Chapter 48 Fight!

As Carter declared battle, he exuded an unparalleled aura.

That is the bravery and fearlessness of the Royal Guards!

The guards were inspired by Carter's battle declaration and their fighting spirit was completely ignited.

Including the seriously injured guard, he also joined the battle.

He can still fight!
Even if I die, I will die on the battlefield.

Because only in this way can we wash away the shame we suffered previously.

He will use the blood of heretics to forge his loyalty to the Governor!
Boltguns were loaded with bolt rounds and chainsword engines were roaring.

The guards gripped their weapons tightly, and led by Carter holding the Eviscerator Chainsaw Greatsword, they formed a battle formation and walked steadily towards the aberration in front.

Only fighting and death are the only guides!
At this time, the sound of gunfire all around stopped.

After proving that ordinary attacks were ineffective, the defense forces and bailiffs stopped attacking in order not to interfere with the battle of the guards.

For a moment, the surroundings became a little quieter.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the backs of those brave guards.

That is a war angel from the Royal Court, loyal to the Governor.

Everyone's hopes are placed on them.

Even the judicial police and the defense forces soldiers started to pray.

They prayed for the protection of the God-Emperor and asked him to grant these guards strength.

Make the guards brave and invincible.

Like the emperor's champion warriors in the legend.


The aberration crawled out from the ruins of the shack. The artillery shell attack just now did not cause much damage to it.

But it felt angry.

These weak insects actually dared to resist.

Dare to challenge the descendants of the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes!
Its twisted flesh and blood were shrinking violently, and its outstretched tentacles were retracted in front of its body. Thousands of black eyeballs on the tentacles were staring at the approaching guards.

It was a gaze from chaos, emitting a strong malice that seemed to devour all life.

"The descendants of the great Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes will never forgive any disrespect. You should be afraid!"

The evil head on the deformed body's chest was roaring, he was excited to the point of madness.

Although, he could no longer control his body.

The moment he was injected with the Essence of Chaos, the bloodthirsty primitive instinct completely took over his body.

He was just living in that body.

His relationship to the body is like that of a parasite to its host, or a dog to its owner.

Of course, the evil disciple obviously didn't think so.

He felt that the power of this body belonged to him, and was the great divine power bestowed by the Lord of All Eyes!
The tentacles that the mutant had retracted in front of its body were waving, and the cold gazes of all the dark eyes on the tentacles were fixed on Carter.

According to its instinctive perception, the tall warrior is the biggest threat!

It tentatively swung out a tentacle.

The tentacles, carrying a whistling sound, hit Carter.

But Carter did not move, and the guards around him immediately stepped forward to cooperate in blocking the tentacles and cutting them off!
A few more tentacles went over, but still achieved no results.

They were all stopped by the guards!

Carter continued to move forward, his steps becoming more and more steady, and the guards around him followed.

One step at a time!
Until Carter and the guards stood in front of the deformed body and looked up at the huge monster.

The two sides confronted each other, and neither of them dared to launch an attack.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, as if the air had frozen.

"The false emperor's lackeys!"

The sudden shout from the evil head broke the silence:

"You should be terrified. Kneel down and submit to the great Lord of the Ten Thousand Eyes!

Kneel down and beg for mercy, offer a bloody sacrifice, and I might…"

His response was a bomb.

Carter raised his bolt pistol, aimed it at the noisy guy's head, and fired a hard shot.

In an instant, the evildoer lost half of his head, like a smashed watermelon.

"Damn it! Kill them! Kill them!"

The evildoer felt even more humiliated, and his half head howled.

The deformed form suddenly attacked, and its two thickest tentacles suddenly raised up, carrying a tremendous force, and smashed towards Carter!

Faced with such a fierce attack, Carter did not panic. He slightly dodged the direct attack of the tentacles.

The two tentacles slammed into the ground, splashing up a cloud of dust.

Amid the smoke and dust, the chainsaw sword made a louder roar.

Carter swung the chainsaw sword with all his might, cutting off the tentacles instantly, and blood splattered everywhere!
The broken tentacle bounced violently on the ground.

At this time, other guards launched attacks one after another.

They coordinated, either shooting or slashing.

Dealing with the tentacles waving in their respective areas.

The explosion of bombs and the roar of chainsaw swords echoed throughout the area.

Not long after, under the close siege of the guards, all the tentacles of the mutant were cut off one by one.

After solving the obstacle, Carter rushed forward and swung the chainsaw sword to chop at the body of the deformed body.

With every swing, large pieces of flesh and blood were chopped off by the high-speed rotating chainsaw.

The deformed body of the aberration, which looked like a mass of flesh, was seriously injured.

Its body was covered with scars, and pieces of flesh and blood fell to the ground from the wounds.

"It hurts! Damn you, fake emperor's lackey!
Hide quickly, quickly!"

The evil head also felt the damage suffered by the deformed body, and the severe pain was unbearable for him.

He shouted, urged, tried to issue orders, but he had no control over the aberration.

Seeing this, Carter and his guards attacked more fiercely.

Destroy this heretic!


The mutant felt a greater threat and mutated again. All its dark eyeballs were filled with bloodshot and turned blood red.

Afterwards, the flesh and blood around its body expanded rapidly, becoming larger in an instant!
The whole body is like a balloon filled with air and about to explode!
Carter sensed the danger and shouted angrily:
"Get out of the way!"

However, his reminder was too late.


The flesh and blood on the outside of the deformed body suddenly exploded like a bomb.

The powerful shock wave wrapped around the soldiers' bodies and threw them around.

Carter was closest to the target and suffered a stronger shock wave.

He was knocked away by the shock wave and fell heavily to the ground.

When Carter supported himself and stood up.

He saw a three-meter-tall humanoid deformed being walk out of the smoke and dust!

The muscles of the humanoid deformed body were tightly knotted, veins were bulging, and the body was covered with blood-red eyeballs.

Those eyeballs rolled aimlessly, revealing a strange aura.

At this moment, it exuded an aura that was even more terrifying than before, making the surrounding guards shudder.

The ordinary soldiers further away were so frightened that they were speechless.

The humanoid deformed monster leaped up from a distance and slammed down in front of Carter!
(End of this chapter)

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