Chapter 142 Pursuit of victory
The Yellow Turbans achieved victory in the rear, and the main force far away in the Liaoxi battlefield was also unwilling to be outdone. The coalition forces' goal of holding on for half a month was destined to be just a delusion. They underestimated the Yellow Turbans and overestimated themselves even more.

The frontal battle lasted only six or seven days before the Yellow Turbans broke through the coalition camp with a powerful offensive.

Over the past few days, every time the Yellow Turbans launched an attack, the coalition forces were terrified. If they had not relied on the defensive advantages of the camp, they would have been swept away by the Yellow Turbans long ago.

The allied camps were mostly built with earth and wood, and deep trenches were dug on the outside, so the relative height of the camp's outer walls could reach three meters.

The soldiers inside the camp had sufficient manpower to defend the walls, which should have been a good way to resist external attacks. However, when facing the Yellow Turbans, they had no sense of security at all.

The Yellow Turbans' infantry formations coordinated skillfully, making it difficult for the coalition soldiers to resist whether they were fighting to seize the wall or attacking the camp gate.

If it weren't for the cavalry of Su Puyan who was stationed on the periphery and could continuously harass and threaten the Yellow Turbans' positions, thus tying up most of the Yellow Turbans' energy, this battle would not even last six or seven days, and it is possible that it could be captured in one day.

But cavalry can harass guerrillas, but cannot determine the overall victory of the war. The coalition forces paid a price for their weakness in infantry.

Over the past few days, the Yellow Turbans had charged into the enemy camp countless times, but each time they were forced back by Su Puyan's harassment and threats. However, the Yellow Turbans could fail countless times, but the coalition forces could only fail once.

Several days of continuous fighting had already made the coalition soldiers terrified and their wills worn out. The Yellow Turbans' powerful fighting capacity made it impossible for them to see the possibility of victory. They naturally became afraid of fighting, and this emotion finally reached its peak on the seventh day.

On this day, the Yellow Turbans changed their strategy of dividing their forces and surrounding the enemy, and suddenly changed their formation to attack the front gate of the camp. This threw the coalition forces inside into disarray, and the war suddenly turned into a defeat. This time, the coalition forces collapsed before they could even wait for Su Puyan to come to the rescue.

The huge camp had been the coalition soldiers' defensive support in the past few days, but now it had become their cage.

But even without the camp, the defeated army would have no way of organizing itself to break out or resist again. The Yellow Turban army rushed in calmly and powerfully to strangle the enemy.

There is no mercy on the battlefield. The Yellow Turbans can only treat those who refuse to surrender as enemies, and their subordinates will not show the slightest mercy.

They were like a huge hammer, smashing the coalition forces into pieces. In the face of absolute strength, countless coalition soldiers dropped their weapons and knelt down in surrender.

Everything has been settled. The thousands of cavalrymen led by Su Puyan on the periphery could only watch the Yellow Turban army trample on the camp.

"It's over, it's all over. We can't rely on this loser Zhang Chun at all." Su Puyan's face was as gloomy as water. At this moment, he could only vent his anger by cursing Zhang Chun.

He knew that if he lost the front battlefield, the entire situation would be beyond saving.

After the Yellow Turbans win, they will certainly return to the rear to provide support, and Qiuliju will have to retreat at that time. Then the Wuhuan’s expedition will mean that they will gain nothing.

"Let's retreat first. When the king sees the Yellow Turbans coming back to help, he will retreat. With the advantage of cavalry, the Yellow Turbans won't be able to do anything to him!"

After gritting his teeth, Su Puyan could only reluctantly order a retreat. After suffering a head-on defeat, he now had to consider going back to guard against the Yellow Turbans' attack on the Wuhuan tribe. Now the situation had really changed from offense to defense.

As for Qiuliju, he was not worried at all. After all, cavalry could run on four legs. Even though the Yellow Turbans were powerful, they could only watch.

Just like that, when the war was completely over and the Yellow Turban leader Xu Chen entered the enemy camp under the protection of Tian Shitou, the Wuhuan cavalry lingering in the distance finally withdrew one after another.

The Yellow Turbans also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the Wuhuan cavalry had indeed caused them a lot of trouble these days, but now they finally didn't have to worry about it anymore.

At this time, the allied camp had already begun to clean up the battlefield, and countless prisoners were gathered one by one in a flat open space for custody under the arrangement of the Yellow Turbans.

Soon after, they would undergo the Yellow Turbans' ideological transformation and then be released back into normal life.

Today, the Yellow Turbans are no longer in the same predicament of lack of troops as before, and they will not so easily accept a coalition force of varying quality. The best option is to let these captives go back to engage in industrial or agricultural production.

The wounded on both sides were receiving emergency treatment from the Yellow Turban military doctors, and the dead bodies were collected one by one.

Everything is in order. The battlefield, which was a mess not long ago, has now begun to become simple. Everything is arranged clearly and everyone has his own destiny, including Zhang Chun.

Not long after Xu Chen entered the camp, Wang Dang came over with a few Yellow Turban soldiers, laughing. The person those soldiers were holding in their hands was Zhang Chun.

At this time, Zhang Chun's hair was disheveled and his clothes were dirty. He no longer had the dignity of a member of the aristocratic family.

With a bang, Zhang Chun was thrown to the ground. He struggled to stand up, but Wang Dang kicked him and made him eat dirt again. This time he finally learned his lesson and simply sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and acted as if he didn't hear anything.

"Why don't you surrender? Maybe I will let you go." Xu Chen raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Who are you to beg me for mercy?" Zhang Chun looked over, but after a glance, he just sneered: "Even if I am from a noble family and in trouble, I am not someone you, a peasant, can humiliate. You can kill me if you want, or cut me up if you want."

Wang Dang, who was behind him, immediately became unhappy. He stomped Zhang Chun's head into the ground with his foot and then spat in his face.

This humiliation immediately made Zhang Chun's eyes red, and he began to struggle hard, but Wang Dang's legs seemed to be rooted and did not move. After a long time, Zhang Chun gave up.

Wang Dang said with disdain: "I just can't stand you lowly bastards acting so high and mighty. You know that the Yellow Turbans will not let you off. Why are you pretending to be tough here? Be honest with me, or you will suffer before you die!"

Zhang Chun snorted coldly and said nothing.

Xu Chen did not intend to waste time on Zhang Chun. This kind of guy would be punished for his crimes when the time comes. There was no need to spend too much time on him. He just waved his hand and let the Yellow Turban take him away.

However, he thought that he had eliminated a traitor for the Han Dynasty, and he didn't know whether old Liu Hong would thank him.

"I don't know what the situation is like in the rear, but now that we have won the battle on the front line, we should hurry up."

Xu Chen was about to give the order to return to the rear for support, but he heard a long drawn-out voice in the distance. It turned out to be an urgent report from the rear, which made Xu Chen and Wang Dang feel heavy-hearted.

Did something unexpected happen in the rear?
But soon, they felt relieved because the news they received was the best that could not be better.

“Reporting to the leader, our army, under the leadership of Captain Lu, successfully defeated the enemy with water in the Shahe Valley. In this battle, we captured countless enemy soldiers, including the enemy chief Qiu Liju, and seized four to five thousand war horses!

After Captain Lu placed the prisoners, he immediately came to the frontline to provide support and is expected to arrive in two days!"

When these words were spoken, everyone was shocked, and then ecstatic. The surprise they got from this news was even greater than their own destruction of the enemy's main camp.

Not to mention Wang Dang, Tian Shitou and the others who were all delighted, even Xu Chen couldn't help but applaud and praise.

"Lu Ping did not disappoint me. He fought brilliantly in this battle. From now on, our army will never lack war horses again!"

In this news, the Wuhuan captives were not important, and even the capture of Qiuliju was not important. The most important thing was the four or five thousand war horses, which meant that the biggest pain of the Yellow Turbans could now finally be made up.

The same was true for the rest of the people. They were so happy just thinking that the Yellow Turbans would be able to form thousands of cavalry in the future.

"Lu Ping is a talented kid, and it's well worth the leader's cultivation. He should be the main contributor in this battle!" Wang Dang laughed.

This good news immediately filled the camp with a happy atmosphere. Not only had they won a great victory on the front battlefield, but good news had also come from the rear. They could not be too happy.

Now, Xu Chen no longer had to think about returning to the rear for support. Since the battle had already ended like this, he immediately came up with another idea.

He thought for a moment and then said, "The Qiuliju tribe has been completely defeated by our army. Now is the time when the Wuhuan are at their weakest. I intend to pursue them and expand our victory!"

Wang Dang's expression brightened, and he also felt itchy in his heart: "Master, your opinion is great, it's just right!"

Xu Chen nodded and said, "There is no need to worry about our rear. The army will make repairs immediately and set out to the east tomorrow to completely pacify the Wuhuan tribe and take over Liaoxi and Liaodong. Send someone to inform Lu Ping to follow us all the way without having to stop!"

After this order was issued, everyone was excited. They all knew that from now on, the Yellow Turbans' expansion would begin.

Although it is certainly not something that can be done in a short period of time to completely take over western Liaoning and eastern Liaoning, it is something that can be expected in the future.

Just as Lu Ping had judged, after winning this battle, the Yellow Turbans would be like a fish in the sea or a bird in the sky, never to be restrained again.

Looking at the heated atmosphere here, Zhang Baiqi and Huang Long beside them couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, who would have thought that the previously silent Youzhou actually had such a powerful Yellow Turban force.

They were both moved by the "ideal". Although they finally came to check the authenticity in person, they did not dare to have too high expectations in their hearts. However, when they really came, the surprises here far exceeded their imagination.

I don't know why, but when the Great Sage Master started the rebellion, the eight states joined forces. The momentum was so great that it was much more powerful than the small force of Youzhou. However, I feel a sense of security in the small Yellow Turban forces entrenched in two counties, which I never felt when I was the Great Sage Master.

I have come to the right place. This is the real hope of the Yellow Turbans. Only the leader can inherit or even surpass the great cause of the Great Sage Master!

(End of this chapter)

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