Started from Hong Kong Island

Chapter 70 [The car was smashed]

Chapter 70 [The car was smashed]

Bao Qingfan suddenly remembered something and sneered, "Aren't you worried that the Yisheng Society will cause trouble for you in Sham Shui Po? The three warehouses under your control are worth 200 million."

Li Wendi shrugged and said, "Since you have found out about the warehouses, you should know that one of the warehouses is a joint venture with the Deng family of Liansheng Society. Are you sure you want to offend them? Let me remind you that Deng Songlian is not a good person. If you don't believe me, you can go ask the underworld."

In fact, Li Wendi was also afraid that the Yisheng Society would cause trouble for him in Sham Shui Po. He happened to meet Deng Jiaren that time, so he took the opportunity to drag Deng Jiaren into the trouble to provide some protection for this business. After all, Deng Jiaren could influence Deng Songlian's decision.

Bao Qingfan didn't expect Li Wendi to be so cunning that he actually dragged the Deng family into the water as a talisman. He didn't dare to offend the leader of the Liansheng Society because the Deng family really dared to have someone hack him to death.

If the Bao family had as much power as the Chen Fenben family, Deng Songlian might be afraid of the danger of "failure to kill the snake, but being bitten by it instead". As for the Bao family, their power in the righteous way is not very strong, not much stronger than the Deng family, not to mention that the Deng family has the background of the triad society.

Seeing that his threats were futile, Bao Qingfan left the office in disgrace.

However, this incident has angered Li Wendi, and such relatives need to be taught a lesson.

So Li Wendi called Zhang Yan and asked him to come over.

Li Wendi took out a photo and handed it to Zhang Yan, saying in a deep voice, "Go find a few people to smash the car of the person in the photo. Remember to find someone reliable and don't leave any traces of your involvement."

Zhang Yan and Li Wendi have a very close relationship. Li Wendi wants the Bao family to know that he is taking revenge and warning them, but he also doesn't want to gain a bad reputation or get into unnecessary trouble.

Zhang Yan felt the hostility emanating from Li Wendi, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. "What's wrong? Who made you so angry?"

"It's nothing serious. Someone just came to my house and threatened me to hand over the warehouse business in Sham Shui Po. That person is my relative." Li Wendi said with a sneer.

Such relatives are really disgusting, as if you stepped on a pile of dog shit, which is sticky.

"." Zhang Yan was somewhat speechless. He also had such a relative, but he was not nice to him and could not threaten him, so he could not fully understand Li Wendi's feelings. "Do you want to teach him a more serious lesson? Beat him up too?"

Li Wendi lowered his head and thought for a while, then said, "No need, but since he threatened me, I will threaten him too. Let the thugs smash the car in front of him, and then warn him in person."

"Well! Don't worry, I promise to help you do a great job on this." Zhang Yan nodded in agreement.

After Zhang Yan left, Li Wendi was still thinking about the matter. A warning of smashing the car was naturally a light punishment, because he did not want to make things impossible to turn around. After all, the Bao family's disclosure of the Sham Shui Po warehouse and Chen Xingzhou's cooperation could cause trouble for him.

We can punish the Bao family after the matter is over. Killing them now will do more harm than good.

Some underground garage
The gangsters, armed with sticks, baseball bats and other hard weapons, are waiting for the real boss to show up. Under the dim light, the atmosphere is a bit scary.

Bao Qingfan, who was wearing designer clothes, saw the group of gangsters and subconsciously wanted to leave. However, when he thought that he was a rich man, he pretended to be brave and walked forward. Of course, he didn't think that he would be the one who would be in trouble.

"Boss, that guy is coming." The younger brother beside him smiled viciously.

"Let's go!" The big guy threw down the cigarette in his hand, stepped on it with his toes, and approached with a smirk on his face.

Bao Qingfan saw those gangsters surrounding him, and thought to himself that it was not good, but unfortunately there was no way to retreat, so he mustered up the courage and said, "Brothers, I don't think I have offended you. If you want money, I can give it to you."

"Oh! It seems that Mr. Bao is a forgetful person. Let me remind you, do you remember the Sham Shui Po warehouse?" The boss said with a smile.

Bao Qingfan's throat moved up and down, "Is it Li Wendi? How about I give you double the amount that Li Wendi gave you?" "Haha!! Brother Wendi is our He Liansheng's man. If you dare to threaten him, you are slapping He Liansheng in the face. Even if you don't have money, I will definitely beat you up."

The boss changed the subject again, "But Brother Wendi didn't ask us to beat you up. If we let you go today, your car won't have such good luck."

"Do it!"

"Okay, boss! Guys, smash the car."

Then Bao Qingfan watched his beloved car turn into a pile of scrap metal. He did not dare to show any dissatisfaction at the time. After the gangsters left, Bao Qingfan clenched his fists with an indignant look on his face.

"Li Wendi!!" The voice was roaring in a low voice, with veins bulging on his forehead, like a wild beast.

Starlight Real Estate Office

Li Wendi hung up the phone with a hint of a smile on his face, and the scene of Bao Qingfan's anger seemed to emerge in his mind.

Bao Qingfan certainly wanted to take revenge on Li Wendi, but he also had to consider the weight of the Deng family. As for the cooperation with Chen Xingzhou, Li Wendi was not very afraid. After all, this was a normal business transaction, and Chen Fenben could only suppress it at most.

The most important thing is that the property of Chang Heng Properties in Wan Chai is going to be sold soon. Chen’s Jewelry Company cannot influence Hang Lung’s decision, and Hang Lung Company probably won’t buy into it either, as this involves Hang Lung Company’s core plan.

Bao Family Villa
Bao Qingfan sat down on the sofa angrily. Qian Ying came forward and asked, "Is the business negotiation not going well?"

In front of Qian Ying, Bao Qingfan finally started to explode. "It was all Li Wendi's fault. He hired someone to smash my factory car. I must take revenge."

Keeping silent in front of the gangsters was tantamount to a roar of incompetence at this moment, but it must be said that Bao Qingfan was a man who knew the times.

Although we advocate equality of human life, unfortunately it is just a slogan. Bao Qingfan's life is undoubtedly much more valuable than those of the Young and Dangerous gangsters, and even more valuable than Li Wendi's life.

"What? This bastard actually dared to hire someone to smash the car. Is there no law? No, I'm going to call Guo Cuiting now and ask her what she wants to do." Qian Ying cursed as he walked towards the phone.

"Mom, calling Guo Cuiting is useless. It will only anger Li Wendi. What if he sends someone to beat me up next time?" Bao Qingfan shouted irritably, "Please don't cause trouble for me, okay?"

Only at this time did Qian Ying stop making trouble and asked, "So what are you going to do?"

If Guo Cuiting knew about this, Li Wendi would hate the Bao family even more. Of course, she would still endure it now, but who knows what she would do in the future.

"What's the matter? Shouting and yelling, how disgraceful!" Bao Ligui came out of the study upon hearing the voice, and walked down step by step holding the railing of the stairs.

Qian Ying's old ways returned and she was the first to complain to her husband Bao Ligui, who frowned when he heard her.

"Afan, come to the study for a moment." Bao Ligui knew what kind of person his wife was, and there were some things he would never let her know.

Bao Qingfan immediately followed Bao Ligui to the study on the second floor, with a look of trepidation on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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