Warhammer: Beginning with Planetary Governors

Chapter 85 The Judgment is Coming

Chapter 85 The Judgment is Coming
The assault ship roared in and hovered in mid-air.

The hatch slowly opened, and the sound of devout prayers could be faintly heard.

Two cherubim flew out and chanted loudly in mid-air in praise of the God-Emperor.

Standing in front of the cabin door was a soldier with white hair and a weathered face.

He suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a hawk-like gaze.

The last bishop of Naus, the old priest Donnie Moore, a powerful warrior blessed by Ron!

This loyal follower of the God-Emperor from Holy Terra once charged into battle alone, nailing the Chaos High Priest to death with his great axe and saving the Royal Court.

Unfortunately, that battle left him seriously injured and suffering from illness, turning him into a weak and hunchbacked old man.

When the Chaos heretics invaded the Royal Court again, Bishop Doni felt extremely distressed.

Because he can no longer fight for His Majesty the Divine Emperor, and can no longer judge those damned heretics!

He could only pray helplessly, begging His Majesty the Divine Emperor to look down upon him.

However, he did not expect that the great Divine Emperor would actually respond to his prayers!
He lowered his gaze.

The light emitted by the golden sun is so dazzling and warm.

Bishop Doni, with tears in his eyes, accepted the gift.

The warm light healed his injuries and restored his strength.

His body was full of energy, even stronger than in his heyday!

He was able to fight.

What a great power this is, praise the sun!

After recovering his fighting strength, he quickly rushed to the battlefield.

Bishop Doni was wearing heavy state religion advanced power armor with a white hooded cross robe on the outside.

A cross-shaped rose rosary was adorned on his chest, and around his waist hung a white skull and the Words of the Divine Emperor.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge power axe of astonishing size on his back.

When the hatch was completely lowered, Bishop Doni stared at the Chaos Heretics wreaking havoc on the ground.

His mechanical arm raised the Sky Eagle Scepter adorned with scripture strips and shouted the words of the God-Emperor:

"Only death can lead to...kill it!"


Bishop Doni leaped down suddenly and landed in front of the Tzeentch monster maggot.

The sudden fall of a heavy object startled the Tzeentch maggot.

It stopped and looked at the armored warrior who fell from the sky with hostility.

Bishop Doni stuck his scepter into the ground and pulled out the giant power axe behind him.

With a hum, the force field of the power axe was activated, and blue light enveloped the entire axe blade.

He rushed towards the Tzeentch Maggot with the Power Axe in both hands, his eyes cold:
"In the name of the great God-Emperor, all heretics will be judged!"

Bishop Doni rushed to the front of the maggot monster and chopped it down with his huge axe with astonishing momentum.

This blow directly cut off the maggot's pincers, and dark green juice spurted out.

The evil maggot roared, and it retreated, spewing out blazing evil flames that completely covered Bishop Doni.

But soon, the buzzing sound of the power axe was heard, and Bishop Doni rushed out of the evil flame.

With the protection of the rose beads' force field, the evil flame energy could not harm him at all.

Bishop Doni swung his axe again and cut off several limbs of the maggot.

The evil maggot of Jianqi was aroused and pounced forward to engage in a fierce hand-to-hand fight of life and death with him.

Suddenly, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and dark green liquid spilled all over the ground.

Faced with such an offensive, Bishop Doni attacked even more fiercely.

He shouted the words of the God-Emperor and was not afraid of any battle.

Only death!

Gradually, the injuries of the Tzeentch maggot became more serious, and a look of fear appeared in its eyes.

That powerful warrior was so determined and so desperate.

It's really scared!

Tzeentch pretended to attack Bishop Dodonny, spewed out evil flames to block his vision, then turned around and ran away.

Several limbs were running wildly, and even phantoms appeared.

It wanted to escape from here, away from that terrible warrior.

However, it was too late. Keith controlled the energy cannon and fired an energy ray, hitting its fragile limbs.

It suddenly stopped, its steps were completely disrupted, and it fell sideways to the ground.

The demon maggot got up and tried to escape. "Damn monster, you can't escape!"

Yarui in the cab roared wildly, and he led several armored tanks to rush over recklessly.

The Tzeentch maggot was knocked down again.

Damn those annoying little bugs!

It was so angry that it overturned the armored tank to vent its anger, then turned around and continued to escape in another direction!
"Stop it!"

Carter led the guards to block its way.

The guards carried special launching devices and fired harpoons embedded with barbs.

The barbed harpoons sank deep into the flesh of the Tzeentch's maggots.

The ends of the barbed harpoons were connected to steel cables, and the other ends were tightly held by the guards.

The maggot's movements were restricted. It struggled desperately, stabbing the guards who were holding the steel cables with its sharp arthropods.


Many guards were pierced and blood was splattered everywhere.

But even when they were dying, they held on to the steel cables tightly and never let go.

"For the Governor!"

The guards roared and held the Tzeentch maggot tightly.

They felt deeply ashamed and blasphemous for not being able to protect the Governor.

Now that they have room to make a difference, they will give everything they have and get the value they deserve.

Never let go!

The Tzeentch maggots were restrained in place by the guards, and Bishop Donnie, who was not far away, also climbed up.

He was covered in blood and sparks flew from his mechanical arm, but his hawk-like gaze remained firm.

Bishop Donny grabbed the Power Axe and launched the final charge with all his strength!

The roar resounded, and the Tzeentch maggots raised their heads. In all their dark eyes, they saw Bishop Donnie leaping high with a huge axe in hand.

"Death to heretics!"

Bishop Donnie's giant axe nailed the maggot's head to the ground, and the energy released by the force field completely destroyed its brain tissue.

The Tzeentch maggot let out a shrill scream and all its limbs kicked around in disorder.

After struggling violently for a while, its body froze, it stopped moving, and lost its life force.

Bishop Doni was covered in wounds. He struggled to get up, his damaged mechanical arm hanging limply.

Ron quickly came over and supported him:

"Your Excellency, are you all right?"

Bishop Doni was a little dazed:

"What about heresy?"

"The heretic has surrendered. You have saved the Royal Court once again!"

"I am only following the will of the God-Emperor to judge heretics."

Bishop Donnie looked at Ron and bowed slightly in respect:
"Governor, you are the true savior of Planet Ers..."

As soon as these words came out, Bishop Doni also felt strange.

Why did he suddenly have such respect for the Governor?

There is even a hint of respect.

But on second thought, the governor in front of him was the savior chosen by His Majesty the Divine Emperor himself, so he should show such respect.

Bishop Doni didn't know that this was the effect of the blessing.

The image and power of Ron's sub-space essence are very similar to those of the God-Emperor.

It can be said that when the God Emperor does not appear, he is the "God Emperor"!
He bestowed blessings in the name of the Divine Emperor.

After accepting this gift, Bishop Doni had already unconsciously developed respect for him.

This influence will become deeper and deeper as time goes by, and it is not impossible that it will eventually lead to complete surrender.

Does it look familiar?

Granting power to believers and distorting their minds, isn't this what those Chaos Gods do?
To be honest, as a god of the subspace, Ron is essentially no different from those evil gods.

It's just that his power is gentler and more friendly to humans.

Ron called the pharmacist to send Bishop Donnie down to heal his wounds.

On the other side, the guards used a large number of thermite bombs to burn the corpses of the Tzeentch maggots.

From then on, the operation to eradicate the heretics in the Horman family was successfully completed.
Secret laboratory.

In the messy breeding area, a mass of charred human-shaped rotten flesh suddenly moved!
(End of this chapter)

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