Chapter 58 Workers

Deville never expected that he, who had always been an excellent person, would be questioned in public by the Governor.

For this, he felt inexplicably wronged and almost cried.

But Deville still tried hard to control his body and maintain his dignity.

Since the Governor did not ask any questions, he did not even dare to ask what he had done wrong.

But no matter what, if the Governor says I'm not good enough, then I'm not good enough!
Just as Deville was full of thoughts and trying to control his emotions.

Ron looked at Popov next to Deville and said, "This comrade is great. Everyone should take him as an example!"


This was the first time Popov was praised, and that was by the Governor-General!
He couldn't suppress his excitement and asked subconsciously.

Then he immediately realized that it was disrespectful to the Governor and quickly shut his mouth.

"It's true, you're a good boy, keep up the good work!"

"Everything for the Governor!"

Popov held his head high, extremely proud.

When he gets back, he will definitely tell his father and mother about this.

Receiving praise from the Governor in person is enough to be recorded in the family history books.

What an honor!

Deville looked at Popov, who was so excited that he couldn't suppress the smile, and found it even more unbelievable.

what is this?
How is that coward Popov better than them?
Soon, Ron explained to everyone why.

“Because you’re all too serious and grim and should smile more.

You represent the image of the Governor, and I need you to be approachable enough.

You must be able to go deep into the masses and communicate well with them to obtain the information you want!

This is what you have to do!"

The officials of the Secretariat acted as special envoys of the Governor-General.

If he is too cruel and makes people feel completely scared, it will greatly affect the governor's image in people's minds.

At least for now, he needs to leave a kind image in the hearts of the people.

Upon hearing the Governor's request, Deville and the other young people immediately forced a smile.

It's just that they haven't smiled in front of people for a long time, and it seems a little awkward.

Ron looked at them and nodded:

"In short, your first task is to smile and show enough affinity. I believe you can do it!"


"However, when facing enemies and corrupt elements, you must show your cruelty and cold-bloodedness.

You must scare them and let them know what the wrath of thunder is!
do you understand? "


This is the purpose of Ron selecting this group of people. They need to be friendly enough and, when necessary, they need to be cold-blooded!

"I think you all understand what I mean. Next, let Butler Bayev arrange your work."

Ron's mission ends here, and the next task is left to Bayev.

He would arrange for this group of young people to go to various areas, such as mining areas, factories, etc., to screen suitable people to participate in the ceremony.

The specific process is that the Wangting District issues orders and requires each area to submit a list as required.

Select activists as representatives of the people and have them march into the sacred square in a procession.

The Secretariat's responsibility is to review whether the list is qualified, whether there is any fraud, and whether to add or delete people.

If it is found that someone has been perfunctory or even deceived the Governor.

Sorry, that needs to be judged.

Soon, Bayev put the plan into practice.

Deville and Popov were assigned to a team and became partners. They will go to the factory area to carry out the screening task.

The two of them took a hovercraft and headed to the factory area.

"Deville, what are you looking at me for? Is there something on my face?"

Popov couldn't help but ask.


Deville turned away expressionlessly.

He would never admit that he was trying to learn how to smile from Popov's face.

Out of Popov's sight, Deville practiced hard.

He swore that he would put on his most perfect smile the next time he saw the Governor.

He will laugh better than Popov!

When Deville and others went to the factory area, the heads of various factories were urgently mobilized to prepare to welcome the Governor's special envoy.

In order not to leave a bad impression on the special envoy, the factory managers asked the workers to work overtime to clean the factory thoroughly.

The supervisors monitored the workers' work more carefully and did not allow any laziness.

But none of the workers complained.

Because two days ago, the Royal Court District issued a notice that it would select some active workers to go to the Sacred Square to participate in the Emperor's Ascension Festival.

Those activists will be blessed by the Emperor of God, and will also be given holy bread and holy water from the church!

This is an invaluable opportunity.

You know, before the Emperor's Ascension Festival stopped being held, in the entire Lower Nest, only the heads of large factories had the opportunity to be invited by noble lords to the Holy Square of the Upper Nest to receive blessings!
But this time on the Emperor's Ascension Day, everyone actually has a chance!

This is an incomparable gift to the workers from the lower nest.

They worked hard without any supervision.

I was afraid that I would lose this extremely precious opportunity because of being lazy at work.

They prayed silently, hoping that they would be chosen.

Alila works hard on the assembly line, and she really hopes that she can be selected and become an activist!
She coughed and immediately suppressed the sound.

Her mask was broken, but she didn't dare say it.

According to regulations, workers' masks can only be changed once a month.

Last time, a worker was severely whipped by the supervisor because his mask was broken!
At this juncture, if she was beaten for such a mistake, she might never be selected as an activist again.

Fortunately, she works the fastest on this assembly line and has the highest yield rate!

She will definitely be chosen.

But it’s so uncomfortable!
The pungent gas that seeped in through the gap in the mask, coupled with the wounds on her face, made Alila extremely painful, but she gritted her teeth and persevered.

"Alila, you can do it, just hold on a little longer!"

Just when Alila was about to give up, the supervisor finally came over and announced that everyone could take a break.

Only then did she get a chance to catch her breath.

The list of activists was about to be announced, and the workers gathered together nervously to discuss matters concerning the Emperor's Ascension Day.

They were full of anticipation, because this might be the greatest honor the lower nest workers could receive in their lives.

From birth to death, the workers are so unknown, no one admires them, and no one mourns them.

And now, the Governor is willing to give them such an honor!
Alila did not participate in the discussion because she always had a low sense of presence and was not very close to her fellow workers. People always forgot about her existence.

As she listened to people's praise for the Governor, she couldn't help but think:

"The Governor is such a kind person."

Soon, the supervisor took out a list, which was the preliminary list of activists.

At this moment, everyone's heart was in suspense!

(End of this chapter)

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