Chapter 9 The hive has fallen?
Ron finally knew what time point he was at.

The end of the 41st millennium of the Empire!

Big crack!
This is the greatest crisis the Imperium has faced since the Heresy of Warmaster Horus.

The raging warp storm tore a huge crack in reality.

The huge and chaotic energy caused the star torches maintained by the Great God-Emperor to extinguish one after another, and they were unable to provide any protection.

The moment the Star Torch went out, disaster struck!
Countless ships were torn apart in the void, and countless worlds were exposed, isolated and swallowed by darkness.

Chaos rages and planets fall!
The cries for help, desperate shouts and final messages for help from the victims instantly flooded into the astropaths' minds, drowning them.

The huge and terrifying information drove the astropaths crazy and even killed them.

The human empire is in a state of dysfunction and doomsday is spreading!
Enemies in the darkness launched an attack on the Empire.

From the remote outskirts of the Pacific to the storm-ravaged Charadon sector, planets are being destroyed and billions of the Empire's citizens are dying in despair!
When the Star Torch lit up again, a huge crack like a dark curtain was completely formed, dividing the territory of the empire into two.

Half of the empire is covered in darkness!
Those worlds in darkness are called the Dark Side of the Empire.

Unable to contact Holy Terra, unable to request support from the Empire, they could only struggle on their own or perish in the darkness.

Of course, these worlds are not without hope.

As long as they can wait until the arrival of the Indomitable Crusade led by the Empire's Regent Robert Guilliman, they will have hope of returning to the light.

If Ron guessed correctly, Ers was on the dark side of the empire.

Without the protection of the God-Emperor and the Imperial Army, the planet Ers is like running naked and is in extreme danger.

The combat effectiveness of the planetary defense force inside the planet is simply not enough.

It's okay to suppress internal rebellion, but to fight against aliens and chaos is just like being a food delivery boy, cannon fodder among cannon fodders!
If aliens or chaos invade at will, the planet Ers will be destroyed!

But the loss of contact with the empire actually made Ron feel relieved.

This means that the planet Ers no longer has to bear the extremely cruel tithe, but can instead extend its life.

As the supreme ruler, he can do whatever he wants without being restricted by the empire.

Ron owns the little sun. As long as he has enough time and the right strategy, he is confident that he can protect this planet!

Of course, the premise is that you don't get too unlucky and get targeted by large alien or chaos forces.

Then it’s over.

"What big crack?" Bayev was a little confused.

"Nothing," Ron shook his head.

He didn't want to tell anyone about this, mainly because it was difficult to explain and it was too scary, which would only make people more frightened.

Ron felt much better and threw the document aside.

I won’t watch it anymore. I don’t even pay taxes, so what’s the point of watching it!
"Please make the arrangements. I'm going to inspect the nest."

Ron plans to place the psychic core of the little sun in the lower nest of the hive city to connect to the real world and absorb the power of hope.

Here we have to talk about the structure of the hive city. The hive city is a huge metal building complex covering the continent, home to tens or even hundreds of billions of residents.

The nest is generally divided into four layers: bottom nest, lower nest, upper nest and spire.

The Bottom Nest is located at the bottom layer, full of pollution, reactors, broken rocks and walls, and infested with mutants, making it almost impossible to live in.

It is the residence of the poor and destitute, and all kinds of scum criminals, lost people, and mutants also use it as a refuge.

No normal person is willing to go to the Bottom Nest, so the Bottom Nest is far away from the rule of the planet's regime. There are no rules, only killing and death.

The Lower Nest is located above the Lower Nest and is an industrial area. Various industrial sectors are set up here, and billions of workers live here, accounting for the vast majority of the population of the hive city.

The workers in Xiachaowei work day and night to provide food, electricity, daily necessities, etc. for the hive city in order to make a living.

The upper nest is the residence of nobles and officials, who enjoy free electricity and various resources provided by the lower nest.

As for the spire, it belongs to the planetary governor, who owns everything on this planet.

Overall, placing the psychic core in the lower nest is the most cost-effective!
Because workers are most likely to generate the power of hope, if we slightly improve their living standards, they can absorb a huge amount of the power of hope.

Ron is full of confidence at this moment. It's a great start. He wants to lead Feiers Star with the help of Little Sun!
Unfortunately, reality is cruel.

Bayev shook his head and said, "You can't go. Xiachao has fallen..."

Ron:? ? ?
After Bayev's explanation, Ron learned that many things happened after old Grant's death.

He inherited the position of Governor, but the negative effects of the warp storm continued to exist, causing Chaos mutants to continue to emerge from the bottom nest.

A large number of planetary defense forces were sent to low-nest to clear out mutants, and the Royal Court area fell into an extremely weak stage.

Soon, some nobles joined forces with the heretics of Lower Nest to launch a rebellion and took control of the Lower Nest area.

Afterwards, they organized an army to attack the Shangchao District, and even the Wangting District was almost captured.

There were countless casualties in Shangchao District, and a large number of nobles and officials were killed.

After paying an extremely painful price, Ron Grant finally drove the rebels out of the Upper Nest and completely closed the city gates and elevator shafts of the Upper Nest area, completely isolating it from the Lower Nest and the Bottom Nest.

The Royal Court suffered heavy losses and was no longer able to recover the lost territory. Ron Grant also lost his fighting spirit and became addicted to alcohol and sex.

Until he was dragged into the Palace of Slaanesh and died, and was replaced by Ron, whose soul traveled through time and space.

The current situation is that Ron, as the governor, can only hide in the Upper Nest Area and cannot even fully control the Upper Nest Area.


The great start is gone!

How can this be played? Ron can bring warmth to the workers in the lower nest and improve their lives, so he can gain a lot of positive emotions and absorb the power of hope.

You can also gain the loyalty of the workers!

Now the only areas he could hope to absorb were the Upper Nest Area and the Royal Court Area at the top of the tower.

There are a group of nobles and officials here. How can we provide them with warmth?
It was extremely difficult for Ron to win over those who already had a comfortable life.

No matter how much he gave, he could not gain their gratitude and loyalty.

It's good enough that he didn't lead his private soldiers to capture the Royal Court and replace Ron.

It is a tradition for the Shangchao nobles to intrigue and even kill each other.

This stems from a rule that the Empire will not interfere with regime changes within the planet.

It doesn't matter who becomes the planetary governor, as long as you pay the tithe, it's the greatest loyalty you can show.

This means that no matter who it is, as long as he kills Ron and gains a foothold, he will be able to gain the supreme power on this planet!

Now that Ron is so weak, those noble families must be planning every day how to kill him and replace him, right?

He just escaped death, and now fate is starting to make things tougher for him again?
Ron felt a little tired and slumped back in his chair.

"What's wrong with you?"

Ron asked weakly, "How many areas do we control now, how many troops and population do we have?"

(End of this chapter)

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