Chapter 75: Heavenly Thunder Body Forging
"I gave her a new set of exercises and told her to try it if she believed in herself, and if she felt it didn't work, she should continue as before."

"Obviously, she chose to believe me."

Wu Dao shrugged and said it easily, but he was still gathering strength in his hands, ready to rescue at any time. Even if he failed to survive the tribulation, there would still be next chance.

New technique?
Gu Yuena chewed over these words. The skills that Wu Dao had developed last time were still very useful to them. They were constantly improving their cultivation speed, and they benefited even more from this blessing.

However, Gu Yuena didn’t know what effect Wu Dao’s new martial arts technique had, so she could only wait and see how it worked on Xue Di.

Xue Di took a deep breath, looked up at the rolling black clouds, and became more and more nervous.

Seeing the indifference on Wu Dao's face in the distance, as if nothing in the world would interfere with him, Xue Di's heart began to gradually calm down.

With a deafening explosion, the dark sky was illuminated, and a "white dragon" twisted and turned in the air, and in an instant it came in front of Xue Di.

Xue Di had already practiced the skills that Wu Dao told her. The soul power in her body continued to circulate along a specific route, and an inexplicable suction force began to appear on Xue Di.

The "White Dragon" opened its big mouth and bit Snow Emperor hard. The other soul beasts watching the battle were nervous and worried about Snow Emperor's situation.

The "white dragon" disappeared in a flash, and the sky became dark again. However, the soul beasts were all powerful beasts, and their vision was not blocked by this dim environment.

A black shadow slowly fell from the sky, and Apollo showed a worried look on his face. Although he couldn't see clearly, the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm kept yelling in his mind, making him worry about Xue Di's situation.

However, there was no worry on the faces of the soul beasts. They could feel the powerful vitality in that body. The Snow Queen was not as badly injured as she looked.

The strong feeling of numbness tightly controlled Xue Di's body, making it impossible for her to continue flying in the air.

The soul power in the body accelerated, and the lightning from the heavenly calamity was quickly absorbed into the Snow Emperor's body. Then, through an inexplicable force, it began to be rapidly refined, and turned into energy full of life breath, constantly repairing the Snow Emperor's body.

Xue Di's figure finally stopped where she was about to land, and she finally managed to control her body in time.

Silver snakes attacked Snow Empress fiercely one after another. Lightning was constantly absorbed into Snow Empress' body, but at the same time, lightning also continued to cause damage to Snow Empress.

In the perception of the soul beasts, the Snow Emperor's breath kept fluctuating, becoming weak for a while and very strong the next, which was very strange.

"Boss, what have you done again?"

Xiong Jun twisted his butt and squeezed next to Wu Dao with a silly smile on his face, but the scar ruined the cuteness he tried so hard to maintain.

Di Tian and others also turned their attention to Wu Dao. The previous conversation between Wu Dao and Gu Yuena was not concealed, and they all heard the conversation between the two.

"Didn't I help you research the technique that increases your training speed before? This time I tried another one. It was only when I saw Xue Di that I remembered that she should be able to hold on a few more times."

Wu Dao waved his hand to indicate that he had just thought of this.
The eyes of the soul beasts were burning with excitement, for this was a skill that could resist the heavenly calamity. After they became powerful soul beasts, wasn't the heavenly calamity what they were most worried about? But now they had new means to fight against it.

They still remembered that Wu Dao had provided them with means of defense before, and now that he had given them another martial art, they could not help but express their gratitude.


Wu Dao got goose bumps all over his body because of Xiong Jun's disgusting voice. He had no choice but to signal the soul beasts to pay more attention to Xue Di's situation.

"What effect does your technique have this time?" Gu Yuena approached Wu Dao unknowingly, with a puzzled look on her pretty face.

"My technique this time was developed to simulate the Thundering Hell Vine. It can absorb lightning energy, use the destructive energy inside to train the body, and use the life energy to repair itself."

"In a short period of time, the body goes through a cycle of destruction and rebirth, thereby increasing its physical strength."

Wu Dao shrugged. He just started to try according to the methods used by some big guys in novels to overcome the heavenly tribulation. For those big guys, strengthening their bodies through thunder tribulation was already the norm.

Even external use can no longer satisfy their needs. Some big guys have even started taking it internally, swallowing lightning or, in some worlds, lightning liquid.

In comparison, Wu Dao's technique is already quite ordinary, but he will certainly continue to improve it in the future.

The ferocious beasts eavesdropped on their conversation with delight on their faces. Not only could they resist the heavenly tribulation, but they could also continuously strengthen their physiques during the tribulation. That was truly amazing.

You have to know that the heavenly tribulations in Douluo Continent are of no benefit, they are all targeted at you.

After entering the soul beast clan one hundred thousand years ago, the growth of their cultivation is actually very slow, and so is their physical strength.

You can barely survive this heavenly tribulation, but the next one will be more intense, and you don’t know how many years it will take just to recover from your injuries, with your cultivation and physical strength making almost no progress.

All the soul beasts that died under the heavenly tribulation did so because the growth rate of their own strength could not keep up with the growth of the intensity of the heavenly tribulation.

And now this technique can not only weaken the natural tribulation, but also increase physical strength. No wonder they are so excited.

Xue Di tried hard to control her body to absorb the power of thunder and lightning. Countless silver snakes drilled into Xue Di's body, providing her with endless power.

With a tingling sensation spreading throughout his body, Xue Di could clearly feel his physical strength increasing, although the process was a bit painful.

But these are nothing compared to the harvest that is to come.

His cultivation level was even constantly improving under the bombardment of heavenly thunder, and the huge amount of soul power that was originally consumed in maintaining the domain was gradually replenished.

Xue Di was amazed at Wu Dao's methods. You know, she was originally doomed to die, but she managed to turn the danger into safety and was able to survive this disaster.

It's just a bit painful. It was supposed to be just a momentary thing, but now I'm forced to maintain that pain for a while, which is really torture.

However, when Xue Di thought of Wu Dao's methods, her heart became hot.

Anything given casually can help one overcome life and death difficulties. It seemed that there was also a method that could speed up cultivation, plus the spirit gathering formation that he had personally experienced.

The future of the Star Dou Great Forest is already very clear. Within a thousand years, the strength of the Far North will be far surpassed by it and it will be hard to catch up.

Thinking of this, Xue Di increased the rate at which she absorbed lightning. After all, she had to wait until she survived. Even she didn't trust Bing'er's temper.

After an unknown amount of time, the deafening thunder began to slow down, the dark clouds gradually dissipated, and the sky began to clear.

A ray of bright sunlight just happened to shine on Xue Di's head. After Xue Di recovered and cleaned herself up, she looked like a goddess who had descended from heaven, attracting everyone's attention and showing her unparalleled beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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