Chapter 105 Study hard
Xu Chen had strong control over the development of his jurisdiction. After a trip to a paper mill, the first batch of teaching materials he needed were successfully printed.

The textbook contains all the current contents of "Natural Classic", such as the methodology of natural cosmology and the ideological program of equal distribution of land to the noble and the humble. The former shapes the worldview under the Yellow Turban education, and the latter shapes the values ​​under the Yellow Turban education.

As for the outlook on life, it is a moral narrative proposed by the Natural Dao to its followers. It is part of the religious precepts and is the principle of social operation above the bottom line of the law.

The Natural Sutra also has its own explanation for the practice of becoming an immortal through the divine religion.

The so-called spiritual practice can be divided into three categories.

One means knowledge, that is, the practice of knowledge, which corresponds to the natural Tao view of the universe. It encourages people to study the mechanisms of nature. Those who achieve great results can become immortals.

One is explanatory, that is, the practice of meritorious deeds, which corresponds to the value system of natural Taoism. Those who have made great contributions to the great cause of equal distribution of land among the noble and the humble such as natural religion can also become immortals.

The first is to explain oneself, that is, to practice moral cultivation according to the precepts, which corresponds to the natural Taoist outlook on life. It encourages people to do more good deeds such as helping the poor and the needy, caring for the weak, and to do less evil deeds such as stealing, robbing, bullying men and women. Those who are truly good and righteous can be role models for the world and can also become immortals.

No matter which path of cultivation people take, as long as they achieve enough results, they can eventually achieve enlightenment and become immortals.

When a person's physical body disappears, it is the death of the shell. However, if the living person has something to think about, the spirit still exists. But if the last thing he thought about is no longer there and there is nothing to think about in the world, the spirit also dies, which is also the complete death of the person.

Only those who have achieved enlightenment through practice, or passed on their research results to future generations, or were remembered by the world for their great achievements, or left their names in history for their noble character, will be remembered by people from generation to generation, and their spirits will remain immortal in the world. This is called becoming an immortal.

At this point, Xu Chen has completed the construction of the entire ideological system of the Natural Dao religion. He has a self-consistent framework and avoids the shortcomings of the religion to the greatest extent.

Of course, it is still just a framework now, and it only points out the direction for all believers.

In order to thoroughly improve the entire ideological system, there are still many specific and detailed contents waiting for Xu Chen to supplement.

For example, the specific explanation of good and evil, the standards for achievements and research results, the treatment of interpersonal relationships with relatives and friends, and a more in-depth analysis and discussion of the principles of natural religion, these are the real meticulous work.

But no matter what, with such a big framework, at least the skeleton of the cult is complete and will not fall apart at the slightest touch. In the future, it only needs to be filled with flesh and blood to completely complete the construction of the cult.

After being reshaped by the religion, the three views of the believers can also follow the direction predetermined by Xu Chen, and their daily production and life can also be guided by the ideology system of the religion.

Of course, there are loopholes in this system, and these are what Xu Chen needs to patch.

For example, the theory of becoming an immortal. If someone can become an immortal by thinking about it, then those extremely treacherous and evil people in history are also known to the world. What does this mean? Can one become an immortal by taking the evil path?

In this regard, Xu Chen's patch is that all the world's criticism and condemnation will be punished, and although the spirits of evil people survive, they will suffer eternal damnation. Because of the extreme mental punishment caused by the world's curses, they cannot escape.

This is one of the very few things in the entire religious system that is completely based on personal conviction. As for how people will view it in the future, that is a matter of opinion.

When compiling the Natural Sutra, Xu Chen tried to include as many existing characters as possible. In this way, the process of believers reading the divine scriptures is actually a process of learning to read. If they can recognize the entire scripture, they can at least learn most of the commonly used characters.

He has put a lot of effort into promoting efficient and popular education.

If the Yellow Turbans conquer the world, Xu Chen only hopes that the "Natural Sutra" can be used as the basic content in textbooks no matter one hundred years, two hundred years or one thousand years later.

This is the route he chose for Eastern civilization, and it cannot be shaken!

Today's textbooks, in addition to the natural science education content, include basic mathematics and language education content written by Xu Chen.

After the textbooks were printed, they were immediately distributed to Xu Chen's first batch of students, including not only senior officers headed by Wang Dang, but also craftsmen such as Hu Tao.

When it comes to studying, Xu Chen has a strict assessment mechanism for all their students.

The existing Yellow Turban officers and craftsmen of the Institute of Engineering have only temporary identities, and whether they can keep this identity in the future, or whether they have the opportunity for promotion, is directly linked to their learning outcomes.

Now Wang Dang is extremely worried about this matter. In the office, he is holding the textbook with his brows twisted into a knot.

After looking for a while, he sighed and looked at Xu Chen who was looking at something in the main seat.

"Master, why do I have to take part in that assessment?" Wang Dang said sullenly, obviously not in a good mood.

Xu Chen only cared about what he had on hand, and without even looking at him, he replied, "Why do you want to participate? Since you are a student, isn't it natural for you to participate in the assessment? Why do you still need to ask?"

Wang Dang's eyes widened, and he subconsciously wanted to slam the book on the table, but when he was about to put it down, he hesitated and put it down gently instead, then said awkwardly: "If I fail the assessment, does that mean I can't be the commander anymore?"

Hearing this, Xu Chen paused, and finally decided to temporarily shift his attention to Wang Dang. However, when he looked at Wang Dang, he sighed and shook his head, making a "tsk tsk" sound, as if he was disappointed with him: "You are a great commander, how can you be so timid after just one test? If others see you, they will laugh at you!"

Wang Dang's face froze, and then he was not convinced. He stood up from the straw mat, his face flushed. "How can this be? If the leader asked me to fight in the battlefield, I would kill him ten times without frowning. But if you asked me to learn these texts and mathematics, I would be overwhelmed and unable to learn them!"

Xu Chen didn't care. He just waved his sleeves and snorted, "You are the commander of the Qu army, but you only think about not passing the test, but don't think about the officers below who can pass the test. Are you worse than them? If you feel that you are inferior to others, then don't take the test. You are not worthy of being the commander of the Qu army. I will let someone else be the commander!"

After hearing this, Wang Dang got angry: "What are you talking about? How can I, Wang Dang, be worse than those bastards? No, no, they are not capable of carrying out the Yellow Turban cause. I have to shoulder this heavy responsibility!"

Xu Chen added: "Then go back and study the textbooks more. Once you pass the test, everything will be fine."

Wang Dang scratched his head immediately, then sat down dejectedly. He could only accept his fate and sigh.

In fact, what he was afraid of was not this assessment, but the continuous assessments in the future.

According to the system established by Xu Chen, both the Yellow Turbans and the craftsmen of the Institute of Engineering were considered official followers of the Natural Religion.

But this is only a basic identity. Going further up, Xu Chen established a series of grades, and the grades determine what positions one can hold in military and political fortifications.

As for the Yellow Turban Army, their official status as followers of the Yellow Turbans only allowed them to reach the level of squad leader or sergeant leader.

And through continuous assessment, as long as the performance is excellent, you can continue to be promoted.

Above the Yellow Turbans are ranks such as Shi, Lieutenant, General, and Marshal. Only after obtaining the corresponding ranks can one be qualified to serve as the leader of a hundred men, the leader of a thousand men, general, captain, or deputy.

The higher the level, the greater the difficulty, and the subsequent tests will be basic assessments.

If they cannot even pass this basic test, then no matter they are the Yellow Turbans or the craftsmen, their status as official followers will be revoked and they will become ordinary people.

Xu Chen will not show any mercy in this regard.

The grade system is the core means to ensure the purity of thought and the quality of the team, and there cannot be the slightest wavering.

What is being tested now is only the basic knowledge of the Yellow Turbans. As the education becomes more in-depth, what will be tested in the future is the degree of understanding of the doctrinal guidelines of the Yellow Turbans and their professional knowledge. Those who fail in these two aspects will never be qualified to hold military and political positions.

This is just the military rank system. The Institute of Engineering also has its own rank system. When the military and politics are separated in the future, there will also be a rank system for the political system.

In short, a makeshift team is not acceptable; everything must be formalized and institutionalized so that the team can have a future and vitality.

However, studying for exams is a huge pressure for Wang Dang, a rough man. His position as the acting commander also means that his application level is the highest.

Although he is still in the basic learning stage, the assessment will not be too difficult for him, but as time goes on, he knows that the difficulty will double, which is really terrible for him as a peasant.

Xu Chen naturally knew that Wang Dang had some emotions in his heart. It must be difficult for him to accept emotionally that a dignified Qu Shuai had to go for an assessment.

After playing the good guy for a while, now it’s time to play the good guy.

Seeing Wang Dang turning his head away and keeping silent, Xu Chen laughed and walked over to pull him up: "Why do you have to worry so much, Old Wang? In my opinion, you will definitely pass the assessment now and in the future!"

Wang Dang was startled when he heard this, and then he turned around and looked over: "I know I am stupid and don't dare to be so arrogant, why is the leader more confident than me?"

Xu Chen smiled and said, "I will teach you what you study and I will decide what you take the test. I want you to pass. How can you not pass?"

Wang Dang seemed to understand something after listening to these words.

Xu Chen said again: "You are a Yellow Turban elder. Can I really kick you out? I just hope you can set an example and lead the whole army to study hard. Do you understand?"

Wang Dang finally came to his senses and was embarrassed for a moment. He then said awkwardly, "I can't understand what the leader meant by this. I have to be told clearly. I am really stupid!"

"Having said that, you have to study hard what you should learn. You must know that knowledge is the greatest wealth."

Xu Chen laughed and added, "Tomorrow, put up a slogan in the entire military camp. It should say study hard and make progress every day. Everyone must study hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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