Started from Hong Kong Island

Chapter 207 [End of Printing Business]

Chapter 207 [End of Printing Business]

Kwai Chung Police Station, New Territories
After meeting those 'enthusiastic people', Li Wendi 'chatted' with Wei Renwei in the detention room. He had no intention of making fun of Wei Renwei. In a situation where everyone was pushing the wall down, few people could successfully turn the situation around, and he was no exception.

"You can be satisfied now, Li Wendi." Wei Renwei, wearing a silver bracelet, sat on a chair and chewed peanuts.

Li Wendi shook his head. "Why should I be satisfied? If you hadn't come to the villa to blackmail me, I wouldn't have to kill you."

"My mother was terrified when she found out about this. She thought I had brought disaster upon myself and is now hiding in her room. This incident alone means there is no room for change between us."

"Haha!! I didn't expect you to be such a filial son." Wei Renwei laughed, "You and I are both gangsters, it's normal for us to have these things happen to our families, and I don't mean to hurt your family, it's just that running away requires money."

Li Wendi frowned. "You made a lot of money in Tsim Sha Tsui. Didn't you prepare well before the fight?"

"Do you think Deng Songlian is a vegetarian? All my money is with him. I still have one or two million." Wei Renwei was naturally not afraid of anything at this point. If he died, there would be nothing to say.

Li Wendi cried and laughed, "I did advise you at the beginning. This position is not a good one to begin with. Of course, you have to pay a price for interfering in other people's family affairs."

Now it has been confirmed that Wei Renwei failed because of interfering in the Deng family affairs. Most likely he was thinking of playing both sides and gaining the greatest benefits, but who knew that he would sink to the bottom of the river.

"Forget it, it's useless to say these things now. Can you please help me take care of my family because I helped you before? As long as they are safe." Wei Renwei asked dejectedly. The scene of Li Wendi's refusal appeared in his mind.

"Okay, I'll do my best." Li Wendi knew that Wei Renwei was doomed. Even if the court did not sentence him to death, Wei Renwei would have no chance of escaping Deng Songlian's means. After all, no one wanted to leave an enemy.

Li Wendi agreed not because of any old friendship. The two of them were using each other, and he just wanted to do a good deed and accumulate merit.

The conversation between the two lasted for more than half an hour. It was already evening when they left the police station. The sky was bright red, as if it was cheering for Wei Renwei.

The next morning, Li Wendi received news: Wei Renwei committed suicide in the detention center, and the weapon used for suicide was actually a small piece of straw.

Li Wendi was silent for a moment and felt that this should be the best ending for Wei Renwei. At least he wouldn't have to die at the hands of others.

By July, the real estate market could no longer hold up. The first to plummet was industrial land, which fell directly from several hundred yuan per square foot to 7 yuan. The decline is still rapid and it seems likely to fall below 260 yuan. Then came residential land. Now even the rents of commercial buildings in Central have begun to fall significantly, causing a number of real estate developers to panic, fearing that the same drama as in the 200s (real estate crash) will happen again.

Needless to say, the stock market situation has fallen by more than 60%. For example, the share price of Changxin Real Estate Company is already 2.1 yuan, a shrinkage of 62%. Some companies' share prices have even fallen by 70%.

Some companies raised funds for rights offerings or issued new shares when the stock market was very hot in the early stage, and then took out mortgage loans from banks to buy stocks or properties and land. Now that stocks and properties and land are depreciating, banks naturally want to recover the loans immediately, not asking for how much interest they can earn, but only for getting back the principal.

However, most companies can no longer afford these loans, and even have difficulty repaying the interest. They are only a step away from bankruptcy and liquidation, and their operators still have to bear considerable debts.

Of course, companies that are going bankrupt and liquidated are not all Li Wendi's targets. Only those companies that can hold on a little bit are. After all, taking over such a company means taking on a lot of debt. It is better to directly buy cheap properties and land, or bid for these properties at a bankruptcy auction.

"Boss, these are some relatively high-quality companies. We can acquire them at a relatively low price, but some of them have large bank loans to repay." Wang Tichuan handed over a thick document. He thought it would be a disadvantage if he did not take action at such a good opportunity. Zhongyu Real Estate Company still had more than 1000 million yuan in funds in its account.

Li Wendi flipped through a few pages, looking a little embarrassed. "These unlisted companies are not our current targets. Unless you can convince the bank to reduce the amount we repay after the acquisition, we will be in big trouble."

In order to prevent these companies from being liquidated, Li Wendi believes that the only way to persuade the bank is to use the reputation of the parent company, which will put the parent company in a small predicament, and these companies are not worth Zhongyu Real Estate Company to do so. "The possibility of persuading the bank to reduce the repayment amount is very low, and the balance is difficult to find. If it is too high, we cannot accept it. If it is too low, the bank would rather let the company go bankrupt." Wang Tichuan thought about it and said bluntly, "Listed companies also have such problems."

"Listed companies do have this problem, but the stock market involves the interests of many shareholders. Companies cannot go bankrupt if they want to. They need to consult shareholders, and banks can only get partial compensation." Li Wendi continued, "This way, we can take advantage of the banks' desire to save losses and reduce the amount of repayment. Otherwise, everyone will bear the losses together. I think the banks will suffer this loss in silence."

"Isn't this a bit risky?" Wang Tichuan pondered for a moment and reminded. In his impression, Li Wendi was a rather domineering person and didn't often listen to others.

"We can find a smaller company to try our hand at. If it works, we can acquire another one," Li Wendi said calmly.

"Yes, I will try to submit the plan to you in a few days." Wang Ti said.

"There's no rush. The stock market still has room to fall, and the local market has just begun, but you can first screen out some high-quality companies so that we don't miss the opportunity." Li Wendi waved his hand. The stock market has only been falling for a few months and it is not yet at the bottom.

Legu Printing Real Estate Company Meeting Room

It was the first time that Li Wendi met Cui Baiquan, the owner of Legu Printing and Real Estate Company. He looked quite handsome, and even though he was old, one could guess that he was a handsome guy when he was young.

"Mr. Cui, I've heard of your great name for a long time!" Li Wendi greeted him politely. One always has to be polite when meeting someone for the first time.

"Mr. Li, you're too polite. Everyone in the stock market and real estate industry has heard of Mr. Li's name. Mr. Li is a big shot." Cui Baiquan laughed. He would not look down on Li Wendi just because of his young age. The young man in front of him started from scratch and had head-on confrontations with many veterans in the business world. It's impossible that his methods were bad.

"Mr. Cui, you are too polite." Li Wendi smiled and said, "Mr. Cui, why do you want to sell your printing business? The current printing market is doing well."

Li Wendi didn't want to waste too much time on flattery. The printing business was just icing on the cake for the Qinian Newspaper and did not need to be taken too seriously.

"To be honest, the current market situation is not good. It will never go wrong to have more funds on hand, so you can also buy at the bottom in time." Cui Baiquan only talked about the current situation, which seemed to answer Li Wendi's question, but in fact he said nothing.

The printing business can accumulate cash flow, which brings many benefits to the current Legu Printing Real Estate Company. Of course, the current prices are also higher, but the printing industry has not shown any signs of decline.

Li Wendi didn't care about Cui Baiquan's answer. According to his understanding, there were no major problems with Legu Printing's printing business, which could be considered a high-quality industry. "Mr. Cui wanted to take advantage of the good market to sell at a high price, and then buy at the bottom of the local market. Mr. Cui's vision is better than mine."

"What's so brilliant about something that everyone can see? The company's management has always been to maximize profits. Maybe in the future the printing industry will be more valuable than the local market, and Legu Printing Real Estate Company may return to the printing industry." Cui Baiquan laughed at himself, but his eyes were sharp. It seemed that he was full of confidence in his judgment and plan.

"That's right. No industry can last forever. So what price does Cui Sheng plan to sell it for?" Li Wendi asked calmly, but his eyes glanced at the father and son of the Cui family.

Cui Jun responded at Cui Baiquan's suggestion, "The company has 11 printing machines in the Lok Kee Building in North Point, which cost 300 million yuan. If Mr. Li doesn't want those workers, the company can mediate."

"300 million yuan is not expensive, but I have a condition." Li Wendi continued, "I heard that your company is planning to introduce a shareholder who will have a seat on the board of directors. I wonder if I have this opportunity?"

Cui Baiquan glanced at Li Wendi. Although Li Wendi had a "bad reputation", the Cui family had no grudges against him. Even if Li Wendi really had ulterior motives, as long as his shareholding was stable enough, Li Wendi would not be able to shake his control over Legu Printing and Real Estate Company.

(End of this chapter)

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