Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 68 A huge amount of food!

Chapter 68 A huge amount of food!
When Ron was thinking about how to fool the robot, the robot made a new move.

Moss put down his gun and retracted the energy turrets.

Moss was experiencing strong emotional fluctuations at the moment. He had been working alone on the Green Wave Farm for a long time.

Is it ten thousand years, or tens of thousands of years?

In this space, it can't even calculate time accurately.

Except for the occasional dealing with alien invasions, the rest of the time is just repeating the same work.

Moss manages the Green Wave Farm according to a fixed procedure, waiting for the owner to come and inspect the results of his work.

But in the past years, the owner never came.

It has been waiting for too long...

If the owner doesn't come back, it may just work alone until the end of its life, until the body decays beyond repair and completely disintegrates.

And now, it has finally found its owner!

Moss walked up to Ron, half-knelt on the ground solemnly, and lowered his head.

Its electronic sound revealed awe, and at the same time, a hint of irrepressible excitement:

"Respected and noble master, welcome to Green Wave Farm!"


Ron was confused again.

In an instant, he thought a lot.

Could it be that this was planned by some extraordinary being?

Or did my future self go back to the past to make plans and leave a rich legacy for my present self?

This thought almost burned out his CPU.

Soon, his doubts were answered.

Moss was extremely respectful:

"Yes, according to the results of the genetic test, you have passed the system's judgment 100% and become my new master!"

Seeing that Ron didn't understand, Moss patiently explained.

It turns out that Moss was a royal farm robot of a human dynasty during the Golden Age of Humanity, responsible for providing fresh ingredients for the royal ships.

However, the ship was attacked and shattered while sailing in the warp.

It, as well as Green Wave Farm, was fortunately not torn apart by the subspace energy under the protection of a special force field.

Although the ship is gone, it has been following the programs set in its body and has been working on the farm until now.

It can't leave unless its owner gives a new order.

As an intelligent robot, Moss also knew that its master had completely died in that terrible subspace storm.

However, according to the most basic logic of intelligent robots, robots do not have the power to act autonomously.

They can only act according to the set programs and the orders of their masters.

So even if he lost his owner, Moss could only stay on the farm and could not perform any autonomous actions.

Serving their masters is the only meaning of their existence.

It is also the shackles set by humans for robots.

There is another logic program inside the robot.

That is, when it is confirmed that the original owner is completely dead, they must choose a new owner.

This ensures to the greatest extent possible that the robot will not gain complete autonomy under extreme circumstances.

Some robots even load self-destruct programs. After the owner dies or is completely unable to issue commands, the core of those robots will completely burn out and shut down.

But that is considered cruel and uncivilized behavior, and only special models of robots will be loaded with self-destruction programs.

As a farm robot, Moss does not have a self-destruction program loaded, and it has the ability to choose a new owner.

Of course, there is a complex calculation procedure to make the judgment.

For example, priority is given to the heirs of the original owner, relevant royal personnel, humans of pure blood, etc.

But there is no doubt that Ron passed the system's judgment.

He is a qualified new master. In some ways, his bloodline is even purer and nobler than that of the royal family.

After listening to Moss's explanation, Ron finally understood.

It's all just a coincidence.

The purity of his bloodline and the timing of his arrival here just met the requirements to become Moss's new master. "So, I am your new master, and you will obey my orders 100%?"

"Yes, my master"

"Moss, call me Governor from now on."

"Yes, Governor."

"Very good. In that case, does that mean this artificial farm is also mine?"

Moss was obviously stunned when he heard this question.

Then it replied:

"According to the Act of Succession, when a member of the royal family dies without an heir, their estate will belong to the entire royal family.

So Green Wave Farm belongs to the royal family..."


Ron scratched his head. He had apparently found a way to communicate with the robot:

"The Governor officially declared that Green Wave Farm is my private property.

Now I order you to help me manage this farm that belongs to me, is there a problem?"

Data streams were floating across the display screen of Moss's eyes, and the CPU was running at high speed.

It finally concluded that it had to obey its master's orders.

"no problem……"

"Then what are you standing there for? Get up and work.

Report your work quickly, the Governor is here to inspect it!"

Moss suddenly became excited when he heard the order given by Ron.

Finally, the owner came to inspect the results of its work!

"Okay, please come with me!"

Moss happily drove the hovercraft and took Ron to inspect the vast Green Wave Farm.

Only then did Ron realize that what he had seen was just one area of ​​this artificial farm.

Green Wave Farm has several areas where several crops such as rice, wheat, and potatoes are grown.

And there are independent ecosystems to meet the growth needs of different crops.

Ron suddenly realized that in addition to the farm construction technology, these rice, wheat and potato crop seeds were also treasures!

This is a crop from the golden age, uncontaminated!

In today's galaxy, many creatures and plants have been polluted and even mutated, and have lost their original purity.

It also has various defects and even toxicity.

Some even require special processing before they can be used.

For example, the flour made from wheat in the Royal Court area.

Wheat itself is slightly toxic and requires special screening before it can be ground into flour for consumption.

However, with the messy genes of the 40K humans, it’s okay to eat anything because they have developed resistance.

It won’t kill anyone anyway.

I have eaten corpse starch, so what else can’t I eat?
A more extreme example is Catachan.

Catachan is covered in dense jungle, and the plants within the ecosystem appear to be conscious and highly aggressive.

In this kind of hellish place, if you plant crops, you don't know who will eat them.

The main story is about plants fighting against Catachans.

Judging from these examples, even in the entire galaxy, these pure crop seeds in Green Wave Farm are extremely precious!

Moreover, Ron learned from Moss that Green Wave Farm not only had these seeds, but also had the base and technology for cultivating seeds.

This was a huge surprise, it took off directly from Wuhu!
But after inspecting the entire farm, Ron realized a major problem.

That means the crops on the farm have just been planted and are far from being harvested.

Far water cannot quench immediate thirst. He can't wait here for the harvest before leaving, and the food in the royal court area will not last until next month.

What should I do?
However, Ron’s concerns were soon addressed as Moss had been growing food and storing it.

It's a field that has been cultivated for thousands of years!
If the storage technology is advanced, the amount of food stored will be unimaginable!

(End of this chapter)

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