Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 335 Savior: I prefer your unruly look

Chapter 335 Savior: I prefer your unruly look
The condensation of Gaussian energy burned the air with a smell of rust.

The Necrons could launch a deadly attack at any time.

In this regard.

Ron was not nervous at all. He raised his hand to indicate that he was not threatening at all:

"Your Excellency, I am the original savior of mankind, Roan. We have no ill intentions..."

The Necrons are a race with high intelligence and rich emotions, but not so bloodthirsty and cruel.

Communication is possible without too much conflict of interest.

But it is not absolute. Long-term hibernation often causes mental damage to the Necrons, and even leads to madness.

A crazed Necron may become violent and self-destructive, attacking all living things.

Others have become the galaxy's top entertainers.

Some Necrons, after being infected by the Flayer virus, will become mentally confused and obsessed with flesh and blood.

Not only do they believe in their arch-enemy, the Star God, Landugol the Flayer, but they also consider themselves human and worship the Emperor.

Because they think the Emperor is the Flayer.

These Necrons would live in human ways and integrate into the local human population.

It's fun.

He even used his talents to become a planetary governor loved by the local people.

Until the empire came to collect the tithe.

Some others were obsessed with machinery and joined the Mechanicus, disguising themselves as Imperial Skyhawks and pretending to be oil men.

It can be said.

Now, it is unknown how many Necrons exist within the Empire.

To this bunch of mentally damaged lunatics and funny people.

The Necrons are very disgusted with them and are unwilling to acknowledge them as their own, and try their best to isolate and cut off relations with them.

The Human Empire is even more unwilling to pay attention to this bunch of lunatics.

Because fighting against a bunch of powerful idiots who pose little threat is really a bit of a disadvantage.

And they really believe in the emperor.

In the absence of major conflicts, we can only pretend not to know and let them stay wherever they want.

The taxes should be collected.

not to mention.

The places where these crazy people are located are well managed and can often provide high tithes.

It can be said to be a characteristic of the empire, which is quite loyal.

Ron found that the Necron Lord still maintained a relatively normal mindset and seemed to be a little concerned about his reputation, so he looked at him with respect.

He continued:
"The reason we came to see you is to cooperate with you, a noble being, to deal with Terran together..."

The metal giant slammed his staff, and a strong sound wave echoed in the tomb:
"I am the overlord of the Mefrett Dynasty, not a lord!"

A Necron Lord can control only one Tomb World, while an Overlord can control anywhere from three to thirty Tomb Worlds at once.

Not only is the territory vast, but the strength is also stronger.

But some overlords will wake up too late, causing the tomb world under their command to be destroyed or occupied by other dynasties, thus becoming a commander without troops.

The overlord in front of him obviously didn't have much strength left.

If he doesn't stop the Leviathan Hive Fleet, he will most likely lose his only remaining territorial heritage.

Then go bankrupt on the spot.

This was why Ron dared to come directly to negotiate, as this overlord was much more anxious than himself.

"Your Excellency, I apologize for addressing you incorrectly just now."

Ron apologized: "Can you tell me your name so that I can address you more accurately?"

As soon as his words came out.

The overlord seemed to be stuck for a moment, and it took a while for him to recover: "I am 'the one who cannot be addressed by his name'!"

"Case solved, this guy is definitely mentally damaged and can't even remember his own name!"

Ron thought secretly.

He raised his hand and projected a virtual image into the air: "Your Excellency He Who Must Not Be Named, you may have noticed that the terrible Tyran Leviathan Hive Fleet has arrived in this galaxy, attempting to encroach on your territorial heritage..."

The picture shows the overwhelming scene of the Leviathan Hive Fleet. Its power is so terrifying that no fleet in the galaxy can resist it.


The metal giant's attention didn't seem to be on the projection. He seemed to have received some information and his face turned red in an instant.

Because this overlord discovered that his tomb world had been robbed and a large amount of precious technology had been lost.

Moreover, many of these technologies are left over from the heyday of the dynasty.

Almost impossible to replicate.

The metal giant stared at Ron and the others, his dark blue pupils tinged with red. "You dare to embezzle the inheritance of the One Who Must Not Be Called By His Name, you should pay the price with death!"

The atmosphere in the tomb became tense, and the guards' attacks were about to burst out in the next second.

Eliminate all invaders.


Ron remained calm and said righteously, "I have something to report to you. I just discovered that the cunning and ferocious greenskins stole your property. It's a pity that I didn't stop those hateful guys."

"Human, how do you prove that you are not thieves?"

The metal giant's eyes were grim: "If you don't have evidence, you will have to accept your fate of death!"

He just finished speaking.

A strange sound was heard from the ruins of a tomb not far away, attracting everyone's attention.

It was a green creature that was sleeping soundly and snoring.

He seemed to be dreaming of something delicious. He reached out and tightly hugged the ghost spider next to him that tried to attack him, and brought it to his mouth to chew it.

The greenskin's head was hit hard by the underworld spider.

"You smell so good... I'll get to work right away!"

He thought it was the supervisor hitting him, so he woke up suddenly, threw away the underworld spider, grabbed the drill and started drilling at the undead machine next to him.

Because he drilled too hastily, the mechanical equipment exploded, and the ghostly energy that spewed out burned it to ashes.

Accompanied by the greenskin's screams, the drill was blown away by the shock wave.


The drill flew towards them and landed between the metal giant and Ron.

The atmosphere fell into silence.

Ron looked at the drill on the ground and mourned for the greenskin in his heart, but this was also the common way for greenskins to die.

If you don't seek death, you can't be considered a pure greenskin.

He pointed at the drill on the ground and looked towards the Necromancer throne: "This is the evidence. You should believe what I said, right?"

"Damn inferior creature!"

The metal giant was so angry that his metal skeleton creaked: "When I catch them, I will kill them!"

These inferior creatures created by the Old Ones are so despicable and disgusting that they are considered the most disgusting race in the galaxy.

He decided to settle accounts with the nearby Greenskin Empire after he recovered!

"Respected He Who Must Not Be Named, I'm sorry for what happened to you, but perhaps there are more important things to do right now."

Ron pointed at the Leviathan Hive Fleet on the virtual projection and drew the metal giant's attention back: "If you don't stop the Tyranid Hive Fleet, you may lose all your property."

The metal giant stared at the virtual projection and became serious.

He certainly knew how terrifying these biological devourers were. In fact, it was the terrible threat of the Leviathan Hive Fleet that activated the alarm devices in the guard towers inside the galaxy.

Thus awakening the tomb world.

He, Who Must Not Be Called By His Name, will never allow any creature - be it Greenskin, Human or Tyranid - to encroach upon the legacy of the Mevret Dynasty!
The metal giant looked at Ron and the others with a hint of contempt in his eyes: "Humble humans, I don't think you are qualified to cooperate with the noble One Who Must Not Be Called By His Name."


After this period of recovery.

His energy was completely replenished, and he stood up with the scepter, and rose up with the throne to a higher place.

Gauss energy spreads far and wide, awakening more Necron warriors.

As the energy entangled, the metal giant looked down at the ground: "What's more, you dare to trespass into the territory of the nobles without permission, please die here..."

The atmosphere was extremely depressing.

At this moment, the Necron Overlord's murderous intent was no longer concealed!

"Savior, please go first. I will stop them!"

Dante suddenly pulled out the Axe of Immortality and ignited the force field, then wanted to rush forward and fight with the royal guards and coffin guards.


Ron stopped the old soldier who always wanted to retire early in time.

He looked up at the Overlord and said loudly: "We are facing a powerful enemy. Doing this will only make the situation worse."

The Necron Overlord sneered:

"I'm sorry, but you weaklings don't deserve any mercy!"

"is it?"

Ron's tone turned serious: "I think you still need to think about it carefully!"

He just finished speaking.

The huge mechanical giant foot caused the ice surface to collapse.

A faint light appeared on the ground behind Ron, and several towering portals appeared.

One after another, Emperor-class and Warmaster-class Redemption Titans stepped out, followed by the Imperial Knight Legion and super-heavy Poison Blade tanks.

in the sky.

Hundreds of Thunderhawk gunboats swarmed in like a swarm of bees.

These powerful weapons brought tremendous oppression to the Necrons.

Click, click, click!

Many heavy artillery pieces were aimed at the Necron Overlord above the Tomb World, emitting a destructive aura.

The Savior demonstrated his terrible military power to the Necrons.

He had already arranged the savior's armed forces, ready to go into battle at any time, as a preparation for both scenarios.

Once the talks really break down.

Just use direct force or seize the control facilities of the Grand Prism.


The tomb world has not yet fully awakened and started to function, so it is a good time to deal with these metal aliens.

The scene before my eyes.

The Necron Overlord in mid-air froze.

The complete revival of the tomb world will require more time, and there is no time to deploy the super-large war weapon - the Tiangong Reconstruction Body.

Those terrible human war machines made him feel a deadly threat.

Perhaps, the great He Who Must Not Be Named should give Mr. Ron a chance to cooperate?

With arcs of psionic energy wrapped around his body, Ron slowly rose to a position level with the Necromancer Overlord.

Then, step towards each other:

"Can you...talk to me now?"

The metal giant tried to maintain his pride, but his attitude was completely different:
"Respected Sir Roan, your military prowess is truly amazing. With a powerful enemy at hand, our struggle will only make the situation worse. He Who Must Not Be Called By His Name is willing to cooperate with you to jointly resist the Tyranid Devourer..."

There was no doubt that he wanted to reconcile with the Savior.

Ron walked up to the metal giant, raised his head and patted him on the shoulder: "Actually, I prefer your unruly look before..."

Even with such rude behavior, the metal giant still suppressed his emotions and did not get angry directly.

He changed the subject:

"Time is running out, let's talk about how to resist the Tyranid Devourer..."

Although this Undead Overlord lost his memory, he did not lose his brain. He obviously possessed a wealth of survival wisdom and knew what not to do.

"You are right, Mr. He who must not be called by his name. This is exactly what I thought."

As the Necron Overlord was very willing to cooperate, Ron also regained his politeness, and the host and guest had a good time together.

He looked out into space:
"A new guest has arrived. Let's continue chatting after he arrives..."

Above the field of vision.

A tomb-class ship that was larger than the Dream led the fleet slowly towards them, and its shadow obscured the surrounding land.

This Necron warship is 15 kilometers long and is equipped with powerful onboard weapons such as tombstones, lightning arcs, stellar pulsers, particle whips, and gauss defense turrets.

Like other Necron warships, it possesses an unknown drive technology that allows the ship to travel into interstellar space without entering the Warp.

But the speed is a little bit slower.

Ron didn't worry too much about this fleet.

Although the Tomb-class tomb ship is terrifying, if a real fight breaks out, the Dream may not be afraid of it.

not to mention.

The one who came was not an enemy, but a collaborator - the Necron Overlord and Traveler Anraqir.


The Tyranid Leviathan Hive Fleet threatens everyone, and even if everyone's fleets and armies are united, they cannot fight it.

No one will take action until the threat from Tyranids is resolved.

After the Dream and the Tomb-class Tomb Ship exchanged communications, they kept their distance in space and did not take any extreme actions.


The light of the teleportation array lit up.

Traveler Anraqir and his personal guard were teleported to this tomb world.

The Undead Overlord was wearing a steel cloak and battle skirt, holding a bladed staff, and looked polite.

The pulse signals sent by local Necron sentry towers not only act on dormant Tomb Worlds, but also send signals far beyond the star system.

To seek help from other tribesmen.

The pulse signal was fortunately captured by the traveler Anraqir.

This Overlord, who is keen on saving other Tomb Worlds from danger, is well aware of the threat the Tyranids pose to the galaxy and to other members of their species.

To prevent the Tyranid Hive Fleet from devouring this galaxy and more galaxies where their kind may exist.

He immediately decided to come to support the Hades Galaxy.

The Traveler has realized the terrifying power of the Leviathan Hive Fleet and wants to seek more help from the resistance forces.

For example, the young human race that took advantage of the undead's slumber and occupied their home.

But he was somewhat worried about how the matter would progress.

Because the human race is too stubborn, ignorant and unwilling to cooperate with other races, it is not easy to persuade them to form a temporary alliance.


To Anraqir's surprise, humans had arrived at the tomb world of the Mefrite Dynasty first.

Seek cooperation.

"Sir Traveler, I am Ron Grant, the Primarch Savior."

Ron greeted Anlaqiel warmly: "You came just in time, we need your strength..."

Anrakiel bowed slightly and greeted him in the etiquette of the dead: "I have long heard of your great name, the savior of mankind, the son of the Primarch, the demon-eater, the Emperor's favorite - His Excellency Ron Grant."

He said calmly, like a gentleman: "It is a blessing that you can form an alliance with us."

This well-informed traveler was obviously aware of the Savior's name and deeds.

But there was a hint of fear beneath his friendly gaze.

For the Travelers who are committed to restoring the glory of the Necrons and restoring the race to dominance over the galaxy, the Saviors are an obstacle that cannot be ignored.

It is worth being deeply vigilant.

It is difficult to take action now due to the existence of the Tyranids, but we can get rid of them if we can seize the opportunity in the future.

That is the best outcome.

Almost all races in the galaxy hold the idea that those who are not of my kind must have different hearts.

No matter how friendly the other party's attitude is, you will naturally be a little wary and always hope to weaken the other party's strength.

After all, the half-dead aliens who can be controlled at will are the good aliens.

Common development and win-win cooperation?

There are only so many resources in the galaxy. If any race becomes powerful, it will inevitably swallow up more resources and occupy the land of other races.

Only by determining the only race that can dominate the galaxy can this war end.

As for the fate of other races, it depends on the mood of the galactic overlord.

Ron was also keenly aware of the travelers' vigilance, but was not overly surprised.

He is also wary of travelers and even wants to kill them.

Otherwise, the other party might really unify the fragmented Necron Dynasty one day.

Then there is one more factor leading to human extinction.

But for now.

It is better to cooperate to deal with the Leviathan Hive Fleet first, and then see whether we need to start fighting after we have dealt with the bugs.

of course.

It is not easy to deal with a Necron Overlord, but it is not easy for the other party to kill you either.

after that.

The two Undead Overlords met and performed a more lengthy ritual greeting ceremony.

Exchange information.

Ron also learned the name of the local Necron Overlord, He Who Must Not Be Called - Zarathusa.

of course.

For the first time, Zarasusa also knew his own name, but he still stubbornly asked everyone to call him "the one who should not be called by his name."

"Okay, Zarasusa, our time is running out again, so let's plan how to deal with those damn bugs!"

Ron projected the star map of the Hades Galaxy into the air, highlighting the Grand Prism, the gas planet Eros, the planet Lesos, and the most important planet, the Fordia Industrial Zone.

He quickly explained:

The plan is simple.

That is when the Saviors, Blood Angels, and Necrons work together to ensure the Grand Prism is operational again, using it to direct the Sun's star rays to detonate the core of the gas planet Eros.

The huge energy generated by the explosion of the gas planet will sweep across the Leviathan Hive Fleet in the galaxy.

As long as their coalition fleet hides behind the planets in time, they can survive this impact.

Although such an attack cannot completely destroy Leviathan, it can significantly weaken its strength.

This will make it difficult for it to threaten the Tomb World, and Ron and others will be able to set up a new line of defense in Baal.

Defeat it completely.

After Ron finished speaking, he looked at everyone:
"I have finished what I have to say. This is a win-win result. Do you have any questions?"

The words of the Savior.

It caused the two Necron Overlords and even Dante to fall into silence.

Zarasusa's dark green pupils trembled.

He didn't expect that this savior was so powerful that he could thoroughly understand the legacy of his dynasty.

"The Savior... is even more terrifying than the rumors say!"

Anraqir was even more shocked and more afraid of the Savior because the Savior interrupted his lines and said everything he wanted to say.

That plan was what was brewing in his mind.

It's exactly the same!
Perhaps, the savior is the legendary prophet who can guide destiny.

In fact, that was what the traveler thought, but Ron said it in advance in order to save time.


Anraqir noticed the Savior's gaze again.

His gaze was so penetrating, as if his thoughts and everything else were exposed to the other party.


There seemed to be a deeper meaning hidden in that look, which made him extremely uneasy: "Could it be that that being discovered my murderous intentions towards him?"

Alliances with alien races are always full of dangers and intrigues.


Ron was looking around furtively, trying to find out where this guy had hidden the Star God fragment.

That's good stuff.

The Star God fragment in the Traveler's hand contains unimaginable fire energy and is an extremely terrifying and destructive weapon.

It’s also quite good as a source of energy.

Even if we take a step back and bring it back to grill it, it would be better than letting it fall into the hands of travelers and be used against humans.

There was a hint of respect and ease in Dante's eyes as he looked at the Savior. It was good to follow the Savior to fight.

There is no need for him to work so hard or use his brain!

All you have to do is stand there like a robot servant and pick up the axe to chop people when necessary.


This chapter leader, who had always dreamed of retirement for hundreds of years, had some mental problems a long time ago.

after that.

The combat meeting proceeded in an orderly manner.

The Saviour Forces, Blood Angels, and Necrons work together.

Anra'Kir will send Crypt Technicians, Necromancer Legions, and Blood Angels to Tartarus to reactivate the Grand Prism; the Savior Armed Forces and the Imperial Battle Sisters will ensure the operation of the Lysios Relay Station.

The Blood Angels' 1st Company will work with Zarathusa's troops to protect the main refining platform and open up a passage to the star's core.

As for the Savior himself, he will go to the Verdia Industrial Zone with Anraquiel and Dante to retake the control spire there.

to gain control of the Grand Prism.

These troops must complete their tasks. The failure of any one of them will lead to the failure of the plan.


The Savior had already made some arrangements in advance. Lysios, Tartarus, and Eros all had Savior's armed forces defending them.

Reduced the pressure on the coalition forces.

After the battle plan for the Grand Prism was completed.

Ron looked at everyone again:
"Everyone, we still have to deal with an imminent threat..."

The Tyranid Vanguard Hive Fleet following behind the Dream was arriving soon, just in time to take advantage of the coalition's large numbers.

Let it know what it means to be made into a dumpling!
(End of this chapter)

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