Chapter 87 Caught!
From then on, a rat king named Bigfoot appeared in the garbage mountain area full of contaminated radiation.

It stood high up, looking at the mutant rats below, squeaking as if it was giving a speech.

The speech ended with the roar of the big-foot rat.

The mutant rats were stunned, and they put their heads on the ground with their ears drooping, showing their loyalty to the new king.

The big-foot mouse had thoroughly established his authority, and he watched it all with satisfaction.

After all this trouble, it suddenly felt a little hungry.


There was a noise coming from the garbage dump not far away.

It sniffed, raised its paw and pointed in that direction, making an unclear sound:

"Then, there's!"


Following its roar, the mutant rats received orders and rushed in the direction the Rat King pointed.

In the corner of the garbage dump, there was a mutant wearing scrap armor, covered with pustules, and holding a skull-shaped stick in his hand.

When he saw that he had been discovered by the mice, he let out a roar and ran away.

But it's too late.

The mutant rats surrounded the mutant, rushed over, pounced on him, and bit his body with their sharp teeth.

The mutant swung the skull-shaped stick wildly, killing several rats.

However, facing the mutant rats that had an overwhelming advantage in numbers, such an attack was completely useless.

He was soon pounced on by the rats and mauled to death.

This is the nest of the jungle, where death is commonplace.

The mutant rats bit the mutants to death. They didn't even dare to eat a bite of meat, so they excitedly dragged the delicious food to the Rat King.

The mutant rats presented the mutant's corpse, and then looked at the big-footed rat flatteringly, as if waiting for the Rat King's praise.

In response, the big-foot mouse nodded with satisfaction, lowered its head and took big bites of the delicious food offered by the mutant rats.

After eating completely, it throws the remains to the rat colony and gives the remaining food to these loyal subordinates.

The mutant rats became excited and scrambled frantically for the wreckage.

In order to get more bites of the remains, they even fought each other and tore each other into a bloody mess.

The big-foot rat didn't care at all and watched the mutant rats fighting in a mess with great interest.

Soon, it hugged the two fattest mutant female rats and returned to the "palace" of the former rat king.

It's actually an abandoned large transport truck.

The big-foot mouse sniffed around and looked around, appearing very satisfied with its new home.

It started playing with the two fat female mice in the nest.

It wants to give birth to more offspring and establish a true mouse dynasty!


Inside the secret laboratory.

The pipe connecting the lower nest and the bottom nest was dark, and in front of the pipe lay a corpse with exposed bones.

It was Yusuf's body, more than seventy percent of his flesh and blood had been eaten.

The flesh on Yusuf's face was gone, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, and his white teeth were exposed.

The whole thing looks hideous and terrifying.

It can be seen that Yousef had suffered great fear and torture before.

However, slowly, his open mouth broke into a hideous smile.

He is still alive!

Yusuf once again survived by playing dead.

He turned over and crawled with difficulty, leaving a long trail of blood on the ground.

As Yusuf watched the dark entrance of the pipe getting closer and closer to him, he became more and more excited.

As long as he crawls in, he will survive!
He will come back when he regains his strength.

By then, he will defeat the incompetent Ron and bring more suffering to the Royal Court!
Just a little bit more. Yusuf trembled and clung to the edge of the pipe. Soon he would be able to reach the lower nest.

However, he suddenly froze, as if something was restricting his movements.

He struggled, but was unable to move.

Is that... psychic power?
Then someone grabbed his spine and slowly dragged him backwards.

He could see himself getting further and further away from the pipe, his only hope of escape.

Yusuf finally broke down:

"don't want!
Please, let me go!"

But no one paid attention to Yusuf's pleas, and he was slammed against the wall and slid to the ground.

He got up in a panic and saw the most disgusting face.

That was Ron in golden power armor.

After dealing with the Tzeentch maggots, he immediately returned here to look for Yusuf's body.

Last hit is important!
The best way to deal with enemies, especially chaos-related enemies, is to grind them to ashes!

Of course, the ashes cannot be scattered randomly, as that would also be an act of indulging the enemy.

Some enemies can still cause trouble even if they turn to ash, such as pollution or the birth of new chaotic offspring.

After witnessing Yusuf's tenacious vitality, Ron dared not take it lightly again.

Fortunately, he arrived in time and caught the guy.

Ron planned to burn Yusuf and the bodies of those chaos monsters to ashes, purify them again with his ability, and finally seal them in a special metal block.

These metal blocks will be placed and stored in a secret vault underground and sealed forever.

This will ensure to the greatest extent possible that the other party will not come back to life.

Ron looked at Yusuf with disdain and said sarcastically:
"You useless guy, you want to run away, right? It's a pity that you can't run away."

Yusuf was dissatisfied. If it weren't for that damn rat, he would have run away long ago!
He sneered:
"You incompetent fellow, you are actually late. If it weren't for that damned ..."


Ron stuffed a gag with a skull logo on it into Yusuf's mouth.

The sealer's mechanical device immediately deployed, locking his mouth shut and preventing him from speaking.

The best way to deal with such people is to stop them from pretending to be cool and suffocate them to death!

"Still bragging, how many times have you, a piece of shit, failed?

I am embarrassed to tell others that you are my opponent, it is quite embarrassing..."

Ron scoffed to his heart's content.

Yusuf's face turned red and he struggled desperately, but he couldn't say anything.

It's like being in a laning battle with someone and suddenly being blocked by the other person.

The other person scolds you, but you can't scold back. How frustrating is that?
Especially for an extremely arrogant and egomaniacal person like Yusuf, silencing him is a form of torture.

After Ron mocked Yusuf for a few words, he didn't bother to talk nonsense with him. He just grabbed him and stuffed him into a transparent glass container filled with solution.

Those solutions could temporarily suppress the chaotic energy, making it impossible for Yusuf to restore his body.

And the solution can also intensify the feeling of pain.

As soon as Yusuf was dropped into the glass container and immersed in the liquid, he knew he was doomed.

He struggled desperately and looked at Ron with extremely pleading eyes.

At this moment, he finally understood why the ancestors of the Horman family had begged for forgiveness from the Grant family.

Because life is so precious, only by living can you enjoy everything.

Yusuf also wanted to beg for forgiveness, but there was no chance.

He will be judged as the number one heretic in front of the statue of the Divine Emperor and the people!
The guards put a ceramic steel shell on the outside of the glass container and transported it away.

When Ron and others walked out of the secret laboratory, a large number of soldiers carrying flamethrowers walked down.

They will use high-temperature flames to thoroughly cleanse this laboratory full of blasphemy!

(End of this chapter)

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