Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 356 Wuhu, a grand scene, Kabanha fights the hive mind!

Chapter 356 Wuhu, a grand scene, Kabanha fights the hive mind! (7K)

Baal, space.

The supreme bloodthirster Kabanha is so fast.

In a very short time, he led eight times more terrifying demons to break through the obstruction of the Tyranid flying creatures and rushed straight into space.

The violent evil aura was quickly captured by the consciousness of the main tentacle fleet.

These living biological ships knew that the disgusting demonic beasts without biomass had locked onto them.

The main tentacle fleet immediately adjusted its formation and tried to deal with these demons.

Tens of thousands of living warships rushed towards Kabanha.

They come in a variety of shapes, some look like slimy slugs, some look like void whales, and some look like marine creatures magnified a million times.

Every combination and permutation of life gathers here, merging, changing, and succumbing to the will of the hive.

The biological plasma cannon covered the airspace, but could not harm the demon's body; the hundreds of meters long tentacles covered with barbs rolled over and were cut off by the blood axe; the eel-like biological torpedoes could not catch up with these blood-red, flaming demons.

When Kabanha arrived in space, he moved even closer to the Chaos Rift.

The size and power of this supreme bloodthirsty demon increased further, and the killing runes on his body seemed to be flowing with blood.


The bio-ship's giant keratin blade slammed into the heavy armor of the huge demon, but did not cause any damage. Instead, it broke under the heavy pressure.

"The will of the Blood God is unstoppable!"

Kabanha roared even louder, and suddenly drilled in from the eyeball, hacking and smashing the bugs and internal organs inside the bio-ship all the way.

Wait until he breaks out from another place.

The Tyranid Voidwalker had fallen on its side, its belly twitching upwards, and it looked obvious that it was dying.

The supreme bloodthirsty demon led the group of demons, like a blood spear, repeatedly charging into the fleet of living creatures, and the demonic flames burned everything along the way.

He was furious and furious.

Its huge demonic body formed a red spot in the biological fleet, continuously causing killing and pain to the Tyranid creatures.

The terrifying roar and demonic shadows grew larger and larger, almost covering the entire airspace of Baal.

"Hiss~ When did that Kabanha guy become so fierce?"

Inside the Blackstone Lounge.

Ron stared at the transcribed projected video and couldn't help but gasp.

When I met this guy more than 20 years ago, he could only be considered a slightly stronger supreme bloodthirsty demon at best.

Their strength is not as good as that of the demon demigod Bilak.

Today, the power of this supreme bloodthirsty demon has surpassed that of Bilak, and he possesses unrivaled terrifying power.

He felt it vaguely.

Even if Regent Guilliman came here, he would most likely be beaten down by Kabanha, unless Guilliman accepted the Emperor's blessing or was directly possessed by the Emperor.

Only then will you be able to deal with that guy.

As the new Primarch, it would be even more difficult for him to match Kabanha. He could probably only last for more than ten minutes before being pinned to the ground.

Unless he mobilized the violent energy within the little sun and bestowed a dark blessing on himself, he could barely fight it.

But the chances of winning are still quite low.

"Is Kabanha this guy the illegitimate son of Khorne? Is he secretly giving him some special treatment?"

Ron was a little confused.

According to the information he had, Kabanha seemed to have been blessed by Khorne twice in a row, but not to this extent.

It can only be said that he is gifted.

Could it be that the mutual commercial promotion between him and Kabanha enabled both parties to gain more faith and spiritual and emotional blessings?

So that's why it became so powerful?
Ron thought of a possibility. Could it be that he would really let that guy become the number one Chaos Demon in the Warp?
I always feel that Kabanha’s real strength is close to the level described by commercial hype.

His boasting is becoming a reality.

Ron was a little worried, not knowing whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, or whether he should be more restrained when exaggerating business deals in the future.

Otherwise, it looks like the prison card has really become stronger.

He felt sad.

Fortunately, I am getting stronger and not falling behind completely. It seems I have to work harder.

In the past, it was Kabanha who used his fame to his advantage.

Judging from the current situation, I might have to take advantage of the other party's fame in the future.

It's simply a case of switching offense and defense and turning the Tiangang upside down.

Regarding Kabanha’s strengthening.

Although Ron had some concerns, he was not too worried.

After all, that supreme bloodthirsty demon is the number one demon in the subspace, and it is better for him to become stronger than other demons.

Anyway, the higher the value of Kabanha, the higher the value of himself as a demon eater.

It's a matter of mutual achievement.

What's more, he also has Super Ivan in his hand.

Even if Kabanha is really bold and wants to attack me, I can still teach him a lesson.

Perhaps next time we can find an opportunity for both sides to quietly communicate about relevant matters and achieve further win-win cooperation.

Join forces to ruthlessly cut off the faith and spiritual leeks of the demons.

But this matter cannot be rushed. Before we fully understand Kabanha's intentions, any rash contact may lead to bad consequences.

Ron turned his attention back to the projected video.

Only then did he realize that Kabanha was even more powerful than he had imagined.

At some point, the supreme bloodthirsty demon had eliminated the core command biological ship of Leviathan's main tentacle fleet and disintegrated the offensive of that fleet.

However, he was not satisfied yet and rushed towards Leviathan's body again!
Seeing this, Ron was shocked.

If this loyal brother can destroy Leviathan, then there will be no need to fight the next big battle, just open the champagne!


In the space of Baal.

The area where the core of the main tentacle fleet was located was torn open with a length of more than 20 kilometers, and broken tentacles, scattered internal organs, broken horns and huge pieces of meat floated in the void.

You can see red demonic flames burning on these bodies.

Most of the living creature ships in this area were torn apart by the Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon, and the Tyranid commanders who controlled the living creature ships were also killed.

The core command organism in the center of the area, the Hive Mothership, seemed to be in great pain. Its two huge jaws opened like scissors and let out a shrill wail.

A cluster of purple-red eyes at the base of its huge jaws stared at the terrifying enemy in front of it, and its mouth full of tentacles rolled towards the opponent.


None of this has helped.

The tentacles that were wrapped around the demon's body were torn off, causing it more pain.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne!"

With the roar of the Supreme Bloodthirster, the huge, supernatural blood axe chopped down fiercely, completely crushing the head of the hive mothership.

The hive mothership that controlled the main tentacles died completely, and thick blood spurted out from the front.

In an instant.

The living biological ships of the main tentacles lost control. Driven by biological instinct, they scattered in all directions, trying to escape this terrible area.

Kabanha ignored the scattered living creature ships and looked into the distance.

He discovered an extremely powerful soul.

Compared to the barren life essence of other insects, that ancient soul is so delicious.

If you sacrifice it to the Blood God, you will receive more blessings!

The Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon flapped his wings and flew rapidly in that direction without even a second thought.

The Leviathan Hive Mind seemed to have sensed the demon's thoughts and immediately mobilized living biological ships to intercept along the way.

The speed of Kabanha is still too fast, almost unstoppable.

Wherever he passed, the living biological ships turned upside down and were hacked to death.

Relying solely on his demonic body, he broke through the Leviathan organization's fleet defense line.

More killing energy gathered.

This caused his body to expand further, reaching an astonishing tens of meters.

The raging demonic flames even affected Baal who was far away.

All life in this galaxy subconsciously looked up. No one could ignore the red illusory demonic shadow in the void.

Fortunately, the demon was far enough away, otherwise the evil power of Khorne that it exuded would be enough to cause a person's mind to fall into complete confusion and be dragged into an endless abyss.

“Blood God…”

When Kabanha arrived at the area where Leviathan was, he suddenly felt that he was a little impulsive.

He looked up at the chitinous carapace that looked like a towering mountain range, with no end in sight, and exclaimed, "How could there be such a huge bug in the Milky Way?"

However, what he saw was just one of Leviathan's limbs.

The Leviathan in space is thirty kilometers long and nearly five kilometers wide, with more than ten sharp arthropod claws in front of it, which can easily crush any cruiser.

The mouth on the head is covered with more tentacles, and the abyss mouth is huge enough to swallow an entire ship.

The countless keratinous webs on both sides of the body of this void giant beast slid slowly, as if it was using some kind of force to slide forward.

It is near Cabanha.

Leviathan is the existence at the top of the galactic food chain and the devourer of planets. Perhaps it is difficult for it to defeat the demon in front of it in the subspace, but this is the real universe.

The existence of physical laws gives its huge body stronger defense and attack power!

Its compound eyes, which were tens of meters in size, stared at Kabanha. The size difference between the two was so huge, it was like a human staring at a buzzing fly.

But Leviathan did not take it lightly, but treated it as an equal opponent.

Because it can feel the murderous rage contained in the opponent's body, which is a power that can burn itself!

Leviathan and Cabanha are facing off.

The ancient will of the hive and the soul of killing are in conflict with each other, and psychic energy and chaotic evil forces are devouring and resisting each other.

Neither side has any intention of backing down.

The aura emitted by the two beings stirred the void, and the surrounding living creatures fled uncontrollably and even launched attacks on other lives.

This tense and condensed atmosphere also affected the existence in the distance.

In the Blackstone Lounge, Ron almost held his breath.

He was watching this scene in real time through the images transmitted through the hundreds of meters long telescope in the Angel Castle.

This will be a battle that will affect the entire campaign!
"Brother Kabanha is really brave. He dares to charge like this..."

Ron said in a respectful tone.

He did not call the other person "Lao Ka" as usual, but sincerely called him "brother".

Because when guys have problems, they really dare to do it.

In the galaxy, apart from the Kabanha brothers, who else dares to fight Leviathan alone?
Perhaps his previous intelligence was wrong.

That guy has never been a cowardly demon, at least not in certain scenes.

The Supreme Bloodthirster's chest heaved, and volcanic smoke leaked out of his mouth, making him look even more violent.

"Blood God, maybe I need to retreat temporarily?"

Kabanha felt a little regretful in his heart. It was a bit reckless to challenge this big guy alone.

He wondered if he could make a strategic retreat, or at least wait until a new army of demons gathered before challenging this guy again.

But the current situation does not allow me to turn around and leave.

How could the beloved of Khorne, the supreme bloodthirster, the lifelong enemy of the Demon Eater, turn around and run away when facing the enemy?

Especially when facing smelly bugs, he would never allow himself to escape at this time.

Under many eyes.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

Kabanha was enraged, roared, and then...he attacked Leviathan brazenly!

This supreme bloodthirsty demon had demonic flames burning all over his body and he raised his blood axe high, attacking the huge void beast with unparalleled momentum.

Viewed from a distance.

It was like a tiny, flaming fly charging at a human-sized monster.

"Old Ka is mighty, kill him, loyal!"

This epic scene made Ron's blood boil, and his excitement was no less than seeing the Chinese national football team enter the World Cup.

Although the chances are slim, if Kabanha really wins, it would be a huge profit.

Bioplasma cannons, twisted tentacles, and acid filled the airspace in an attempt to intercept the menacing demon.

But that couldn't stop Cabanha.

He passed through the deadly bombing zone like a streak of blood, approaching Leviathan.

Such a close distance made Tyrann's long-range attacks ineffective.

Leviathan raised its giant limbs and slapped the Supreme Bloodthirster, but to no avail. The opponent's figure became bigger and bigger in his field of vision.

In fact, Kabanha's size didn't change much, he just went for Leviathan's big eyes!


"bed bugs!"

The blood axe hit the eyeball that had no chitinous shell to protect it, easily cutting it and sinking into it, causing a large amount of corrosive pus to spurt out.

The pus poured all over him and was quickly evaporated by the supernatural heat.

Leviathan seemed to be in severe pain, twisting and screaming.

The wounds inflicted by the demon were not only physical damage, but also mental erosion, and the supernatural flames attached to it were burning its soul.

Kabanha tried to rush into the eyeball and destroy the worm's interior, but was tightly entangled by the parasitic life that emerged from the surrounding area, hindering his movement.

next moment.

He was caught in the barbed tentacles of the Leviathan's mouthparts, dragged and thrown out.

Kabanha steadied himself in mid-air and continued to attack the eyeball area, but this time he failed.

Leviathan used more chitinous tentacle carapaces to block the weak spots of the eyeball.

This supreme bloodthirster did not give up.

He avoided the dangerous area on the insect's head and chopped along the soft area of ​​its abdomen, leaving many wounds on its body.

The wounds were burning with demonic flames, and occasionally magma could be seen gushing out.

This brought more pain to Leviathan.

Kabanha landed on a weak spot and chopped wildly, but soon a dense swarm of insects crawled out of Leviathan's body.

It was one terrible licart after another.

These Tyranid assassin creatures quietly approached the demon, and the sickle-like blades at the end of their limbs flashed coldly in the dim light.

They attacked.

But these attacks could not do anything to the Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon, and instead turned the Licats into a pile of minced meat.

Leviathan's failed strategy led to the discovery of the swarm passages in its body.

"Bug, do you think you are a demon eater?"

Kabanha roared, breaking through the passage and killing his way into the interior of the void beast: "You can't stop the great Kabanha!"

Leviathan is essentially a larger living biological ship, its interior filled with densely packed biological gene cultivation chambers, digestive tanks, biological energy storage stomach sacs, and so on.

Those dense, blood-vessel-like channels of flesh and blood connect it all together.

In addition, there are countless numbers of worker insects, Tyranid guards, gene stealers and Lictors who rely on the internal environment to survive.

After the Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon invaded the interior, the nervous system immediately transmitted this information to all areas in the form of bioelectricity.


The entire internal ecology suddenly exploded, and dense swarms of Tyranids almost filled the passage and rushed towards the invaders' area.

Kabanha showed no fear at all and just swung his bloody axe to chop.

Like a never-stop killing machine, and with the continuous killing, his physical strength has not been depleted much, but the consumption of soul energy has become greater.

To put it simply, it means only going out and not making any money, which is a pure loss.

But he didn't care about that.

Because he felt more clearly that ancient, incomparably abundant soul.

As long as he sacrificed that soul, he could not only compensate for the consumed soul, but also gain more power.

Moreover, this supreme bloodthirsty demon believed that the Blood God also longed for such a soul and would give him more rewards!
Thinking of this, Kabanha gained more motivation. He returned to his normal size and rushed towards the area where the soul was.

Boom boom boom——

As he destroyed the area along the way, several gene breeding chambers were destroyed, more areas were burning, and the biological energy storage stomach sac exploded under the impact.

These things deeply hurt the Leviathan, and all Tyranid creatures could feel its wails.

It's sizzling!

"Delicious soul, I found you..."

Kabanha tore through a barrier of flesh and blood and entered the wide chamber with a cruel smile.

within sight.

An old and skinny looking insect with an incredibly large head was wrapped in a spore sac connected to countless nerves.

This old insect met the violent eyes of the Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon. Its pure black pupils were relatively calm, revealing a hint of ancient wisdom.

It is the Leviathan Hive Mind.

Anyone who sees this old and frail looking insect would find it hard to associate it with the terrifying Leviathan.

Yet, it is Leviathan, the ancient hive mind, the intelligent mind of the Tyranids, the horrific Devourer that has devoured countless planets, and the Tyranids themselves.

It created all the swarms and holds them in its grip.

At this moment, the Leviathan Hive Mind faced the huge demonic beast with smoke rising from its body without any panic.

Because it had set traps that were enough to defend against this demonic beast.

The Leviathan Hive Mind roared softly, filled with anger.

Two huge hive overlords covered in heavy chitin armor walked out from both sides, their limbs and arms were holding sharp bone blades, which were sharp enough to cut through any armor.

Afterwards, several jellyfish-like psychic creatures floated out.

In an instant.

The terrifying psychic pressure attacked Kabanha, causing his heavy armor to creak.

The two hive overlords suddenly swung their swords at the demon beasts, leaving deep wounds on the opponent's armor and body. Hot red blood flowed down, burning holes in the ground one after another.

"Bug, Kabanha will never surrender!"

After being injured, the Supreme Bloodthirsty Demon became even more violent, suddenly broke free from the shackles of psychic energy, and pounced towards the Leviathan Hive Will.

The next moment.

Even more powerful spiritual energy came and blocked his attack.

The old insect's pure black eyes began to fluctuate, and it was obviously more afraid of the beast, revealing a hint of hatred.

Obviously this ancient being holds a grudge.

Otherwise, it would not have driven the Zerg fleet to destroy the Blood Angels that had annihilated so many tentacle fleets.

The old bug changed its strategy and issued new instructions.

It must keep this threat farther away from itself so that it can use the swarm's advantage to eliminate it.

The two Hive Overlords suddenly pounced forward, stabbed Kabanha's body with their blades, and desperately pushed him towards the digestion tank in front.


Together, the three powerful creatures fell into the corrosive digestion tank, emitting foul fumes.


Kabanha struggled to climb out, but a strong suction force appeared from below.

The liquid in the digester was quickly emptied, and the demon beast fell into the transport channel below, and its figure disappeared in the core chamber.

Inside the Leviathan.

The worker insects resumed their busy work, repairing the damage that had just been caused.

Although the damaged areas can be restored to their original state, the massive amount of biomass lost is irreversible.

That demonic beast caused great damage to Leviathan!

Now, it's even hungrier.


"Damn it, Gulu!"

Kabanha was trapped in the liquid that was being transported at an extremely high speed. He had no leverage and could only struggle desperately.

After a while.

He felt the pressure lift and saw more light, then he realized he was back in space.

Leviathan used the excretion channel to throw out the supreme bloodthirsty demon.


Kabanha's anger was rekindled. He flapped his magic wings to adjust his body, trying to fight back.

He still has plenty of time to conquer this damn bug!

But as soon as he turned around, he felt a huge amount of energy, which was the black hole of biological heavy artillery and the slowly condensed plasma beam that was nearly one kilometer wide.

"Do not……"

Before Kabanha could react, the biological heavy artillery was fired, and a huge amount of energy rushed towards him and hit him directly.

A terrible impact followed.

This supreme bloodthirsty demon was hit by the biological plasma. The plasma rays hit everything in its path without distinguishing between friend and foe, creating a burn mark nearly one kilometer wide.

Kabanha was pushed forward at high speed by the rays, and deep burn marks appeared on his body, even his bones were exposed.


His eyes widened as he saw the planet's land and the familiar octagonal symbol.

Moreover, the earth was getting closer.

Before he could react, everything went dark.


Plasma rays shot towards the earth, creating huge explosions and craters.

The shock wave generated by the ray attack caused most of the octagonal symbol dedicated to Khorne, which was piled up with Tyranid skulls, to collapse.

Then everything calmed down.

In the silence, a sentence suddenly popped up: "That guy should be dead, right?"

Ron tried hard to swallow the ice cream in his mouth and couldn't help but say.

Under normal circumstances, such a fierce physical attack would most likely destroy the Great Demon's body in reality and expel these chaotic creatures back into the subspace.

of course.

Using psychic powers or more metaphysical methods would be more effective.

After all, those guys' physical defense is really strong, and they can even use witchcraft to transform into empty mist to avoid physical attacks.

Especially for a being like Magnus who is proficient in sorcery, it is basically impossible to expel him without the help of the Sisters of Silence, the Think Tank or the Emperor's energy.

If he insists on escaping, it will be even more difficult to drive him away.

But these creatures usually fight to the end and rarely shrink their eggs and run away.

But Kabanha obviously does not have that kind of witchcraft ability.

But the next moment.

"What the hell?!"

Ron's scalp suddenly went numb.

Because he could feel that Kabanha still existed in this space, and the transcribed projection video also confirmed this.



Kabanha climbed out of the pit in a panic. His heavy armor cracked and fell off, revealing his muscular body. However, the killing runes all over his body became extremely dim.

The blessing of the Blood God allowed him to survive.

He shook his head, still seemingly in a daze.

The supreme bloodthirsty demon sat down and looked at the demon army still fighting with the Tyranid bugs in front of him.

He can feel it.

Today, the demon army is more than two-thirds smaller than before.

These are almost all of his troops, and many of them are borrowed from other supreme bloodthirsty demons.

There is no doubt that he suffered heavy losses.

Of course, the losses of the Leviathan Hive Fleet were even more serious. Not only did they lose a large number of living biological ships, but the bugs on Baal was also almost completely slaughtered.

Those are one of the main forces of Leviathan's ground forces.

dong dong dong-

The ground shook.

The huge chicken-thief demon Baal trotted over, concerned about his boss: "Master, are you okay?"

Cabanha did not respond to the greetings from his trusted subordinates as usual.

After the fierce collision, his anger dissipated a lot and he began to think rarely.

This supreme bloodthirsty demon tried to figure out the whole process and how everything happened.

After he thought for a while, his expression suddenly became more serious: "Blood God, we have fallen into a trap!"

After a brief silence.

Kabanha continued calmly: "We were used. Someone set a trap for us to fight those damn bugs, causing us to suffer heavy losses..."

Anyone who dares to set such a vicious trap for Khorne's favorite, the Supreme Bloodthirster, must pay a heavy price!
He stared at Baal:

"That means our attack plan was known in advance, and someone leaked our secrets from the inside!"

(End of this chapter)

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