Chapter 52 Traitor!

Tonight is a sleepless night for many families.

The sudden roar of gunfire resounded over the residential areas around the Sacred Square.

The howling of unknown creatures and the screams of people followed.

It terrified the people living in the residential area.

People closed their doors and windows, and talked in low voices in panic, not knowing what was happening at all.

The Rapp family did the same.

The family gathered in the living room, waiting helplessly.

Every time there was a sound of gunfire or a howl, Mattie and Lilith's hearts could not help but skip a beat.

Mattie hugged Lilith and said in a trembling voice, "God Emperor, what is going on?"

She was extremely terrified. All this was so similar to the terrible disaster that happened five years ago.

The evil rebels attacked the sacred square and captured people from the surrounding residential areas for blood sacrifice.

Those poor people were dismembered by the evildoers, made into inverted crosses, and hung bloody on the statue of the Divine Emperor!
The rebels even rushed to the door of Lap's house.

If the Governor had not sent guards to arrive in time, their family would probably have been sacrificed!
After that night, Marty discovered that almost all the officials' families around her were slaughtered by the evil followers.

Many friends and familiar faces have disappeared.

Only the Rapp family survived.

That was a horrible nightmare!

Now, is that terrible nightmare going to happen again?

Mattie prayed helplessly:
"Are the evil rebels coming again?
Oh my God, it’s over!

Your Majesty, the great God-Emperor, the merciful Governor-General, please protect the Lapu family!"

"Brother, what's going on outside? I'm so scared!"

Lilith looked at her brother worriedly.

Deville squatted down and ruffled Lilith's hair.

"It's okay, don't be afraid.

There are only sporadic sounds of gunfire outside now, not the army attacking.

If they were truly evil rebels, the alarm in the Royal Court would have been sounded long ago.

Moreover, those fighting areas are outside, and our residential areas are still safe.

In short, if you stay at home, there will be no danger.

Go back to sleep, cover your ears and you won’t hear anything…”


“Really, go to bed.

Don’t let this delay your study progress tomorrow!”

Lilith arranges study tasks according to the learning intensity of aristocratic elite education.

Under high-intensity study, every bit of energy is important.

Hearing this, she also became nervous and nodded quickly: "I'm going to sleep now!"

Deville coaxed Lilith, pulled her back to the room, and covered her with a blanket.

Deville turned and walked to the door, put on his black coat, and put the laser pistol on his waist.

Those words just now were just to comfort Lilith.

The war has spread to this residential area, and he cannot stay out of it no matter what.

He was going to go out and see what was going on!

"Mom, I'll go outside to see what's going on. Lock the door tightly and don't go out!"

Mattie rushed forward and hugged Deville. She habitually straightened Deville's collar and warned him, "Be careful," you..."

But she thought of something, hesitated, and didn't say the rest of the words.

"Mother, I will do my best and be loyal to the Governor!"

Deville's face was full of determination. He tightly grasped the laser pistol at his waist and added these words for his mother.

If it were really rebels and evil people who attacked, he would not choose to be a deserter.

He will take up arms, bravely fight against those rebels and evildoers, and dedicate everything to the Governor!
Looking at Deville's appearance, Maddie was very sad and reluctant, fearing that her child would never come back after leaving.

But she still supported Deville's idea because it was the Rapp family's heritage for hundreds of years.

Loyalty to the Governor is the foundation of everything! Mattie wiped away her tears and said firmly:

"Good boy!

Go work for the Governor, don't worry about me and Lilith!"

Deville nodded and resolutely turned to walk out.

When the door was locked, Deville regained his cold-blooded official status as a cold-blooded official of the Royal Court.

He gripped his laser pistol tightly and walked towards the direction where the gunfire came from.

Not long after Deville walked away, at a corner of a passage, he suddenly came face to face with a scarlet mechanical eye.

He was startled and subconsciously raised his laser pistol.

However, the next second, his nose was hit hard, and then a big hand covered his mouth tightly, and the hand faintly emitted a stench of burnt meat!

Yarui held his throat and said:

"We are arresting evildoers, you are not allowed to make any noise.

If you let those damn scum escape, you're dead!

do you understand? "

The pain from his nose almost brought tears to Deville's eyes.

He endured the pain and nodded, indicating that he understood what the other party meant.

Soon, Deville felt the large hand covering his mouth loosen, and he took a deep breath.

Then he was hit in the nose with the butt of a shotgun, and he groaned in pain.

But before he could utter a word, his mouth was covered again.

Yarui warned seriously:
"I told you to stop talking, why are you making noise again!"

Deville felt inexplicably wronged. He muffled his voice and made an almost undetectable sound:
"I don't want to talk..."

Finally, Deville felt the hand covering his mouth loosen again, and he subconsciously covered his nose and mouth, fearing that he would be attacked again.

He just looked into Yarui's eyes, and the previous conflict made both of them look a little unfriendly.

Yarui held his voice, his expression a little strange, as if he had just discovered the other person.

He took a puff of the cigar he had found in the master's house when he was fighting against the evildoers, and blew a puff of smoke into Deville's face:
"Hey, isn't this the master from our logistics department?
It was just a misunderstanding, it's okay now.

You should go home quickly. The operation of hunting down the evil lambs is very dangerous and not suitable for a pretty boy like you."

These words humiliated Deville.

He gripped his laser pistol tightly, his attitude firm:

"Asshole! I am also one of the fighters in the Royal Court District, and I have the obligation to eliminate the evildoers for the Governor!

Besides, I am a resident of this residential area and I am more familiar with the terrain here than you!"

Seeing Deville's insistence, Yarui shrugged and agreed to his request:

"Okay, come with me. Don't blame me if you die!"

Deville followed Yari for a while and then he reacted.

That rude one-eyed fellow just played a trick on me!

Yarui seemed to sense Deville's mood. He came over and put his arm around his shoulders, rubbing his dirty hands on his black coat.

"Oh, it was just a misunderstanding, I just hit you twice.

I apologized to you, sir, isn't that enough?"

Deville held back his temper; he was too disdainful to bother with this rude man!

As the group moved forward, Deville became more and more familiar with the road, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Where is the evildoer hiding?"

Yarui bit his cigar and pointed to a door not far ahead:

"Well, that's the family that colluded with and secretly hid the evildoers, killing many people!"

Looking at the familiar house number and location with the Logistics Department sign, Deville was stunned.

He controlled his emotions and lowered his voice:

“You are mistaken, they are one of the most loyal families in the Royal Court.

It is impossible for him to collude with evildoers, and even more impossible for him to be a traitor..."

(End of this chapter)

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