully for a long time. You are a cautious person and possess a formidable weapon. I have spent a lot of effort to make you come here with peace of mind.

Now, it’s all coming to an end!”

The chains on Bilak's body spread again, piercing the hundreds of thousands of bodies on the iron scaffold, pulling them into the air, allowing everyone to listen to their desperate wails.


Seeing this scene, Ron's anger rose sharply.

This is chaos. Too many humans are like ants in front of them and are killed wantonly.

"I discovered that you care a lot about humans..."

Be'lak taunted, "You are angry, but you can do nothing to me."

He waved his hand gently and crushed the human bodies into minced meat.

Like blood rain falling.

Ron was so angry that he drew out his power sword and rushed towards the Lord of Darkness, slashing with all his strength.

Unfortunately, his attack was easily blocked.

This time, Bilak did not hold back at all. He had already tested the Demon Eater's true strength!

Under the full force of the Dark Lord, Ron felt even more oppression. Thousands of chains bound him tightly, gradually shrinking, completely restricting his ability to move.

"it's over!"

Bilak roared and unleashed a long-charged attack, with a sharp wave of fel energy emanating from his sword.

"It's over now..."

Ron struggled, watching the ripples coming at him, and then everything went black before his eyes.

Lost consciousness.

The ripple swept across the Demon Eater's body and continued to cut backwards, cutting through several buildings behind it.


The buildings collapsed.

The Demon Eater's body fell down along with the shattered chains, breaking into several sections.

In an instant, the scene became silent.

Within the curtain, the demons looked at each other in disbelief.

The Demon Eater that they had feared for so long just died like that?
Although the demons were somewhat confused, the body of the Demon Eater that had lost its soul was right before their eyes.

Be'lakor carefully examined the body of the Demon Eater.

After confirming its death, he stepped on it and raised the magic sword high.

Be'lak stepped on the body of the Demon Eater and faced the demons: "The Demon Eater has died under my sword. His death will be the beginning of the Dark Crusade!"

The curtain further broke as the Dark Lord declared.

More demons surged out.

The demons cheered.

Pay respect to the Lord of Darkness, accept his guidance, and embark on the journey to Holy Terra!
Bilak relished the glory of the moment.

He washed away the shame, stepped on the corpse of the Demon Eater, and was crowned king!
Just when the demons’ jubilation reached its limit—

"Hey, clown!"

Suddenly, the Demon Eater's voice appeared again.


Bilak was stunned for a moment.

He subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

A heavy punch was thrown.

The Dark Lord's face was hit hard and twisted, and several teeth flew out. Under the huge impact force, they flew towards the throne.


Under his impact, the throne that symbolized the majesty of the Lord of Darkness collapsed completely.

Smoke and dust rose.

Bilak lay on the wreckage of the throne, his eyes showing a trace of horror: "This... This is impossible..."

It's not just because the Demon Eater is more timid than himself and hides more strength.

Moreover, the aura in front of him was extremely unfamiliar. It was completely different from the Demon Eaters in other materials and those that had appeared several times before. It was simply a completely new existence!

The demons fell silent again.

In their sight, a taller and more terrifying figure stepped out from the transmission channel.

In the past, the demons were more afraid of the Demon Eater's terrible weapon.

Now, the demons suddenly realized.

Perhaps, the power of the Demon Devourer does not only rely on weapons...

(End of this chapter)

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