Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 360 Savior: Rationally utilize Terran resources and develop related industrial chains!

Chapter 360 Savior: Rationally utilize Terran resources and develop related industrial chains!

The old insect's eyes were red and the folds of its brain kept wriggling.

It was shrouded in unspeakable rage and shame.

Compared to the beast-like low-level insects, the controller of the swarm possesses rich wisdom and emotions.

This is one of the reasons why the Tyranids are so powerful.

The huge number of insect swarms, the ability to continuously evolve, and the unique and intelligent mind bring together the power of the entire race.

Making them even more destructive.

Ever since the Tyranids arrived in the galaxy ten thousand years ago, they have been invincible and almost no race can resist their devouring.

Countless planets and lives become nutrition for the swarm.

All people can do is to delay the swarm's attack or make them retreat temporarily.

To be more precise, after the Tyranid swarm confirmed that the local area had lost its value, they took the initiative to retreat and head for more abundant food grounds.

From Terran's perspective, they were just coming here for a buffet.

There is no need to go to great lengths.

In some cases, the Tyranids may even refuse to devour an area due to the poor quality of the food.

For example, on some planets contaminated by the Nurgle plague virus, the insects would vomit and have diarrhea after eating a few bites, and then give up swallowing and run away on the spot.

Even the Tyranids don't like this rich, virus-filled flesh and blood.

What's the difference between swallowing those things and eating poisonous shit in a cesspool?
Of course, some of the Tyranid Hive Fleet have developed the ability to devour Chaos flesh in a "clean and hygienic" manner.

For example, a Zerg Hive Fleet named Kronos often lingers in areas with densely populated large rifts, dazzling Chaos believers, creatures, and Chaos Space Marines.

It can be said to have a special taste.

But no matter what, the Leviathan Hive Fleet is the best among the Tyranids and is almost the largest swarm of Zerg.

It also caused the greatest damage to the human empire.

Almost unstoppable.

Holy Terra is terrified of Leviathan.

In order to prevent this swarm of insects from penetrating deep into the core of the empire, the high lords even asked the imperial guards to maintain the situation when the restrictive decree was abolished.

They plan to create an unprecedented isolation zone with extermination orders to force Leviathan to change its route.

From this we can see how terrifying Leviathan is.

But now, it has suffered repeated setbacks, its onslaught against the human empire has stalled, and the losses it has suffered are extremely heavy.

Further advancement became extremely difficult.

The hive mind has seen through the root cause of failure. The culprit of all this is the leader of the human empire - the Primarch of Hope and the Savior.

From the Hades Galaxy to Baal, it is the Savior who commands the human army behind the scenes.

This being brought huge losses to the Zerg, causing the Great Devourer's vanguard to suffer the greatest defeat in history!

"The swarm will devour them completely!"

The flames of revenge of the hive mind burned fiercely, vowing to turn the savior and everything related to him into biomass solution.

This is also the real reason why the Hive Mind did not choose a richer food ground, but chose Baal as the battlefield. The Blood Angels are just one of them.

more importantly.

It is here to hunt the Savior.

But just as the Tyranid Hive Fleet arrived at Baal, it suffered a head-on attack from demonic beasts and green-skinned beasts, weakening the Zerg's offensive.

Under normal circumstances, demonic beasts, green-skinned beasts and humans have irreconcilable conflicts.

It is almost impossible for them to cooperate with humans, let alone help them.

But that's what happened.

This caused the wisdom of the hive mind to fall into a state of confusion. Through the analysis of intelligence, the reasons behind it were even more worrying.

That green-skinned beast, that demonic beast, is inextricably linked to the Savior.

Especially that stupid demonic beast.

He is probably the Savior's most steadfast ally, and is even willing to sacrifice his own strength to work with the Savior to design an attack on the Zerg.

This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the galaxy!
When the hive mind came to this conclusion, it began to doubt whether its own wisdom was regressing, so it hurriedly added several more brain worms to its thinking sequence.

The galaxy has been changing so fast lately that even the ancient Tyranid wisdom can no longer keep up.

Fortunately, the stupid demon beast had left, and the green beast was temporarily dragged to Baal. The Tyranid swarm got rid of the threat and gained precious time to attack.

When the Hive Mind mobilized all its strength and sent its most ferocious swarm of Zerg towards Baal, it found itself running head-on into an iron wall.

The tsunami of flesh and blood of the insect swarm was intercepted by one steel fortress after another, as well as artillery fire and vehicle groups.

The Savior's artillery fire seemed endless and there would never be a moment of rest.

Large numbers of insects were buried by chemical explosions.

Even if a swarm of insects breaks through the artillery blockade, it will be blocked by numerous positions and destroyed by the human army.

The hive mind suddenly realized that Baal was now like a bottomless abyss that could not be filled no matter how many swarms of Zerg were thrown in.

That is an extremely abnormal phenomenon.

The strength of this human army is actually stronger than any army it has encountered before.

When did humans become so powerful?!

Even more troublesome is that.

No matter how it upgrades and evolves, adjusts its strategy, or sends out special troops, this army can always quickly find a way to resolve the problem.

This left the Tyranid swarm helpless.

The Hive Mind came to the conclusion that while the Tyranids were adapting to the battlefield and evolving, the human army was also continuing to grow, and at a faster speed than the Tyranids.

It discovered that in just a few weeks, humans had become increasingly aware of the Tyranids' weaknesses and had developed more than a dozen mechanical, chemical, and biological weapons against the Tyranids!
This is an extremely astonishing speed.


The speed at which the Savior Territory researched related weapons technology was not as fast as the Hive Mind had imagined.

This is actually the accumulation of decades of knowledge and research, but it just broke out during the war. There are too many oil men active in the research laboratory of Baal Fortress.

There are new developments in those studies every day.

Besides, it wasn't just Bal's battlefield laboratory that was conducting the research, but it also drew on the collective wisdom of the oil men of the entire empire.

The Savior set up a new section on the Mechanical Forum, uploaded all the knowledge about Tyran and updated it in real time, calling on interested mechanics to cooperate in the development of related projects.

All participating mechanics will receive a very meaningful, out-of-print Mechanical Goddess Honor Badge and a large number of precious gear coins.

But in fact, most of the high-level mechanics are going for the out-of-print Mechanical Goddess badge, and they are even willing to spend a lot of resources on research.

Due to the large number of participants, the Mechanical Forum had to close the application channel in the end.

Many of the oil men who were unable to participate were heartbroken and could only try to find those qualified members, hoping that they would allow them to join and have the opportunity to obtain the Mechanical Goddess badge.

After all, the opportunity to obtain the Mechanical Goddess's holy relic is rare.

It is a symbol of faith and also a rare resource.

In addition to its great collectible value and cool special effects, each badge represents a corresponding rare privilege.

For example, behind this out-of-print Mechanical Goddess Honor Badge is the qualification to use the highest computing power twice. The Mechanical Goddess will open up all computing power to assist your research.

That is something that cannot be exchanged for any amount of resources.

Because the conditions for issuing each badge are extremely strict, they have become a symbol of status.

When everyone uses the Mechanical Forum, badges are much more useful than those empty titles.

For example, those mechanics who have achieved top achievements in various fields will be awarded the "Mechanical Leader" badge, thus forming a new top group.

If you don’t have it, you won’t be able to integrate into other people’s circles at all.

Therefore, every time the Mechanical Forum organizes a special event to award badges, the oil guys are very enthusiastic, and it can be regarded as a means of generating income for the forum.

This special event is even more so, it can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for oil men.

A large number of high-level oil men and even casting directors suspended their own projects and invested resources to participate.

Except for Barr's laboratory.

There are a large number of laboratories within the empire that are collaborating in research and development, each taking on different experimental links. This has greatly accelerated the pace of related research and produced a lot of technologies targeting Terran.

When all this was reflected on the battlefield, it became extremely shocking.

Ron has always believed that the Human Empire is definitely the top power in the galaxy and is not as weak as imagined. The reason why it is now so miserable and being slaughtered by Chaos and Aliens is because the Human Empire is scattered.

The vast territory and the severance of waterways and communications have divided human power into countless parts, distributed in different areas, and naturally unable to resist the enemies of mankind.

But as long as they are united, the power of mankind will be further sublimated.

In fact, this is also the meaning of the existence of the imperial tithe.

The empire was built around the tithe, which marshaled human power in an inefficient and wasteful way.

The price for humanity to survive in this dark purgatory galaxy is more death and suffering.

Now, Ron has found a better way. He has gathered the power of mankind through the webway and communications, and even absorbed the power of other races.

He tried to make human beings have less pain and despair, and more hope.

The Savior Territory's decades of hard work were clearly reflected in the Battle of Baal, making it a typical example.

Many Astra Militarum soldiers and Space Marines who participated in the war suddenly realized that humans could fight in this way and win without paying heavy sacrifices and suffering.

Judging from the current situation, the results achieved by mankind are astonishing.

Under normal circumstances.

It is difficult for any regional human force to deal with the Leviathan Hive Fleet. Even if they use a strategy of mutual destruction, killing 800 enemies and losing 12,000 of their own, the best result is just to make the swarm retreat.

But under the organization of the Savior, Leviathan faced several races and the collective power and wisdom of the human empire.

Strictly speaking, the ancient insect wisdom was attacked by the joint efforts of many forces.

Compared to the high morale of humans, the situation on the Tyranid side is not so good. The Leviathan Hive Mind is in a continuous red temperature state.

"Damn it, damn it! This is a humiliation to the Great Devourer!"

The roar of the Leviathan hive mind echoed in the void, its thoughts penetrated countless living biological ships and node command organisms, and reached the ganglia of every insect.

Hunger and helplessness on the battlefield have made this ancient wisdom somewhat obsolete.

Moreover, it discovered a fact that was even more difficult for the insect to accept.

The Saviors are using the lives of the Zerg to conduct experiments, not only weapons experiments, but also biological experiments and breeding and food-related developments.

Based on the latest acquired human memory.

That damned being tried to develop canned Tyranid meat of various flavors, build related production lines, and sell them across the empire so that all humans can taste the delicious insect meat.

It's a bug cheat!
This is simply a naked insult and contempt for the Great Devourer. The Tyranids have always been hunters, and all life should be food and nutrition for the swarm.

But now, those weak humans are trying to use the swarm of insects as food.

How arrogant is this?
In order to avoid any waste of biomass, all Tyranids contain deadly acids and irreconcilable toxins in their bodies.

Their flesh and blood are difficult to be used by other races, and even if buried in the ground, they are still contaminated to a certain extent.

In other words, the Tyranids have tried hard to become inedible.

Unexpectedly, the savior still set his sights on the Zerg.

It's absolutely abominable!
The entire body of the Hive Mind was shaking with anger, and at the same time, there was a hint of fear.

But the ancient wise man's mind quickly stabilized, and reason told it that all this was impossible:

"Given all the conditions, the Savior's foolish plan will ultimately fail..."

From a genetic and evolutionary point of view, it is impossible for the swarm of insects to become food, and the savior's ridiculous plan cannot succeed!

At least as of now, no race can treat Tyrannosaurus as food, especially humans.

Thinking of this, the Hive Mind regained its composure. It believed that humans, who were at the lower level of the galactic food chain, would not be able to treat the Tyranids as food.

That guess that frightened it would never come true.

New bioelectric currents are coming.

That was the memory image transmitted back by the Zerg reconnaissance unit from the ground of Baal.

After receiving this information, the Hive Mind suddenly erupted with a strong psychic reaction, and almost blacked out: "Oh no, humans have been eaten!"

The ancient wisdom of the Zerg was completely broken.

The reconnaissance unit sent back several clips:

The first thing that appeared was a food laboratory, where many living Tyranids were soaking in giant reinforced glass petri dishes, and next to it was a huge pool of chemical solution.

Many technical priests and Son of Man warriors in white lab coats were moving around. Some were injecting chemicals into the chemical solution pools, while others were using instruments to slaughter and cut up insects.

"God, this bug tastes good and has a decent meat yield. It can be used as the main meat-producing unit..."

The Son of Man warrior tasted the live insect meat, his face turning blue as he continued to analyze the type of toxin in it and asked the technical priests to adjust the composition of the chemical solution pool.

The worm meat is then immersed in large quantities in the pool to break down the acids and toxins.

The emotions of the insect nest will fluctuated violently, and there was a chill in the air: "Damn humans, this is simply a slaughterhouse for humans targeting insects!"

No matter what kind of being it is, it will feel uncomfortable when witnessing a slaughterhouse that specializes in slaughtering its own kind.

After a while.

The memory scene shifted to a temporary canteen, where the logistics chef was busy cooking food in a wok.

It’s even fried!

The ingredients in those cooking utensils were obviously insect meat. The dishes included fried insect meat with Poro pepper, Tyranid insect meat burgers, Tyranid steaks, etc.

The chefs asked the combat armor squad members to taste and rate the new dishes.

The Hive Mind's breathing became rapid. The defeat in the war and the scene of the bugs being cooked and enjoyed as food by humans gave it more shock.

It was a helpless feeling.

For ten thousand years, this is how humans felt when faced with the Tyranid swarms that fed on them.

Now, the Savior also made the wisdom of the Zerg feel this, the helplessness of becoming prey.

Even just a little bit.

"It's too dangerous, this phenomenon must be curbed!"

The hive mind immediately sent out new pheromones, allowing the living biological ship's breeding system to adjust the genes of the Tyranids and add more toxic substances.

The Tyranids must not be reduced to food.

The hive mind tried hard to control its emotions and keep its mind calm.

However, the next scene still made it scream: "It's time to turn into a savior of biomass solution!"

It was a conference room. On the long table were a dozen tin cans of insect meat products of different flavors. The cans were printed with the Terran logo and the words "Interstellar Nutrition, Food of the Future".

There were quite a few humans sitting on both sides of the long table.

The participants were dressed neatly and their expressions were solemn and expectant.

The savior it hated was sitting in the main seat, with the following words on a red banner behind him:
A preliminary tasting and industrial production seminar of Tyrannosaurus canned food.

Under the expectant gazes of many humans, the savior took a bite of the canned insect meat with an exquisite golden spoon, then gave a thumbs-up and praised:
"The meat is delicious and nutritious, suitable for large-scale promotion..."

The Savior encouraged those outstanding food industry business representatives who dared to take risks to come to the Bal war zone and cooperate with the development of related projects, and promised to give them more preferential laws.

I hope they can comprehensively promote the development of the Tyrannosaurus canned food industry and jointly create a new chapter in human food culture.

Then, warm applause broke out in the conference room.

Suddenly, the savior looked over and met the eyes of the invisible ultra-small reconnaissance bug.

That gaze seemed to know everything, causing the pupils of the old insect-like hive mind watching the scene to shrink.

Then came the screams of humans in the conference room and the roar of bolt guns.

The screen then fell into darkness.

Apparently, the scout bug it had carefully nurtured had died...

The hive mind's thinking continued to fluctuate, understanding the harm that the scene just now brought to Tyranid.

It wished that the Tyranid swarm would devour all areas in the picture, but it had no way of doing it.

Because those areas are in the core area in the center of the war zone, under the protection of numerous fortresses, the Zerg were blocked outside the defense line.

Even if there were infiltrations, they were quickly wiped out.

The intelligence we just received proves the criticality of the situation. Terran has fallen into an even more dangerous situation!
"Perhaps the swarm needs to retreat and leave this dangerous area..."

A thought suddenly popped up in the hive mind's mind: the galaxy is vast and there are too many rich food places.

As long as it retreats to another place and devours the food fields in other areas, the savior will be unable to do anything to it!

(End of this chapter)

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