Started from Hong Kong Island

Chapter 148 149 [Further development of the situation]

Chapter 148 Chapter 149 [Further developments]

That afternoon, Chen Fenben held another press conference, in which he sternly accused the Tiantian Daily of fabricating rumors and demanded that the Daily immediately apologize to Chen Fenben himself and the Hong Kong public, otherwise the Daily would not be able to escape legal sanctions.

When the reporter interviewed Wei Jianbang, Wei Jianbang said that "Tiantian Daily" was not afraid of any threats from evil forces, and that the medical records had been carefully investigated by him and were completely true, with no possibility of forgery or fabrication. Regarding the accusations made by the person involved, Mr. Chen Fenben, "Tiantian Daily" welcomes anyone to challenge the credibility of the media.

Wei Jianbang is worthy of being a writer. With just a few words, he made Chen Fenben the public enemy of the entire industry, escalating the matter to an unknown level.

Once this video was publicized by television, radio and other media, the matter of Chen Fenben's medical records immediately became a hot topic, directly causing the share price of Hengyao Real Estate Company to drop to the bottom of this month, just 4.4 yuan, and the decline is still fierce.

Deep Water Bay Chen Family Villa

Chen Fenben's face was as gloomy as water. He was very disappointed with his eldest son Chen Xingting, but he still had no intention of changing his heir.

This time Chen Jinxi was also present. He glanced at the big brother with a normal expression and said coldly, "Hengyao Real Estate's stock price will continue to fall. If we want to stop the decline, we can only find a way from Tiantian Daily."

Chen Fenben remained silent. Even so, he didn't want his eldest son to apologize to Wei Jianbang. This might not stop Wei Jianbang from attacking, but would instead bring shame to the Chen family.

Facing Chen Jinxi's sarcasm, Chen Xingting said impatiently, "There are many ways, and we don't necessarily have to ask Wei Jianbang to do it."

"Then tell me your solution, big brother." Chen Jinxi naturally would not miss the opportunity to confront Chen Xingting.

Chen Xingzhou, who was standing aside, watched his sister and Chen Xingting bickering calmly. In fact, Chen Xingting could not beat Chen Jinxi.

"Bring off other newspapers and ask them to clarify the facts for us." Chen Xingting said with some pride.

Chen Jinxi smiled coldly. "If newspapers fight each other, can they decide the winner in a short time? By the time the winner is decided, the stock of Hengyao Real Estate Company will be garbage. Do we still need to clarify it by then?"

"Well, well. At least we can push the stock price back up later, which is better than being helpless now." Chen Xingting said stubbornly. He felt that no matter what, he could not lose to the people from the second house.

"Okay, why don't you find another time to continue bickering?" Chen Fenben shouted loudly, and Chen Xingting immediately stopped talking, somewhat unwillingly.

"If you don't have any good ideas, go ask your subordinates immediately and brainstorm together," said Chen Fenben.

"The stock investors are simply frightened. We can release news about the company's dividends and announce all the profits and dividend plans of the past few months to mobilize the emotions of the stock investors, which may help alleviate the falling stock price situation," Chen Xingzhou suggested.

"If we fail to save the stock price and lose the dividend funds, won't the situation be even worse?" Chen Xingting refuted.

Chen Xingting has embezzled part of the company's funds and cannot get them back for the time being. If he is discovered, he will be in big trouble.

Chen Xingzhou did not refute Chen Xingting's words, but quietly waited for Chen Fenben to make a decision. In fact, Chen Xingzhou wanted to expose Chen Xingting's embezzlement of public funds, and at the same time hoped to retain the current amount of funds of Hengyao Real Estate Company, so that it would be convenient for him to take over Hengyao Real Estate in the future.

In the end, Chen Fenben agreed to Chen Xingzhou's suggestion, which scared Chen Xingting so much that he broke out in a cold sweat. He was suddenly at a loss and only thought about how to recover the funds and make up for the misappropriated public funds as soon as possible.

Since He Qijun could not be exposed for the time being, Li Wendi had to stay in charge of the newly opened Qinian Newspaper and be responsible for some daily affairs.

Zhao Xi, the general manager's secretary, stood in front of the desk and handed over some recent urgent business. "Mr. Li, this is the new issue of the magazine."

In fact, Zhao Xi was specially recruited by He Qijun from other newspapers. He has strong professional ability. According to the plan, Zhao Xi was responsible for the specific affairs of the newspaper during this period. However, Zhao Xi was just a worker and lacked decision-making ability. He needed to consult He Qijun frequently. In order to avoid being exposed, He Qijun could only let Li Wendi come to serve as the general manager and be responsible for decision-making.

"We now have a lot of imitators who have seized a lot of the market. If this continues, Qinian Newspaper will lose at least 3% of its profits." Zhao Xi's face was a little anxious, "Mr. Li, how should we deal with it?" "I have heard about these things from Miss He. How did Miss He deal with it before?" Li Wendi asked back.

"Ms. He just made some adjustments and additions to the content of the layout, but it is now difficult to curb the decline in sales, so we have to change our response strategy." Zhao Xi said in a slightly dull tone.

Li Wendi touched his chin, was silent for a long time, and said, "Imitation is not illegal. Even if we file a lawsuit against those pirates, it will be useless and may even help these pirates to increase their reputation."

Li Wendi had no choice but to take out the final template of "Handsome" and handed it to Zhao Xi, saying, "Modify the version and recruit some reporters to incorporate Hong Kong's current affairs into it. Please work harder and change the layout of each issue."

Zhao Xi took the document and looked at it. He was surprised. It turned out that what Miss He said was true. Li Wendi was the founder of this magazine. "Okay, I will try to make changes in the new issue of Handsome."

Li Wendi nodded, but luckily he held back. He almost took out the "YES!" from his previous life. Although it was not his trump card, it was also a classic magazine and was no worse than "Handsome" in many ways.

In view of the current Chen Fenben incident, Li Wendi felt that he urgently needed to master the weapon of public opinion, which could at least change his personality and was also a powerful weapon against his enemies.

However, he is not yet able to acquire a daily newspaper because the profit margins of daily newspapers are very thin and the newspapers may even run at a loss.

So Li Wendi was a little hesitant. The Qinian Newspaper was still in its early stages of establishment and did not have the strength to acquire a daily newspaper for the time being, let alone the energy to prepare a new daily newspaper.

When the fight between Wei Jianbang and Chen Fenben was in full swing, Wei Jianbang received a court summons as he wished, accusing Tiantian Daily of spreading rumors and causing huge economic losses and mental harm to Chen Fenben.

Wei Jianbang was so angry that smoke was about to come out of his head, so he decided to expose Chen Xingting's embezzlement of public funds in advance. Originally, Wei Jianbang didn't want to do this, after all, letting Chen Xingting go to jail would be a great grudge, and the Chen family would definitely not take it kindly.

But Wei Jianbang had been forced to such a point and did not want to tolerate or hesitate any longer, so he published the news of Chen Xingting's embezzlement of public funds on November 11 and submitted the evidence to the relevant agencies one day in advance.

All of a sudden, Hengyao Real Estate Company and the Chen family were in a state of turmoil. The relevant departments sent people to seal up the financial documents of Hengyao Real Estate Company. The stock price fell even more sharply. Shareholders who had confidence in Hengyao Real Estate complained bitterly, and some even ran to Hengyao Real Estate Company to curse.

At the same time, Chen Xingting was taken away by the police for investigation and was released on bail thanks to the efforts of Chen Fenben.

The atmosphere in the Chen family villa was very depressing. The usually arrogant Chen Xingting was timid like a chicken, fearing that he would be scolded.

"It was fine that you embezzled the jewelry company's funds last time, but this time you were so bold as to touch Hengyao Real Estate's money. That is not our Chen family's money, but the money of all shareholders. Do you know that once it is verified, you will be sentenced to at least three years in prison?" Chen Fenben cursed while panting, his face full of disappointment.

Chen Xingting didn't dare to say anything, and didn't even dare to look up at Chen Fenben. His mother was trying to calm Chen Fenben down, muttering, "Don't be angry, talk slowly."

Chen Xingzhou watched all this. Chen Fenben was so angry, it was obvious that there was still room for improvement. However, the blow to Chen Xingting was huge. At least it shook Chen Fenben's determination to insist on "being the eldest son to inherit the family business."

Chen Xingzhou was not very happy, because the best outcome would be for Chen Xingting to go to jail, adding a "glorious touch" to the family, and he would never have a chance to be the heir.

"Father, my eldest brother's case is easy to handle, and the matter of Hengyao Real Estate also needs to be dealt with urgently." Chen Jinxi added fuel to the fire.

Chen Fenben covered his chest and sat down slowly. After taking a deep breath, he said, "Axi is right. The matter of Hengyao Real Estate is the most urgent right now. What do you think we should do?"

"Regarding the lawsuit against Tiantian Daily, I think we should talk to Wei Jianbang. It would be best if we could use this as a condition to get Wei Jianbang to stop interfering in this matter. Then everything will go more smoothly for us." Chen Xingzhou said steadily, and did not attack Chen Xingting again.

"I'll leave this matter to you." Chen Fenben made the final decision.

(End of this chapter)

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