Chapter 145 Seeds of Hatred

"According to our religious trial and judgment, Qiuli Juce, the leader of the Wuhuan tribe in western Liaoning, led his army to kill, abuse, rob and destroy civilians many times. He was the main culprit in organizing and leading such crimes, and his crimes are unforgivable.

As the leader of the Wuhuan, he also committed crimes such as oppressing the Wuhuan tribal group, depriving slaves of their basic rights such as life, and appropriating the overall wealth of the Wuhuan tribe, which were extremely bad in nature.

Now, according to the laws of our religion, we will confiscate all of Qiu Liju’s property, impose the highest level of corporal punishment on him, and behead him in public!”

When Tian Shitou finished reading the verdict, the thousands of Wuhuan people present were silent. Seeing the former king Qiuliju being sentenced in public by the Yellow Turbans, they all had an indescribable complex feeling in their hearts.

Although most nomadic tribes are only the subjects of their own leaders and have no direct subordinate relationship with the so-called king Qiuliju, they all know that there is a king Qiuliju above them.

That was a person that even their own leaders had to submit to. In the past, he was a person that they could not look up to, a person more honorable than their own leaders.

Such an esteemed figure who is not to be looked up to is going to be executed so easily?
They felt inexplicably frightened.

To some extent, Qiuliju was a symbol of the entire Wuhuan ethnic group in western Liaoning, but this symbol has now collapsed.

In addition, they developed a great fear of the Yellow Turbans. The Yellow Turbans could decide the life or death of King Qiuliju, which could also determine the life or death of their entire Wuhuan tribe.

Soon, the execution began. Qiu Liju's fat began to tremble, his face became as pale as paper, and a huge fear spread throughout his mind.

Although he wanted to struggle and beg for mercy, he was tied up so tightly that he could not move at all and his mouth was covered tightly.

By now, he knew that his destiny could not be changed, and he tried hard to suppress his fear. He did not want to make a fool of himself in front of his people. He wanted his people to see that the King of Wuhuan would not succumb to death and pain.

But when the Yellow Turban executioner came over with a shiny silver machete and a set of sophisticated torture instruments, he still couldn't control his reaction. His tear glands began to secrete fluid frantically, his lower body began to relax, and a foul smell immediately spread.

The executioner looked at him with disdain: "What a piece of shit, King Wuhuan, is he just this kind of person?"

Qiu Liju was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to die, but soon he no longer cared about his shame because the punishment had already begun.

Qiu Liju's mouth was covered, and one could only see his body twisting and struggling, without making any sound.

Although the vast wasteland was very quiet, the Wuhuan people who were watching the execution nearby had the illusion that they could hear Qiuliju's screams.

The person who presided over the execution was Xu Chen, who was sitting on the side watching the execution. Although the tragic scene before his eyes was horrifying, he was not moved at all. This was the fate that Qiu Liju deserved.

He glanced at the Wuhuan people watching below, and saw enough fear in their expressions, which was exactly what he needed.

Although the Yellow Turbans' policy is to eliminate ethnic barriers, this is not something that can be done overnight. If they want to control the more than 70,000 ethnic groups in Liaoxi, the Yellow Turbans must first make them feel afraid, so that they can quickly obey.

Of course, just being afraid is not enough, as that will only deepen and arouse the rebellious psychology of their group.

What is more important is the subsequent ethnic liberation. Only when the vast majority of poor people are helped to live a normal life will they change from simple fear to awe, and then from awe to support.

After a while, witnessed by countless pairs of eyes, the punishment ended with Qiu Liju's fat head falling to the ground.

The crowd's eyes couldn't help but focus on Xu Chen who was standing next to them. They knew that this Yellow Turban leader was their new ruler.

Xu Chen turned his head and looked at Lu Ping beside him: "The subsequent trial work is now handed over to you. Considering the old ethnic barriers, this matter must be handled carefully. The trial work must be done, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the former victims. But we must also let the Wuhuan people understand that this is not a revenge of ethnic hatred, but a trial based on legal principles."

Lu Ping was of course aware of the importance of this matter. If the Wuhuan people misunderstood this, it would lay a minefield for the future governance of the Yellow Turbans: "Master, rest assured, from now on, every case will be tried fairly and transparently by my subordinates, and the corresponding ideological propaganda will also follow up, and there will be no mistakes."

Xu Chen nodded and said, "I will open up trade with Wuhuan later, which will probably benefit the people of Wuhuan and support your work."

Lu Ping nodded in response and had already started thinking about the corresponding work in his mind.

Xu Chen stood up and said, "Qiu Liju has been brought to justice, so let's start with the rest of the matter."

All things are difficult at the beginning. For the Yellow Turbans, coming to this strange land and ruling the strange people on this land, the most difficult thing is the initial construction.

The energy and effort required to stabilize the Liaoxi area will only be more, not less, than that required to pacify Yuyang and Youbeiping.

But the Yellow Turbans absolutely could not accept a tributary rule where they surrendered and then rebelled, and then surrendered again. Xu Chen wanted relatively direct governance and a stable rear, so that the Wuhuan people could truly become a force for the Yellow Turbans.

This was also the first attempt by the Yellow Turbans to transform different ethnic groups. If this was successful, then there would be a precedent for treating other ethnic groups in the future.

The Yellow Turbans' actions against the Wuhuan began with the public beheading of Qiu Liju, which indeed greatly shocked the entire Wuhuan tribe, including Qiu Liju's nephew Tadun and eldest son Louban. On the edge of Liaoxi, a tribe of about 10,000 to 20,000 people was hiding from the Yellow Turbans' steps and living in a cowardly manner. To the east was Liaodong, and to the west was to run into the Yellow Turbans. The fact that they were entrenched in such a delicate place itself revealed the conflicted attitude of the tribe leader.

Qiuliju was captured by the Yellow Turbans, and his eldest son was only six or seven years old, so his fifteen or sixteen-year-old nephew Tadun stepped forward to take charge of the situation.

As early as a month ago, Tadun recruited young warriors from all the tribes, squeezing out the last bit of potential of the tribe, and eventually formed a group of more than 2,000 young cavalrymen. They actually fought against the Yellow Turbans, but the final result was not satisfactory.

Even the mature wolves at their peak were defeated by the Yellow Turban Legion, not to mention the still very young wolf cubs.

After several battles, this group of young wolves had to retreat sadly after losing half of their members. Now they can only temporarily live in the marginal areas with their remaining small group.

In fact, Tadun was not very willing to go to Liaodong, because that was Subuyan's territory. Although he could obtain asylum after going there, it also meant that his own people would have to submit to Subuyan in the future.

In the past, Su Puyan had to look at Qiu Liju's face, but now the strength and power of the two ethnic groups have reversed, and this is not something that is easy to accept.

Tatun was still dreaming of leading his people to drive out the Han people until the news that Qiu Liju was beheaded in public came, which suddenly woke him up.
"Lou Ban, we can't avenge the king by our own strength. We can only go to Liaodong to seek refuge with Su Puyan." Inside the big tent, Tadun, with a sad face, said this to Lou Ban in front of him.

The confused Lou Ban seemed to understand what he had lost, but he was still too young to decide anything. The fate of the tribe was entirely determined by Tadun.

Tadun looked at him and said word by word: "Remember, the man who killed your father is named Xu Chen. In the future, you must personally avenge your father. Do you understand?"

Lou Ban nodded subconsciously. Although he was still very young, the name had been deeply engraved in his mind and the seeds of hatred had been planted.

Tadun led him out of the tent and looked at the huge tribe in front of him. In the end, he could only let out a long sigh.

It is no longer possible to drive away the Yellow Turbans by ourselves. After struggling for so long, we finally have to make a decision.

From now on, we will have to depend on others for support, but as long as we can drive out the Han people and take back our own tribe, it will all be worth it.

After making the decision, Taton led the remaining tribesmen and headed eastward.

This also means that from then on, Liaoxi has completely become the territory of the Yellow Turbans, at least temporarily. As for whether this rule can last and whether it can withstand the pressure from Subuyan of Liaodong in the future, that will only be verified by time.

After this battle, the Yellow Turbans occupied the three counties of Youzhou and controlled half of Youzhou's territory, becoming a giant on the border of the Han Dynasty.

Although it was foreseeable that governing the Wuhuan tribe would be an extremely long process, the Yellow Turbans were very patient in carrying out the process step by step.

After Qiuliju was executed, the Yellow Turbans began the process of reforming the Wuhuan tribe, and this reform was bound to bring joy to some and sorrow to others.

"Have you heard? Today the Yellow Turban leader is coming to our tribe, saying that he wants to help us poor people turn our lives around."

"How can he be so kind? We have lost countless warriors from our tribe to the Yellow Turbans. It sounds good to say that we will punish them according to the law, but it is just to avenge the Han people. Just wait and see, the leader will definitely not let us off easily!"

"Yes, my son was executed by the Yellow Turbans. He had already surrendered, so why couldn't they give him a chance to live? If I have the chance, I will definitely avenge my son!"

"Humph, those Yellow Turbans are still preaching about the Great China, how ridiculous! We Wuhuan have a blood debt with the Han people. Even though we are not as strong as them now, sooner or later we will fight back and repay the Han people a thousand times!"

In the tribe, several herdsmen sat together, and all they said was hatred towards the Yellow Turbans and the Han people.

Only Wuli was standing by, silently taking care of the cattle and sheep for his master.

He knew why these masters hated the Yellow Turbans so much, because the Wuhuan warriors were the backbone of their country, supported by pastoral households like them, and now most of them were killed by the Yellow Turbans, it would be strange if they did not hate them.

Of course, he didn't find it strange that the Han people killed the Wuhuan warriors.

In the past, when the young master went to war, he often saw that the young master always brought back crying Han women, as well as a lot of Han food and property. He even often boasted about his heroic deeds of killing Han children for fun.

This kind of hatred cannot be resolved at all, how can we not retaliate?

After listening to the words of the herdsmen masters for a long time, Wuli began to unconsciously form the image of the Yellow Turbans in his mind, as if the Yellow Turbans in his eyes had become fierce and vicious Han people.

Even as a slave, he could not believe that the Yellow Turbans could really let go of their hatred and treat the Wuhuan people well.

(End of this chapter)

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