Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 339 Guilliman: I have to go support my good brother!

Chapter 339 Guilliman: I have to go support my good brother!

Ron used the power of hope to open a portal and took Dante back to the bridge of the Dream.

The Necrons betrayed their allies at the last moment.

They teleported away from the battlefield in advance, attempting to detonate the gas planet Eros in advance to destroy the threatening savior and human forces.


These guys failed.

Not only did he return successfully, but the rest of the troops also evacuated and hid the fleet on the back of the planet.

The Dream, the last warship to evacuate, is sailing to the back of the planet.

"They are coming..."

Ron looked into the distance through the observation dome and saw a terrifying shadow slowly covering the starry sky of the Hades Galaxy.

The minions of these great devourers were waving their tentacles and gradually covering them.

His psychic senses were acutely aware of the terrifying pressure.

Making the body tremble uncontrollably.

Those Zerg creatures, enough to fill a galaxy, are enough to make any army despair!


There is a solution to all this, and they will face the wrath of revenge from the Underworld Galaxy!


The Grand Prism burst into dazzling light, and the blazing energy beams it emitted plowed a charred death zone across the planet's surface.


That’s just the beginning.

After passing over the planet Ferdia, the hot energy beam passed through several planets, then deflected at Lysios and headed towards the gas planet Eros.

Near the Eros airspace.

The Leviathan Hive Fleet is approaching, and densely packed Tyranid living creature ships occupy the starry sky.

The hive mothership seemed to sense the crisis and desperately drove the biological ships towards Eros, attempting to use its flesh tentacles and chitinous shells to block the beam of hot energy.

at the same time.

It summoned more biological ships to surround itself to prepare for possible crises.

Visible to the naked eye.

A wall of flesh and chitinous shells was formed in the void above Eros.

But they were a step too late.

Before the biological ship wall completes the encirclement.

The blazing energy beam from the Grand Prism had already reached the gaseous planet along the gap, and the energy followed the channel opened up by the coalition forces in the refinery and struck the core of the planet.

In an instant.

The gas planet suddenly twisted and shrank, then expanded rapidly.


The gaseous planet exploded completely, and the extremely high temperature flames engulfed the nearby Tyranid living biological ships, and then spread to farther places.

The high-temperature shock wave swept across the entire Hades Galaxy, and one planet after another was ignited.

The Leviathan Hive Fleet in space was directly hit. Countless Tyranid creatures waved their tentacles and struggled in the flames, turning into charred pieces of meat.

The terrifying screams of the Tyranid Hive filled the Hades Galaxy, and even the Warp felt the fluctuations.

They were devastated, with hundreds of millions of Terran Hive creatures and many more spore cysts destroyed.

The entire Leviathan Hive Fleet was almost defeated!


Ferdia Star.


The Dream slowly sailed out from the back of the planet, and the planet below had turned into a burnt brown.

Inside the bridge.

Ron stood in front of the observation dome with his hands behind his back, looking at everything outside, the red light reflected on his face.


The entire Underworld Galaxy was blood red, and it had lost its vitality.

"Our plan was successful..."

He suddenly spoke, but there was not much joy of victory in his tone.

Just now.

It is indeed not something to be happy about when a galaxy is destroyed in your own hands.

Although people were evacuated in advance, there should be some humans in unknown corners who did not fall into the insect mouth and died under the impact.


That couldn't be considered a victory at all, it was just a desperate move forced upon him.

"That was a necessary sacrifice. You have done all you could. Billions of lives have survived under your protection."

Dante walked to the side, his expression also not very good, he still tried to persuade the savior.

This being is the key to humanity, and we must never let ourselves get depressed or lose our resolve because of it.

If you are indecisive at the critical moment, more lives will be dragged into the abyss.

Ron sighed slightly:

"Yes, life is the Emperor's coin. It would be better if there were fewer such sacrifices."

In his opinion, it was caused by the fact that human firepower and combat effectiveness were not strong enough. Further development was needed to create more war weapons.

Ron didn't dwell on this issue.

He raised his hand and patted Dante's shoulder, then turned and walked back: "Let's go, we should go back to defend Baal!"

In the blood-red void.

Hive Fleet Leviathan resumed its activities, quickly gathering up any biomass that could be recycled.

after that.

The space fluctuated.

Under the traction of the narwhal insect ship, the entire remaining hive fleet entered the space compression navigation channel.

Disappeared from the Hades Galaxy.

Ron knew clearly that the Leviathan Hive Fleet was not evacuating, but had locked onto their next target.

That huge red planet - Baal.

Although the Hive Fleet suffered heavy damage and its numbers were greatly reduced, as long as they could obtain new biomass in time, they would be able to recover quickly...

He must clear the area around Leviathan before it reaches Baal.

Let's start a final battle!

"Savior, I'm afraid we'll have to wait a little longer before we can leave."

The alarm sounded.

Dante looked at the scene outside the observation dome and his expression became even more solemn. The scene he least wanted to see happened.

Ron received the alarm message earlier.

He turned around and saw the incoming threat.

Another airspace behind the planet Ferdia.

Two Necron tomb ships, led by a battle group including sickle-type harvesters and fog-type assault ships, were slowly approaching this side.

Obviously an uninvited guest.

At some unknown time, the two overlords joined forces and wanted to attack the fleets of Dream and Blade of Vengeance.

This is also the reason why Ron did not send a fleet to attack Leviathan during the chaos.

If a fleet was sent to strike hard at these Tyranid creatures before the Leviathan Hive Fleet gathered and left, more results would be achieved.

But that would be riskier.

What if his fleet was stabbed in the back by the Necron fleet while beating the Leviathan?

That would be great fun.

The situation would become that the Tyranid Hive Fleet and the Necrons would join forces to attack the human fleet, and it would be a disaster.

Even though Leviathan has left the Hades system, the human fleet is still under tremendous pressure facing the Necron fleet alone.

Because the overall technology and ship quality of the Necrons are superior to ours.

not to mention.

They also had to hurry back to Baal to defend against the Leviathan Hive Fleet.

If we delay too much time here, or even suffer heavy losses in the war with the Undead, it will inevitably affect the Battle of Baal.

"Emperor, these damn metal aliens really know how to pick the right time!"

Dante also thought of this, and his slightly younger face became wrinkled again due to worry.


Ron didn't worry too much:

"It came pretty quickly. Don't worry, we won't be fighting for long."

He checked the time and said, "They will leave soon. If they don't leave soon, our nest will be gone..."

Dante looked at the savior with a confident look on his face and relaxed a little.

It seems that the Savior had anticipated all this and made arrangements.


Ron had already responded.

Almost all of the green-skinned Steelfang tribe went out to pick up things in the tomb world of Overlord Zarasusa.

He also arranged for the most Waaagh, the most intelligent green-skinned big mechs and big barrels to organize a fleet to capture the fragment of Star God - Burner.

of course.

That was a very difficult thing to do.

But he believed that the master would always find a way, after all, that guy could make combat satellites by hand.

No matter how you look at it, the technology that the greenskins inherited from the ancient saints is always puzzling. The only regret is that humans cannot use it.

If the Burner is successfully captured, it can be used as one of the energy cores of the combat satellite.

Make it more powerful.

As the Undead fleet approached, the Dream, the Blade of Vengeance and their affiliated fleets raised their void shields. More Redemption fleets were on their way.

The war between the two sides is about to break out!
The bridge of a Tomb-class ship.

"That savior is really difficult to deal with..."

Traveler Anraquiel stared at the Dream in the distance, and the joy of victory had long since disappeared.

When the Death Marks who were responsible for assassinating the Savior returned, they were found to have traces of the Warp on their bodies.

Thinking is also affected.

This was obviously the work of the savior, and he most likely survived the assassination.


Anraqir discovered it too late, the gas planet was on the verge of exploding, and there was no way to arrange a new round of attacks.

But he still has a chance now.

The fleets of the two overlords have gathered. He is confident that he can destroy the Savior's fleet and then personally lead the team to hunt it down!

Anraqir looked at the green shadow in front of him and said, "Zarasusa, after destroying the Savior's fleet, I will give you what you want!"

In order to get the newly awakened overlord to agree to attack the savior with him.

He promised some benefits.

Even though the Traveler is dedicated to restoring the Necrontyrdom to its former glory, allowing it to once again dominate the galaxy.

But many times, he is not understood.

More of our compatriots just want to live in peace in a corner and protect their own dynasty.

As for what happens to the Necrontyr, they don't care.

What's more, during the most glorious era of the Necrontyr, the relations among the overlords were not harmonious, and they even waged large-scale wars against each other.

"Please call me He Who Must Not Be Called By His Name!"

Zarasusa reminded him: "Remember your promise, but I have to make it clear that if the battle situation becomes unfavorable, my army will withdraw!"

After a long period of dormancy, little of the legacy of the Fret dynasty remains.

He didn't mind attacking and destroying the humans who once occupied the Hades Galaxy, but he didn't want to sacrifice all his troops in this war.

That would make it impossible for him to protect his dynastic legacy in this dangerous galaxy.

Anraqir looked at the gathering human fleet in the distance.

He was extremely confident:
"We will never be at a disadvantage. The ships of the Necrontyr are far beyond the reach of humans!"

At this time, the communication from the Savior came.

"It seems that guy wants to beg for mercy..."

Anraqir laughed contemptuously, connected the communication, and the other party's virtual projection emerged.

Ron's gentle voice emerged: "Traveler, thank you for your clumsy betrayal and tactics. You almost saved me from death in the spire."

"Congratulations on surviving, but you won't be so lucky next time."

Anlaqir snorted coldly: "Our alliance has been broken. No matter how much you beg, it will not change the fate of defeat!"

"You're not really so stupid as to think I'm here to beg for mercy, are you?"

Ron looked at the traveler as if he was looking at a fool:
"I am the Savior, the Primarch of Hope, the Son of the Emperor, and the ruler of the Empire who loves his people like his own children. I am well-known and upright, not as despicable and cunning as you."

He omitted titles that had slightly negative influences, such as the Despicable Demon Eater and the Cunning and Powerful Rogo.

Then he looked towards Zarasusa.

"I come to see His Excellency, Who Must Not Be Called, with good intentions."

"Find me?"

The savior's words caught Zarasusa and Anrakiel off guard and they were stunned for a moment.

"Yes, considering that we were allies before, I came to you immediately after learning the dangerous news, otherwise I would have felt guilty."

Ron looked righteous and upright.

At one point, Zarathusa was made to pay for his two betrayals and attacks on his allies.

Feel a little guilty.

But he quickly dismissed that thought. After all, humans were the dynasty's enemies!

Zarasusa asked, "Savior, do you mean that the dangerous news is related to me?"

"Our reconnaissance equipment was attacked in the airspace outside your tomb world. According to the information sent back, it was an entire orc fleet!"

Ron said solemnly: "Their target may be your tomb world. Moreover, the despicable greenskins have stolen your things before. I suggest you go back and defend it quickly.

Otherwise it will be too late!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the scene became silent.

Zarasusa's dark green Gaussian eyes suddenly lit up, and he became anxious: "Despicable greenskin, how dare you covet the legacy of my dynasty!"

He brought out almost all the awakened troops from the tomb world, and the remaining troops were also in hibernation.

If we are invaded by greenskins in this situation, the consequences will be disastrous!

Seeing that Zarasusa was thinking about leaving, Anlaqiel immediately shouted, "That's just a lie from the Savior. He just wants to trick you into leaving in order to stop this war that could lead to his defeat!"

The traveler's words seemed to calm Zarasusa down, and the two overlords fixed their eyes on the savior.

"Alas, I came here with good intentions to remind you, but I didn't expect to be humiliated like this..."

Ron sighed in disappointment.

Anlaqiel sneered:

"You just want to delay time and disintegrate the alliance of the Deathfearers so that you can live in humiliation. Unfortunately, I am not interested in playing with you anymore.

Say it.

He immediately ordered an attack: "All fleets..."


Zarathusa's scream interrupted the traveler's words: "The despicable greenskins really attacked my dynasty!"

The Overlord received a pulse message for help from the tomb world of Perdita.

He looked at the traveler and said in a tone that could not be refused:

"I have to go back, otherwise my dynasty's legacy will be destroyed. You won't stop me, right?

Maybe you should come with me and kill those damn greenskins!"

The current situation.

No one dared to stop this overlord, otherwise they would become his enemy.


Ron called out to Zarasusa who was about to turn off the communication, and faced the other party's cold gaze:
"Your Excellency, the Noble One Whose Name Is Unknown, when I learned the news, I immediately reminded you, and was even questioned by the travelers because of it.

Now that the truth is out, do you owe me a debt of gratitude?"

Zarasusa glanced at the traveler, then at the savior, with a faint light flickering in his eyes, and it was obvious that he no longer had a good impression of the traveler.

"You are right. I do owe you a debt of gratitude."

He leaned forward slightly and performed the Necrontyr's etiquette: "Savior, thank you for your generous warning..."

This gratitude made Ron feel refreshed: "He should thank us!"

After Zarasusa's ceremony was completed, the figure disappeared.

Afterwards, all the fleets belonging to the Undead Overlord were mobilized and began to hurriedly return to the Tomb World.

The allied fleet of the two Undead Overlords was instantly split apart.

Inside the bridge of the Tomb-class ship.

Ron's shadow still existed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He successfully achieved his goal of delaying time, avoided the outbreak of war, and also received a thank you.


Ron looked at Anraquiel and said, "I have to leave now. It's up to you to decide whether to start a war next!"


The number of the Undead fleet has been reduced by nearly half. They can no longer pose a fatal threat. They can fight or not.

What's more, it won't be long before the traveler is in a state of panic.

After saying that.

Ron cut off the communication directly and his shadow disappeared.


Anlaqir was furious and lost all his grace.

Do not know why.

He had a vague feeling that he had been fooled, but he could not find any evidence.


The new news gave him even more headaches.

There was a problem with the recovery of the Burner. It was unknown whether it was the impact of the Eros explosion or some other reason that caused it to break free and return to freedom.

The Star God fragment escaped.

With the terrible power of the C'tan Shard and its hatred for the Necrontyr.

If it is not retrieved in time, it will pose a great threat to the Necrontyr community if it merges with other fragments.

It is a terrible disaster!

The Traveler didn't care about the savior in front of him and ordered the fleet to chase in the direction of the Burner's escape.


The bridge of the Dream.

Dante looked at the departing Undead fleet and was surprised: "Those metal aliens just left like that?"

"Yeah, isn't this normal?"

Ron didn't explain too much. Some things are better kept secret. The more they are revealed, the more trouble they will cause.

Dante turned his head and looked at the tall figure, feeling more and more that the Savior was unfathomable.

Under the design of this being, a terrible war was eliminated without a trace. He is indeed a prophet who can foresee everything.

He glanced at his chief think tank, the prophet Mephisto, who was not far away:
"Alas, we are both prophets, why is there such a big gap between us? You should learn more from the Savior!"


Mephisto was confused.

How to learn this?
The prophet can indeed predict some things, but he can only obtain some information from the subspace in advance.

The savior seems to know everything.

That has gone far beyond the scope of a prophet and is more like some kind of soothsayer!
"Dante, let's have a meeting about the Battle of Baal and see how much support we can get. From what I know, our Lord Regent will probably come, but I don't know if he can make it in time.

By the way, the demons in the warp may also become our helpers, that petty-minded bloodthirsty demon who has been chasing you, he will come to Baal, and..."

not far away.

The Savior's voice came.

The voice just fell.

Mephisto seemed to have noticed something.

The chief's psychic senses detected the fluctuations in the subspace and extracted a trace of complete information from the fragmented information.

His face suddenly changed, and he shouted a warning: "Sanguinius, the terrible Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon is about to invade Ba..."

Halfway through.

Mephisto saw the surprised looks of the crowd and swallowed his words back.

The omnipotent savior had just finished telling him this information, and it would seem a bit foolish for him to continue shouting.

Dante was a little surprised: "Chief, don't get excited. Didn't the savior just say that he would help us..."

"I'm sorry, I'm being presumptuous."

The chief think tank nodded frustratedly, feeling that under the halo of the savior, he no longer had the privileged treatment of a prophet.


The Dream led the fleet and headed for the Bal galaxy.


Some time passed.

Hades Galaxy.

The surface of Perdita.

The place is in ruins, with mechanical wreckage everywhere.

A cunning greenskin fleet attacked while the Tomb World was overloaded by the impact of high-temperature particles.

In a very short period of time, they skillfully broke through many core areas and moved away a large number of precious technological creations!

It can be said.

The greenskins stole nearly half of the precious heritage of this tomb world, and destroyed a lot of the rest.

This caused heavy losses to the Freit Dynasty.


The terrifying Gauss rays burst through the sky, and the Undead Overlord Zarathusa roared: "Despicable and stinking greenskins, my precious legacy, all greenskins must die!"

After a while of venting.

The Undead Overlord led his fleet to search for the surrounding Greenskin Empire and began a revenge expedition against the Greenskins.

He vows to reclaim his heritage and destroy any greenskin wealth!

Another area.

The Tomb-class tomb ship slowly stopped in the void.

Traveler Anraqir came here following the trail of the Burning Man, but found nothing.

What's more troublesome is that the Burner's breath has almost disappeared.


He had no choice but to launch a larger-scale search until he found the dangerous and precious fragment of the Star God...
The distant starry sky.

The Sanctuary of Macragge's Glory.

The study was extremely quiet, with only the slight hum of machinery and the rustling sounds of writing.

Regent Guilliman, as usual, was crawling over his desk, dealing with complicated affairs.

His wrinkles were deeper and his hair was thinner.


Guilliman saw a paper document and his brows relaxed immediately.

Based on intelligence.

His Primarch brother Roon defeated the Leviathan Hive Fleet in the Hades System, greatly weakening the power of the Hive.

It also bought precious time for the next war.

"It's time to go support Bal..."

The Regent made the decision.

Now, he was able to temporarily withdraw from the front line and lead the fleet to support the Blood Angels' home planet.

I also look forward to meeting that Primarch brother in real life...

(End of this chapter)

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