Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 65 Heading to Green Wave Farm!

Chapter 65 Heading to Green Wave Farm!

After gathering the power of hope, Ron was extremely excited.

After so much hard work, it’s finally time to reap the rewards.

It's not easy!

He was eager to go back and study this power carefully, but he didn't want to leave immediately.

After all, his people are still worshipping him fanatically.

As the Emperor's chosen one, the great savior, how could he run away so quickly?

Stay a little longer and gather more hope.

Ron stayed for a while longer, allowing his people to admire the scene to their heart's content.

When everyone's emotions had calmed down, he turned and left.

Afterwards, the cherubim scattered and flew everywhere, spreading the praises of the great miracle that had just taken place.

When Ron left, the holy ceremony came to an end.

People dispersed in groups under the command of the bailiffs.

The holy book has ended, but the impact of this incident has just begun.

Just like a butterfly flapping its wings, it triggers a series of chain reactions.

After the miracle was performed, Bayev, Carter, Donny and others were certain of one thing.

That is, the Governor-General obtained extremely powerful divine power from His Majesty the Divine Emperor.

Just like the living saint in the legend.

Or maybe Ron Grant is a great living saint!
He is a loyal saint of His Majesty the God-Emperor, gifted with god-like powers, and walks the mortal world in His name.

That is the deepest compassion and love of the Emperor of God for the planet Ers, the Grant family, and the church.

All praises to the God-Emperor!

The officials in the Royal Court were also shocked and became even more respectful and loyal to the Governor.

They were determined to follow the great and benevolent Governor.

Those Downnest activists who left the Sacred Square spread the news of the miracle to all parts of the territory.

People discussed the miracles in the scriptures, the Governor's divine power, and the delicious holy bread and holy water.

And most importantly - the promise made by the Governor.

He promised that in the future people would no longer be hungry and would be able to eat delicious holy bread.

As this information spread, the rumor that the Governor had found Slag Bread Mountain disappeared.

Instead, the Governor found a mountain of holy cakes as high as the hive city, and an inexhaustible holy spring.

In short, people are full of expectations.

These expectations turned into tiny bits of hope that people could not see.

The power of hope floated in from all areas of the territory, gathered at the psychic core in the statue of the God-Emperor, and slowly nourished Ron.

This is the power of human beings, however insignificant individuals may be.

But with only a sufficient base, the power of hope transformed from faith will be enough to allow Ron to grow into an extremely powerful god!

Although this might seem like stealing someone's job from the Emperor, at least He has not rejected it yet.

Besides, he only has such a small territory and such little faith power now, which is not enough to fill the teeth of the old God Emperor.

It's all for humanity and for the empire. Even if there is no credit, there is hard work.

We've finished it with peace of mind!
Ron comforted himself in this way, and decided to make good use of the influence of the Divine Emperor in the empire and make as much money as possible!
As long as He does not object, it is not blasphemy.

Praise the God-Emperor!

As time goes by.

The miracles that occurred during the holy ceremony in the Royal Court gradually spread outside the territory.

Yusuf had already received the news in the Horman family's territory.

"Master, if it is really the Corpse King who sent down a miracle, what should we do?"

The black-robed leader of the evildoers frowned, looking a little worried.

After all, he is the Corpse King. No one in the entire galaxy or even in the subspace can deny his power.

Of course, the great Lord of All Eyes whom they believe in is equally powerful.

That is beyond doubt. But He never performed miracles so directly, but only conveyed His will through whispering.

"It's fake, it's just that incompetent Ron playing tricks.

The Star Torch has gone out, and the little power the false emperor left here has long since vanished.

What's more, the planet Ers is located on the edge of the empire, and it is impossible for His gaze to reach here..."

Yusuf sneered:
“According to the data collected recently, the food reserves in the Royal Court were almost exhausted.

Those incompetent people who made a big fuss under such circumstances would undoubtedly be courting death.

By the way, you should send more people to the Royal Court area to continue spreading rumors.

They said that because of this festival, all the food in the royal court was exhausted and everyone would starve to death!

Let's just wait and see the King's Court fall into chaos. I don't believe he can conjure up food!"

"Yes!" The man in black robe just took the order and left.

"Lord, it's not good!"

As soon as the man in black robe left, the steward of the territory came running in to report that the workers in a factory in the territory were causing trouble due to lack of food.

The Horman family is not having a good time either...

Yusuf sighed deeply:
“They are just a bunch of rioters who don’t understand the difficulties of the territory!

Send out the riot police, kill all the troublemakers, and then randomly select some people to kill..."

He knew very well that only fear could make people awe-inspiring.

Killing more people will produce more corpse starch.

Armed force is the foundation of rule. As long as his troops are not hungry, there will be no problem.

What's more, only more deaths can speed up the birth of the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes' offspring!

And the final winner must be him!
Nothing happened in the Grey Wolf War Gang's territory.

Keep the daily style.

People hid in their homes while large numbers of gang members were shooting.

"Kill, kill those bastards!"


There was an Ogrin carrying an iron pot on his head and holding a big stick, and he charged forward and smashed the little man's head with one blow.

Gangs, criminals, thieves, hallucinogens, all kinds of people mixed together.

Death and gunfight are the eternal themes here.

No matter who you are, you will find this intricate and chaotic place a headache.
Royal Court District, Spire Mansion.

Ron was taking stock of his harvest.

The amount of power of hope collected this time far exceeded expectations, reaching 300,000 points!

He felt that his body had become purer, and his understanding and control over the nature of the subspace had advanced to a new level.

He can use this psychic power in more forms.

Simply put, it unlocks new skills.

The most important of these is the ability to teleport over ultra-long distances.

When the Imperium of Man wants to teleport over long distances, it often needs to rely on warp drives on spacecraft, teleportation devices installed on buildings, or through navigational beacons.

The distances that these methods can transmit vary.

But they all cannot do without the help of the Navigator Family, the Mechanicus or the Astropaths.

The planet Ers does not have this condition.

The Chaos Gods' teleportation is more direct.

They can use the chaotic power generated by the sacrifice of believers to locate themselves, thereby tearing a rift between the subspace and reality and invading the real world.

Of course, our Divine Emperor also has similar abilities and can teleport his cursed legions everywhere.

This divine method of transmission is more direct and almost ignores distance.

With enough power of hope, Ron also mastered this ability that belongs to the authority of God.

Now, he can open the portal and go to the Green Wave Farm left over from the golden age of mankind!

(End of this chapter)

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