Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 79: Watching Everything Will Only Hurt Yourself

Chapter 79: Watching Everything Will Only Hurt Yourself

The assault ship broke into the core area of ​​the Homan family!

After receiving the report, Ron in the cabin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The Homan family's air defense network is very tight, and the shield of this ship almost collapsed just now.

Fortunately, I got in.

Now, the subsequent plans can be implemented.

Ron closed his eyes and activated his psychic sense with all his strength.

The barely detectable psychic energy fluctuations spread rapidly around Ron and drifted further away.

Then it gradually spread until it covered the entire core area of ​​the Horman family.

With the thorough coverage of psychic perception, a huge amount of information flooded into his mind.

Ron could feel the traces of chaos throughout the entire area. People were wailing in pain and praying desperately.

They prayed for the protection of His Majesty the Divine Emperor.

But this place has been isolated.

All the prayers of the people are heard by the mysterious existence, and then they accept the call!
There are too many, and this place is already covered by deep darkness.

Ron had no time to sigh. He carefully eliminated any interference, and used his psychic senses to follow the trail to the place where the chaos was most concentrated.

The traces of chaos are becoming clearer and more intense.

He knew clearly that he was about to find the source of the chaotic power.

Ron controlled the psychic power and came to the top of a dilapidated building, then sneaked in through the secret entrance.

Finally we came to a huge underground secret laboratory.

There are more than a dozen huge glass cylindrical glass culture dishes here, filled with all kinds of deformed chaos monsters.

Going deeper, he finally saw the target of this operation!

It was a giant petri dish about ten meters high, and inside it was a deformed woman.

Her upper body and lower limbs were as thin as dry firewood, but her belly had swollen into a huge ball of flesh several meters in diameter, with countless pitch-black eyes on it.

That ball of flesh was a huge uterus, with a black shadow inside that kept wriggling, as if it had life.

The fetal movement is so obvious, it seems that the "newborn" is about to be born!

Then, Ron realized that the contents of the petri dish seemed to have a faint connection with a certain existence.

He subconsciously controlled his spiritual energy to continue exploring along the faint line.

What the hell!

The moment he continued to explore deeper, Ron's hair stood on end, his scalp almost flew off with fright, and he felt a chill all over his body.

He used all his strength to "brake" the spiritual energy and dared not move again.

Because he "saw" a huge black shadow behind the huge petri dish.

It was an unpredictable existence floating in mid-air.

His head and body are one, with two huge indescribable tentacles growing on his head, and his skin is covered with different changing faces.

The moment he "saw" Him, Ron felt as if he was being stared at by countless eyes, and everything was seen through by him.

Fortunately, the terrifying existence did not make any unusual movements, or rather, it had no interest in him.

Seeing that the terrifying existence did not move, Ron manipulated his psychic power to slowly retreat.

It was not until it left the laboratory that it turned around and flew desperately back into its body.

Ron opened his eyes suddenly, his heart was beating violently, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

It turns out that watching everything will only hurt yourself.

Too scary!

That guy might be Tzeentch.

Tzeentch is the most cunning and changeable evil god among the four Chaos Gods. He symbolizes twisted wisdom and likes endless calculations and conspiracies.

He is good at creating chaos, and his believers are often intellectuals who crave wisdom or ambitious nobles. Ron sighed a little. It has not been long since he came to Warhammer 40K, and he has come to know the two Chaos Gods, Slaanesh and Tzeentch.

Of course, he knew the two Chaos Evil Gods, but the two Chaos Evil Gods did not know him.

If the evil god knew him and knew his name, that would be terrible. He would just cut his neck and die.

But to be honest, in that situation, slitting your own throat probably wouldn't be of any use.

If the Chaos Evil God really noticed him in reality, he would open the box.

With his current strength, there is a high probability that he will be toyed with at will and become completely corrupted.

Fortunately, his spiritual power was able to "brake" in time to avoid more terrible consequences.

But Ron still couldn't help thinking back to that last scene, and the more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt.

Did He seem to smile to Himself?

Did He see Himself?

Fortunately, Ron suppressed those endless terrible speculations in time.

What are you afraid of? After all, you have someone to back you up.

If he is really forced into a corner, the worst that can happen is that he will go and hide with the Divine Emperor.

The most urgent task is to get rid of that weird thing in the laboratory!

Ron immediately asked someone to send the location of the secret laboratory to the special combat forces.

At the same time, the assault ship he was on suddenly turned around and accelerated towards the secret laboratory.

When the assault ship Ron was on just arrived at the location of the secret laboratory, several more assault ships broke through the air defense network with the help of bait planes and arrived.

Ron, wearing golden power armor and holding a power sword, was the first to jump from the cabin to the ground.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Carter, dozens of guards jumped to the ground one after another and stood guard over Ron.

The battle begins!
Ron and the guards rushed towards the building where the laboratory was located.

Soon, several teams of modified guards from the Herman family arrived.

They lined up in silence with their guns raised.

As soon as the guard sergeant raised his command sword, his head exploded like a watermelon.

Just now, Ron pulled out the golden bolt pistol inlaid with the Grant Golden Lion logo and shot the sergeant's head.

He put the golden bolt pistol back into his waist and raised his hand to wave.

The guards immediately stepped forward, raised their bolter rifles and fired at the Homan family guards in front of them.


The bolt guns roared instantly, and blood mist continued to burst out in the guard team.

The cyborgs were shattered into pieces by the bolt guns and rocket-propelled ammunition, and it was almost impossible to see their complete form.

This is the cornerstone of the Grant family's rule, the Governor's angel of war - the Royal Guard!
After dealing with the cyborg guards, Ron led the guards to clear out all enemies who dared to block their way.

Then he entered the building, broke through several obstacles along the way, and attacked deep into the secret laboratory...

The cultivation area of ​​the secret laboratory.

The experimenters nervously threw various kinds of flesh and blood into the pool, performing the final sacrificial ceremony.

Yusuf stared at the twisted ball of flesh in the giant petri dish. The fetal movements were becoming more and more intense.

In a short while, the true offspring of the great Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes will come into this world!

That will be the terrible weapon that decides everything.

Everyone will tremble in fear before the immensely powerful force bestowed by the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes.

Gradually, Yusuf heard gunfire and screams coming from the area outside the laboratory, but he did not panic at all.

He knew that it was the incompetent Ron who came.

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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