Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 345 Blood Angels: Ah, are these for us? !

Chapter 345 Blood Angels: Ah, are these for us? !
"You are right..."

The think tank director nodded and said, "Although the Baal Galaxy is barren, the Blood Angels should be able to afford these things. They will definitely not refuse our request."

After all, the Great White Shark is a brother who came from afar to support us.

The Blood Angels are not that wealthy and are considered poor among the large chapters, but even if they cannot meet all of the supply requests from the Sharks, they will give them some.

At least it can alleviate the financial crisis of the regiment.

Since the Carcharodon has no home planet as a base, it also has no financial support from the empire.

Not only did he resort to doing shady deals with pirate gangs, but even the dignified Shark Captain had to go to fight in underground boxing just to get some resources.

Duel with Chaos Space Marines.

They are so poor that they can barely afford to buy pants, and are stuck in a vicious cycle of getting poorer and poorer.

of course.

These problems could be greatly alleviated if white sharks stopped fighting and fought fewer battles.

But that is impossible.

The Great Shark cannot stop fighting, cannot stop its sacred mission to destroy the enemies of humanity, otherwise there would be no reason for its existence.

and so.

After receiving the Blood Angels' request for help, they immediately rushed over.
The think tank director sighed slightly and continued to report:

"Sir, we have recently completed a comprehensive statistical analysis of the harvest and losses, and the results are not optimistic..."

Chapter Master Tiberus raised his head sharply.

He asked tremblingly:

"Emperor, are our losses getting bigger?"

The think tank director nodded: "Yes, the losses are greater than before in the outer domain..."

Hear the words.

The cold-blooded commander's black eyes seemed to have lost their souls, as if the sky had fallen: "Alas, the days of the Man-eating Shark are about to end..."

He looked at the think tank director:
"You are the brains and wisdom of the Chapter. I beg you to come up with a solution quickly!"

"Sir, I have tried my best. Why don't you find a think tank to manage the finances..."

The think tank director said indifferently, just give up.

He was so consumed with financial worries that he had no time for meditation.

Every day he strives to find new sources of resources, strictly controls expenditures, and even cuts his own research funding and that of his think tank apprentices by half.

Still powerless.

He shouldn't have accepted the invitation to join the Sharknado, otherwise he would have been living a luxurious life in a wealthy war group!

The think tank director complained secretly in his heart.

But that was just a complaint. He felt as much for the Great White Shark as anyone else.

He looked at the Chapter Master:

"Sir, I have long reminded you that returning from the outer realm is not a wise choice, but you refused to believe me. Now the facts have proved that you should trust the wisdom of the think tank!"

Tiberus was powerless to refute and could only sigh: "Who would have thought that the empire would become so poor..."

In order to break out of the vicious circle of becoming poorer the more we fight.

He did not hesitate to violate the tradition of the regiment and temporarily led five companies of soldiers from the outer domain back to the imperial territory to make a living.

To support some imperial planets that have been attacked by heretics and aliens, hoping to obtain more supplies.

This would eliminate the enemies of humanity and solve the problem of man-eating sharks.

Unexpectedly, those planets were poorer than each other and could not provide decent supplies. In particular, the resources needed by Space Marines were relatively expensive, and many planets simply could not afford them.

But since they had accepted the other party's request for help, they could not ignore it, otherwise they would be violating their faith and loyalty to the Emperor.

So they had no choice but to fight on.

After several battles, the regiment suffered greater losses than in Outland.

Just like last time.

The Great Shark finally captured a planet that was relatively wealthy in historical records and assisted the local governor in eliminating the threat of genestealers.

After the battle, they found that the supplies provided by the other side were so meager.

It's almost like sending away a beggar.

This made Tiberus feel humiliated, so he grabbed the governor and questioned him, ordering him to provide more resource supplies.


The governor said that this was all the resources they could muster and there was really no way they could give more.

I hope the angels can forgive me.

Tiberius was extremely angry.

Thinking he had been deceived, he led his soldiers to break into the treasury of the governor's palace and prepare to plunder it.

Make a fortune this time.

However, what was unexpected was that the palace treasury was so empty that even rats could run through it, and there was almost nothing of value.

When the governor saw this scene, he lost his pride and elegance and completely lost his aristocratic demeanor.

He burst into tears and told the truth.

Only then did Tiberus learn that this planet was indeed relatively wealthy in history.

But that was all in the past.

Ever since the Empire raised the planet's tax levels decades ago, it has been spending more than it earns.

The Governor was obliged to sell off the family treasury to make up the shortfall in the tithe.

To save lives.

In recent years, the Regent has even launched the Indomitable Crusade.

In order to make up for the financial gap caused by the Indomitable Crusade, the Empire imposed additional taxes on these wealthy planets, making the situation on the planets even worse.

The governor told Tiberus with his neck stiffened.

They really can't afford any more compensation, and they may not even be able to raise enough for the next tithe!

See this.

Tiberus had no choice but to spare the governor's life. He was always very tolerant towards the poor.

After all, that guy is poorer than me. Maybe next time he will be hit by a bomb because he can't pay taxes. Just forgive him this time.

The Governor prayed to the Shark Angels, hoping that they could report the situation on the planet to Holy Terra so that the tithe tax level could be reduced.

Otherwise, after a few more rounds of taxes, this planet will be destroyed!

In this regard.

Tiberus was also powerless. The influence of the Great Shark on Holy Terra was almost non-existent, and any rash proposal might even have a counterproductive effect.

But the chapter leader still thought of a solution.

He told the Governor to report a higher number of losses, saying that the planet's population and property had been plundered by the Great Shark.

Only in this way can we attract the close attention of the court and relevant agencies and get the opportunity to re-evaluate and reduce taxes.


The imperial tithe was not too cruel.

It is basically set according to the bearing capacity of the planet. For some planets that cannot afford it due to disasters, they will be re-evaluated and given an affordable 11th tax level.

But the law is the law, but it changes when it is enforced.

Some planets that are overwhelmed have indeed submitted applications for reassessment, but these applications may not be seen by those responsible for handling the matter for decades or even hundreds of years.

Or maybe they see something and don’t want to take responsibility or get involved.

Even if some assessment applications are seen and enter the execution procedure, it is unknown how many years have passed by the time someone is sent after the process is completed.

It’s not certain whether those planets still exist.

Therefore, laws exist, but whether they can be re-evaluated falls within the realm of metaphysics.

Often only a very lucky few planets or those with the support of the nobility can be reassessed and have their tithes reduced.

Tiberus' suggestion was to take a different approach and choose to let the Great Shark take the blame to attract the attention of the empire.

When people from the Inquisition and other institutions rush over, no one will be able to ignore the demands of this planet, especially when it comes to the Imperial Angels.

In this case, there is a high probability that the level of tithe tax on this planet will be reassessed.

The governor heard Tiberus's suggestion.

He seemed to see hope, and fell to his knees in tears, thanking the Emperor's Angel for his mercy.

The angels have once again saved the people of this planet!
But when the Governor raised his head, he saw the unfriendly gazes of the shark angels.

Tiberus beat up the governor and asked the director of the think tank to personally erase his memory in order to deal with the scrutiny of the Inquisition.

after that.

He also led the great sharks to plunder some local resources and population.

Go ahead and go.

In Tiberius's opinion, since the Great Shark took the blame for this planet, it should at least charge some interest, right?

The governor got a tax cut, and the White Shark got some resources without any burden.

It's a win-win situation.

As for the investigation of the Tribunal, he was not too worried.

The great white shark has long been notorious.

According to some dark and cruel legends, they are extremely cruel, enjoy slaughtering humans, and even kill the entire population of a galaxy.

However in reality.

Most of this is not the fault of the Great White Shark.

For example, the Badab War.

The Carcharodon returned from the outer regions and was accepted into the Imperial Army to fight against the Renegade Space Marines.

They followed the scorched earth tactics of their senior noble commanders, attacking one renegade planet after another with the Imperial Army and the Fire Angels.

The White Shark performed its mission perfectly.

They were ordered to destroy key infrastructure and to deal with any enemy who stood in their way with brutal ferocity.

Eventually all the rebels were crushed.

of course.

The war also came at a cost, with fierce fighting leading to the destruction of several planets.


After the Great Shark collected the spoils and left as agreed, the Empire put all the blame on the Great Shark, causing it to suffer a lot of criticism.

Become notorious.

In this regard.

Tiberius is also very annoying.

As the main force, the Fire Angels did something similar to the Great Shark. In the end, they not only gained control of the galaxy, but also sealed up all the dark legends about them.

Became an angel who saved the galaxy.

He just came to help. The order came from the empire and the war was fought by everyone together, but he was the one who took all the blame.

not to mention.

The Sharknado didn't gain much benefit, it just looted the property in the Traitor Space Marine fortress.

That was the agreed agreement.

An even more unjustifiable piece of evidence is that the Great Shark plundered an entire generation of young people from the galaxy.

How many people can the Great White Shark carry on its few broken ships?
Even if it is fully filled, it cannot take away many people, and it cannot meet the material needs of so many people.

Indeed, the Great Shark did take away a group of people, put them into the arena to participate in the trial, and selected the survivors to become the new blood.

But that is definitely not a reason for the Empire to attack and judge them.

Due to population scarcity and poverty.

The requirements for selecting new blood for the Great Shark are already very low, just for the arena duel, the rate is about one in ten.

When those large war groups select new blood, they often gather young people from an entire planet or even a galaxy, have them participate in several brutal trials, and finally send them into the arena.

After these processes, there are often piles of corpses.

The Sharknado only has about a thousand Space Marines, and only that many can be deployed each time to replenish new blood, and the rate is only one in ten, which is already very conservative.

Some planetary governors have a more brutal process for selecting guards than this.

In short, Tiberus felt that he was wronged.

He had witnessed the shamelessness of the imperial nobles and decided not to get involved in these matters anymore.

After supporting Baal.

He led the Great Sharks back to the Outlands and no longer cared about the empire's troubles!

After the think tank director reported the situation of the man-eating shark, the White Mouth also located Bal's position and set sail again.


The cabin was shaking violently and the roar of the engine could be clearly heard.

The ship's power engine was like an asthma patient, dragging the ship forward with difficulty.

Tiberius steadied himself.

He looked up at the think tank director and said earnestly:

"Go and remind those guys who are driving the boats to be more gentle and careful when driving, so as not to let this old ship fall apart."

This old Tyrant-class cruiser is already the most respectable vehicle for the Great Shark.

In case it falls apart.

From now on, he, as a chapter commander, can only travel on frigates or battle barges.

That would be so embarrassing...


The Geller force field of the white giant ship rose up, and it rumbled into the subspace channel with black smoke coming out of its butt.
The depths of the extreme star field.

The red scar unveils the bloody curtain.

The aging supergiant star is trapped in this red prison, providing heat to the sparse planets around it.

This makes this radiation-filled wilderness even less suitable for human survival.

In reality, the Red Scar area is unsuitable for any human habitation.

It's not just water that's scarce.

On some planets, deadly red fogs that can block out the sun often appear.

But due to some scarce resources here, coupled with a certain religious belief-like obsession, there are still many humans living here.

Rely on one's own genes or certain drugs to resist the terrible radiation.

But even so, their bodies still suffered varying degrees of pathological changes and suffered from common cancers.

For people with red scar areas.

Cancer is just a common disease, just like hunger, it is a normal part of life.

But all is not entirely hopeless.

In addition to the mortals full of deformities, there also lives a group of angels. They have fair skin, handsome faces, and powerful bodies that are pure and flawless without any deformities.

As long as you survive a test more tormenting than death, you can become one of them.

This is the Baal system.

And that group of angels were the descendants of Sanguinius - the Blood Angels.


Tyranids, filled with vengeance, targeted the area.

Blood Angels Chapter Master Dante issued an order to assemble, summoning all the descendants of Sanguinius and brothers who could provide support to defend this sacred home planet.


The cloudless red sky of Baal was filled with the crisscrossing contrails left by shuttlecraft.

The blunt-nosed attack craft of the Space Marines crowded the anchorage in orbit, and dozens of battle barges were arranged in narrow formations to form a long line.

The sons of Saint Gilles have arrived.

On the orbital anchorage platform, the servants of the Blood Angels were busy entertaining the incoming warriors of the sub-regiment.

Direct them to the monastery.

The armors of the warriors of these sub-groups were mostly old and worn. It seemed that the descendants of Sanguinius were not having a good time either.

A certain regiment came down from a small battle barge, carrying a tattered yellow battle flag that had been repaired many times.

Their yellow armor was full of traces of damage and their faces showed sadness.

But it exudes an indomitable momentum.

The blood servants paid tribute to the warriors of the Sons of Sanguinius and silently mourned their tragic fate in their hearts.

I heard that this regiment was ambushed again during the battle and lost most of its soldiers, equipment and battle barges.

This made the already difficult situation of the regiment even worse.


The boundless shadow obscured the entire anchorage and all the war barges.

Such a change caused the blood servants to cry out in surprise.

They looked up and saw an unimaginably large fleet, each ship larger than a battle barge and gleaming with brilliance.

The appearance of such a steel behemoth in the air is undoubtedly terrifying.

But the blood servants soon smiled.

Because they saw a familiar symbol, it was the fleet of the Great Savior!
To be more precise, it is the Savior's transport fleet.

Different from the unknown sub-group.

When the Blood Angels saw the arrival of the transport ship, they felt inexplicably excited and expectant.

They had felt the Savior's heroism and magnanimity in the battle of the Hades Galaxy, and they knew very well what was loaded on these transport ships.

It will be equipment and supplies that are more abundant than they can imagine.

As for the Redemption Armed Fleet, it had already been deployed in the area around Bal.


The blood servants followed their master's instructions and mobilized orbital air defense.

Allow the Savior transport fleet to pass freely.

According to Dante, the Baal Galaxy is handed over to the savior, and that being can do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't blow up Baal completely.

Planet surface.

Surrounding a dead volcano in the middle of the blood-red desert stands a sacred building larger than a city.

That is the monastery of the Blood Angels.

Tall defensive towers were built on the high wall of the "Wall of Axes" built along the edge of the ancient crater.

The vast, several-square-kilometer triangular armored glass dome of the Angel's Dome has been closed, covering the ancient crater with an impenetrable diamond.

The interior of the extinct volcano has also undergone tremendous changes. It has been excavated and developed into one area after another, with buttresses shaped like giant angels surrounding the interior.

Thousands of gleaming windows punctuate the walls.

There are many passages here, allowing you to go to any area unimpeded.

In a warehouse area outside.

Blood Angels Captain Karan exhaled lightly and used an oilcloth dipped in holy oil to wipe the leg armor of a large piece of equipment.

He took a step back and looked at the Destroyer Centurion Armor with great satisfaction.

After careful polishing and application of holy oil.

The entire armor looks so sacred and majestic under the light.

Karaen couldn't put it down and enjoyed the feeling of controlling it to defeat the enemy.

It is worthy of being a creation given by the savior, the driving experience is simply invincible.

He looked up and exclaimed devoutly: "Praise the Savior!"

At this moment, there are another two hundred Centurion armors parked in the rear. These holy armors belong to the Blood Angels!

After the Hades Galaxy War ended.

Seeing that the Blood Angels were reluctant to part with the armor, as if it were a treasure, the Savior did not have the heart to take it back.

Instead, he gave them all to them with a wave of his hand, which deeply moved the Blood Angel warriors.

After this period of experience, the Savior has gained unparalleled prestige within the Blood Angels.

It can be said.

These descendants of Sanguinius are about to take on the form of saviors.


Karan heard the roar outside the warehouse and received contact from the Savior's logistics department.

Ask them to come out and receive the supplies.

After receiving the communication, Karan trotted all the way to the warehouse door.


The scene before him left the company commander stunned.

The square area at the entrance is already filled with equipment and supplies, with Centurion armor standing one after another, almost as far as the eye can see, and next to them are mountains of armor boxes, almost all of which are Terminator armor.

The other, higher mountain contained ordinary armor, bolter rifles, power swords and other equipment, as well as countless amounts of ammunition.

These equipments of inestimable value were just piled up on the ground so casually!

not far away.

There is also construction machinery that unloads cargo from transport ships to the ground at a very fast speed.

Karan seemed to be shocked and was a little dazed.

All the equipment of their Blood Angels combined wouldn't be as good as these, right?
"Hello, Mr. Karaen, I am Fuli, the person in charge of this logistics..."

A gentle female voice sounded.

Fuli looked at the captain and reminded him, "Twenty thousand sets of Space Marine equipment and two thousand five hundred Centurion armors have been delivered. Please sign for them..."

She handed the data pad to the other man and asked him to sign it.

"Emperor, savior, are all these equipments for us?!"

Karaan roared inwardly.

That was wealth that the Blood Angels had never experienced before, and they stood taller!

He suppressed his excitement, took another look at the "mountain of equipment", swallowed his saliva and asked, "Ms. Fuli, looking at the number of these equipments... it seems that there are more than 20,000 sets, right?"

He took a quick look and found that there were more than 20,000 sets of armor and equipment in front of him.

That is at least several times the number, enough to arm tens of thousands of Space Marines!
Not to mention there is more equipment and vehicles being unloaded.

Hear the words.

Fuli frowned, a little nervous:

"Could there be an error in the logistics? We will be held accountable!"

(End of this chapter)

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