Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 5: Genuine Goldfinger: The Essence of Subspace

Chapter 5: Genuine Goldfinger: The Essence of Subspace

"Your Majesty the Divine Emperor?"

Ron tried to call out, but the cold sun still did not respond.

After a while, he realized something was wrong.

Where are my hands and feet?
What about my body?
He couldn't feel the existence of his own body!
Ron tried to use his spiritual sense to investigate and discovered a shocking fact.

He turned into a ball!
To be precise, he turned into a small sun made up of psychic energy.

At this moment, he was hiding under the light of the great cold sun of the God-Emperor, slowly emitting heat and bringing a touch of warmth to the cold warp.

A huge amount of psychic information flooded into Ron's mind.

After absorbing all that information, he finally understood what the little sun was and completely controlled it.

This small sun-like sphere of psychic energy is his warp essence, something that the strong men in the Warhammer world dream of.

Simply put, the essence of the subspace is the projection of organisms in the subspace. In other words, "What is the essence of your existence?"

Not everyone can possess this thing. At least it has to be a Primarch-level creature to awaken it.

For example, after one of the Primarchs, Corvus Corax, the Raven King, awakened the essence of the Warp, he became a Warp shadow creature.

It can transform into a crow and a black cloud and has the ability to become invisible.

Once the essence of the subspace is awakened, the level of life will rise and become a being close to that of a god.

Above that is the level of the Emperor, which is the cold sun before us.

His light protects the entire human empire and is enough to resist the Four Chaos Gods!
Now Ron has also awakened the essence of the subspace and obtained the ladder to become a god. This is his real golden finger!

The Warp Essence is named Dawn, but he prefers to call it the Little Sun.

The Little Sun rescued Roan from the Palace of Slaanesh and gave him power to help him become a psyker.

These are enough to prove the power of Little Sun.

But this also caused the little sun to consume too much energy and become extremely weak.

Even the slightest hint of a warp storm could destroy it.

Fortunately, there is still a possibility of recovery.

The Little Sun, like the four Chaos Gods Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh, is nourished by certain concepts or emotions.

Unlike the Four Chaos Gods, the Little Sun feeds more on positive emotions, and the concept he feeds on is hope.

For example, happiness, ideals, wishes, courage, passion, etc. can all restore the abilities of the little sun.

Ron can split out his psychic core and let it stay in reality as an anchor, allowing the little sun to absorb concepts and emotions related to hope.

He is the planetary governor of Ers and has the power to rule the entire planet.

As long as he develops the planet well and improves the lives of his people, his little sun will be able to continuously absorb the power of hope, regain its strength, and become even more powerful.

When the little sun becomes powerful, it will be able to give back to the planet, protect the people under its rule, bless them and give them strength!
This is Ron's real confidence. As long as there is enough time, he will continue to expand his territory and absorb more power of hope.

He can even ascend to become a god!

Ron studied the little sun's abilities and found that many of its abilities were in a closed state.

For example, blessing and teleportation require energy to be restored to a certain level before they can be unlocked.

Just as Ron was about to conduct further research, another wave of psychic energy came and kicked him out of the warp.
early morning.

The spire of the Royal Court.

The warm sunlight shone into the bedroom through the stained glass windows. The maids were waiting not far away, waiting for their master to wake up.

What the hell!

Ron woke up suddenly and found himself back in the real world.

He recovered and looked at the clock. It was already ten o'clock in the morning. The concept of time in the subspace was indeed very confusing. He had only been in the subspace for a short while, but so much time had passed in reality.

And this time it was the psychic tide that kicked him out again. It seems that there is a limit to how long he can stay in the warp.

Ron felt a little disappointed. He was just about to try out Little Sun's ability, but was unfortunately interrupted at the critical moment.

It seems I can only continue next time.

"Good morning~"

The gentle voice of the head maid Linda came, and she took the hot towel and gently wiped Ron's face.

Ron washed and changed his clothes with the help of the maids, and came to the restaurant in a daze. A sumptuous breakfast was laid on the table.

The pure gold tableware reflected the faint light under the crystal chandelier, and a variety of delicacies were placed on the golden plates.

The golden muffins are spread with sweet Akenberry jam; the tender Grox ham exudes an enticing aroma; the scrambled eggs dotted with roquefort dried fruits are as smooth as silk.

The rich and aromatic smell of black coffee penetrates into the nose, making people feel refreshed.

Ron came to his senses and couldn't help but sigh at the luxurious meal.

Fortunately, his soul was transferred to Ron Grant and became the planetary governor, allowing him to enjoy a luxurious life at the top of the hive city.

He could sleep until he woke up naturally, have a bunch of beautiful women serving him, and then have a hearty breakfast comfortably.

No commuting, no need to rush, and no need to punch in and out every day and get yelled at by your supervisor!
Workers are in tears!
If Ron's soul had traveled to the lower nest, he would have been in the factory screwing screws until smoke came out, and he would not be able to eat a small piece of corpse starch until noon.

Forget about taking a lunch break.

The workers in the empire have no human rights. It is a hundred times more cruel than 996. Many workers die in endless labor.

But the Empire never worries about workers dying of exhaustion. After all, there are plenty of people to do the work, and a hive city can feed tens or even hundreds of billions of people!
As for traveling to the Bottom Nest, Ron didn't even dare to think about it. The scum living in the Bottom Nest had to face terrible pollution and terrifying mutants.

They ate spoiled food picked out of the garbage dump and were lucky to be able to breathe.

The people living in the Bottom Nest and the Lower Nest do have a miserable life, but fortunately their current planetary governor is Ron.

After obtaining the Little Sun, the essence of the warp that is nourished by the power of hope, he is destined to become a good governor who loves his people like his own children.

He wants all his people to live a good life!
After all, the happiness and hope of his people are Ron's nourishment.

The better off they are, the more hope they generate.

In this way, he can recover the energy of the little sun and become powerful.

"Mr. Governor, is it delicious?"

The head maid Linda came to Ron and leaned over to feed him: "This was made by me."

"So white... ahem, delicious, delicious!"

Ron nodded hurriedly while eating, but the jumping rabbit seemed to occupy his attention.

After breakfast, Ron leaned back in his chair and began to think about how to manage his planet.

Now he knows almost nothing about the situation on the planet Ers, and even his original self has never been involved in the management of specific affairs.

There are hundreds of thousands of administrative staff in the Royal Court who manage the complex affairs of the planet, but Ron has hardly ever seen them.

All these complicated matters were handled by the administrative team headed by General Bayev.

This is also how most planetary governors deal with things, otherwise they will be overwhelmed by endless government affairs until they are exhausted to death.

Ron only needs to make some important decisions, and the managers and government officials under him will follow his will and realize his ideas.

Rights and obligations are consistent and inseparable.

As planetary governor, he has great power, but what are his responsibilities?

What is his most important responsibility?
(End of this chapter)

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