Started from Hong Kong Island

Chapter 164 Chapter 165 [Test? ]

Chapter 164 Chapter 165 [Test? ]

Initiating an acquisition will naturally help Hengyao Real Estate Company raise its stock price. However, during the low period, the two had already acquired as many stocks as possible. Raising the stock price further will make the stocks in their hands more valuable.

Of course, Hengyao Real Estate Company may also use this opportunity to get out of the crisis, but whether Li Wendi should initiate an acquisition remains to be discussed. Initiating an acquisition would only crush Chen Fenben, not a real acquisition or raising the stock price.

It can be said that the acquisition is only the last resort, a trump card that allows the two to get what they want.

Li Wendi is not very hopeful about this, because Chen Fenben's obsession is very strong and he may not admit defeat to him. If the two of them fight to the death, Li Wendi will definitely choose to run away. After all, he may not put himself to death for the sake of China Entertainment Properties.

Late September

Major newspapers in Hong Kong published "Partial Financial Statements of Heng Yao Real Estate Company", all of which indicated that Heng Yao Real Estate Company was in financial crisis and would face the risk of bankruptcy if it was not careful. Some economic experts even claimed that all the properties and land of Heng Yao Real Estate Company were mortgaged to banks, and there were no real assets belonging to Heng Yao Real Estate Company. The company was now a shell.

The impact of a report of this scale was enormous. Retail investors holding shares of Hengyao Real Estate Company rushed to various exchanges, securities companies and some banks, waving their credentials and demanding to sell their stocks immediately, praying to get their money back.

The share price of Hengyao Real Estate Company naturally fell wildly, and scattered shares with no one to take over were floating on the stock market, creating unprecedented panic, which was even more severe than the last case of embezzlement of public funds.

"Mr. Li, Hengyao Real Estate Company can't escape this time. There is not a single property that completely belongs to the company. Isn't this playing with fire?" Wu Xiong shook his head, with more regret on his face.

Li Wendi smiled and said, "It's just that the stock price has fallen. Hengyao Real Estate Company has not yet reached the point of being broke. As long as we can raise some money and sell the properties, we can still get out of the predicament."

It is of course extremely simple to say, but human greed is involved. Knowing that Hengyao Real Estate Company is in trouble, if it sells the property, it will inevitably be forced to lower the price by other real estate developers, and may even have to lose the interest paid to the bank.

Wu Xiong was just a trader who didn't understand the tricks of the real estate industry. Hearing this, he asked, "Will Hengyao Real Estate Company be able to easily escape this disaster?"

Li Wendi spread his hands and said jokingly, "Who knows? Maybe the shareholders introduced by Hengyao Real Estate Company will swallow up the entire company."

This sounded more like a curse, and Wu Xiong thought so too. Unfortunately, he didn't know that this was part of the plan of Li Wendi and others. If successful, Hengyao Real Estate Company would change hands immediately.

Deep Water Bay Chen Family Villa

Chen Fenben weakly and anxiously opened the medicine bottle, poured out a few tiny pills and threw them into his mouth, and rested for half a minute before he recovered.

"Didn't I tell you to keep a close eye on those financial statements? How come they were leaked?" Chen Fenben asked Chen Xingting in a stern voice.

"I have locked the financial statements in the safe. I don't know if it might have been leaked by the company's financial staff. I will ask someone to check it out right away." Chen Xingting really wanted to go over and take care of Chen Fenben, but when he saw Chen Fenben's angry look, he shrank back.

"Dad, why don't we call the police? The company's confidential documents have been stolen."

Before Chen Xingting finished speaking, Chen Fenben interrupted loudly and said, "Do you want the outside world to know that those financial statements are true?"

In fact, Chen Fenben knew that there was not much room for maneuver, but he still wanted to leave some room, just in case.

"What should we do? The company's self-inspection will also make the outside world doubt us." Chen Xingting still muttered stubbornly.

Chen Fenben suddenly felt a little regretful. Why did he want to fight with Li Wendi? If he lost Hengyao Real Estate, he would lose face.

Chen Fenben sighed, waved his hand, and said, "Call Xingzhou and ask them to come back. I have something to discuss with them."

"Dad, I think it will be fine as long as we endure it. There is no need to ask Xingzhou and Axi's opinions." Chen Xingting was afraid that Chen Fenben would hand the company over to Chen Xingzhou to run, and then he would have to stay in the jewelry company and wait for death.

"What? My words are no longer effective? I haven't handed over the company to you yet, and now you dare to question my words." Chen Fenben warned Chen Xingting impatiently.

"No, I'll call right away." Chen Xingting ran over quickly to make a call.

Half an hour later, Chen Xingzhou and Chen Jinxi returned to the Chen family villa.

Chen Jinxi immediately asked directly, "Dad, is there a solution to the problem of Hengyao Real Estate Company?"

Chen Fenben took a deep breath and said, "Not yet. I called you back just to ask you for any suggestions."

"The only solution now is to raise funds, then release the mortgaged property and recover the funds." Chen Xingzhou said calmly, "We must also admit the financial crisis and investigate the leaker."

Chen Fenben nodded helplessly. What Chen Xingzhou said was not to his liking, but it was indeed a good idea. "Axi, what do you think?" "I agree with my brother. I think this is the only way to go at the moment." Chen Jinxi continued, "We have to hold a press conference quickly, otherwise the situation will be even worse for us."

"Do you have anyone to raise funds from?" Chen Fenben paused and asked.

"We must be cautious when it comes to financing. If we let a wolf in, it will not be a good thing for Hengyao Real Estate and will pose a hidden danger. I think we can mobilize funds from Changheng Real Estate Company and Hengyao Real Estate can issue new shares to offset the problem." Chen Jinxi suggested.

Chen Fenben's heart skipped a beat. He already knew what his two children were trying to do. They still hadn't given up the idea of ​​taking over Hengyao Real Estate.

However, he is old and his energy is not as good as before. He cannot take care of both (jewelry company and Hengyao Real Estate), and Chen Xingting is temporarily unable to be in charge of a company. Perhaps handing over Hengyao Real Estate Company to his second son is a good choice.

"Xingting, you go out first. I want to talk to them alone." Chen Fenben decided to have a frank talk with the brother and sister.

"Dad, we are all family." Chen Xingting wanted to stay, worried that his father would make some decisions that were not in his best interests, but Chen Fenben sternly rebuked him, "Get out!"

Chen Xingting glanced at Chen Xingzhou and his sister, then left unwillingly.

The door closed, and the three of them glanced at the door frame at the same time.

"Did you guys leak the financial statements?" Chen Fenben asked calmly, as if he was asking about something very ordinary.

Chen Xingzhou refused to admit it, "Dad, we didn't do it. If you don't believe me, you can go check it out."

"Humph! If I go, then I will definitely not be able to find out. You think you did it perfectly." Chen Fenben sneered, "Don't forget the old saying, 'If you don't want others to know, then don't do it yourself'. I ask again, did you do it?"

"If Dad insists on accusing us, there's nothing I can do, but I hope you can produce evidence," said Chen Xingzhou.

"You guys are showing your true colors when you talk about financing. You are still immature in your work, but you have the shadow of a tyrant. You even don't let your own father go." Chen Fenben smiled somewhat sadly. He was actually tricked by his son again.

Chen Xingzhou and Chen Jinxi stopped talking, but there was not much guilt in their eyes. In their eyes, all of their father's things belonged to them.

"What is your financing plan? Tell me about it," said Chen Fenben.

Chen Xingzhou still acted according to the plan. "The plan still needs to be discussed. It mainly depends on how much money Hengyao Real Estate needs and how much money Changheng Real Estate Company can mobilize."

"What if I let your conspiracy succeed and let you take control of Hengyao Real Estate Company?" Chen Fenben continued to drop heavy bombs.

In fact, the Chen brothers and sisters no longer had any hope that Chen Fenben would easily hand over Hengyao Real Estate Company. After all, the previous two attempts had ended in failure, and Chen Fenben's control over Hengyao Real Estate Company was getting stronger and stronger.

"If you suspect we have ulterior motives, you can look for other companies to raise funds." Chen Xingzhou suppressed the joy in his heart and said something against his will.

Chen Fenben suddenly stood up and said, "Go back and make a plan. Hengyao Real Estate will issue 1 million new shares to you at yuan per share. As for whether you can afford it, it depends on your ability."

Chen Xingzhou and Chen Jinxi looked at each other in disbelief. Why did their father suddenly give in? Was he still testing us?

"Dad, Hengyao Real Estate doesn't need so much money to resolve the crisis. According to my estimation, 2000 million can easily solve the financial crisis." Chen Xingzhou persuaded.

"If you can't take these 3000 million new shares, you can also consider distributing profits to people you trust, but Li Wendi is an exception." Chen Fenben waved his hand, "You can go out. I'm tired and want to rest for a while."

The Chen siblings still found it a little unbelievable, but they didn't dare to ask any more questions, so they left one after the other.

Chen Xingting was staring at the brother and sister not far away, his eyes full of hatred, as if he wanted to kill these two siblings with his eyes.

Unfortunately, Chen Xingzhou and Chen Jinxi ignored Chen Xingting and each had their own thoughts.

It was not until they got in the car that the two began to discuss.

"Dad doesn't seem to be testing us. He's not really willing to hand over Hengyao Real Estate to us, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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