Chapter 56 Hiss~
"My soul skill is called King of the World. It can combine my mental power and soul power and condense them into my martial soul. Each attack will not only cause physical damage to the enemy, but also give the enemy a mental shock and disintegrate the enemy's confidence."

Leng Yue explained his third soul skill to the two.

Wu Dao looked at Leng Yue with a smile and began to tease her.

"I didn't expect that our princess also wanted to be a king."

Leng Yue blushed slightly. These were all things she had seen in the vernacular novels, so she had some secret little thoughts in her mind.

After trying hard to calm himself down, Leng Yue began to use his third soul skill, and his thousand-year soul ring lit up slightly.

The next second, an inexplicable aura appeared on the sword in Leng Yue's hand, and a sense of dominance and oppression came over him.

Wu Dao didn't care. This mental attack was like a gentle breeze to him. However, it was the first time for Apollo to come into contact with such a soul skill. His eyes were a little dazed, but he recovered quickly.


Wu Dao suddenly gasped, blinked in disbelief, and found that he was not mistaken.

Leng Yue also felt a strange feeling behind her, because this time she needed to fight quickly and did not need to fight soul beasts to hone her experience. Leng Yue was wearing a silver dress, but now she felt a little cold at the back, with cold wind blowing in continuously.

Noticing that there was something wrong with Wu Dao's expression, Leng Yue subconsciously looked behind her, and discovered that a long furry white tail was swaying under her skirt, and the hem of her skirt was slightly lifted up by the tail, causing some air to leak out.


Leng Yue let out a scream and her whole body lost all color. What on earth was going on? Why did she grow a tail?
"Senior, what on earth is going on?"

Leng Yue was about to collapse. After absorbing this spirit ring, he didn't dare to use it in front of outsiders. However, after using it once, he unexpectedly got an extra tail. He was even more ashamed to see people.

"Overall, you are more popular than before, in every way."

Wu Dao scratched his head. He didn't expect that something like this would happen.

"Try to see if you can use your tail to perform spirit skills or something. What if it's an external spirit bone?"

"No, it's just a tail. I can even sense the tail's feelings."

There was a slight cry in Leng Yue's voice. There was another burden, and I didn't think it would grow in the future.

"Come here first and let me take a look."

Wu Dao waved his hand to signal Apollo to sit aside, and called Leng Yue over to check his body.

Leng Yue came and stood beside Wu Dao obediently, her two little hands subconsciously covering her skirt, trying to push down her tail that was constantly raised.

After a series of careful examinations, Wu Dao finally understood why Leng Yue had become like this.

The god-given soul ring he made became extremely active due to some special circumstances. After acquiring bloodline information and forming soul skills, it also stimulated the bloodline of some soul beasts, causing Leng Yue to show soul beast characteristics.

Judging from Leng Yue's tail, after investigation, it was found that this was a characteristic of a soul beast called the Heart Moon Fox.

"Does anyone among your elders have a fox spirit?"

Wu Dao asked as he looked at Leng Yue's gently swaying white fox tail.

Leng Yue's originally flushed face froze for a moment, and suddenly she realized something, and answered with some difficulty.

"My mother's martial spirit is the Heart Moon Fox. Senior, can it be removed?" She didn't want to be called a vixen. As a princess, did she have to wear a fox tail for others to see every day?

Wu Dao thought to himself that it was probably because her mother passed on more fox blood to Leng Yue, and it became like this after being stimulated by the spirit ring she made.

"Now you have two choices. First, I will help you remove this tail."

"Second, if I'm not mistaken, if you can continue to absorb it, you may be able to form a new martial soul and become the owner of the twin martial souls of the Huiyue Sword and the Xinyue Fox."

Wu Dao was not making random guesses, in the original novel, there was a catwoman whose martial spirit had not yet fully awakened, and she still had some cat characteristics left on her body.

Regarding martial souls, Wu Dao also had some guesses. The beast martial soul might be a certain kind of soul beast with a higher concentration of blood in the body, which was formed by combining with the human soul.

Just like the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, their family awakened the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex martial soul under the influence of the rules. This is already considered a new bloodline, which ensures that the next generation of children will always maintain a higher concentration of Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex bloodline in their bodies, making it easier for them to awaken this martial soul.

However, not all of them can absorb the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex soul ring to enhance the blood concentration in their bodies, but some other soul beasts such as earth dragons. This causes the blood concentration of other soul beasts in the body to increase, thus causing martial soul mutation.

As for weapon spirits, Wu Dao had an idea that in ancient times there were many strong men and their weapons were also very powerful, just like Sima Jinchi who appeared in Douluo Dalu. He was originally a dragon clan magic sword transformed from the unicorn horn of the dragon god, and later he was reborn as a human. If they combined with humans, the bloodline passed down would become a weapon spirit.

However, this cannot fully explain the emergence of some modern weapon spirits, as such examples are too rare. However, when they do appear, they are at least super spirits.

Another idea is that martial spirit is the product of the combination of blood and human soul under rules, and the influence of rules is very large, otherwise humans could be renamed orcs.

The rules are extremely complex. Through the traces left by all things in the world, the rules incorporate the imprinted information into the formation of the martial soul. This can also explain the emergence of food-based martial souls such as sausages and jelly beans.

Maybe one day in a certain year and month, a glazed pagoda shining with colorful light was produced in a workshop. After that, it met all kinds of people and experienced all kinds of things. It contained enough historical heritage and left its own style in the world.

And in an unknown year, at a martial spirit awakening ceremony somewhere, a colorful pagoda appeared in the hands of a child, and he named it the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

It is precisely because of the close and complex relationship between the human soul, bloodline and rules that Wu Dao can say that Leng Yue may become a twin martial soul in the future.

What! Twin martial spirits require both sides to be roughly equal in strength?

Then what should you do if I continue to increase the concentration of my blood, using quantity to make up for quality.

Moreover, having a certain degree of gap is not a problem. Wu Siduo in Douluo Dalu 3 is a genius who possesses the twin martial souls of White Tiger and Netherworld Cat. Everyone who knows about it knows the strength of the Netherworld Cat's martial soul. It has always been praised as a fusion material.

But Wu Dao said it very clearly, it is only a possibility, and he can only continue to make judgments based on the actual condition of his body in the future. Now he can only say that the future is promising.

After all, these are all happening for the first time, and he cannot guarantee that his judgments are completely correct.

However, he was very curious about what would happen to Leng Yue. If Leng Yue could succeed, he could attract a large number of humans with this example.

He then developed a soul ring that could only display the characteristics of soul beasts but could not form a second martial soul, and distributed it indiscriminately. After a hundred years, humans might be able to change their name to the Orcs.

And he understands human beings. Even if there are sober people at the top who realize that this is a trap, they call on some humans to wake up.

But those humans who have already shown serious soul beast traits can no longer go back. Humans may choose to accept them at first because of various family and friend relationships, but the discrimination between them will become deeper and deeper, and will eventually explode one day.

At that time, these transformed humans will fight against the original humans, consume a large amount of the opponent's strength, and then join the soul beast clan.

They will definitely choose the side of soul beasts. After all, they were once human beings.

Thinking of this, Wu Dao couldn't help but reveal a warm spring breeze smile on his face. It really was becoming more and more interesting.

 Hehehe, the story is getting more and more interesting.
(End of this chapter)

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