Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 308: Danger, aliens are coming?! Titanium, it's okay

Chapter 308: Danger, aliens are coming?! Titanium, it's okay (9K! Dear book friends, please read on)

Inside the Brass Hall.

A blood shadow appeared on the throne, and burning blood energy filled the entire area.

Several Khorne Daemons were burned and could not stop wailing. The rest of the Daemons did not dare to raise their heads under this pressure.

dong dong dong-


Moyin sighed slightly.

Kabanha stepped in with his huge body, holding his head high to resist the pressure without any fear.

"Blood God, failure is inevitable in this battle against the Demon Devourer. We have underestimated the true strength of that being..."

He felt a little regretful: "If I hadn't missed this battle, maybe I could have cut off the Demon Devourer's head!"

Such a confident posture is like a firefly in the darkness among the demons.

It is so vivid and so outstanding.

He fully demonstrated his unstoppable power as the chief demon and the supreme bloodthirsty devil.

In fact, the chief demon was also a little panicked.

The Blood God Organization suffered a miserable defeat in this battle, and he fled early, so he is very likely to be punished by the Blood God.

But according to his experience, the more times like this, the more you can't be cowardly.

Cabanha took a deep breath.

He was ready to accept punishment. Other selves might be afraid, but in terms of being punished and being able to bear it, no one could compare to him!
Being punished is being punished.

However, the Chief Demon must maintain his posture and must not put himself in an embarrassing situation under any circumstances!

Cabanha knew.

Those Khorne Daemons have always doubted their own strength and have never truly acknowledged him as the chief Daemon.

Especially the former chief Angras, he was even more dissatisfied and ready to make a move, wanting to regain the position of chief by challenging himself.

If he cannot maintain this deterrent, he will face constant challenges from the Great Daemons of Khorne.

That is an extremely troublesome thing.

Kabanha was confident that he could handle the challenges of other Khorne Daemons, but he was still quite wary of the former Chief Angras.

He couldn't guarantee that he could win the life-and-death duel.

If he made a mistake and was chopped down by Angras, he would lose face and be ridiculed by the demons, and would no longer be able to maintain the invincible image he had always created.

When Kabanha thought of this situation, he felt deeply humiliated and didn't know how to describe it.

In fact, this situation is called "social death", which is the scene that arrogant beings fear the most.


When Kabanha stepped into the hall, he felt the gazes of the demons.

It was a deep awe that I had never felt before.

"what's the situation?"

Such a sudden change made Kabanha a little confused, as if he didn't do anything?

I just ran to the galactic edge area to chop some stinky parasite people, why did everyone's attitude become so big?
Although I don't know what happened.

He still accepted the fear and awe of the demons calmly and walked to his own position.

After we get back, we’ll ask Baal to find out what happened.

Kabanha walked to the chief's area.

As usual, Angras stood in front of the area. The chief's position was not for anyone who wanted to take it. Other great demons had to be willing to give way to you.

Or knock down the person blocking your way and then stand on top.

This is also a manifestation of conquest.

When the Blood God summons the demons, they often pull out axes and start chopping on the spot in order to fight for position.

This is also what the Blood God is happy to see.

If the chief demon cannot suppress the other demons, he may not be able to stand in his own position. In this way, he will lose face and may even lose this position immediately.

Just when Cabanha was trying to push Angras away as usual, the other party suddenly gave up his position.

The former chief's eyes were filled with fear, and he lowered his head, hardly daring to look directly at the chief demon.

Cabanha was even more confused.

He looked at Angras, almost incredulously.

This guy's magic horn was broken and his body was covered with scars. He no longer had the same momentum as before and was even a little timid when facing him.

That's horrible……

What on earth happened to this guy? Could it be the work of the Demon Eater?
Thinking of this, Kabanha's devilish heart couldn't help but twitch.

The strength of that existence increased too quickly. With that terrible weapon, he has become a powerful existence that cannot be ignored in the subspace.

But it was a bit too exaggerated to beat Angras with just the strength of the original body. Even the primarch could not crush a former chief so easily.

Kabanha was a little confused.

He looked at Angras and asked calmly, "Is all this caused by the Demon Devourer?"

Upon hearing the name, the former chief's pupils shrank, as if he had thought of something terrible.

Then, as if accepting his fate, he said, "Yes, I am no match for him."

Angras looked at Kabanha, feeling somewhat ashamed: “I underestimated your strength before. You are a true Blood God Warrior and a well-deserved Chief Demon.

Perhaps only you can defeat that demon-eater..."

At all times, the demons of Khorne respect the truly strong.

The Demon Eater defeated him with his absolute strength, and this was irrefutable.

Such a powerful being.

He declared publicly that only the chief demon Kabanha could be his opponent, which was enough to prove Kabanha's strength.

This chief demon deserves the respect of all demons.

Angras felt even more ashamed when he recalled his previous provocative behavior towards Cabanha.

Think about it now.

The Chief Demon had never responded to the challenge because, like the Demon Eater, he felt that he was not worthy to be his opponent.

As for Kabanha not looking that strong, that must be because he is the same as the Demon Eater.

Hidden strength.

The personalities and behaviors of these two beings are so similar.

No wonder the Demon Eater regards the Chief Demon as his true rival and lifelong enemy!
Not only Angras, but the other Khorne Daemons also felt so.

At this moment, Cabanha was a little impressed by his own wit.

Fortunately, I avoided it in advance. Even the former chief Angras was beaten so badly. If I met him, my fate would not be much better.

With the respect of the demons, Kabanha came to the position of chief.

Face the Blood God.

On the brass throne.

When Khorne saw Kabanha, his anger subsided a little.

Although the campaign failed, the Khorne demons did not suffer too much loss, only losing two Khorne Daemons.

In the Chaos camp, the losses were the least.

If they fight among themselves, the number of casualties would be much higher than this.

What's more, the Khorne demons beat their enemies severely, and with the cooperation of the Demon Eaters, they chopped down almost half of the Tzeentch demons.

It’s not a complete loss.

And in terms of face, there was not much loss compared to the defeat of other camps.

Khorne at least saved some face.

Kabanha, the supreme bloodthirsty devil, received the gold certification from the Demon Eater and became the only one among the demons recognized by him.

This highlights the incompetence of the demons in other camps.

In this war.

Khorne's opinion of the Demon Eater had changed, particularly the pain he had caused to the daemons of Tzeentch, which pleased him greatly.

He felt that the Demon Eater was not a cunning person, but a warrior who could be won over.

In fact, Khorne does not care about the identity of the Demon Eater.

Any existence, as long as it is brave enough and causes more killings, can gain the appreciation of the Blood God.

Such an existence is also one of the sources of His power.

With the aftermath of war and the death of the Dark Lord.

The Demon Eater's reputation spread rapidly throughout the galaxy and the warp like an unstoppable storm.

Many powerful beings have to admit one fact: the Demon Eater has officially stepped onto the stage of the Purgatory Galaxy, participated in this great game, and influenced the fate of the Milky Way.

Of course, it is still unknown who will win in the end.

Khorne pondered the current situation, then cast his gaze towards Kabanha, who was holding his head high, revealing a hint of admiration:
“You did a good job…”


Kabanha was caught off guard by the Blood God's sudden praise.

It seems like he didn't do anything?
In recent years, he, the chief demon, has not even had any battle record.

In fact, it cannot be said that there is none at all. The respect of the Demon Eater is the best record, which is much more eye-catching than that of others.

The other Khorne demons fought hard to chop down so many people, but they were still defeated so miserably.

To survive in the subspace, it's not enough to just know how to kill people.


Killing energy surged, and a destructive aura filled the entire hall.

Seeing this, the demons looked at him with envy.

That is the blessing that the Blood God is about to bestow, and the target is the chief demon Kabanha.

They were not as jealous of all this as before.

Because Kabanha has won the respect of the demons and deserves such a reward, in the future he will represent the demon of Khorne and defeat the terrible Demon Eater!
It can be called the hope of the Khorne realm.

In a trance.

Kabanha was blessed by the Blood God again, and even gained some of Khorne's killing power.

This caused the chief demon's size to grow further, becoming even more gigantic and terrifying.

The killing runes on his red demon body spread and grew like living things. Under the nourishment of the killing power, every muscle became more solid and powerful.

Its mere existence exudes endless brutality and murderous intent.

This power is enough to easily defeat any bloodthirsty demon present!

Khorne looked at this new Supreme Bloodthirster with satisfaction, looking forward to his life-and-death duel with the Demon Devourer...

no doubt.

Cabanha won again without any effort.


Brass Castle.

On the throne.

The huge demon body was burning with raging blood flames, exuding a strong deterrent force.


The figure suddenly sat up and couldn't help but sigh: "The Demon Eater... is such a good person!"

After coming back.

Kabanha has learned more information and understood some of the things that happened in that war. It was the Demon Eater who publicized the strength of him, the chief demon.

This further earned him the respect of the demons.

"But why would the Demon Eater do this?"

Kabanha pondered and finally came to the conclusion:

It seems that his previous encounter with the Demon Eater caused the other party to misjudge his own strength, or perhaps he had some other purpose.

but no matter.

This is all good for him.

"We must make good use of the Demon Eater..."

Kabanha's mouth curled up into a smug smile: "The stronger that being is, the further my reputation will be enhanced!"

The chief demon has decided to continue to intensify his efforts and brag about the Demon Eater!

He thought of something and fell into deep worry, tossing and turning.

That was his life-and-death duel with the Demon Eater.

This incident spread almost throughout the subspace, and received the continued attention and expectations of the demons. That is to say, one day in the future, he would have to face the demon eater head-on.

Thinking of this, Kabanha's heart couldn't help but twitch.

He could sense it.

If he really fought a life-and-death duel with the Demon Eater, he would probably face a crushing defeat or even die directly!
"This is how to do?"

Cabanha thought carefully.

After being blessed by the Blood God several times, this supreme bloodthirsty demon has become much stronger than any Chaos Daemon, and even the Primarch has difficulty defeating him.

Even if the original primarch Sanguinius were to be resurrected, he had absolute confidence that he could defeat him!
Now, he has enough confidence to defeat any enemy, even the regent of the human empire!
Of course, this only applies to those other than Demon Eaters.

In several encounters.

The Demon Eater left a deep shadow in the mind of this supreme bloodthirsty demon, like a thorn in his flesh, which made him lose the courage to fight it.

Even just thinking about it makes me feel extremely scared.

Kabanha thought hard, but could not find any good solution.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind and he thought of a possibility: "Why don't I go and discuss it with the Demon Eater to see if we can make a deal and ask him to stop causing trouble for me?"

But this idea was quickly extinguished.

Impossible, such an idea is so absurd!
Cabanha immediately rejected this absurd idea.

The Demon Eater hates Chaos Demons so much that few demons can survive his clutches.

Going to find the Demon Eater by yourself would only bring humiliation upon yourself. You would more likely be challenged to a life-and-death duel by him and die miserably.

Kabanha's huge body, which was glowing red, couldn't help but tremble again, and the blood flames carried the demonic power and shook the surrounding space.

The demons outside the castle trembled in fear, as their master's power was becoming more and more terrifying!

Kabanha suppressed the fear in his heart and sighed deeply.

Today's situation.

He could only try his best to postpone the matter, hoping that the Demon Eater would be quiet for a few days.

Don't come too quickly to challenge yourself to a life-or-death duel.

The smoke of war has cleared.

Temporary camp.

Ron woke up from his deep sleep and walked outside to stretch his body. He couldn't help but sigh: "Kabanha...what a good person!"

If that guy hadn't been promoting himself crazily in the subspace, the Little Sun would have accepted a large number of demons' beliefs and emotions, and accumulated terrifying dark and violent energy.

He had no chance of defeating the Lord of Darkness.

Fortunately, it all ended and he won the war.

Now it's time to collect the spoils!

In Ron's field of vision, there were transport ships and engineering machinery everywhere.

The spoils this time were extremely rich.

This planet alone contains a huge wealth.

What he was most concerned about was the dark machinery buried underground and the black stone placed on it.

Especially Blackstone.

It is an important material for manufacturing forbidden technology facilities and weapons, and has the effect of suppressing or diffusing subspace energy.

Even the most important technological creation in his hands, the Webway Blackstone Gate, was made of this rare material.

It is an extremely rare material that many races compete for.

A while ago.

Ron was still worried about how to get some black stone to conduct relevant research.

That thing is too rare, and most of the existing stocks are in the hands of some top forces. As for the known large-scale black stone mines, the only one is in that broken place on the Warning Star.

But at the moment he is not sure whether he can get the Alert Star.

After all, the Alert Star region is a place of fierce fighting among major races. Even the Big Predator couldn't take it down. It's better to let them fight for a while longer and consume their strength.

Fortunately, Blackstone’s problem has now been temporarily resolved.

After Ron got the Dark Lord's gold coins, he found that there were a lot of black stones here, at least one or two tons.

Although these black stones are not enough to make some big guys, at least the early research projects of Black Stone Technology can be started.

Except Blackstone.

There are other high-value assets here as well.

After the Dark Lord seized part of the Demon Pilot Vashtor's inheritance, he transferred almost all of it to this planet.

On those land masses floating in the air, there are many soul factories, which preserve a large number of taboos, secret knowledge and related technologies.

Now it's all his gain.

Ron planned to ask the relevant research institutes to look carefully to see if there was any treasure map or something.

He vaguely remembered that Vashtor had been searching for the treasure hidden in the Webway by the Ancient Saints, hoping to use the ancient knowledge and artifacts in the treasure to ascend to the fifth Chaos God.

Unfortunately, he was stopped by the Lord of Darkness halfway.

According to this situation.

Vashtor should have found the approximate location of the treasure if he could find relevant clues among those relics and thus find the treasure.

Wouldn’t the technology in that territory take off in a spiral manner?

Suddenly, a faint evil energy came.

Ron became alert immediately, but he quickly realized that it was the remaining breath of the Lord of Darkness.

"found it?"

After he sensed this breath, he was delighted and looked in the direction of the breath.

Not far away, several war angels were walking towards this side, carrying a pair of large black wings about four meters long.

Looking at the pair of wings, he was quite satisfied:

"Great, let's quickly freeze it and preserve it!"

Not long ago, when Ron was fighting with the Dark Lord, he tore off his magic wings and threw them away somewhere.

After the war was over and he came to his senses, he immediately sent people to look for him.

Fortunately I found it.

This pair of demon wings is a good thing. After all, they are the remnants of the demigod's body.

Then we’ll see if we can study it, utilize it, and make it into weapons or something.

If it really doesn't work, wait for the big bucket to come back and boil it, then make some soup to see if it can nourish the body or something.

Anyway, Ron has only one principle.

Make the best use of everything. Save where you can and spend where you can.

The war has been fought, and if we don't scrape the ground three feet deep to recover the blood, it would be a shame.

The logistics department has already formulated relevant regulations and is ready to pack up and take away all the debris left by this war.

So many large battleships, Chaos Titans, Chaos Knights, mutant machines, etc.

Even if it's sold as scrap metal it's worth a lot of money.

Moreover, the territory does not have to worry about pollution.

After these debris were packed up and dragged back, they were taken to the star ring to be thoroughly illuminated by the holy light, and then they were disinfected thoroughly.

When the time comes, we will use what can be used, and melt what cannot be used as raw materials.

Slightly fill the mineral gap in the territory.

What Ron didn't expect was that these wreckages were quite popular, and the Greenskin Management Association also sent an application document.

The document says.

Several smart and skilled people from the Steel Teeth Clan in the Webway have made a breakthrough in technology. They want to build a big guy, which requires a lot of wreckage and related ancient forbidden technology.

This surprised him quite a bit.

Because what the territory lacks now is big guys.

Most of the top forces have planetary-level war fortresses, combat satellites, etc., but the territory now only has one Dream, and it is a pocket-sized one.

If we really encounter those big guys, we may not be able to withstand them.

Ron approved the application immediately and told the greenskins to move whatever they wanted. Building the big guy sooner would also fill the super-large military force in the territory.

This will prevent you from being pressed to the ground and rubbed.

Those spoils such as black stones and forbidden knowledge were just unexpected gains.

More importantly, he obtained the Charaton area.

According to the agreement with Regent Guilliman.

After Ron retakes the Chalaton area, he will gain control of the area and will be exempt from the tithe tax.

In fact, he valued the tithe exemption more.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Empire.

This area is severely polluted and almost abandoned. Even if resources are invested in restoration, it will take hundreds of years or even longer.

To recover.

There is not much tax to be collected at all.

Instead of spending that time on it, it would be better to invest those resources into new areas.

But the territory has the ability to quickly clean up the pollution.

That means that the Chalaton area will recover soon and become more prosperous with the support of the territory.

The Charaton region is not a star region, but a combination of several star regions. Both in terms of area and number of planets, it is several times larger than the Gori star region.

What's more, this place has rich minerals that are extremely rare in the Milky Way and several forging worlds.

After this area is incorporated into the territory, the size of the territory will be about five times larger than before, directly gaining a large number of planets and population, and the problem of mineral shortage will also be solved.

This is a huge fortune, a huge profit!
Ron now understood a little bit why the Emperor of God was so keen on the Great Crusade. Apart from the issue of human survival, it would be really easy to get rich if one could always win the wars.

A large amount of territory, resources, and population are pouring into the account. Who wouldn't be confused?
A month later.

With the efforts of a large number of transport ships, engineering machinery and engineering personnel, basically everything that could be moved away from this broken planet was moved away, and even a lot of minerals on the surface were taken away.

The massive amount of ship wreckage in space was also cleared out by the greenskins and logistics departments.

Ron carefully checked the condition of the curtain and found that it was completely restored, then led the guards back to the Dream.

Prepare to return to take over the Chalaton area.

But before setting off.

At the suggestion of the Ministry of Military Affairs, he stayed here for one more day and held a simple celebration ceremony for the Savior Fleet.

That night.

The starry sky was filled with fireworks from plasma cannons.

Inside the battleship, the soldiers were immersed in a sea of ​​joy, celebrating the victory to their heart's content and enjoying delicious food and wine.

Inside the Sanctuary of the Savior.

Ron was in the miniature garden, looking at the plasma fireworks in the sky and smiled.


He opened a bottle of Garden World Reda's specialty sparkling wine sent by Yarui and enjoyed this rare moment.

It's not advisable to open champagne at halftime.

Now, we can finally celebrate with some champagne.

After a night.

The Dream started slowly, entered the subspace jump with the fleet, and left here.

Soon after.

Whoosh whoosh—

An Imperial fleet detached from a short-range jump and arrived in the area.

After long meetings and wrangling.

The High Lords responded to the Primarch's call and with great difficulty organized a fleet to provide support.

Since the area near Charaton was unwilling to allocate military forces to provide support, this fleet only had about sixty large warships and affiliated battle groups.

They knew very well that this fleet could not stand up to the Chaos fleet head-on.

Seems a little cautious.

In fact, this fleet traveling day and night could arrive earlier.

But after detecting traces of plasma cannons in the area, they stayed for several hours to organize their battle formation so that they could enter the battlefield as soon as possible.

So some time was wasted.

Fleet flagship, inside the bridge.

"After arriving, all battle groups shall search for enemy ships as quickly as possible and fire freely!"

The moment the support fleet arrived, the fleet commander roared and gave orders, nervously waiting for the arrival of war.

But the next moment.

The communication channel became silent, no sound was heard, and no warship opened fire.

at last.

A commander asked, "Sir, are we in the right place?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? The coordinates are correct!"

The fleet commander checked the coordinate area angrily and confirmed that they were not in the wrong place and had successfully arrived at the target area.


He looked towards the target airspace, his face full of confusion.

All the fleet commander could see was the terrifyingly clean airspace and a bare planet.

After a while.

The fleet channel received a public message from the Savior Fleet to the entire Charadon area:

The great Primarch, the Savior, has led the fleet to defeat the invasion of Chaos. The region of Charadon will usher in a long-lasting peace. Next, the Lord Savior will patrol the entire region and rescue various planets.

Make it prosperous again!
Holy Terra.

After several weeks of twists and turns, the news that the savior and primarch Roan had recaptured the Charaton area finally reached the hands of the high lords.

Regent Guilliman also sent a message from the front line to celebrate the good news, and announced that the Charadon region would be handed over to Primarch Roon for management, and that he would be exempted from tithe tax.

This made the high lords somewhat dissatisfied.

The Charaton area is one of the important mining areas in the empire. Even if it is abandoned, it cannot be handed over so easily.

What's more, some of them have layouts in the area.

This affects their interests.

to this end.

Some of the High Lords held a private meeting to try to stop this.

They believe it.

Some planetary governors and fabrication generals would not agree to accept the rule of the primarch.

Although the regent's decree is difficult to disobey, if the local forge world and planetary governor have strong resistance sentiments, they have their support.

I believe that the Primarch will give up and release the ruling power of some planets.

At least we can't let him occupy the entire Chalaton area.

However, just as those high lords were excitedly discussing response strategies and inciting rebellious sentiments in private meetings.

New news comes.

All the planets in the Charadon region collectively request to be ruled by the Savior.

After repeated requests, the Savior agreed to their request, officially moved into the Chalaton area, and gave them shelter.


In private meeting.

The high lords fell silent, and the heated discussion before seemed like a joke.

Such sudden news almost stunned them.

So fast? They haven’t made any moves yet.

It's over?

For a moment, the high lords became calm and no longer mentioned the matter.

Now that things have come to this, we have no choice but to give up.

Anyway, the Chalaton area is similar to a polluted ruin, and it will take a lot of resources to restore it.

They want to see how the Primarch is going to restore that area!


Forge the world.

Steel star.

It’s a world made almost entirely of metal, filled with the sound of pistons clashing, glowing furnaces, and layers of industrial waste.

During the Chaos invasion, the core area of ​​​​the Forge World was almost completely corrupted.

Full of untreatable tumors.

The remaining defense zone.

The local foundry general led the technical priests and waited eagerly for the arrival of the guests.

Accompanied by the landing ship landing.

A dark, mechanical, and imposing being stepped onto the land of this planet.

"Master Kaul..."

General Zhutou and others immediately went to meet them.

Warm atmosphere.

These technical priests have long admired Master Kaul in the Mechanical Forum.

The other party is also the leader of the Mechanical Goddess Group, and this alone deserves all the respect from the mechanical guys.

not to mention.

Master Kohl came here this time with precious creations to clean up the pollution in their core area.

After a brief greeting.

The sacred urn bomb that Kohl carried exploded in the most polluted core area, and the holy sun that followed cleared away all the pollutants at an extremely fast speed.



Sanctuary of the Redeemer, miniature garden.

Ron was at his desk in the garden, handling government affairs.

These days, he received sarcastic congratulations from the high lords, who were secretly paying attention to the governance of the Chalaton region and asking if they needed intervention and help.

But he refused them all in a firm tone.

Ron had long anticipated that the high lords would not let him get the Chalaton area so easily.

and so.

While fighting against the Lord of Darkness, the recovery operation in the rear areas had already begun.

Those forge worlds were the easiest to deal with. They were recovered by Cawl in the name of the Mechanical Goddess without any difficulty.

As for some state religion worlds.

It was handled by the Ecclesiarchy, and Bishop Doni visited each of them with the edict of the Pope of the Ecclesiarchy.

There were no twists and turns in the process.

As for the remaining planets, we will appeal to their emotions and reason, and while spending lavishly on money and supplies, we will also use force to deter them.

Get this set down.

Most of those planetary governors chose to surrender, and quite a few of them did so voluntarily.

Today, the galaxy is full of crises, and it is extremely fortunate to be blessed by powerful beings.

As for those guys who have disputes with the top leaders of the empire and refuse to obey.

He has been sent to labor camp.

It’s a good opportunity to support newcomers and make management more convenient.

The brutal behavior of Primarch Roan caused the interested high lords to protest, and some even clamored for the Inquisition to intervene or use administrative measures.

But after he implicitly expressed his intention to lead his troops on a pilgrimage to Holy Terra.

Those high lords immediately stopped their movements.

The last Primarch to make the pilgrimage was the Regent.

That person not only killed several high lords, but also occupied the supreme power of the empire, causing them to bleed heavily.

Now, the new Primarch wants to make a pilgrimage to Holy Terra again. Won't they be skinned alive again?

After this news came out.

The high lords became more amiable and began to ask about each other's well-being.

They almost begged the new Primarch to eat and drink well and stay well in Charaton.

It's best not to come to Holy Terra at all.

In this way, Ron safely took over the Chalaton area, but it would take more time to recover it.

Moreover, with the substantial expansion of the territory, the security issues of the territory have become more serious!
The territory now borders on many dangerous areas, and even more traces of Necrons, Tyranids and Greenskins have been discovered.

Greenskin is better.

But the Necrons and the Tyranids, these two top races, are simply not something the territory can fully fight against.

Especially the Tyranids.

Those wreaking havoc in the galaxy now are just their vanguard.

If their main force arrives, even if all other races in the galaxy were to join in, it would be difficult to cope with them.

"It's not easy..."

Ron sighed.

After stepping onto the galactic stage from a small region, his pressure became even greater.

There is an urgent need to develop stronger forces.

He included many development plans in the charter and improved them step by step.

But for now.

His most important task is to manage the Chalaton area well.

Ron closed the file, stood up and walked out.

Under the arrangement of the Ministry of the Interior, he needs to conduct a patrol campaign lasting several years, visiting the planets in the Chalaton region one by one to monitor the local recovery situation.

At the same time, let the people truly see the existence of the savior.

That means the days ahead.

He will be busy...

Sanctuary of the Savior.

After Ron finished washing up, he collapsed on the soft big bed. He raised his hand and pressed a button to put the room into rest mode.

The environmental mimicry system is put into operation.

Above the dome.

The mood lights gradually dimmed, as if night was falling, slowly swallowing up the noise and light in the room.

Instead, there are twinkling stars.

Under the tranquil starry sky.

The breeze blew gently, brushing the leaves of the garden outside the glass, making a rustling sound.

At the same time, there are the sounds of insects chirping one after another.

These natural whispers make people feel far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

Soon, Ron became drowsy.

The high-intensity work over the past few days has made him a little tired, and now he just wants to have a good sleep and rest.


The data pad in Ron's hand sounded an alarm, causing him to jump.

Because that was a high-level intrusion alarm.

Could it be that the Chaos Demons are invading on a large scale again?
However, just after he nervously opened the file, he found that the file was attached with an icon of a long-faced skeletal mutation.

That symbol represents the alien.

"Hiss~ Alien invasion?!"

Ron sat up suddenly, becoming instantly awake and feeling a little tingling.

Even more trouble!

If it is a Chaos invasion, the territory at least has weapons to restrain the Chaos demons, but if facing an alien invasion, the territory does not have many means of restraint.

It's just a head-on confrontation.

He continued to flip through the documents, praying silently in his heart: "God Emperor, please bless me, I hope it's not a top race like the Necrons, Tyranids, or Green Orcs..."

Ron really didn't want to encounter these horrible alien races.

That means that the territory that had just ended the war would have to start another large-scale battle, which would result in heavy bleeding!
A circle-like key symbol appeared in the file.

Following are some related photos.

The photo shows savage, vulture-like beastmen, some blue-skinned humanoid aliens, and various weapons and equipment.

See here.

He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and lay back down.

"So it's Mr. Titanium, then it's okay..."

(End of this chapter)

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