People in the Three Kingdoms: Starting from Preaching

Chapter 111: Yellow Turban Leader Launches Lightning Strike

Chapter 111: Yellow Turban Leader Launches Lightning Strike
The loud explosion pierced through the air and appeared in everyone's eardrums, leaving everyone stunned.

Although gunpowder was invented long ago in the cauldrons of alchemists and sorcerers, the earliest ancient formula of gunpowder was actually limited in power and difficult to use in war.

Nowadays, the explosive packs used are all made with improved formulas. The black powder produced after several months is completely incomparable in power to the original gunpowder. When used on the battlefield, it naturally has earth-shattering power.

The soldiers, who only knew how to wield knives to kill people, had never seen such a scene before. The huge explosion alone made them tremble with fear.

However, the soldiers who heard the sound from afar were still a lucky group. Those soldiers who were at the center of the explosion in the city wall could only feel the powerful destructive force beyond human power with their physical bodies.

Explosive packs exploded around them one after another. They didn't even have time to react before their vision was filled with torn air and flames. Then they felt as if their bodies were torn and kneaded like rags by a powerful force. With their remaining vision, they could see all kinds of things flying around in the air everywhere.

The soldiers who died directly in these explosions were lucky, as at least some of them died in an instant. However, those soldiers who were half-dead due to shock and stone penetration injuries had to suffer extreme pain.

The battlefield was silent for a brief moment. This sudden change made everyone lose their reaction for a moment, until a new explosion sounded, bringing them back to reality.

However, the explosion only lasted for a while and then it was over, because they had only produced this much gunpowder in the past few months, and this round of explosions had consumed it all.

However, in this battle, the direct casualties caused by the explosion were not the most important result. Its greater impact was the psychological deterrent effect on the soldiers.

People always fear things beyond their cognition, and the soldiers of the coalition forces are no exception.

When the bloody and tragic scene inside the city wall appeared in the eyes of the Allied soldiers in the rear, some of them screamed as if they had seen a ghost, then dropped their weapons and ran away.

"Lightning strike, this is a lightning strike!"

"The Yellow Turban leader has cast a spell. The Yellow Turban leader has launched a lightning strike!"

The shouting and the act of running away suddenly woke up all the soldiers behind, and then the fear and panic spread. The escape occurred like a chain reaction, and the soldiers who were rushing forward screaming just now suddenly fled in all directions.

The allied soldiers outside the city were in such a state, and the soldiers who were fighting inside the city were also demoralized. Although they wanted to escape, the way was blocked by the Yellow Turban reinforcements, so they had to drop their weapons and surrender.

The mutiny and rout of an army is the most terrifying thing on a battlefield. Once this kind of group psychology appears, it cannot be controlled. For the Yellow Turbans, this is naturally the time to establish their chance of victory.

"Pursue the enemy immediately. Our victory or failure depends on this moment!"

Xu Chen issued the order without hesitation, and the Yellow Turbans in the city quickly gathered. Hundreds of cavalrymen took the lead in pursuit, and the infantry in the rear marched quickly to support the formation, just like driving a flock of sheep, and began to chase and kill the enemy.

The situation on the battlefield changed abruptly. On the distant Allied Forces' platform, Tian Chou and his men were all stunned, and then fell down in disbelief.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

"How could this be? What on earth was going on with that thunderous explosion? Could it be that Guangtou Xu really knows some magic?"

Xianyu Fu and Zhang Chun were both terrified and could not accept the situation before them at all.

This large-scale rout was no longer something they could reverse, especially when they saw the Yellow Turbans chasing and driving them out of the city, which made them even more desperate.

Tian Chou was not in the mood to think about any of that messed up magic or Taoism; he just wanted to salvage the situation as best he could.

"We must not let the defeated soldiers enter the camp. This will only cause the 3,000 central troops to collapse. Close the gates immediately and drive away the defeated soldiers. There are more than 10,000 soldiers, and we cannot kill all the Yellow Turbans. After we beat the Yellow Turbans back, we can gather the defeated soldiers!"

Tian Chou accurately judged the situation, and the others suddenly woke up and immediately followed his instructions.

As the camp gate was closed, the defeated soldiers were unable to enter and could only flee in all directions. Everything developed as Tian Chou had expected.

Only at this time did he slowly come to his senses. He had repeatedly won advantages in previous attacks, and finally even the city gate was suddenly broken. He was afraid that it was just the Yellow Turbans showing weakness, and he had been fooled by Xu Guangtou!
Realizing this, Tian Chou slapped himself hard twice, thinking that he was as stupid as a pig.

They should never have been blinded by the illusion and led the entire army into battle. Otherwise, as long as there were a large army in the rear, the battle formation would not have collapsed even if something unexpected happened. Why would there be only 3,000 people left trembling in the camp?

Soon, the battlefield, which had just been boiling, suddenly collapsed and disintegrated.

The rout was extremely terrifying for the coalition forces. The only thing that could comfort Tian Chou was that the army at least fled in large enough numbers. As long as he stopped the Yellow Turbans from retreating out of the city and pursuing them, he could still slowly gather the defeated soldiers.

Seeing that the defeated soldiers had almost all fled, Tian Chou was about to order the central army to go out of the camp to fight and drive the Yellow Turbans back into the city.

But at this time, Zhang Chun, Xian Yu Fu and others ran back in panic.

"It's bad. Thousands of Yellow Turbans have rushed out from the rear and are now heading straight for our camp. This Yellow Turban seems to be the vicious dog from before!"

The news they brought back was like a bolt of lightning to Tian Chou.

In a flash, Tian Chou's mind was working rapidly, and he had already judged the situation at an extremely fast speed. If it were before, these few thousand soldiers would not have been able to affect the battlefield situation at all, but at this critical moment, these few thousand soldiers immediately hit the vital points of the coalition forces.

"The situation is hopeless. We can no longer care about those defeated soldiers. Now we can only fight to break through!"

Zhang Chun and Xian Yu Fu looked at each other with unwilling expressions.

But they also knew that if they let the vicious dogs behind them slow them down, and then joined forces with the Yellow Turbans in Pinggu to attack them, then these 3,000 central troops would really be killed here.

If this last central army was lost, the rest of the defeated troops would naturally become a meal for the Yellow Turbans.

Perhaps, there is really only one way out, which is to break through. However, this also means that their excited and heavy blow will be in vain, and they seem to be in danger of losing their arms.

Xian Yufu was furious: "Tian Yu is harming me. I just asked him to keep an eye on the vicious dog, but he couldn't do it well. Damn it!"

Tian Chou immediately stood up and said in a cold voice: "Brother Xianyu, now is not the time to pursue responsibility, break out first!"

Several people looked at each other, all with ugly faces as if their parents had died, especially Zhang Chun, who came with full of hope but left in despair. He even wanted to die at that time.

The few of them did not dare to hesitate and each led their troops to break out from the rear.

As soon as they walked out of the camp, they almost ran into Wang Dang who was rushing back. When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous of each other. At this time, all words are redundant and the two sides immediately fight.

A breakout operation was launched. The last 3,000 central troops of the coalition forces were their most elite forces. They fought vigorously and seemed unstoppable.

Unfortunately, although the Yellow Turbans under Wang Dang had several thousand soldiers, they were in very poor condition and could only barely fight the enemy for a while.

The two sides were entangled in a fight, with blood splattering everywhere and metal clashing. Wang Dang fought hard, took aim at an armored enemy, and then rode away on horseback.

The other party also discovered Wang Dang, but was not afraid and fought with Wang Dang in the chaos.

Swords and knives were exchanged back and forth, horses were galloping past each other, and after a few quick rounds, both sides felt that the other was very brave, but neither of them chose to retreat.

Turning their horses around, the two sides started fighting again. After dozens of rounds, both of them had several wounds on their bodies.

In the end, Wang Dang relied on his ruthlessness to take the opponent's sword and chopped off the enemy's head with a knife.

The thrill of victory stimulated Wang Dang's emotions, and he suddenly raised the enemy's head and roared loudly.

There was also a young general fighting in the enemy camp. After seeing this scene, his eyes suddenly turned red. The dead person was none other than his cousin!

Filled with passion, he was about to seek revenge on Wang Dang, but his out-of-control emotions made him completely lost in the chaotic battlefield, and before he knew it, he was surrounded by the Yellow Turbans.

The sense of crisis of death suddenly made him wake up, but it was too late.

In the coordinated attack of the Yellow Turbans, this young general also died in the battle.

On the other side, Tian Chou saw the situation and could only drive his horse to Zhang Chun: "Brother Xianyu died in the battle, so I will fight to the death too!"

Zhang Chun was fighting in the middle of the battle. He was shocked when he heard the news. He turned around and saw Wang Dang holding up Xianyu Fu's head and laughing with blood all over his body. This made Zhang Chun tremble in his heart. If he could not break through, he was afraid that he would follow suit.

Under the stimulation of death, Zhang Chun's eyes suddenly turned red and he began to roar to boost morale.

Soon, all the core troops gathered around them, and then rushed forward desperately to break out, and this momentum indeed dispersed the Yellow Turbans.

After a brutal battle, with countless corpses left behind on both sides, Zhang Chun and Tian Chou finally managed to break through Wang Dang's defense line with more than a thousand cavalrymen, and the remaining coalition soldiers no longer had the will to resist and knelt down in surrender.

Wang Dang was breathing heavily. Although he was very unhappy to see the enemy break out, he also knew that the Yellow Turbans were now at the end of their strength and did not have much energy to pursue them.

Moreover, he still remembered the lesson of not pursuing a desperate enemy last time. In this situation, he would not act so rashly again.

No matter what, this battle was ultimately a great victory for our side, and that's enough.
The war was over. Wang Dang looked around and saw that the outside of Pinggu City was in ruins everywhere. Under the city wall, one could see piles of corpses. A bleak and solemn atmosphere lingered in every corner of Pinggu.

Wang Dang shook his head and ordered his subordinates to chase the fleeing enemy troops. Finally, he looked at a young Yellow Turban beside him and said, "Our army won a great victory in this battle, and you have made a great contribution. When I meet the leader, I will recommend you for the credit!"

The young Yellow Turban quickly straightened his body and saluted Wang Dang: "Thank you, General Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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